Pretty sure my favorite style of running is trails but for some reason, I love using the track. Schedule was being drawn up a few weeks back and I got pulled in early. Thus it was my turn to Q Laces Out and like usual, I did a bad thing.
The Thang
Warmup Run 1 Mile
Partner Up for Fast 5 Training
Fast 5 Training is basically Catch Me if You Can on the track. Partner 1 starts walking/light jog while Partner 2 runs as fast as he can around the track. Once he catches Partner 1, they switch. It’s about 2 laps of sprinting, 1 recover
Cool Down 1/2 Mile
No Yoga or Stretching
Great group out there today
I earn the 6 award for just under 5 miles
I believe Trojan takes the cake for most miles (just over 6)
It’s Chippendales (muggy muggy muggy) season y’all
Gears did his typical anti-establishment run (if you want to get better, click HERE)
Fast group this AM, thanks for the push guys
Thanks for indulging my bad ideas
Planning Fast 5 for mid-late October
Prayer & Praises
Prayers for Gears work situation (He’s fine just dealing with a lot)
The purpose of this document is to assist the new Q in preparing for and leading his first workout,
Q – Pax Relationship: The unspoken social contract between the Pax and a Q: “We will follow until you give us a reason not to”. The Pax are very forgiving toward a new Q. Most have been through it and understand the anxiety.
Considerations for the first few Qs:
Launch a quick grenade over twitter, let local Pax know that this is your VQ, most F3 vets enjoy being part of a VQ Pax.
Simplicity/Complexity and Originality
Keep the Weinke simple. The fewer moving parts the better. Many first-time Q Weinke’s are too complicated.
Keep it familiar. New exercises or sets that require more than the briefest of explanations usually lead to confusion.
Don’t be shy about stealing a Weinke, or parts of a Weinke, from another more-experienced Q.
Go with strengths: “Don’t Q it if you can’t do it.”
Next exercise is [brief pause], the merkin.
The Pax then repeats the exercise called.
Speak loudly so all Pax can hear. You are in charge.
Start(ing) position [brief pause], Move.
Not “exercise” position. Start position.
The “Move” is to get the Pax to the position required to begin exercise. The “Move” is not a command to begin exercising.
In cadence [brief pause], Exercise.
In cadence simply means the Q counts the movements (1-2-3) and the Pax calls out the repetitions in unison (“One!”).
The Q counts should correspond to a distinct movement in the exercise. It is in rhythm. For example, for a merkin: “1” is the movement to the down position, “2” is the movement to the plank position, “3” is the movement back to the down position, the Pax call of “One!” is the move back to plank position.
The Q indicates the completion of an exercise by a higher inflection on his last repetition.
NOTE: When a Q does not lead an exercise in cadence that would normally be done that way, he is giving away his authority to lead the Pax. He is implicitly telling the Pax that he not able to count in cadence or is not willing to learn.
Weinke review with Site Q or experienced Q. Not required, but a good idea for a vet to check for potential issues.
Too long, too short: It takes a few times go get a good feel for how long your Weinke will take to execute. Be flexible if running too long and have a couple of stand-by ideas in mind in case you run long. Think through transitions from one set to another. Minimize dead time, standing around.
Tap a vet – if you need time to get unsmoked or burned through Weinke in 30 minutes, there’s no shame in asking a vet to lead Mary or the next section of the workout.
FNG inquiry and Disclaimer – every workout should start with an FNG Inquiry and Disclaimer
Why: We want to disclaimer in front of Pax because having witnesses adds a layer of protection above asking if they’ve read it on the website.
What: Main points in your own words:
I am not a professional
This is self-policing: Stop or modify the exercises as required
Take control—be the leader. Be assertive, don’t mumble. If something doesn’t work and you have to audible, acknowledge it and move on to the next exercise. Don’t apologize, just move on.
Observation – Do your best to keep an eye on the pax during the workout to see if you are losing people, either from it being too easy, too confusing, or too hard. During your first few Qs, it is hard enough just to make it through the workout. Ask your Site Q or another experienced Q to keep an eye on things and whisper in your ear if needed.
Twitter counts – check with Site Q on whether he or the Q will tweet the count. Remember to use workout tag (i.e., #TheArmoryF3 also include @F3TheFort ) and the #F3Counts tag.
Backblast –
Part of the workout Qs responsibility to post the Backblast, not the Site Q. The Site Q may volunteer to post the Qs first workout on his behalf but that is at his discretion .
Get backblast credentials BEFORE first Q so that you are prepared to write up BB when it’s done. The website interface is not difficult and will take only a few minutes to learn. Here again, your Site Q will be an invaluable aid in assisting you to post your first BB.
Get login credentials from The Fort’s Comz Q
Post Mortem – follow up with your Site Q about what went right, what could be improved, what was a disaster, etc. Seek out honest feedback from other veteran Q and Pax. The best way to improve is to address your weaknesses head on.