Something to Crow About

14 PAX held down the fort while site Q iced T was DR doing a Spartan race.

Q-drenaline was strong with YHC, as the M is DR the next couple days, followed by a family vacation, so limited posting the next couple weeks.

Started off with a mosey (aka sprint) to the upper courtyard for COP
MNC x 20
2 burpees
LSS x 10
4 burpees
Windmills x 10
8 burpees
Peter Parkers x 10
16 burpees

Mosey back to front rock pile
Grab heavy Rock for three rounds of:
15 OHP, 15 Bent over rows, 15 goblet squats
After each round/crab walk to road closed sign, bear crawl/overhead carry w/ overhead hold while waiting for the six

Mosey down to jungle gym
2 pull ups, monkey bar around the loop, 2 pull ups, down

Mosey to lower courtyard for Dora 123
100 Derkins
200 Dips
300 Step ups (didnt quite get to 200)
Partner 1 did exercise while 2 ran down the hill and nured back up.

Two lines of Indian run back to COT
Got back early, so decided to get in as much Merkin around the world (1 merkin rotate, 2 merkins, rotate, etc) as we could, made it to about 10 before calling time.

New Wednesday AO for Lake Wylie
Read your newsletter

Thanks iced T for the opportunity to lead and great push from the PAX.

TClap |

Q School Week 3

We’ve had some pleasant mornings this week and I was thankful that today was no different. I was grateful for temperatures in the upper 60’s and lower humidity.  It felt great out there.

Anyways, enough about the weather.  More importantly it was the final week of Q school and I was honored to take the lead for the “Advanced Q’ing” 201 class.

Royale and Wildthing took the previous 2 weeks and did an excellent job of explaining all the fundamentals and the “How”.  Royale took that a step further last week and really focused on preparing and having a back-up plan in case things went wrong.  I tried to answer the “Why” a bit more today along with some review of the important aspects of the previous weeks and tie it all up nice and tidy while delivering a message with the workout.  This is an “advanced”  way that we can push our boundaries even further, beyond the fitness aspect, and try to give the PAX some insight and motivation along with the workout.  Not unlike our “Beyond” workouts that we have occasionally.

Today started the same as any other workout, with a better than normal disclaimer and “Why” it is important.  F3 is an organization that isn’t liable and week after week we tend to gloss over this when we see the usual crowd.  In any case, it is part of what makes up the core of an F3 workout and needs to be addressed.

After the disclaimer we took a mosey around the track and did some toy soldiers and karaoke’s before circling up.

I reviewed with the PAX what “F3” stands for and went over the mission statement and 5 core principals,

Just so we’re clear, for anyone reading this, here is that info in print:

  • F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.  The first 2 are pretty self explanatory, the 3rd isn’t tied to any specific religion, but a belief in something outside oneself.
  • F3 Mission statement – “Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.”
  • 5 Core Principals
      • Are free of charge
      • Are open to all men
      • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
      • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
      • End with a Circle of Trust

I don’t normally do lengthy CoP style warm-ups, but since the emphasis was on teaching today  we circled up.  I went over some more of the “Why” behind why cadence is important.

  • It creates rhythm
  • Promotes teamwork
  • Discourages budgeting your energy since the count is unknown

I called out some Merkins and Windmills and then called on a few of our newer PAX to call cadence for an exercise of their choice that I can no longer remember.  Ooops.

While I still had their attention I talked a little bit more about some Q responsibilities.

  • Q’ing should be taken seriously.  PAX want to complete the workout and feel invigorated and ready to take on their day, which leads my to my next point…
  • …Workouts are not built for the benefit of the Q, but for the PAX!
  • “If you can’t do it, don’t Q it!”.  Stick to your strengths. Your workout plan or “Weinke” should be an outline and not set in stone.  Adapt as needed and always have a backup plan.

