Where are the cards…oh wait, never mind.

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 01/28/16
  • Pax: Chaser, Ginsu, Hauschka, Sasquatch, Geronimo, Mission Impossible, Shelby, Anchorman, CSPAN, WhatDid, Barry Manilow, Dark Helmet, Lego Land, Trucker, Change Order, Miagi, Spiderman, Mainframe
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Ranch

For those that know me, you know I always have a Weinke and I always keep those Weinkes. Looking at my most recent, I realized it’d been almost 2mos since my last Q. That is the longest stretch between Q’s for me and it is a testament to what is happening here in the Fort and surrounding areas. By posting, you’re setting an example and providing encouragement for those around you. Remember, you may think this is about you but take a listen next time a Q talks about how long he’s been doing “this F3 thing” and take note of what he says about the impact of the men to his left and right.

On to the task at hand: Once the last set of headlights and bouncing headlamp strolled into the Ranch, we had 19 strong. Blame it on the warmer weather or the pre-run, we even had a fella show up in short sleeves; I forgot to advise against that. I did however, provide a disclaimer and with an attorney present, we moseyed.

Circle up in the back lot for a little warm up consisting of:
Butt Kickers in place (thank you Richard Simmons)
Squat Jacks
Line up and bear crawl out then flip to reverse bear crawl when the Q decides it’s time, then forward, then reverse for an undisclosed length of time. You get the idea.

This is when I heard something I never thought I’d hear, “I came out for the cards, where are the cards?” I’m sorry, what?

Grab a partner and head to the playground:
Partner 1: 30 Pull Ups
Partner 2: Chair Sits with overhead claps until partner 1 finishes the 30 pull ups
Flap Jack

And, so here we go. It’s time for the deck of cards. This is not an easy routine but one of the great things about the cards is that they consistently challenge everyone. Whether you’re a crossfit star or a couch-rider, you will get to a point where you hate the cards. This is similar to the challenge we all face between the ears. We all encounter those moments where you think you can’t continue on. So what do you do? You open your eyes, turn your head to your left and right and realize that, like today, there are men out there going through the same thing and they’re pushing through because you’re there, so you need to do the same. They need you and you need them.

The exercises this time were:
Hearts = Mountain Climbers (104 Total)
Spades = Diamond Merkins
Clubs = Mak Tar Jah’s (104 Total) (My elbows say this is smarter to do this in the grass, sorry Dark Helmet.
Diamonds = Jumping Lunges (104 Total)
Wild Cards = 5 Burpees (20 Total)

We went through the deck 1 time and finished with a little ab lab:
Slow Flutters
Toe Touches
Toe Touches again but only because Anchorman requested it. Love the energy.

I spoke of my upcoming trip to Vegas and what I need to stay focused on during this trip. The temptations present aren’t an issue any more so by the grace of God, they’ll continue to be in the rearview mirror. So I’ll bring a deck of cards and a few hotel exercises from the PAX along with the memory of posting in the gloom. I appreciate the honor of Q’ing a great group of men and walking along side them.

Annoucements: P200 training runs Saturday from Pantheon. Looking to get a Q for the Mud Run; who’s up? AO change for the uptown 2nd F lunch, now at Jason’s Deli in uptown. Dark Helmet and Italian Job are Q’s. Launching Lake Waylie in the Spring, give them a follow on the machine. York High School scouting launch this Saturday…Popeye.

Prayers: A friend of Chaser’s wife just passed from cancer. Keep her family in the prayers. Prayer for the PAX and their families. Need some prayers to stay strong on the Fuel Challenge, too.

As You Were.

TClap |

PRE-BLAST: The Gloom is Coming to York, SC

Back at the 5-year anniversary Ultra-Convergence in Charlotte, something Dredd said at the end stuck with me. I’m paraphrasing this quote but it’s fairly close: “Some guy out there needs this. Some guy out there is wondering what the heck his life is all about. Some guy out there is being a lousy Dad. Some guy out there is being a lousy Husband. Some guy is out there is getting ready to get fired. YOU may be the only guy out there to help him.”

