Buckets of pain

Three buckets full of pain suggestions were spread out over .25 mile to get in some running as well.

Three groups moseyed around agonizing over what they would draw from the buckets, with one bucket containing only burpee counts.

Breaking into groups gives us a great chance for fellowship, perhaps with guys we see all the time, but may not know very well. Thanks @weezer for the opportunity. ASSASSIN 🔫

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2nd times a charm

THE THANG: Fort Mill loop. 160 – Massey- Harris – Munn – (optional Kingsley loop)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for D2DB10K, double down Saturday at 6 @ 6
COT: prayers for patience and those dealing with health issues

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Only 6 years?

WARMUP: Standing around talking. Very little stretching.
THE THANG: Brayden Hills
MARY: Last site Q morning for Boehiem. After 6ish years, he handed the shovel to Assassin. Thanks for your steadfast leadership Boehiem!!
COT: Prayers for healing for health and addictions.

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Clemson mumble chatter

WARMUP: Lots of compliments about my Clemson hoodie especially from Assassin and Pusher. I think Backdraft wanted to punch me. JK. A little mosey after a few DIAs don’t ask. We did some dips, derkins, SSHs and various movements to get warmed up. All were warm with the hot air flying around from the mumble chatter.
THE THANG: pulled out the orange signs from the Yeti a while back. Lots of compliments on the visibility of them. NOT! 5 stations with 5 exercises at each stop. Stop 1. 25 reps – American hammers, mtn. Climbers, squats, SS hops, Rosalitas. Stop 2. 15 reps – merkins, big boy sit-ups, squats, LBCs, plank jacks. Stop 3 20 reps – monkey humpers, calf raises, sumo squats, seal jacks, weezy jeffersons. Stop 4. Reps 10 – flutters, SS hops, mtn. Climbers, American hammers, shoulder taps. Stop 5. Reps 30 – imperial walkers, Peter Parker’s, Parker peters, gas pumpers, hello dolly. Noted that @backdraft was concerned that the rep count didn’t increase as the stops progressed.
MARY: ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, newsletter.
COT: very open personal prayers shared. We will leave it at that. Good transparency. Love my F3 brothers

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Pink Mangoes and Root Beers Dum Dum Pops

2 went on a run.
2 brought extra weight to the bootcamp.
Being a moderate, I gave it everything I had to match to intensity of those who showed.

Warm up:
ran to the top of “the” hill and alternated types of exercises: standing, on your 6, standing, plank. Various exercises, 3 times, count about 10-15.
Back down the hill and a few monkey humpers for our friends from Minnow Pond.
The main event:
different exercises with a run in between, utilizing the stairs, all the stairs.
Again, a few monkey humpers for our friends from Minnow Pond.
One round of Assassin suicides (repeat instructions to Bandcamp as needed).
back near COT for the crowd favorite Mahktar N’Diayes
Finish up with Jack Webb, very near a full JW
Various exercises through out included:
imp walker, hillbilly walker, toy soldier, freddie mercury, gas pumpers, LL Squat, side squat, jump squat, travolta, merkins, SSH, flying squirrels, shoulder taps, crunches, O/H claps, BB sits.
Thanks to DOJO for the nod and all of those who participated at 80% or more.

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

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Last Site Q for Boehiem

WARMUP: welcome the new year.
THE THANG: River District run
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots… Newsletter
COT: Boehiem has served the Pax well as site Q of Flight Plan for 6+ years. Thank you for your leadership!!!

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DORA Ready with an unexpected whistle

Disclaimer: when you hear a whistle you owe 10 burpees; intermittent whistles throughout (maybe 10 times)

WARMUP: 50 SSH, of course, and a few others warmup type stuff

– Dora #1
— 200 Merk’s
— 200 Dips
— 100 Derkins
— 100 Wide grip merks
* Partner did a 50’ish yd Bear Crawl [lots of mummblechatter here?!? Some preferring the bear crawl over merks?, guessing the holidays make some of the pax soft?? 🙂 ]

– DORA #2
— 100 squats
— 150 Monkey humpers
— whatever was next nobody got to…
* Partner did a 40ish yd Duck walk

MESSAGE: we do dumb stuff in the gloom to prepare for the unexpected; the whistle, the burpees represents the unexpected in life; continue your preparedness

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