Now back to that message and 1st routine.  The message was “How do we grow?”  F3 is really all about growth and finding those things that make us uncomfortable and sad and addressing them with the help and support of all the brothers of the morning gloom.  Everything we do is a continued attempt to push ourselves into the unknown, into discomfort.  We’re going to fail, that’s a part of life, but fortunately it’s also a requirement for growth.  This isn’t new news, we workout our muscles until failure, they heal and become strong. This is true for pretty much all aspects of life.  I shared a quote with the PAX from Calvin Coolidge that I liked;

“All growth depends upon activity.  There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means WORK”.

Now on to the 1st routine to get some WORK done.

Paula Abdul’s

10 cones were setup about 10 yards apart.  We would crawl 2 cones forward, do 5 merkins, and crawl bear backwards 1 cone and perform 10 squats.  We would continue in this fashion until hitting the 10th cone.  2 forward, 1 back, and always doing merkins when going forward and squats when going backwards.

Everyone made it to the end with a little extra push from the PAX that finished first.  “Picking up the Six” and/or assigning someone to do so is another great idea that was shared with the PAX today.

I shared some more insight and quotes with the PAX.  How being comfortable leads to boredom, self-absorption, and discontent.  F3 has a name for this of course, the “Sad Clown”.  We can combat this by not only be seeking out discomfort, but embracing it.  The secret to success lies in all the things we’re trying to avoid.  I then called on some experienced PAX to share some personal growth on things that used to make them uncomfortable, but they now can do without difficulty.

Back to WORK

Gasser’s (formally known as suicides)

The same 10 cones we just crawled through taking the scenic route we would now use for some gasser’s.  Pretty self-explanatory here, but for a little icing we would increment Burpees each time we got back to the start.  1 cone/1 Burpee, 2 cones/2 Burpees… and we ended at the 10th cone/10 Burpees. The 10th cone was about 100 yards down field.

While we all caught our breath, I took the opportunity to drive home the point of delivering the message with a workout.  We’re all unique and have specific strengths and weaknesses.  We can simply tap into our strengths and deliver them during the workout.  One man’s strength is another man’s weakness and we can utilize this group of people to deliver that message.  This is how we hold each other accountable.  This is how we grow.  This is F3.

I then told the PAX we would make our way back down the field where we started this journey the same way we came, Paula/Bearcrawls.  We made it to about the 8th cone or so before I called and it we mosey’d back to the flag and circled up for CoT and a few reminders for the future Q’s of our region.

  • Workouts should start and begin on-time
  • Backblasts are not only a responsibility of the Q, but a requirement!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help, we’re all in this together

We then finished up as we always do by counting off, name-a-rama, and announcements, praises, and prayers.

Homebrew, thanks again for the privilege to teach today.  It was an honor.

Until next time,




TClap |

To the Moon and Back

5 Pax came out for a Tesla Q in honor of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11’s return to earth.

Warm up
Side straddle hops
Stretch merkins
Imperial walkers


P i m p s
Imperial walkers
plank jacks
Partner ran up hill and back

Pax took a lap around the AO


5 burpees
Bear crawl around Island
10 big boy sit ups
Bear crawl to next Island
15 CCDs
Bear crawl around Island
Couple more rounds I don’t recall…

Hill work/triple nickels
5 plank jacks
Run down
5 hand release merkins
Run up
X 5

Sprints to finish


Great Q Tesla

– Copyright

TClap |

Lake Wylie Q-School 101

Class is session with YHC at the helm for Q School 101 in Lake Wylie. Today’s Lesson Plan: Disclaimer, 5 Core Principles, Counting Cadence, Scouting an AO and a little bit of pain.

Starting promptly at 0515 we dropped to plank to discuss some Q basics: Make sure someone has a phone and knows the general area. Brief discussion of F3 Roundtable call with PAX from F3 Houston. If you haven’t listened to it, do it. Just not on the way to work or around people that would judge you for crying. Next up the Disclaimer. One often missed part of the disclaimer is asking about existing injuries, which coincides with knowing what injuries or medical issues PAX may have and if any PAX are CPR or Medically Trained.