For months I’ve tried #EHing Deputies and other folks I work with to come to F3. Each time I swing for the Turkey Punch, they would ask, “When would #F3 come to York?”  No matter how hard I would Turkey Punch them to try out The Fort, The Patriot or any other AO, the excuse was, no one (right now) has the desire to wake up at 0 dark 30 to drive 20+ minutes to Rock Hill or Fort Mill to work out. Each time we’d end the conversation, I would answer “I didn’t know when F3 is coming to York, but we were thinking about it.”

Well it’s time to stop thinking! It’s time to pull the pin and throw the F3 grenade to York, SC.

At first, I didn’t think I should be the guy who lives in Catawba 30+ minutes away, to be the one to take the leap in being the site Q for a new AO in York. I work in York, so that was a lame excuse.  So after Dredd’s quote kept repeating in my head, a lot prayer and getting constantly #TurkeyPunched by Apache, I feel the call that now is the time to bring F3 to Western York County.

We can’t be selfish with this F3 thing.  From my perspective the first F is a by product of my favorite part, the second F.  Which has helped me be stronger in my third F.  I love this brotherhood. Many of you have become more than just work out buddies. You’ve become brothers to me, which I learned so well over the Christmas holidays.

So let’s do this!


We are planning a few recon workouts before we launch this thing full throttle.  The first is set for January 30th 2016 0700 to 0800 at York Comprehensive High School (275 Alexander Love Hwy. York SC). The folks in York call it York University, because from the road, the facility doesn’t look like a high school at all.  Apache and YHC are going to Q round one before we plant a shovel flag in York.

YCHS has most everything a F3 AO needs to bring the pain. Parking Lots, Hills, walls, an ROTC obstacle course, 1.75+/- perimeter for running. Plenty of options for a Q.

So now your job is to #EH guys you know who live in York, Clover and points between, to swallow the #redpill, and start this process of becoming a High Impact Man.

Popeye OUT!



TClap |

We wouldn’t run in circles all by ourselves

  • QIC: Boeheim
  • When: 1/21/2016
  • Pax: Decibel, Spud, Minuteman, Zima, White Lightning, Senator Tressel
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, Tempo, The Fort

YHC was the Q at Tempo today.  As Q’s go, this is a rather easy one. Fort the most part you say “Run!”

Today I provided a little more guidance so I could inflict the pain of an interval workout. The parking loops at Tega Cay ES are perfect for it. The big loop .33 miles w/ a slight upgrade for the “fast track.”  The small loop is just about .20 for a “recovery track.”

The Thang:

After a mosey from Trailhead and a dynamic warm up around the big loop, we were off.  8 sets of spinning around the black circles while on the lookout for a few icy patches.

While I was trying to draft off of Senator, Minuteman & Spud (and failing miserably) I was also trying to come up with a message for COT.  I had to put some thought into this Q after all.  Maybe I could use the icy patches as a metaphor (you’ll find out in the NMM).

Mosey back to Trailhead.  Running hard. Qing easy.


As we started to head back to Trailhead and mumble chatter about our laps, Decibel ended up putting a new spin on our old adage.  We always talk about how we wouldn’t do “all these burpees on our own” or “we would have stopped these merkins a long time ago if we weren’t at the F3 workout.”  Well Decibel pointed out that “We wouldn’t have kept running in circles all by ourselves.”

But maybe we do in the metaphorical sense.  When we have an issue at work or an issue with family, how many of us go over and over and over the problem in our head without looking for help?  I know my biggest “circular issue” right now is my career.  That’s a reason I’m really looking forward to the 3rd F convergence at Eternal tomorrow.

What’s going round and round in your head?  Can you talk to your M about it?  Do you reach out to the Sky Q?  Can you talk to a PAX about it?  I’ve heard many great stories of our HIMs being there for each other.  And I’m proud of all the F3 PAX stepping up for each other.  Laps on the track help the 1st F. Laps in the head aren’t good for anyone.

Prayers & Praises

Noah Fike’s NIC-U buddy Jonathan still fighting

Zima’s wife skillfully juggling career marriage & family

Annoucements –

3rd F Convergence tomorrow 1/22 @ Eternal Church

Oral Cancer 5K 2/6/2016 – http://f3nation.com/2016/01/09/pre-blast-oral-cancer-foundation-run-in-memory-of-jeremy-blevins/

Cupid’s Cup 5k 2/13/2016 http://f3nation.com/2016/01/20/pre-blast-the-best-laid-plans-cardiac-rehab/

THE YETI – 2/20/2016 http://f3nation.com/2015/11/03/the-yeti/







TClap |

Pre-Blast – The Best Laid Plans & Cardiac Rehab

About two years ago, I made some plans.

