4 painful cornera to get to!!

WARMUP: SSH, KB Plank pull over, swings, Merkins, Mnt climbers, Jump squats
THE THANG: 4 corners at the main parking lot. Each corner has 2 exercises, plus one more exercise (5 men makers) along the longer side of the square. First lap mode of transportation is: short side murder bunnies, longs side, Around the World. Second lap mode of transportation, short side, Lunger, long side overhear press.
Corner 1: 15 KB swings + 15 Cleans
Corner 2: 15 KB Big Boys + 15 AH (each side)
Corner 3: 15 KB Halo + 15 Triceps Ext.
Corner 4: 15 Goblet Squats + 15 dead lifts

Back to COT walking with Curls and Overhead presses.

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The Ranch/ Tour of the Campus, small Men workout

WARMUP: Merkins, Side straddle Hop, low slow squat
THE THANG: Ran all of Spring Field campus with multiple pain stations and lots of steps ( Dips, 3 burpees, Bear crawl, with 3 Merkins stopping at each cone, and finishing with 10 Side straddle hops and 6 bomb :bomb: jacks. Ran 3+ Miles


ANNOUNCEMENTS: check slack

COT: prayer and praise for family and F3

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Star fish

WARMUP: run around downtown with a few stops along the way with a variety of exercises until we got to the initial point of the starfish
THE THANG: center point with 5 burpees every time that we go back to that point. Point 1 with BBSU and CDD. Point 2 with merkins and LBCs, point 3 with squats and Rosalitas, point 4 with jump squats and shoulder taps. Go back to COT for a total of 3 to 3.5 miles

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Tortoise and Hare pre-yog

Accepted this Q invite before I realized it was same day as the Tortoise and Hare CSAUP. No worries – all bad decisions can be compounded with other bad decisions so decided to let her rip.

A few PAX were out running already when we started. For normal start time PAX, 2 went trails and 5 hit the streets.

Trail – enter kingsley and immediate right – continue to dogwood and stay right on dogwood all the way to Cantrell ave where you will get on Muscadine. Stay course until you get to Azalea where you will find your way back to the spillway. you will hop on Haigler and go around lake and get to timberline and bring you back to Kingsley and back to CoT.

Road – get on 160 and dodge traffic over I77. Left on sutton rd then right on front st into baxter. Continue onto settlers height/Stratford run/harvest point until you reach the end. Turn around and come back

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

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Run to the end

THE THANG: Ran down Holbrook to the very end 2.3 each way for a total of 4.6
MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise and the Hare & more.
COT: Be careful and practice a kind response or no response to a wife. Each had a prayer or praise.

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summer camp

WARMUP: Mosey to theater parking lot for COP (SSH, fast LSS, reverse lunges, moroccan night clubs, mountain climbers)
THE THANG: Start with mini-4 corners with lunge walk and bear crawls in theater parking lot, mosey to road to Red Stone, mosey to first traffic circle doing 10 merkins at every 2nd street light. At circle do 3-legged starfish with 10 squats, 10 bobby hurleys, 10 dry docks, paying a toll of 1 burpee every time returning to the circle. Mosey back toward COT alternating karaokes, backwards run and run at every street light.
MARY: Circled up for peter parkers, parker peters, down dog, calf stretch, runners stretch, and of course, shavasana (or “have a nice day” as we say in Waxhaw).
Great to see the new Pax coming back. Keep it up guys. Missed you , wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Went Looking For The Stamp…Found It

WARMUP: Run to the pharmacy, wait, run to the old Hardees, wait.
Captain Thor (1 BBSU : 4 American Hammers-rt side counting = 10:40) and yes, we found the Stamp.
Run to the Town Hall Bldg for a plank series:
Mountain Climbers
Grave Diggers-Rt Side then Left Side
Run to the big, smooth lot for FMFBC:
NUR the long stretches & Bear Crawl the “short stretches”
To the Church steps
Up & Down the steps 2x then 30 correct squats
Up & Down the steps 2x then 20 correct squats
To the next smooth lot, now by FMCOG
Feet on the curb and lean on another PAX for 50 Calf Raises
Get a partner for Partner Pushes:
Each partner pushes a longer stretch and a shorter stretch.
At the corners, do 20 Flutters I/C & 20 Diamond Merkins
Run back to C.O.T. for a little more Mary.

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Upper body around the circle

Run to the mushroom pool. Run around the circle, in the first lap, stop at every intersection and do 2 burpees, 12 merkins, 12 deeps.
Second lap at every intersection do 2 burpees, 12 shoulder taps, 12 CDD.
Run back to COT for a couple abs exercises.

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River District meets 6@6

WARMUP: Some of us.
THE THANG: Run – 6miles ish – Munn Rd to Harris to Sam Smith to Dam Rd down Harvest Point then back. Out 3 miles back 3 miles.
MARY: Nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes – CSAUPs COMING_ Adopt – a – Highway litter pick up Aug 10th._ Newsletter.

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