Merlot on a Thursday


Mosey around the backside of the SMS to the bud loop. Stop for some SSH, Merkins, Peter Parker’s, Tappy Taps, Low Slow Squats

Keep moseying around the back access road.
Bear crawls, inch worms, broad jumps.

Mosey on the parking lot switch backs to the playground. Time for the meat and potatoes.

Start w/Al Gore and talk shop on how long everybody has been doing F3. Wide range from two weeks to 11 years. Love this leadership development program disguised as a workout group.


6 movement WOD with descending rep counts. It gets easier with each round.

20-15-10-5-2 Reps

Lunge Walks
Tricep Dips

10-8-6-4-2 Pull Ups Between Rounds

In between rounds we talked about fond memories of F3, favorite experiences, etc. A lot has happened in the gloom that few others have experienced.

8 minutes left, mosey back to COT

WWI Sit-Ups


Announcements: Forgot. Read your newsletter

Double D’s MiL and Husband
Saw Dust’s Aunt
Tang’s Marriage

Thanks for the tap, Mainframe. Always good to be in the gloom with you.

Punch List out.

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Car – dee – OH using a Ladder

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Merks, night clubs, LBCs Squats
Toy Soldiers
THE THANG: Cones were placed out along a long road in order to complete a ladder – adding one rep at each cone. We had 8 cones. Squats in Cadence, Merks, Bobby Hurleys
Pax moved to Middle school bus line and completed 5 rounds – BombJax was the buyin – 1 bombjack, to start and adding 1 rep each round – then make ur way down the road stopping at cones premarked with reps and exercise- 5 total stops. 5 Burps, 6 Donkey Kicks, 7 Diamond Merks, 8 Big Boys, 9 Bob Hurley, 10 LBCs
Head back to begin. Round 2-5
MARY 3 mins of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stuff the Bus Convergence and welcome new FNG – TimeMachine (EH’d Bandcamp)
COT: yes – Prayers for health, marriage, travel, patience, and family

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Lt Dan Rules!

WARMUP: Quick run/jog around the front parking lot then out to the driveway close to the parkway. Circle up and 10-15 reps of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial walkers
* Moroccan night clumbs
* Strawberry pickers
Good mumblechatter from the start. Then mosey back to the parking lot near the front of the school for the main event.

4 corner fun
Cones were set up around the front parking lot and also along the car rider pickup area in front of the school at the main entrance. Do the exercise, then the movement to the next cone.
Area was approx 100yds long x 30yds wide.
1. Burpees, then Crab Walk to next cone (~20yds)
2. Box cutter, then Lt Dan to next (~100yds)
3. Merkins, then Bear Craw (~20yds)
4. Mountain climbers, 2 ct, then Lt Dan (~100yds)
Repeat until time out
Reps of each exercise were descending with each round: 5, 10, 15, 20, (50 total reps of each exercise)
Alot of mumblechatter that died down as we got through the first round. Everyone got through 3 rounds of the loop until we switched things up (30reps of each exercise). Then we did some wall sits for about a minute, then on to COT for some ab/core work. GREAT JOB FELLAS!!!
Quick jaunt back to COT which wasn’t very far.
MARY: 5 sold minutes of Mary – flutters, hello dolly, LBC, BBSU, Hammers, v-ups.
Everyone left behind a good 5-10lbs of water weight, but what a way to start the day.
* READ THE NEWSLETTER. Alot going on. Get involved.
* Lifting up prayers that were said and unsaid.
I have been checked out for the past 2-3 months doing taxi duties as well as just not wanting to post. I needed this. Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
God Bless and SYITG

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Slow, Painful, Dirty McDeuce

– SSH x15
– IW (high) x15 => High Knee
– Seal Jacks x15
– Windmills x10 => Butt Kickers
– Merkins x10
– Dry Docks x10=> Shuffle L/R
– Low Slow Squat x20

SLOW Dirty McDeuce – run lap in between sets.
Set 1 Set 3
– Wide arm Merkins – Dips
– Squats – Step lunges
– Big Boy Sit-ups – Weezy Jefferson

Set 2 Set 4- Jack Web (1-5)
– Curb Dry Docks – Burpees (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
– Calf Raises – 4 moroccans (4, 8, 12 16, 20)
– Box Cutters – 4 squats (4, 8, 12 16, 20)

– Freddies
– Dollys

Great work by all PAX! Thanks MainFrame for the opportunity to lead!