The plan was to drop some extra weight.  I started working out with the ferns and was off to a decent start.  Luckily I was EH’d by Pusher into F3 and not only did the extra weight come off, but then some.

The plan was to get my cholesterol to a respectable number without meds.  That happened too, and then some.

The plan was to NOT to have a heart attack. That’s where my luck ran out.

On February 13, I will be participating in the Cupid’s Cup 5K. This fundraising event supports Carolinas Medical Center’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Center. I happen to be a proud graduate of the 12 week program, having had a heart attack early last year. The work I put in with F3 helped my recovery and I am convinced it made my “event” less severe. But not everyone is so lucky. And not everyone who needs the center can afford it. So it’s important that I use my advantage of a full recovery to raise awareness of this great facility. My LAD (left artery descending) now has three stents. You can use my fundraising page (tinyurl.com/cupidcup2016) to help support this great cause.  My goal is to raise $300 per stent for a total of $900. Rock Thrill & Deacon gave me a great start last week with their generous gifts.  Whatever you can spare to help reach this goal will be greatly appreciated.

It would also be awesome to have some PAX join me at the event. It’s a great course through the Dilworth neighborhood. Here’s the link to register for the event itself.(http://tinyurl.com/CupidCupRegistration)  Use the “F3-Fort Mill” team.

As we all know, we make plans and life happens (or the Sky Q laughs).  My roadblock while scary was not a huge burden in the long run.  I’m grateful for the support of my F3 brothers, other friends & family.  Because of that support system, I was able to overcome the emotional side of my recovery easily.  And without that roadblock I would never think to raise awareness for a facility such as the Cardiac Rehab Center.  Thanks to their awesome work, I look forward to supporting them for many years to come.

TClap |

We passed on playing in the mud… at WEP.

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 01/16/16
  • Pax: Crab Cakes, MacGyver, The Speaker, High Life, Solid State, Dark Helmet (YHC)
  • Posted In: The Fort

0640. Dark. Cold. Solo in the parking lot…
0650. Dark. Cold. High Life shows up to stand with me in the cold. And the dark.
0655. Finally, some more PAX show to play in the cold. And the dark.
0700. Time to disclaim and get our Thang on…

Warm up lap around the park. At each drill bit, we did a little bit of dynamic stretching. Knees to chest, windmill walkers, toy soldiers, etc.

Circle up in the end of the parking lot and we are joined by one last PAX before we get to it.

Warm up:
Mountain Climbers x 30
Squats x 30
SSH x 30
Merkins x 20
Peter Parker x 30
SSH x 30

Mosey up Ardrey St by the park to Harris and take a left to the steps at the Fort Mill Church of the Nazarene. Then, this happened:
Partner up, size kind of matters.
– P1 runs up the steps hitting every step AYG, 10 squats at top run down – P2 does Makhtar N’Diayes – Flapjack – plank for 6
– P1 runs up the steps hitting every other step AYG, 10 jump squats at top – P2 does Merkins – Flapjack
– P1 runs up hitting every step, 10 burpees at top – P2 does Russian Twists – Flapjack
– Wheelbarrow up the steps – Flapjack
– Backward Wheelbarrow up the steps – Flapjack
– Everyone bear crawl to the top of the steps for what I am calling “Pink Floyd”**
– BTTW 20 count, 1 inverted pushup
– People’s Chair 20 count, 30 arm raises
– Descending testicles – BTTW 2 irkins, down halfway – 4 derkins, down to 2 ft – 6 derkins
– People’s Chair 20 count, 30 arm raises
– Repeato if you have it in you. Which we did.

We decided we loved that whole sequence so much, that we rinsed and repeated.

Then, a quick mosey back to the park, and a little Mary to finish us off:
Some LBCs, Hello Dollies, Freddies, Rosalitas, and a very short, very poorly performed round of Xs and Os.

