Preparation at the Armory

19 PAX at The Armory

Workout is pretty clear from the outline I think.

We ran a bit in between the reps for the Thang… an allegedly fast pace….pretty sure it was slow on the Fish Sticks scale. Also we did 60 SSH….a real crowd pleaser. Alternating between Mtn Climbers and a Yoga sequence over and over and over was also “well” received.

I did use my handy cheat codes on my forearms to keep myself on task. It’s cheaper than buying one of those quarterback play-caller wrist bands like OldBay has, but decidedly less cool. Forgot what DD (Downdog) stood….But on a Mosey Shady reminded me; at which point, I was glad for his assistance and that we’d already done that sequence in the warmup.

Mary to close out:
– Windshield Wipers
– Flutters
– restarted the Thang from 5 reps and built up (crowd pleaser) got to 10
– Pigeon Lunge


Advent is about Preparation. How are we preparing ourselves daily to handle our Jester(s) beyond just fitness?

Thanks to JWOWW for the invitation to Q. Great to have such a group of HIM present.

Band Camp Dismissed

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Kettlebells of Catan

YHC is quite thankful for the opportunity to Q the Armory. I’d been avoiding bells for a while to try to up my running game and down my BMI game, and throwing a bell in the back of the car gave me that warm, familiar feeling…

Rolled into the parking lot and saw an impressive fleet of vehicles in the gloom.  Quickly dropped off my small box of goodies and joined the pax just in time to disclaim that I’m no professional.

Warm Up

Things started off with a quarter mile mosey around the parking lot. Followed by some SSH, zucchini** pickers, merkins, mountain climbers, and windmills.  Then grab the bells and head to the NE lot where my box of stuff was.

What’s In The Box?

After we paired up I pulled out the box’s contents. 4 pens (all I could find this morning) two dice from my wife’s copy of Settler’s of Catan, and 8 sheets of paper.

Math? Really…?

Stats, yeah… If you’re familiar with the distribution of a die roll of 2 six sided dice, you’ll see why rolling 2 and 12 are particularly painful, the odds are 1/36 for each, while rolling a 7 is 1/6.  Let’s look at the bell curve (more of a triangle).

This is the core game mechanic in the game Setttler’s of Catan.  Using probability along with some randomness, the game rewards people 5/6ths of the time and punishes them 1/6th of the time.  YHC thought long and hard on how to include that mechanic in our morning workout, but decided on loyalty to the beatdown. Perhaps later more will be added to that 7 roll.

Enough of that noise…

Back to the Thang, the least likely rolls were assigned the more difficult tasks, while the more probable rolls had tasks that PAX could more readily repeat. Each sheet was identical:

2. 20x man makers
3. 20x upright rows
4. 10x man makers
5. 8x each/16x both arm curls
6. 10x goblet squats
7. 15x swings
8. 20x chest press
9. 8x each plank row
10. 20x dead lift
11. 5x each Turkish get up
12. 20x man makers

YHC quickly explained that every team was to roll the dice, and the roll dictated the exercise they were to do.  The counts on the paper were per person, not per team. A team was free to divide the exercises how they saw fit. So if 20x man makers was rolled, then they could split it 20/20 or have one guy do 35 and the other 15. Bandcamp swiftly pointed out that it should be 35 and 5, and YHC with matched rapidity reminded everyone that he is not a professional.

So, having to do 20 man makers each should be relatively rare. And, yet, they were rolled 13 times by teams that recorded their pain.

Each team performed the set and could mark them down so that they could keep track of their randomized beatdowns. After each completed set, the teams would run across the parking lot (~50M) perform five big boy situps, then run back and roll again. We did this for the entire workout.

With five minutes left, and Divac rolling yet another 2, YHC called a ‘2’ for all the PAX and with 90 seconds left we carried our bells back to COT.


There’s probably a convergence on Thanksgiving
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YHC reminded everyone that the COT is a real trust, and that no one would be going home to talk about so and so to their M’s, and it should be considered a safe place. Went around the circle (starting with YHC) and asked each of the PAX to issue a praise or prayer, most chose praises.  My heart was warmed by the praises that were offered and we had a quick prayer before dispersing.

Always a pleasure to lead a workout.

The team’s sheets

Links to the photos in my google drive. Enjoy

** Last week Gears called this the “potato picker”. Pretty sure in the lexicon it’s “tappy taps”.  One of my goals will be to completely obscure this until it’s utterly recognizable to anyone outside fo the Fort.

TClap |


8 Men for a Full Body Beat Down (FBBD).

The Thang

Short Mosey for COP

  • SSH
  • IW
  • Potato Pickers
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Windmills

Big Lap around the Soccer Field, enter on parking lot side

Leg Section:

  • No Surrender
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Dan Taylors
  • Gorilla Squats

Big Lap around the Soccer Field down to Amphitheater

Core Section:

  • LBC
  • Flutter
  • Peter Pointer
  • Dying Cockroach
  • American Hammer
  • Boat and Canoe

Big Lap around the Soccer Field to the Carpool Drop off

Upper Body Section:

  • Ascending Curb Crawls to 11
  • Makhtar N’Diayes
  • BTTW
  • Makhtar N’Diayes
  • BTTW
  • CDD

Big Lap around the Soccer Field to the end of Carpool Drop off

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to COT for Body Destroyer and BOM


HDHH at Amor Artis tonight

Nessy this weekend in LKW

Watch D.O.G.S at TCES

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Honor to Serve.

