WARMUP: Put rucks on back. Started moving.
THE THANG: This was an old school fire ant wienke YHC had in storage from Dec 2020 and seemed fitting for a longer distance touring of Tega Cay.
We set off towards Walmart and at the bottom of Hubert Graham (maybe 16-17 min pace), we stopped for a series of exercises we’d repeat 3 other times with increases in rep count of 5 (started with 5 reps).
Exercises were: man makers, lunge walks (both legs is 1), curls, swings, up rows.
On our way up the hill, we crossed paths with a running snowman who was moving and in training for GrowRun NO. Next stop was Walmart parking lot by brewery for 10 reps, same exercises. Discussions with DR Pax Rousey uncovered his past experiences with GrowRuck Myrtle that Mainframe and Divac tried to not relive in their minds. Wegmans and PL May have come up.
Once finished with our counts of 10, we went in the back of Walmart and made a quick decision not to see if we could make it over to Colosseum…that would have been tight getting back to COT.
At the bottom of HG once again, we started or rep counts of 15 and found our frosty snowman yet again, this time with a ruck on his back…running no less. He joined us for our final 15 before heading back to COT.
Before getting to COT, we had just enough time for a quick mosey shuffle around the small parking lot with rucks on.
MARY: nada
COT: also check