Chupacabra farewell with ladders 🪜 sandbags and rucks

WARMUP: no warm up
THE THANG: Tabata every 2 minutes, drop and do 10 merkins with ruck on… first one was even before we launched… whining coming from everywhere…

We had a ladder 🪜 loaded with sandbags (4×40 plus 2×60) pick up the ladder, put it on shoulders and start moving around the 1/4 mile loop, every time the timer went off we had to do 10 merkins, do Tabata and pick up ladder again and keep moving… stop about 1/3 of the loop right after the buzzer went off, form two lines and start passing the Sandbags sideways to the pax next in line, return Sandbags to starting point, now pass sandbags overhead to pax next to you, rinse and repeat twice… buzzer went off a couple of times during the sandbags exercise so everyone knew what to do…

Load sandbags back on ladder and keep moving, we didn’t get too far went buzzer went off again.. 10 more!! Advanced to starting point just in time for another buzzer, another 10 merkins; form two lines and start tossing the Sandbags to the other end of parking lot… yes, you guessed it, buzzer went off a few times… rinse and repeat… load up the ladder and keep moving… another 1/3 of the loop and buzzer went off again, 10 more, fork two lines and unload ladder, this time it was over the shoulder toss to pax next/behind you.. rinse and repeat twice and yes, buzzer went off a couple times…

Load up the ladder and keep moving.. another buzzer 2/6 of the loop, drop do merkins and grab ladder and keep moving… we had enough time to go back to COT
MARY: 20 squats with ruck on… buzzer went off one last time, 10 merkins… another round of 20 squats… 6 o’clock

It’s been my pleasure to be the site Q for Chupacabra for the past 16-18 months but it was time to put Chupa to sleep… we’ve had some great events and variety of WODs, and some times miles and smiles…

Thanks for everyone’s support…

Tinsel OUT

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Late Q, late backblast

One of the worst feelings is rolling over and seeing the clock say 5:10 and you’re supposed to Q starting at 5. Quick decision that something was better than nothing, throw some clothes on and sprint out the door. Thankfully Divac had extra gear and put the PAX in motion. When YHC showed up we rucked around the front school loop stopping for some squats, merkins, curls and OH presses. The plan was 8 rounds of: 8 sandbag over the shoulders, 8 ruck pull throughs w/merkins, 8 curls, and 8 V-ups w/ruck OH. On odd rounds sprint to left fence then jog back. On even rounds OH carry to right fence then suitcase carry back. Due to YHC being late we didn’t get through all rounds. But times up back to COT. Thx Divac. Next time I won’t be late!

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Battle Bot’s Sound System

WARMUP: leg and shoulder stretching, arm swings, side straddle hops, Morrocian night clubs
Station Tranporatation

Station: 20 KB Swings
Transportation: Bear Crawl
Station: 20 goblet squats
Transportation: Long Jumps
Station: 20 KB Curls
Transportation: High Knees
Station: 20 Squats
Transportation: Lunge Walk
Station: 20 (4ct) Mnt Climbers
Transportation: Butt Kickers
Station: 20 Merkins
Transportation: Crawl Bear
Station: 20 KB Shoulder Presses
Transportation: Run Lap Around the Parking Lot; repeat the circuit

COT: Closed out in prayer

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ACT Right

It was a privilege to spend an hour under ruck with three HIM this morning. Conditions were fair (45 and rain), but the conversation was worth it. Here’s what we did:

Ruck 1.2 miles to Harris Teeter lot and about 1.4 to the gas station bathroom (Spider-Man can elaborate).

Round 1
25 Ruck Curls
25 Squats
25 Hammers
Loop the lot

Round 2
25 Overhead Presses
25 Swings
25 Skull Crushers
Loop the lot

Round 3
30 Ruck Rows
50 Flutters with Press
25 Sit-ups to Press

Ruck back
3 Miles Total

Days like today remind us of the value of friendship. Today would have sucked if I were left alone in the Gloom. I would’ve probably quit early or stayed in bed had it not been for a commitment to the men waiting on me. When things get tough and you want to quit, how will you ACT?

Are you Accountable – can you be relied upon?
Are you Committed – will you finish what you start?
Can you be Trusted – does the team know you have their back?
We are known not but what we say, but what we do/how we ACT. These men keep me on track. They help me ACT right. And I’m thankful for them.