– 12 Pax went running between 9 and 12 miles that morning. That’s why there were only 6 at WEP. I remember when F3 had Bootcamps, and people came to them, and we weren’t just a running group… Ah yes… The good old days…
– Solid State joined us after our warm up lap. NO judgment whatsoever about tardiness, but fortunately we hadn’t left campus yet. That does say something, though. I’ve been late before and been completely unable to locate the Pax. Don’t be late!
– This was Crab Cakes 3 year anniversary with F3. This guy is a complete HIM. Really actually enjoyed the smaller group because I got a chance to partner up with CC, and just get to know him a tiny bit better.
– Which brings me to my next point… Sometimes the best workouts are the small workouts IF (!) YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Instead of complaining about “where is everybody?” Think of how you have 45 minutes to 1 hour to make an impact on not only your fitness, but in the life of another Pax who is there with you. An impact that you might not have been able to make if there had been a big group and he (or you) was able to fly under the radar and blend in…

Until Next Time…
Helmet, out.


TClap |

Back to Basics at The Hive

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 01/15/16
  • Pax: Dawg Pound, Howitzer, Ginsu, Peabody, Shelby, Longshanks, Dark Helmet (YHC)
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Hive

At the beginning of a year, it’s always good to get back to the basics… and basically, it was COLD. But what do we do when it’s cold? Complain a little more, maybe, but we POST. It’s a thing men do. If you need help with it, ask any of the 6 men that were there on Friday.

(Before I jump in here, it should be noted that I had no weinke, no solid pre-plan for what was to happen in this workout. Why does that matter? I tell you in a minute.)

The Thang:
Warmed up with a lap around the lot and a little dynamic stretching as we went: knee pull to chest, windmill walkers, toy soldiers, then circled up for a little more.
SSH, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, Moroccan Night Clubs, etc. after we had a quick discussion of the legend of Vince Lombardi’s “Gentlemen, this is a football” speech. In case you aren’t familiar, the legend is that Lombardi, after a particularly awful loss, pulled the whole team in to the locker room and re-introduced them to a football. “Gentlemen, this is a football…” Then the story goes that he walked them around the field pointing out yard markers, end zones, etc. to these men who clearly had played football all of their lives. We then talked a little about the “Basics of F3”, those essential elements that must be performed at every workout. Can’t overstate the importance of certain basics in our lives that, if performed well and consistently, will make all the difference in our ability to fulfill our purpose here. So we talked before each of these exercises about more proper form for each, then performed them as correctly as we could:
KB Swings
Clean and Press
Overhead Press
Triceps Extensions
Bicep Curls
Upright Rows
Bent-Over Rows
Finished up with another lap around the lot and some Mary.

It was pointed out that one of the things that is greatly lacking in The Fort is the consistency with which Backblasts are posted. In fact, it was suggested that perhaps “writing a backblast” ought to perhaps be the 6th essential element of an F3 workout. We all have heard, “if you didn’t write it, it didn’t happen”. Clearly, this isn’t true, but it makes a point. WHY ON EARTH DO WE SPEND TIME WRITING BACKBLASTS??? Let me tell you some of my favorite excuses for not doing them:
1. No time. – This is obviously bull. This is just what I tell myself so I can put it off.
2. No planning. – Often, when I don’t plan my workout well in advance (like this one) I don’t remember afterward what all we did, and so I feel dumb writing a BB.
3. I’m not a good writer. – Also, bull. Just because I am not Dredd, or Tom Clancy or something, doesn’t mean I can’t write a passable Backblast.
4. No one reads them anyway. – I know this one is not true, given the amount of crap I catch for not writing them.

So why do we write them in the first place?
1. Document the actual workout itself. – It’s good to have it written down. I get lots of terrible ideas from other guys who have written their ideas down.
2. Builds community. – Amongst the PAX who posted there that day, amongst PAX who posted elsewhere, but maybe most importantly amongst PAX who didn’t post for whatever reason. A guy who is out hurt can check in on twitter and read a BB and feel part of the gang again in no time.
3. Accountability. – If you know you are going to have to write about it later, it’s incumbent on you to show up, do what you said you were going to do, and make it worthy of writing about. Plus, it lets the other PAX know that you give a crap and that you take this whole thing seriously. I get it. We’re volunteering. We aren’t getting paid to lead, we aren’t getting paid to write. But if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing all the way.

