Bermuda rectangle

THE THANG: route – Massey st to Harris to ardrey to 160 – one mile on the dot.
Pain stations – parking lot on top of Massey hill, Nazarene church parking lot, entrance to WEP
10 jump squats and 20 merkins at each pain station

3 lap goal
COT: had some marathoners visit. It was cool to see those guys up close

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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Bring em out bring em out

WARMUP: pre-run at 0445
THE THANG: braden loops – with 3 pain stations
stop 1 – 20 squats
stop 2 – 30 LBCs
stop 3 – 20 merkins

3 to 4 miles by all

MARY: a few core exercises


COT: yup

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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Bring em out bring em out

WARMUP: pre-run at 0445
THE THANG: braden loops – with 3 pain stations
stop 1 – 20 squats
stop 2 – 30 LBCs
stop 3 – 20 merkins

3 to 4 miles by all

MARY: a few core exercises


COT: yup

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This one is for Halfway…

WARMUP: We lifted rocks and stuff
THE THANG: We ran to Sonic the long way and did a Dee WOD
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

My name is Band Camp and I read backblasts for fun and enlightenment.

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KB replacement theory

THE THANG: Standard laps around the 1 mile loop until 10 minutes left.
MARY: Gathered by the fire pit for
flutter press 4c x20
Overhead drop with ruck x10
Modified Hello Dolly 4c x 10 with core engaged to keep lower back on the concrete, hands over stomachs, and heads in the air with chin tucked
Modified Wheezy Jefferson x10 in the same way
Flutter Press 4c x15
Overhead drop with ruck x10

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUPS and serving opportunities. Sofrito has something cooking for September 21st
COT: get vulnerable

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Sweating to the (90’s) oldies

WARMUP: Some Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills & Cherry Pickers… all in cadence… we then moseyed over to the church lot
THE THANG: HIIT 50 seconds on 10 off for 4 exercises then had 2 minutes to lap the lot (which took about 1). Remaining time was rest. We did this until we ran out of time.

– Merkins
– Squats
– Flutter
– Donkey Kicks
– Run
– Box Cutters
– Plank Jack
– Lunges
– Dry Docks
– Run
– Calf Raises
– Mountain Climbers
– Side Straddle Hops
– Al Gore
– Run
– Seal Jacks
– High Knees
– Monkey Humpers
– Freddie Mercury
– Run

Rinse and Repeat

MARY: Some was done until 0600
COT: indeed occurred.

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Sweep the Sweat

I hot a sweaty morning at STL. Shirts were popping off before we started running.
Simple circuit route:

1st Stop (South State Bank) – 7 HR Merkins, 15 CCDs
2nd Stop (Kuester Mgmt) – 7 Lunges, 15 Squats
3rd Stop (TC Coffee) 7 LBCs, 15 Flutters
4th Stop (Pet Supplies +) 7 Man Makers

Rinse and Repeat, adding 1 man maker each lap
1 lap = 1 mile
All got 3 mile minimum

Great job guys!

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Keep it simple, keep it stupid

WARMUP: Mosey about 3 feet to the left into the parking lot for SSH, Imperial Walker, Low Slow Squat, Moroccan Night Club, Little Baby Arm Circles
THE THANG: Run out of the parking lot and clockwise around the path to where the wood chips go from the top of the hill to the field.
Dora with 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBCs. Partner runs down the hill and back up.
Next was 11s starting with 1 pullup and running to the end of the wood chips for 10 bomb jacks (was going to be BBSU, but a well placed #TWSS knocked that information out of my head)
Mosey clockwise back around the path to the parking lot to grab a soccer ball.
Took turns with a kicker and 3 chasers. Kicker would give the ball a swift kick and start doing SSH. The chasers would run after the ball and the first one to touch it got to bring it back while those who lost did 3 burpees.
MARY: About 90 seconds of stretching
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUPs, rumors of a Christmas party, D2D fundraising is coming
COT: Talked about the Trust in CoT. Asked for the PAX to reveal things that required trust, I’m done with the prayer chain after a workout, I want to work on the men who attended. Tell me something that requires some vulnerability

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