Mosey to the back parking lot of the school for COP, counting cadence, and the 5 core principles. PAX were much happier with this COP than my previous Q.

Mosey back around to the front of school for a lunge walk across the parking lot while discussing ways and tools for scouting an AO. Google Maps, Backblasts, drive-bys, and previous posts were mentioned.

Continue to mosey over to the start of the “dirt” path for one of my favorite partner evolutions, Bear Crawl Catch Me if You Can. This is was the pain portion of the morning. Partner 1 starts to Bear Crawl while Partner 2 drops for 3 Burpees and then runs to catch Partner 1. YHC quickly learned that this is not a dirt path, but one covered with glass like shards of rock.

Quick 10 Count to let PAX catch wind

Mosey towards COT for a modified DORA with 50 Prison Cell Burpees, 100 Squats, 150 4 count flutters. Admittedly YHC was a little over ambitious and we only made through the Burpees before the bell rang at 0600 for us to go to our next class.

Quick discussion about elements of a COT: Count-a-rama, Name-o-rama, Announcements, Shout-Out / Words of Wisdom. Followed by COT

Announcements: The Sweati on 7/20, Bones Q at The Deep 7/20, Royale has Q School 201 on 7/19.
Prayers / Praises: Capt Jack daughter with strep, FiA Launch, Ms, 2.0s

Until Next Time, Wild Thing out.

TClap |

The Return of Austin Powers

5 Brave PAX descended on the PoopDeck for the first of YHC’s back to back Q’s. Austin Powers was a welcome sight, not sure if there was more time between the movie sequels or his posts. Here’s how we got after it:

Warmup dedicated to Lake Wylie OG Witch Hunt. 1 Exercise followed by Burpees starting with 10 and ending with 1. Newer Lake Wylie Pax were not familiar with this type of COP.

Mosey the “hill” next to Sherwin Williams for 11s with squats at the bottom and merkins up top. NUR up the hill, run downhill.

Mosey to the boat launch parking for a set of ladders using the light polls as our markers.

Mosey to the Memorial by Papa Docs where we bear crawled the circle and finished with 17 Erkins, 17 Derkins, and 17 step ups.

Mosey back for COT

Until tomorrow, Wild Thing out!

TClap |

Life Skills with kettle bell babies at the Cannonball

Disclaimer disclaimed while in plank.
Start the party with an Indian run complete failure on my part.
Circle up with kettlebells for some suicide squats, Merkins, and circle of kettlebell rows.
Bring your kettlebells and make a lap around half parking lot. a crowd pleaser for sure.

Then time for life skills. Again a failure on my part of explaining the difference between two rows or columns and two lines.
For the record, a line is what you learned how to stand in back in Kindergarten. You find the back of someone’s head and stare at it. That’s a line.

A row is where you are standing shoulder to shoulder with a fellow PAX facing in the same direction. If anyone wants to correct me I welcome the discussion.

Sadly in today’s broken world, there are some terrible, evil individuals out there they want to cause harm to innocent people. This mornings life training was an attempt to prepare fellow men for such a situation.
The first row of PAX dropped down to a plank with head up facing the church with the kettlebells in front of them. These PAX are going to be jumping up from plank, grabbing two kettlebells, their own along with kettlebell belonging to pax opposite them in row 2, and sprinting away from the starting point as if an active shooter attach was taking place and the kettlebells were their shorties. Use your imagination people! This could save someone’s life.
The row 2 PAX were instructed to also start in the plank position but facing the woods. When YHC says “go” the row 1 PAX jump up, grab kettlebells, and take off towards the woods. PAX in row 2 perform 3 hand release merkins before jumping up and giving chase to PAX in row 1 that just kidnapped PAX 2 shorties. Think of it as a modified “catch me if you can” exercise set.