So, write the damn backblasts. It’s the last part of your duty as a Q. And Site Qs? Make sure your Qs are writing them and hassle them if they don’t. None of us are going to get any better by acting in a mediocre fashion, or by letting our brothers do so.

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Backdraft turns 40 celebration!!

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 01/23/16
  • Pax: All
  • Posted In: The Fort

Hey PAX Jon’s birthday is happening and its a big one.

Backdraft’s M has asked if we could help him celebrate the big 4 0

Next Saturday, 1/23

  • Full Spectrum Brewery (behind Lowes)
  • 6-8pm
  • Drop in, have a beer and piece of cake.
  • Food truck will there if anyone chooses to eat dinner.
  • Very low key and no pressure to stay the whole time.
  • M’s and family’s welcome!
  • He just wants to hang out and see some friends.
TClap |

Miles and Merkins at the Patriot

  • QIC: Burgundy, Italian Job
  • When: 1/16/16
  • Pax: River Rat, Apache, Santini, Popeye, Gauge, Catfish, Kindergarten Cop (FNG), Package, Bogey, Pothole (FNG), Smoke Wagon, Green Mountain, Rosetta, Turbine, Peach, Limp Bizkit, Corruption, Menthol, Pusher, Walker, Burgundy, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort

19 of the region’s finest joined YHC and Burgundy for merkins and miles at the Patriot this morning. The mumble chatter was excellent and the workout was fierce.

The Thang

(all exercises in cadence, unless otherwise noted)

  • 25 SSH
  • 20 IW
  • 25 MNC
  • 25 Italian Night Clubs
  • 20 Mtn Climbers
  • 20 Merkins
  • 15 Windmills

Line up on one line and perform the following exercises to the other side of the parking lot, then switch

  • Karaoke
  • Side Shuffle
  • Bunny Hops
  • Lunge Walks
  • Jog
  • Run
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Nur

Mosey to the wall for 25 four count People’s Chair

Hand off to Burgundy

Long 1.25 mile mosey through Cherry Park stopping periodically for various yoga nonsense

Return to starting point for various Merkin varieties including:

  • 10 Standard Merkins
  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 10 Dive Bombers
  • 10 Standard Merkins
  • 10 Scorpion Merkins (x2)
  • 10 Clap Merkins
  • 10 Thrust Merkins
  • Another 50 Standard Merkins

Line back up for:

  • Gorilla Run
  • Bear Crawl
  • Repeat

Ab Lab

  • 25 Scissors
  • 25 Flutters
  • 25 LBCs
  • 25 Windshields
  • 25 Reverse Crunch
  • 50 American Hammers
  • 25 LBCs

Closeout with 3.5 minutes of Planks


You know when Burgundy is the Q, there will be Merkins and running. He did not disappoint. Awesome work by the PAX this morning pushing through the pain and excellent mumble chatter as well. Most of it is not suitable to retype, so we will just say spirits were high and we’re lucky none of us are running for political office. YHC appreciated the last second Omaha to take the warm up. Welcome FNGs Kindergarten Cop and Pot Hole. You guys found a strong group of men that want you to return so we can all get better together. Triple claps to the men who doubled down this morning with a 2+ mile pre-run before Burgundy dropped the hammer in the workout. Thanks to our brothers who crossed the river to join us this morning. It’s always a good time when we have Santini, Pusher, Package, and Menthol in the fold.


Check the weekly email for further details.

Star Command Convergence is next Saturday. Meet at the Patriot at 0515 for clown cars to Spartanburg. Plan on returning around 1130.

3rd F Convergence is next Friday at 0600 at Eternal Church in Fort Mill (behind Zaxby’s on 160). Show up and learn the ropes of Accountability.

Prayer Requests

Please keep praying for Emma (Limp Bizkit’s niece) and her leukemia diagnosis. Also, lift up Jeremy Holt and his family as they work to afford the cancer treatments.

Lift up Smoke Wagon’s aunt who was seriously injured in a car accident.