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Low Tide

Temps were thick, but the stench and pain was thicker.
Multiple warmups and we moseyed.

Jack Webb: 4 Bears 🐻 Crawls and 1 CDD ⏯️ 40 Bear Crawls and 10 CDDs

Indian run around the track where each PAX did the following.
20 Merkins
20 Squats
20 V Ups

Back to COT for some Mary.


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Murder Bunnies – Part 2

WARMUP: SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Merkins, Plank, Superman in puddle, Peter Parker, Parker Peter.
Dora-ish workout
50 Man Makers , partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
200 squats, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack
300 Flutters with block press, partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
200 LBCs, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack
150 Curls with block, partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
Finished with burpees no block, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack

Good prep work for Iron Pax Challenge…Great job guys!

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New sheriff in town

Poppins started off with a quick warmup, 50 SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, some other stuff, Plank, Merkins and some yoga stuff
THE THANG: I started it off with a mosey to the back playground where we did a crowd pleasing Dick Webb, got up to 8 RDS, then we did a quick tabata at the nearby park benches. Part 2 was Mainframe leading us to the parking lot in the back where we had to do a series laps around the lot with various leg exercises including burpee broad jumps and then a bear crawl and crawl bear activity from the lines in each space over to the line opposite side, 6 rounds.
COT: Was held

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Jiffy POP

WARMUP: Short mosey
Imperial walker
Arm circles
Honeymooner and downward dog

Pyramid workout with pull ups, LBCs, merkins and jump squats. Progressing in reps to 3-10-10-10 to 6-20-20-20 to 9-30-30-30 to 12-40-40-40 and then back down. Mosey over to back of the school parking lot with a Jacobs ladder with burpees on one side and bomb jacks. Heading down lunge walk with a squat every 4th lunge adding a squat rep each time through YHC had intended to do more but ran out of town. The pax were disappointed. We closed out with announcements, prayer requests and COT Thanks Poppins for the opportunity to lead


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Black Diamond Month at The Ranch – Week 3

– SSH x50
– Burpees x5
– Imperial Walkers x10
– Merkins x10
– Moroccan Nightclubs x15
– Mosey from the parking lot around the front of the Middle School and then to the parking lot by the football field.

Ladder workout starting at the entrance to the parking lot:
– 6 Burpees
– Run around the side of the playground and then into the playground to complete 1 pullup.
– Run back to the start for 5 burpees
– Run back to the pullup bars for 2 pullups
-Continue the series until finishing with 6 pullups at the pullup bars

Mosey back to the main parking lot and eventually to the back of YHC’s truck to access the hell pavers.

Escalating rectangles:
3 rounds with an exercise for each corner of the rectangle. All exercises are 20 count.

– Curls
– OH Press
– Bentover Rows
– LBC with arms extended with the block overhead

Rectangle (small)
– Start of the far corner of the parking lot closest to the street and picnic tables
– Station 2 is right after first large island of grass separating the sections of the parking lot.
– Station 3 is after crossing the width of the parking lot to the small road
– Station 4 is the last corner of the rectangle down the small road

Rectangle 2 (medium)
– Station 1 is the same start point.
– Station 2 is at end of the full length of the parking lot
– Station 3 is just passed the end of the lot we park in on the small road
– Station 4 is the same last point as the first round

Rectangle 3 (large)
– Station 1 is the same start point
– Station 2 is the same as rectangle 2
– Station 3 is next to road barriers by the kindergarten playground.
– Station 4 is by the main entrance to the elementary school
– Finish at the start

Only one minute remaining:
– American Hammer x 15
– Big Boy Situps x10

Thank you Poppins for the opportunity!!

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