Halloween House Party

WARMUP: Mosey to the back lot
Side Straddle Hop x 25
Windmills x Most ever done
Cherry Pickers x 10
Moroccan Night clubs x 10
Merkins x 10
High knees
sprints x 3
The Pax pulled exercises from the bucket :
31 Monkey Humpers
31 Squats
31 Merkins
31 Burpees (twice, who would put 2 of those in there?)
Big sprint suicide style
31 Carolina dry docks
31 Flutter Kicks

MARY: Smidge of planks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bourbon night, Bethel, Christmas Party
COT: Men laid it out there so we can help shoulder the burden

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WARMUP: streches, yoga, and Merkins, moroccan nightclub, side, straddle hop

<@U063F72E8M9> was on Q, working hard on F3 motto, called on people during workouts to say motto out loud.

<@U061P7HUFRR> let out a big “sigh”about his turn to push the tire :wheel: up the hill.

<@U07LMG5PDQU> was the first to step up and take on the tire :wheel: push with a Merkin up the hill. (Nice job)

<@U038GMXLKFC> showed everyone how to take on the BIG boy tire! Crushed the workout! (Proud of you)

<@U05K5D10AG6> stepped up and assisted with keep people in motion during Big boy tire roll. ( Thanks! )


COT: Tiller lead us out with prayer, family, friends and people of WNC

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Too many merkins

Run to Hill
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Downward Dog

The Thang
100 CDD
200 Squats
300 Merkins
400 LBC
One does exercise, one runs up the hill
Bear Crawl up the hill
Return to COT

Bourbon BBQ
Trash pickup
Beers for Beetus
Men’s Shelter

Prayers for health and the country

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Recycling my VQ

I found my old VQ backblast and brought a little back.

It wasn’t as hard as I remember. Solid work was done by all. We had a string of pearls to get to the spot

3 cones in a line

5 HR merkins
5 burpees in the middle
5 jump squats
4 burpees in the middle
5 HR merkins
3 burpees in the middle
5 jump squats
2 burpees in the middle
5 HR merkins
1 burpee in the middle
5 jump squats

I modified it down a bit from my VQ. Probably made it too easy. I’ll fix that next time

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Halloween is near

WARMUP: COP – mosey past F45 to parking lot left of complex

Various exercises I/C
Low slow squats
Seal jacks
Side straddle hops
Shoulder press holding people’s chair
Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers

YHC called the number of exercises for each letter
15, 12, 10, 8
Hand release merkins
American Hammers
Low slow squats
Overhead claps
Wide Arm merkins
Heels to Heaven
NUR to the Boo, do 5 bomb jacks and repeat
Count was 12 then 10 then 8 then the 6 finished and we had a ten count.

Mosey to the rail behind Lowe’s for incline merkins, dips, flutters and protractors

Mosey further to the mulch stacks left of Lowe’s. More shenanigans and a mosey to the grass near F45

Makthar Ndiayes done I/C in honor of Barry Manilow (notably absent). Monkey humpers toward the east – because that’s what we do at slow burn – #noburpees

Mosey to COT

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes – read your newsletter
COT: 5th core principle

Thank you, Peach Stand. Always an honor.

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Four Corners of Fun (Pain)

I was calling this Four Corners of Fun, but @libertybiberty called it Four Corners of Pain, so I guess there’s a thin line between fun and pain…LOL!!!

I gave a lousy disclaimer then we began the warm-o-rama. Note to self: Don’t take a Orange Theory class the day before you Q as I don’t remember what we did or maybe it was the mumbling chatter that was distracting me. Something about holding a member or a member hanging too low and the water level being too high. Whatever it was, I had to stay focused and keep us on task so we moseyed over the band practice field.

The Thang
In every corner of the field we performed the following exercises. Plank up for the six after each round.

Round 1 – 7 Burpees
Round 2 – 14 Merkins
Round 3 – 21 LBCs
Round 4 – 28 Squats
Round 5 – 21 American Hammers (count 1 side)
Round 6 – 14 Carolina Dry Docs
Round 7 – 7 Burpees

Moseyed back to COT for a Merlin Ring of Fire and some Mary.

– Several CSUPS once the month or two.
– Christmas party
– There were others; see the Newsletter
For those in Western Carolina that have been affected by the storm and those in the way of the next storm rolling through Florida.

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Back to Massey

Nice cool breezy morning for a stroll through Massey. Great to be on the eastside as the expansion rolls on.

Time Machine got the watch alert for NO SCHOOL TODAY. Enjoy that!

Prayers for @clickbait and all who have been up there from the Pax and those who are going.

Prayers for the Florida area this week.

Prayers for a Pax wife who has a job interview this morning while also just having discovered that dreaded “lump” that we are hoping is nothing!


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