Shovel Flag Handoff

– was done!
– first 30 min by Grinder with focus on legs and abs
– last 30 min by Portal with focus on arms
– was done as well!
– read your newsletter
– was held

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Cigarette butts and Ants at the Buffet

Mosey around parking lot.
7 Windmills IC
15 Imperial Walkers IC
15 MNCs IC

Apple Turnover across parking lot, Flip it and reverse back again. Looks out for those cigarette butts in the grocery store parking lot.

Mosey up near gas station and over to the church.

Did a circuit of exercises, with very little running.
1st round:
50 Merkins
50 Squats
50 LBCs
50 CDDs
50 Lunges
50 Flutters
10 Burpees
Run a lap a lap around the parking lot

2nd round: 40 reps and 10 burpees
3rd rounds: 30 reps and 10 burpees

Saw a few loner PAX running on their own… NASA and Badlands.

Moseyed back to CoT.

MARY: She was there for a few minutes.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Don’t forget your #3rd-F. It’s very important as our “busy-ness” increases.

COT: Stays in CoT.

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We found a snowman and a new site Q

WARMUP: Put rucks on back. Started moving.
THE THANG: This was an old school fire ant wienke YHC had in storage from Dec 2020 and seemed fitting for a longer distance touring of Tega Cay.

We set off towards Walmart and at the bottom of Hubert Graham (maybe 16-17 min pace), we stopped for a series of exercises we’d repeat 3 other times with increases in rep count of 5 (started with 5 reps).

Exercises were: man makers, lunge walks (both legs is 1), curls, swings, up rows.

On our way up the hill, we crossed paths with a running snowman who was moving and in training for GrowRun NO. Next stop was Walmart parking lot by brewery for 10 reps, same exercises. Discussions with DR Pax Rousey uncovered his past experiences with GrowRuck Myrtle that Mainframe and Divac tried to not relive in their minds. Wegmans and PL May have come up.

Once finished with our counts of 10, we went in the back of Walmart and made a quick decision not to see if we could make it over to Colosseum…that would have been tight getting back to COT.

At the bottom of HG once again, we started or rep counts of 15 and found our frosty snowman yet again, this time with a ruck on his back…running no less. He joined us for our final 15 before heading back to COT.

Before getting to COT, we had just enough time for a quick mosey shuffle around the small parking lot with rucks on.
MARY: nada
COT: also check

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Black Diamond is uncovered at The Stockade

Warm-up began with short mosey to church parking lot. Some pax were lucky enough to carry a sandbag. Teams of three were formed, luckily we had just enough to form six teams. Seven rounds of exercises, team members rotated to each exercise. The first exercise (motion) acted as the clock. Once complete, rotate to next exercise.

Round Motion Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1 Run to church Squat with SB SSHs
2 Sandbag carry H/R Merkin LBCs
3 Inch Worm merkins Flutter/press Calf Raise
4 Sandbag toss Shoulder Taps Jump Squats
5 Burpee Broad Jump Diamond Merkin S. Press
6 Lunge walk w/bag Carolina Dry Dock Hello Dollies
7 Bear Crawl Man Maker American H

Most got through round 6, need to adjust cone distance or save the workout for 1hr.
Great job everyone!

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Triple Threat

WARMUP: Standard COP
Triple Threat

Neighborhood hill
Crazy Eights – Merkins, Flutters

Adjacent hill
DORA – Burpees, Squats, Monkey Humpers

Big Hill
10 Donkey Kicks,
Bernie Sanders Halfway,
5 Bomb Jacks, Run to top,
10 Dry Docks for time

MARY: Ablab
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for Autism, Read Newsletter
COT: Prayers for Betsy and Craig for healing, and Divac’s M for the final leg of pregnancy.

Also referenced a book about work:

Honor to Serve

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Upward pussy

WARMUP: not much
THE THANG: partner work: partner pushes across field, three trips back and forth with Kraken Burpees on either side, 3, 2, 1 was the count.

Next we busted out cindies and did a Dora with:

50 manmakers
100 goblet squats
150 flutter presses
100 curls
50 tricep extensions

First partner does exercise other partner runs lap around field.
After each set one partner has to murder bunny across field, then back after set, so on and so forth
MARY: American hammers, Heels to heaven, Freddy Merks and hello dollys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Misogi Saturday, wild at heart starting on Wednesdays, bethel mens shelter mentorship program looking for men to step up!
COT: prayers for marriages and happy birthday Flounder! 77 and counting!

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Detective Mike Doty WOD

– Mosey around the big loop in front of the school
– Windmill X10
– Imperial Walkers X10
– Cherry Pickers X10
– Merkins X10

DOB 2/2/1978
– 2 OH Squats
– 2 Ruck Thrusters
– 19 Merkins
– 80 Single Count Flutters.

12 Years of Service and 37 Years of Life
– 12 Man Makers Run 100 yards
– 37 Ruck Swings Run 100 yards
– 12 SQUATS Run 100 yards
– 37 Bent Over Rows Run 100 yards
– 12 Merkins Run 100 yards
– 37 Ruck Curls Run 100 yards


Shield 809 (we did not get to do this, probably b/c I spent too much time during the warm-up)
– 80 Flutters with Ruck OH
9 LBC’s with Ruck OH

– Round Robin picking exercises

– Pints and Padres tonight at the Print Shop

-Prayers for marriages
– Prayers for healthy families

Thank you Divac for the opportunity to lead!!

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Heart attack hill with 40-55# rucks

We ventured out to conquer the infamous Heart attach hill in Tega Cay, added extra weight to our rucks and off we went. Camaraderie pace and great mumble chatter.
MARY: Moroccan night clubs and windmills to loosen up the muscles after the hike.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for autism and Manion are coming up.
COT: stays in COT

Tinsel out…

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