
Running / Ruck AO
Down to Jackson
Left on Harris
Left on trailhead
Up parking lot out of WEP
Left Ardrey
Cross 160 to Skipper
Right on Grier to Hardee’s
Right on Main
Loop gives you 2.5. Runners extended until 7am

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3 Lessons of Marcus Aurelius

WARMUP: off to Kimbrell’s after being disclaimed. PAX did LSS, Windmills (approved by Trucker), imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and 50 side straddle hops – with a declining number of burpees (not approved by Trucker) in between exercises. From there – Mosey to Unity Presbyterian

THE THANG: lesson 1 – The happiness of your life correlated to the quality of your thoughts.
10 burpees followed by 7’s – Diamond merkins at the top of the driveway and squats at the bottom. Plank for the 6 or go get them.

Mosey to First Baptist for lesson 2

Lesson 2 – If you’re distressed by anything external, it is not due to the thing itself, but your estimate of it. And this you possess: the power to revoke it at any moment.

More 7’s – diamond Merkins at one end, run to the opposite end of the lot for squats and repeat until the sequence is complete.

Mosey to downtown Fort Mill on Main Street to find benches – 10 Bulgarian split squats each leg (for a notably absent Band Camp) and provide lesson 3

Lesson 3 – The best revenge is to be unlike the one who performed the injury.

Mosey to COT for a few AB exercises – but just a few – then 0600 was upon us.

MARY: See above
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks to Soup To Nuts for the call. Always grateful to post in the gloom with group of HIMs.

Cyclops :eye:

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Dawn Patrol

Six this morning at Dawn Patrol.  Taking advantage of the extra hour of sleep and still getting our work in!

Warm Up: Mosey, SSH, Merkins, Slow Windmills, etc.


All PAX wall sit, take turns 15 yard bear crawl and 3 burpees.

Split into two groups and circle the parking lot alternating between bear crawls and mosey. Stations of 30 squats, 25 Merkins, 30 Lunges, 25 LBC’s , and 20 Plank Punches.

Back to the Amphitheater for a quick ab lab and and COT.

Show Me The Money (sleeping in) and Jekyll (vacation) were missed, and they missed out on some life and safety lessons from Change Order.

Prayers for kids making smart choices and those undergoing medical procedures.

It’s been a while, but I am glad to have the opportunity to Q this morning.IMG_3796

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Next stop Brayden

The route

Down Richard crossings
160 to second Brayden entrance at light
Follow to bottom of Brayden hill
Turn left on Afton and follow loop
Run back to Brayden blvd
Up to 160
Back to COT

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School’s Out: Dawn Patrol Edition

Nice showing at DP. A couple double downs, a couple big brains (SLT) and a couple late risers … all perfectly acceptable.

With that said, “I have to get the kids to school” is not valid for June and July, so get out and double down.

6 rucked, 3 ran. We had a 2.5 mile loop.

Down that way, right at the pharmacy, around to Hardees, take a left, all the way to the T, right, right at the next T, come up behind the post office, Forest, Academy and back.

If I lost you, Bandcamp can translate.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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WARMUP: SSH, mosey to print shop
1st Station – Print shop
25 pull ups
25 squats
2nd Station – Academy & MAIN
25 merkins
25 squats
3rd station – Academt & Monroe White
25 merkins
25 squats
Repeat – most got 3 full loops

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To the Fort and Back

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: 3,4,and 5 mile option. 2 miles to Hobos and back, 3 miles to Poppy Seed and back, 5 miles with a loop around Academy.
Trail runners and ruckers participated too
MARY: none

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Sweep The Leg

WARMUP: route was discussed 3.75 miles
THE THANG: Ran down 160 to Baxter, we ran a loop in Baxter going counter clockwise. Fist stop :octagonal_sign: sign we did three man- makers with cinder blocks, every other stop :octagonal_sign: was 3 Burpees and continued to run. = 3.75 miles once finished
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check portal for announcements
COT: Tiller had everyone talk about praise or prayer.

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