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Reminisce about the “Pain”theon

I haven’t been to one of my old favorite AOs in WAY to long.  We start to get spoiled with so many great  F3 options that it gets easy to stay close to home. I love Funhouse’s idea of Ass Kickin’ April and getting out to 30 different AOs during the month.  I challenge each of you to answer the call and post to a different AO and meet some new PAX once every few weeks!

So when I was asked to Q again at the Pantheon I answered the call.  I started DMing some of the Lake Wylie guys to see if they wanted to come with me and we had several show up this morning too!  I was quite surprised to see 24 PAX there at 5:15…. two were FNGs EH’d by Bones and two were 2.0s that Uber brought with him.  The FNGs were named “Grout” and “Safe Word”, respectively.  ALL of them did great on a challenging workout today.  Sorry to the 6 men that were cut out of the video Namorama.  I recalled 3 from my terrible memory, but 3 have been left off the tags…comment below and I’ll add you.

The Thang

Long disclaimer with new FNGs

Dynamic Warmup Lap

COP with SSHs – Imperial Walkers – CDDs – LS Squats – Merkins – Windmills – Mountain Climbers

I pulled some of my old favorite Weinkes from the Pantheon and put them together.

Evolution #1

Took two lanterns with me and we moseyed to the graded hill on the NE corner. Love that hill area and we did “8s” (because 7s is too hard of math for me it seems..)

Bottom of Hill 1 Bomb Jack

Top 7 Merkins

up and down the hill switching until you hit 7 Bomb jacks and 1 merkin

Evolution #2

I celebrated my one year anniversary back in 2016 at the Pantheon as Q.  I pulled out this terrible idea and we did it again.

Burpee Celebration

I counted in year 1 that I went to 147 workouts that year.  We would do the following.

17 burpees to start

Complete a lap in the parking lot

10 burpees at the start until we completed 13 laps. (10 x 13 = 130) + 17 = 147 burpees

With only 25 minutes of time that was a little ambitious.  Many finished 9 laps.  Some +/- 1 lap…

6am back to COT

Got to name our FNGs, Todd and Jason…both did great today.  Todd went first, said something about having a safe word after a pineapples reference that came from living in Hawaii…that was it for him…

Jason does sales somehow related to tile splash or tiles…Grout stuck!

Announcements – Prayers and time to go!

Thanks Bear Grylls and Fish Sticks for having me come out and share.  I really enjoyed being a part of the Pillars of Pantheon series as well!  Great idea and addition.

An Honor to Lead,




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Double duty and bring up the big guns

Slightly delayed due to PTO, but better late than never.

As the disclaimer was given, Jekyll rolled up in the rental truck and distracted us all with his manly vehicle.  Divac, fresh from moving from Hartsville, led us through warm-ups and then took us to the monster hill where we took on 11s.

Burpees at the top and big boys at the bottom.  Run down the hill and then backwards run up the hill.  It wasn’t fun but it was a nice warm up in the heat!

Next up was some 4 corners and partner work.

  • With your partner, 10 derkins using your partners back while they were in plank
  • 10 dips each off your partners back
  • 10 squats with an opposite foot touch
  • 10 big boys with your feet locked with partner
  • Rinse and repeat….for a total of 3x

Then we moved over to the playground.

  • 30 pull ups
  • 60 step ups
  • 100 flutters
  • Short mosey to end of parking lot with a short message below (and then the following)
  • 25 pull ups
  • 50 step ups
  • 80 flutters

For short breather we talked about being intentional either with ourselves or with those around us.  Less phone / screen time for Shady #DontBePhony per my 3 year old niece.

Wrapped up with COT and all things that go with that…went around the circle with what we were going to be intentional about for the weekend and upcoming week.

Great work and leading Divac….I think this guy has something going on!

Shady out…

TClap |

Baby Shark do do do do do do…..

Today we had 13 show on a very hot Monday!

After a disclaimer and a short mozy all pax gathered for a short warmup which consisted of 10 merkins, side straddle hops, and imperial walkers. We then grabbed our bells and sort of slowzied to another part of the parking lot to begin our routine. I instructed the men to partner up and I then handed out prewritten sheets of paper with two kettle workouts and one regular exercise written on each. I felt like it was a good day for music so I added roughly 10 songs (Rock N Roll) and each set of partners did the workout from each page for the entirety of the song. I assigned how many of each workout to do and after you finished your assigned number you would switch the exercise. After the song finished the groups would rotate so that all men could complete every exercise. I also randomly added the instrumental version of baby shark onto my music playlist and when that would come on we would sprint the length of the parking lot and return just in time for the song to be over and would resume our regular routine with the next song. I felt like that was a good time to run since nobody wanted to hear that song! I added pistol squats to one sheet of paper and those are quite difficult (unless you’re Tesh) and I don’t think I want to do those again! We stopped about halfway through and I told the pax that I would like for them to take the time this week to compliment folks around them. When you compliment someone, it can really have a profound effect on their day and selfishly it makes you feel good as well so it’s a win win. At around 3 to 6 we took a mozy back to COT where we did a quick mary and then circled up to finish our workout. I did hear some complaining which is always good and it means that the pax is suffering a bit so I felt successful! Big thanks to J-WOW for the opportunity to serve and I look forward to doing it again!


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