I’ve been reading a handful of books these days, and one phrase that has stuck within my mind (as well as my SL) is #StayHard. It has pushed me through the mindset of “I can’t do this” or “I shouldn’t do this.” How many times have we told ourselves that? My question for the PAX today was this: will you stay hard?
And with that, we moseyed.
Iteration 1 – Bus Loop Hill Elevens
Nur up grass hill
Run down grass hill
Bobby Hurleys at the top, CDD’s at the bottom.
Mosey around back of school to playground, switchbacking through the parking lot as we travel.
Iteration 2 – Playground Circuit
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2
Pull Ups
20 – 15 – 10 – 5
Burpees – Merkins – Squats – Lunge Walk – Dips
Do one round of pull-ups, then one round of the BMSLD’s. Drop the count, repeat. Work your way down to the end.
Low plank in wait for the six between each round.
Mosey to front soccer field in a roundabout fashion.
Iteration 3 – Soccer Field Bear Crawl CMIYC
P1 Bear Crawls while partner Bomb Jacks, mosey to partner and flap jack.
5 Bomb jacks each round, 5 rounds total. It was just enough for a full out and back between goals.
20 x WWI Sit Up
10 x Gas Pumpers w/arms raised
10 x Crunchy Frog
‘Twas a wonderful beatdown that encouraged heavy breathing and sore body parts. 2.4 miles traveled in total. The men put in the work, and it was good. Remember when you’re feeling weak or sore, you can still push through your mental barriers. Stay hard.
FIA Marathon – Support them any way you can!
Chikin N Wizdom Zoom tomorrow morning, 0630 – 0715 w/Straight Up!
Prayer Requests
Ruby Slippers’ co-coaches son, Levi, having seizures more often than usual – pray for this bout of his epilepsy to subside.
Those who are isolated due to COVID, in and out of medical facilities.
Cake Boss’ injury and being on IR.
Geronimo’s job search.
Thanks Ruby Slippers for scheduling me literally three months ago! Felt like forever, but YHC still didn’t have the weinke built until last night… hope y’all enjoyed it.
Punch List out.