Italian Job

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You Could’ve Stayed In Bed

WARMUP: Run the parking lot down and back, twice. 5 Jump Squats. 10 Merkins. 15 Mountain Climbers. 10 Windmills.
THE THANG: I’m not sure how much ground we covered but the intent was to get ~2mi plus a good workout to make getting out of bed worth it. After all, we have way too many guys staying in bed on a Saturday morning. Anyways, back to the topic at hand.
Line up on the left field line and bear crawl to the McDonald’s sign on the outfield fence. 20 Mountain Climbers. Bear crawl back for 20 more Mountain Climbers.
Run to the main hill on the back side. Run to the bottom, dodging deer, 5 burpees, NUR up the other side, 10 Carolina Dry Docks. Run back to the bottom for 5 Burpees then NUR up to the original start point for 10 more Carolina Dry Docks.
Head to the Pull-Up Bars:
Each PAX must complete 20 Pull-Ups and while you’re not doing Pull-Ups, you’re cycling through 10 Merkins and 20 American Hammers on repeat until everyone is done their Pull-Ups.
Head over to the 2nd most famous hill, Tara Tea Drive, again, dodging more deer.
Run to the bottom, 10 Jump Squats, run up, 10 Diamond Merkins. Complete 3 rounds.
Head to the field for a modified Jack Webb series:
1 WWII sit up : 4 Flutter Kicks. Complete all the way to 10:40.
Get on the line and run to the net and back.
Here’s the new one. Two lines, get in a plank position, head to toe. Man in the back does 5 Wide-Arm-Merkins then bear crawls to the front of the line (Indian Run style). Keep cycling through for about 50yds.
3-tier suicides.
MARY: Sprinkled in throughout the workout…that’s more my speed. We did finally close it out with Grave Diggers, Toe Touches and elbow planking.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter (3 convergences in a row starting on Thanksgiving, Turkey money drive, clay shooting, etc)
COT: You should’ve been there. Our guys are carrying a lot these days. Head up, shoulders back, eyes clear and lean on each other as needed.

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4 corner sandbag mile

The usual

Focus on doing Cleans correctly… because there will be a LOT of them. If done properly, lower back shouldn’t hurt, but your traps will be sore.

With 40lb and 60lb sand bags

4 corners – 10 reps, increasing by 5 each lap
Mode of transport: Sandbag mile (clean the bag up, and throw it)

Corner 1: Chest Press
Corner 2: Overhead Press
Corner 3: Flutters
Corner 4: Curls

Made 3 laps, which got us to right about a mile. Bloody knuckles and all

MARY: Ain’t nobody got time for dat

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Band Camp took the hill

Very delayed in writing this but since Band Camp finally came to a ruck workout and keeps ‘reminding’ me about it, I’ll try to remember what we did.
Ruck up and grab sandbags and head over to small field for some sandbag relays. Grab everything and head over to base of heart attack hill. Partner up and split taking sandbags up the hill. Drop the sandbags at the top and head back down. This trip up no straps. Suitcase, fireman, overhead, however you want to carry your ruck up the hill. Almost lost Tinsel to hills namesake bit his BP finally came down. Link the sandbags together for team weight. Everyone rotated on and off to help carry the weight most of the way back to COT. Times almost up so break apart the sandbags and huff it back for COT. Thanks for the Q opportunity Divac! And I promise next year when Band Camp returns the back blast will be prompt.

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It’s About Time!

YHC tried to Q in September and missed the opportunity due to concentrica demands. Last week, DR. This week, finally!

It is Chad season, so we put in some step ups after a coupon ruck, followed by Farmer Carries vanity muscle work.

Step Up Work:
30 minute EMOM (:40 work/:20 rest)

Vanity Work:
1 Pax Farmer Carry out/back with Jerry Cans
Rest of Pax do one movement, rotate, repeat
OH Press
Bent Over Rows
Ruck Curls
OH Hold
Ruck Swings

Stretch it out.


Kaiser mentioned life is in seasons – which is very true. To be able to realize the seasonal transition is another level of awareness. My prayer is that God will reveal those seasons and the changes to us so we can better lead our families.


Dam2Dam fundraising season is in full effect. Check out your newsletter or hit up Boss Hogg to learn more.


Praise/prayers for Divac’s second child in his wife’s womb – coming May 2023.
Other prayers meant for COT.

Thanks, Divac, for persisting for my Q – appreciate you.

Punch List out.

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Last Minute Suck Fest

WARMUP: Stretchy things
THE THANG: YHC checked WP the preceding afternoon to find out Punch List was downrange and unable to Q. Luckily GORUCK being the unrelenting marketers that they are had just sent me an email with their latest rucksack rain coat (dumbest idea in the history of ideas) and it so happened to include a WOD. So book – Weinke done!

BUY IN: 73 sandbag + ruck squats

NINE ROUNDS – 18 reps each
– Sandbag cleans
– Sandbag sit-ups
– Sandbag Overhead throws
– Sandbag burpee + deadlift
– Sandbag walking lunges
– Sandbag shoulder to shoulder press

CASH OUT: 1 mile heavy ruck sandbag + ruck

We got 4 rounds…or maybe 3…then the mile.

MARY: Mainframe lead some BROGA
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Good luck Starcourse teams!
COT: Yup

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