Hey look, stairs!

WARMUP: mumbled about the route
THE THANG: Rucked past the ghost of an AO Thursday past, Footloose. Then went searching for stairs to snake and climb.
MARY: 10 squats, 10 flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Good Stuff. Get there.
COT: 5th Core Principle of course.

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Leadership Isn’t Easy and That’s Why F3 Exists

WARMUP: some chatter about morning mental state, college kid stress, and a weird smell in Kingsley. Then we launched.
A lap around Kingsley for 1 mile
11s of Derkins and Dips
A lap around Kingsley for mile 2
11s of Step ups and Sumo Squats
A lap around Kingsley for mile 3
11s of Parker Peters and Am Hammers (post workout bc we times out)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 12 th anniversary convergence on 9/28
COT: good times sharing about our first posts in F3, memories of impactful Kotters like Red Banjo and Santini, the story of OBT innovating to support DD in the launch of The Fort. When we’re called to lead it will be hard. We will have questions and doubts. Rely on strong discernment listening to friends and family, watching for signals and signs from Life and leaning on prayer to find the signal amid the noise. It’s not easy. And that’s what F3 pax are called to — Acceleration is never easy, we just get stronger.

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Merryweather Farms Route

THE THANG: Rucked from Veteran’s Park down to Harris Street Park looped around through Creekside, back through Harris Street Park took the path to WEP, and back to Veterans Park. 2.9-mile loop
COT: Closed in prayer

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Great bootcamp weather for a run (10 degrees too warm for good running weather)

Deck of cards

THE THANG: Deck of death (cards). 4 suits. The suits were merkin, LBC, Squat and burpees. 104 reps per. We got several flushes. They were “the hate”. But hated so good!
COT: mental health

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back to school special

WARMUP: some mumblechatter
THE THANG: ruckers – 2ish mile loop down to WEP and on the trail to Harris St Park and back towards Printshop and back to Veterans

Runners – 4.5 mile loop through main street into zipperland then back towards city hall and down harris street to the park. Trail to WEP then around DT a bit to get to 4.5 miles

MARY: Ruckers were broga’ing when runners arrived


COT: yup

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Bring em out bring em out

WARMUP: pre-run at 0445
THE THANG: braden loops – with 3 pain stations
stop 1 – 20 squats
stop 2 – 30 LBCs
stop 3 – 20 merkins

3 to 4 miles by all

MARY: a few core exercises


COT: yup

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