Finish it up with a more successful attempt at the fuel tank farmer carry Indian run.
I had plenty more planned, let this be a lesson to newer Q’s: always plan at least double the amount of exercises than you think you have time to complete, but given the rapid growth of the @F3_LakeWylie region I wanted to get some future Q’s in the spotlight. Let us not forget that we are challenged to invogorate male community leadership. Great job to those men for going along with being voluntold.

Finish up with Count-A-Rama, then Name-A-Rama, praises and prayers before BOM.
Thanks for the opportunity TwoFerns to lead such a strong group of HIMs.
Until next time “Stay Frosty My Friends”

TClap |

4 Basic Exercises, Indian Runs, Achievement Recognitions and Pop Quizzes

3 “Peg Leggers”, Me. Whitesnake and O’Reilly, met to get better (Cannonball Pre-run Staple to Peg’s house and back) before any other Pax showed up.

15 men Circle up on a muggy day and the disclaimer was given. I recently posted in Myrtle Beach and they added the Phrase “I do not know your injuries” to their disclaimer and I liked that so I added that.

We then moseyed to the far corner of the parking lot for my usual and now retired COP
Basically a Deconstructive “Worse Ever Merkin”
30 SSH in cadence – Because u should always do 30
20 Werkins in cadence
30 Seal Jax in Cadence
20 Merkins in Cadence
15 Smurf Jax in cadence
10 Diamond Merkins in cadence

A couple Kettle bell Indian Runs back and forth to the 2 parking lots with The “Thang” worked into them.

Also did 102 kettlebell burpees in recognition of O’Reilly loosing 102 pounds. My math was 102lbs divided by 15 pax = 10 each rounded up
Also recognized Costnaza and his weight lose and running achievements

3 rounds of The “Thang” in between the Indian Runs:
Kettlebell curls on my count till my arms hurt
Kettlebe Tricep ext. on my count till my triceps hurt
Goblet Squats with a kettlebell overhead press on my count till my legs hurt
Big boys with a kettlebell push over knees on my count till my gut hurt

Quiz with Kettle bell hold away from body until the new Pax told me F3 Mission Statement and 5 Core Principles (they did ok)
Quiz on Me – I asked a few personal questions about me and the Pax seemed to know me pretty well. Questions were pretty easy or I talk about myself to much.

A little time for some Wall sits and burpees and merkins sprinkled in.

My take on the whole thing, we all got better and very wet. So wet that I had to hang my clothes on my brush guard all day and they still didn’t dry by the time I went home. I guess that is what happens in 100% humidity and a lot of work getting done. Also, I told these guys again I didn’t want any new friends when I started this thing but crap now I do and I can’t see to shake them.

Till next time
Forever – I will be TWO FERNS!

TClap |

Destroyed Chest and Triceps plus 2 miles

Warm Up

5 – burpees OYO
10 – Windmills IC
15 – Cherry Pickers IC
20 – Imperial Walkers IC

Run to half wal for 10 – Muscle Ups

The Thing

Mosey behind the school follow the berm
To a hill at the bottom there is a hidden trail
We started at the top with
10 merkins run the trail to the benches and do 10 dips then run back up the hill. All don IC single count on down.

Increase by 10 reps each time 10,20,40,50

At 10, 20, 30 reps when we got back to the hill we bear crawled up

At 40 reps we split it up 20 single count Merkins then flip over for 20 LBC IC then 20 more single count Merkins, ran down the trail to the benches 20 single count Dips then 10 – Low Slow Squats, 10 – Monkey Humpers, 20 single count Dips. Run back to the hill then we NURed up the hill

Relfected a little bit on how awesome God is while we stared at the amazing sunrise.

At 50 we split it up 25 single count Merkins then flip over for 25 LBC IC then 20 more single count Merkins, ran down the trail to the benches 25 single count Dips then 10 – Low Slow Squats, 10 – Monkey Humpers, 25 single count Dips. Run back to the hill then we ran up the hill.

