Light pole Tour of Pain

WARMUP: maybe one SSH
Ran around the outside of CRHS campus. Every light pole directly on your path stop and do exercises with KB. First 10 poles do 5 reps of first set. Next 10, 10 reps of 2nd. Next 10, 15 of 3rd set.



Tricep extensions
Calf raises

By the time we go to the front of the school and started the 3rd set BC ran back and pushed the 6 up to all finish for COT.


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Using a Sandbag Timer at The Ranch

IT was a warm windy morning (but dry) as we all gathered at The Ranch.  We began with a quick warm-up of SSH, Monkey Humpers (for Bobber as he drove in), Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills and Moroccan Night Clubs.

We then moseyed over the the front of the school to be a bit protected from the wind and did 2 sets of wall sits with a 10 count down the line followed by plank-45 degree, BTW each for about 20 seconds.  It should be noted that during this portion Bobber seemed very confused that further movements would follow the pervious one and seemed to be trying to get a jump start heading back to the parking lot each time.  The look of confusion as he returned to the wall was priceless… each time…

The body of the work consisted of AMRAP of the following movements with the timer being a PAX shuffling with a 60lb sandbag (120 for Bobber) to the painted rock and back. Several PAX commented that this list seemed similar to Tuesday only without the set number of reps, to which I pretended not to have heard… I mean there are only so many options right? Plus I’m sure I added at least a few new things… I hope…

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Donkey Kicks
  • Calf Raises
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Al Gore with Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Box Cutter
  • Plank Jack
  • Dry Docks
  • Seal Jacks
  • Flutters
  • Shoulder Taps

We completed about 3 rounds and then returned for COT

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12 Days of “Its Not April Yet”…

We left the parking lot and moseyed our way towards WEP with a quick stop along the way for some SSH (more than intended since Bobber had to run back and turn his lights off and we had to do them until he returned… ALA high school sports style punishment), Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Moroccan NightClubs, Windmills and also a quick set of Cherry Pickers at Bobbers request.

Once we arrived at WEP there happened to already be a board of pain there with the workout listed

1 x Kraken

2 x 10 Second All Gore

3 x Burpee

4 x Merkin (4 count)

5 x Calf Raise (4 count)

6 x Derkin (4 count)

7 x Moroccan NightClubs in Squat

8 x Monkey Humpers (4 count)

9 x Flutter (4 count)

10 x LBC

11 x Jump Squats

12 x Side Straddle Hops (4 count)


We then moseyed back to the start and closed in a COT

A great time was had by all

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I’m Back and Better Than Ever… Well, I’m Back at Least…

Following my 2 year hiatus I have returned and apparently been showing up enough to be voluntold that my fans have been waiting for my return to the Q… That or they had an opening and needed it filled, I chose to believe the former…

We started with a brief warm-up with some SSH, windmill, imperial walkers and hillbilly walkers and then began with the inflation impacted “Suns Out, Guns Out” buy in… 30 curls and 30 triceps extensions.  Following that  we turned on my little app with our very friendly coach and and began a little HIIT set to Foo Fighters in honor of their lost drummer.  Each exercise consisted of 4 sets of 30 seconds on and 10 second rest.  Every 3 exercises were separated by a more cardio based movement done in 2 sets of 50 seconds on and 10 seconds off

-Dead Lift

-Goblet Squat


-SSH (50 sec x 2)

-Pull Through



-Mountain Climbers (50 sec x 2)


-Calf Raises


-Swings (50 sec x 2)

Following these sets we returned to COT to buy out at 30 reps of curls and triceps extensions.

We had the honor of welcoming a new PAX member this morning.  Welcome Beaker.  It was great to meet you and hope to see you in the gloom soon

The we formed into COT with announcements and prayer requests

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X marks the spot

10 PAX

First round: start In the center with SLD, loaded carry to corner 1, 10ish reps of each exercise, loaded carry to center for SLD, loaded carry to corner 2, etc. we hit 6 corners before finishing with the flow at the end

5 Single Leg Deadlift (SLD) each side

Corner 1
Goblet Squat
2 hand Thruster
1 hand Thruster

Corner 2
Clean and Press
Clean, Squat, and Press

Corner 3
One hand Swing
High Pull

Corner 4
Reverse Lunge
Forward Lunge
Reverse Lunge and Press

Finishing Flow
Single Leg deadlift
Single Leg Clean
Reverse Lunge and Press
Alternating Swing (3)
Repeat on other side


Sometimes there’s still work to be done, but you’ve got to go home. Focus on what’s important when the clock ain’t running.

Also Airborne got really animated at COT: video evidence:

Grateful for the opportunity to lead:

Band Camp dismissed

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Niece and Knees

2 Pax showed post-Super Bowl (Rams defeated the Bengals). Destiny was on the Q-roster, but not present. Hopefully he just had too many wings watching the game. Miss getting to see that HIM in the gloom.

After some mumble chatter about going back home, we warmed up literally and figuratively.
– IW
– HW
– Windmill
– Shoulder Taps
– HUMANE BURPEE (15 swings, 5 merkins, 5 goblet squats, 15 swings, 4 merkins, 4 goblet squats, etc.)