TClap |

POSTPONED – DATE TBD – Clown Cars for Padre Star Command Convergence

The Padre Star Command Convergence is next Saturday, January 23. All Fort region PAX interested in joining us for a cross state convergence, should plan to clown car from the Patriot (1825 Eden Terrace, Rock Hill, SC 29730). We will be leaving promptly at 0515 the morning of the 23rd. Post workout, we plan to have a 2nd F breakfast with the PAX of the Upstate. Estimated return time is 1130.


TClap |

Mini-Murph @ The Patriot

  • QIC: Popeye and Italian Job
  • When: 1/9/16
  • Pax: Burgundy, Posh, Peach, Crabcakes, Limp Bizkit, Rosetta, Green Mountain, Fusion
  • Posted In: The Fort

This morning included a mini-Murph for YHC and 9 PAX. Popeye blasted us off then handed the tired crew to me 30 minutes in.

The Thang
WARM UP – Mosey from COT to next parking lot

  • SSH X10
  • IW X10
  • MNC X10
  • MR. MIAGI’s X10



Find Some Wall. At this point we heard a scream that sounded like it came from inside the school. Being the #HIM we are, we investigated. Fusion narrowed it down to a dozen or so kids playing in the gym. Crisis averted.

  • 10 MERKINS
  • 10 DIPS
  • 10 DIRKINS
  • 10 IRKINS
    Rinse & Repeat


JACOBS LADDER by 2’s to 10
Bottom of the hill – SQUAT
Top of the Hill – MERKINS

Hand off to YHC

Long mosey from the hill to the playground in Cherry Park. We have been meeting at this AO for nearly 2 years, and we just figured out last week that there is a covered picnic area with a ledge for pull-ups. Knowing this, a mini-Murph sounded perfect. But first, we stretched.

  • Right over left
  • Left over right
  • Middle
  • Quad stretch

Then the fun began:

  • 50 pull-ups
  • 100 push-ups
  • 150 squats
  • Run around the full parking lot

Once the 6 was in,

  • 25 Dips
  • 25 Calf raises
  • 25 Step ups

5 Minutes of Mary – dealer’s choice

  • 10 count American Hammers
  • 10 Ins and outs
  • 10 Freddies
  • 10 Peter Parker Peters
  • 10 Freddies


  • 4 Count People’s Chair (shoulders, knees, toes) x25
  • People’s Chair (3 ten counts)
  • BTTW x2

Mosey to the COT


We missed our brothers who were running for a great cause at the Joe Davis Resolution Run. Great leadership fellas. It was a pleasure to share the gloom with the great PAX of Rock Hill this morning. Triple Claps for Crabcakes coming across the river to join us. You’re always welcome with us. It was good to have Green Mountain back for his 2nd post. Also good to have Rosetta back in the rotation. Appreciate Posh and Burgundy setting a strong pace for the rest of us this morning. Great job by Popeye for the solid warmup as well. Good to see Fusion back out and appreciate the solid leadership of Peach, our super fit  51 year old Site Q. Don’t sleep on Limp Bizkit, dude is getting fit!

Its morning’s like this that make me glad to get out of bed. The air was cool, the conversation was good and the PAX were pushing themselves hard. Today was a good day! Thanks for letting Popeye and I take the lead this morning.


3rdF Convergence
Jan 22 (Friday) @0600 – Eternal Church- Start the new year off right. Post to this 3rdF Convergence to hear from High Impact Men on Accountability. Check out the pre-blast for more info.

Rock Hill / Easley Convergence
Jan 23 (Saturday) @0700 – Star Command – Post to this “Padre Convergence” at the Upward Star Center in Spartanburg, with CSPAN, Padre, and Iceman on Q. Coffeteria to follow. Clown cars details are coming soon. Mark the date, and keep an eye out for the pre-blast.

Feb 20 (Saturday) @0600 – Sign up for the Yeti, Iceman, and other combinations of this 17 mile #CSAUP event. Check the pre-blast for details.

Prayer Requests

Continue to lift up Limp Bizkit’s niece, Emma fighting leukemia. Once gofundme details are available, we’ll let the PAX know.

Our Rock Hill brother, Good Neighbor is looking for work. He’s looking for factory work and or anything working with his hands (including outside manual labor). If you know of anything, let me know and I’ll pass it on.

TClap |