We walked for 200 yards and we did announcements and prayers while everyone catched their breath. Half way back we did ran back to COT.

Patience, wisdom, knowledge and to be the light in this world.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead the leaders.

If you have not Q’ed at this AO you need to make the trip this site has alot to offer.

TClap |

Crows nest met Diego

What a beautiful morning at the nest it was!
17 men came out to get better and wetter. Started with a full disclosure disclaimer and off we went.
Warmup mosey to get our ROCKS and continued to mosey around the other side of the school until I saw fit to stop and do SSH. Mosey to end destination, warmup complete.(You don’t really need them if the thang is hard enough)

I dubbed it Diego’s Death Star DOSIE DO!
Partners hand picked by YHC, wimpier rocks disposed of. All exercises to be done with big mama rocks.
50 Burpees
100 Tricep extension
150 overhead press
200 squats
250 curls
300 ABS (100Americans hammers, 100Big boys, 100Small Rock crunches-formally known as LBC but needed to start with an S for my ABS to be legit)
One partner runs the other works. Running partner did merkins and Balboas at end of route. We DID A LOT !
Mosey back to drop off our rocks and circled up for a few minutes of Mary.

Great time leading today! I greatly enjoy my time in the gloom with my brothers. Every week I see our numbers growing,

Prayers for all the children’s camps and travels. Until next time…

TClap |

Webs at Bermuda Triangle for anniversary celebrations

First time out at the Bermuda Triangle, longer drive than usual but it was totally worth it, good to see new faces out in the gloom.

Today marks my 2nd anniversary with F3 Nation and it’s also the first anniversary of the Bermuda Triangle AO, TCLAPS to Homebrew for leading this AO during this year so what better way but to combine the celebrations; 15 PAX decided to get better and were ready to start the party at 0500, some where disappointed to know that no utensils were in the menu but later found out that it was better that I left the utensils out.

After a short disclaimer, we moseyed to the front of the school for the warm up in cadence:


Moroccan Night Clubs

Low slow squats

Low slow merkins

I’ve been nursing a pulled hamstring all week so I decided to keep the running part to a minimum; I had 4 cards in my pocket with predetermined webs, we circled up on a “grassy” area, even though most of it was dirt with patches of grass, time to start our webs series, first web LEGS:

1 Knee Tar Jie – 4 squats, progressive to 10 KTJ and 40 squats (55 KTJ and 220 squats total)

Some questions arose when the second card was pulled out of my pocket but you don’t get up at 4 am to to the easy thing, second web CHEST/SHOULDERS:

1 Worst Merkin Ever (wide, regular, diamond) – 4 Carolina Dry Docks, progressive to 10 WME – 40 CDD, after the 8th WME I decided to switch the 9th and 10th round to regular merkins only and the CDD stayed the same. Flux was a champ and decided to do WME on the 9th and 10th as well so some of us joined him in the action. (+-150 merkins and 220 CDD)

we moseyed back to the soccer field for a softer grassy area and on the way there the site Q asked me about the legendary Captain Thor web, well, that was our third web ABS:

Captain Thor
1 Big Boy Sit Up – 4 American Hammersogressive to 10 BBSU and 40 AH (55 BBSU and 220 AH total)

With about 7 minutes left in the clock, I pulled my last card for the fourth web series CARDIO:

1 burpee – 4 goof balls, progressive to 10 burpees – 40 GB (most of us finished the 8th round for 36 burpees and 144 GB) I learned about goof balls last weekend at Hog and Coyote and this exercise really gets your heart pumping,  yes you guessed, you look like a goof ball!!

My plan was to include all groups of muscles into one workout and we did it, great job pushing yourselves out of the comfort zone gentlemen!!

We finished with announcements about Q School at Bermuda Triangle, we included our injured AX, families and kids on our prayers.

Thank you Homebrew for the opportunity to lead!!

Tinsel out…


TClap |