Then we ran through some sequences. Among the work was:
Swings (one hand & two hand)
High Pulls
Plank Rows
Clean & Press
Push Press
Tricep Extension
Chest Press
Burpee Snatch

About 15 min in, Smokey and Sugarbug drove up in the coordinating Jeeps. Good thing we stayed with the workout initially. I hate to leave another guy hanging in the gloom.

Once our number was 4, we started rotating the who called exercises.

Don’t quit. It ain’t over, ’till we say it’s over.

Prayers for:
Shatner’s Niece
Shatner’s Knees
Liquidate’s little girl undergoing surgery in Boston

Band Camp dismissed

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Stay Hard

I’ve been reading a handful of books these days, and one phrase that has stuck within my mind (as well as my SL) is #StayHard. It has pushed me through the mindset of “I can’t do this” or “I shouldn’t do this.” How many times have we told ourselves that? My question for the PAX today was this: will you stay hard?

And with that, we moseyed.


Iteration 1 – Bus Loop Hill Elevens

Nur up grass hill

Run down grass hill 

Bobby Hurleys at the top, CDD’s at the bottom.

Mosey around back of school to playground, switchbacking through the parking lot as we travel.


Iteration 2 – Playground Circuit

10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 

Pull Ups

20 – 15 – 10 – 5

Burpees – Merkins – Squats – Lunge Walk – Dips 

Do one round of pull-ups, then one round of the BMSLD’s. Drop the count, repeat. Work your way down to the end.

Low plank in wait for the six between each round.

Mosey to front soccer field in a roundabout fashion.


Iteration 3 – Soccer Field Bear Crawl CMIYC

P1 Bear Crawls while partner Bomb Jacks, mosey to partner and flap jack. 

5 Bomb jacks each round, 5 rounds total. It was just enough for a full out and back between goals.



20 x WWI Sit Up

10 x Gas Pumpers w/arms raised

10 x Crunchy Frog


‘Twas a wonderful beatdown that encouraged heavy breathing and sore body parts. 2.4 miles traveled in total. The men put in the work, and it was good. Remember when you’re feeling weak or sore, you can still push through your mental barriers. Stay hard.



FIA Marathon – Support them any way you can!

Chikin N Wizdom Zoom tomorrow morning, 0630 – 0715 w/Straight Up!


Prayer Requests

Ruby Slippers’ co-coaches son, Levi, having seizures more often than usual – pray for this bout of his epilepsy to subside.

Those who are isolated due to COVID, in and out of medical facilities.

Cake Boss’ injury and being on IR.

Geronimo’s job search.


Thanks Ruby Slippers for scheduling me literally three months ago! Felt like forever, but YHC still didn’t have the weinke built until last night… hope y’all enjoyed it.


Punch List out.

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Giddy Up at the Ranch

Always good to Q especially a location that I was former site Q at. Start with a nice disclaimer and let everyone know they showed up to the best and hardest workout of the day in The Fort.
Mosey around school grounds at a brisk pace. Warmup 20 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 flutters repeat.
Mosey to pullup bars
5 pullups-20 big boys
4 pullups- 16 big boy
3 pullups- 12 big boy
2 pullups- 8 big boy
1 pullup- 4 big oy
work back up the ladder.
Mosey to bus parking partner up Wheel barrow around parking lot when you switch 5 bomb jacks each.
Mosey to wall Balls to wall/ chair sit with shoulder presses x’s 3 sets each
Mosey to benches 15 derkins, 15 box jumps, 15 dips
set 2 10 of each
set 3 5 of each
Mosey to COT
Announcements, Prayers, Praises
Keep everyone safe and injury free.
Keep praying for Cash.
Backdraft out…

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A Copperhead Christmas (5lbs of Gummies too)

My first time Q’ing and it was a lot of fun (except counting in cadence). A very sincere thanks to the Pax for helping me thru my maiden voyage and braving the weather on a chilly December morning. Happy Holidays to all.

The Snake Pit Parking Lot, Dec 4th 2019

Warm up in Cadence

20 x SSH, 10 x Chain Breakers, 10 x Cherry Pickers, 15 x Mountain Climbers, 10 x Moroccan Nightclubs

12 Days of Christmas (main workout)

Day 1x: Parking Lot Run (on Day 7 switch to Bear Crawls)

Day 2x: Squat Jumps + previous day

Day 3x: Big Boy Sit Ups + previous days

Day 4x: Merkin with hand release + previous days

Day 5x: U-Haul’s + previous days

Day 6x: Leg Flutters + previous days

Day 7x: Freddy Mercury’s (Bicycle Sit-up) + previous days

Day 8x: Bicep Curls + previous days

Day 9x: Skull Crushers or overhead triceps curls + previous days

Day 10x: Apollo Ohno (speed skaters) + previous days

Day 11x: Kettle Bell Swings + previous days

Day 12x: American Hammers + previous days

Burpee Challenge

1x Burpee in 1 minute,  2x Burpees in 1 minute, 3x Burpees in 1 minute, 4x Burpees in 1 minute, 5x Burpees in 1 minute, 6x Burpees in 1 minute, 7x Burpees in 1 minute, 8x Burpees in 1 Minute

Announcements, Prayers and Praises

Circle of Trust


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