Title TBD

Disclaimer then mosey up Massey to Pike parking lot. Normal warmup stuff. Then everyone get on end of parking line. Bear crawl to opposite line, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to start, 5 mtn climbers. Repeat this movement 5 times. Jog down and back up Massey.
Next set used 3 lines for suicides. 21 jump squats, 21 lunges, 21 Apolo ohnos, run 3 line suicide. 15 of each then run suicide. 9 of each then run suicide.
Next set uses the 3 lines plus far curb. Run to 1, 20 merkins, back to start, run to 2, 15 seal Jack’s, back to start, run to 3, 10 plank Jack’s, back to start, run to 4, 5 bombjacks. Next round drop the 1st line, do 2,3,&4. Next round just do 3&4.
Finished with ‘who’s the king’. Start w/1 burpee and 20 shoulder taps (L+R=1). You have 60 seconds to complete and whatever time is left is what you have to rest. Add a burpee each minute. If you don’t finish the round then you’re out and you just do 5 burpees per min for remaining. Several made it through the 7 burpee round before time was up. I think everyone was OK that time was up. Back to COT to share core principles with FNGs. Solid work by all the PAX. Thx for the opportunity Soup2Nuts!

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Title TBD

Disclaimer then mosey up Massey to Pike parking lot. Normal warmup stuff. Then everyone get on end of parking line. Bear crawl to opposite line, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to start, 5 mtn climbers. Repeat this movement 5 times. Jog down and back up Massey.
Next set used 3 lines for suicides. 21 jump squats, 21 lunges, 21 Apolo ohnos, run 3 line suicide. 15 of each then run suicide. 9 of each then run suicide.
Next set uses the 3 lines plus far curb. Run to 1, 20 merkins, back to start, run to 2, 15 seal Jack’s, back to start, run to 3, 10 plank Jack’s, back to start, run to 4, 5 bombjacks. Next round drop the 1st line, do 2,3,&4. Next round just do 3&4.
Finished with ‘who’s the king’. Start w/1 burpee and 20 shoulder taps (L+R=1). You have 60 seconds to complete and whatever time is left is what you have to rest. Add a burpee each minute. If you don’t finish the round then you’re out and you just do 5 burpees per min for remaining. Several made it through the 7 burpee round before time was up. I think everyone was OK that time was up. Back to COT to share core principles with FNGs. Solid work by all the PAX. Thx for the opportunity Soup2Nuts!

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Title TBD

Disclaimer then mosey up Massey to Pike parking lot. Normal warmup stuff. Then everyone get on end of parking line. Bear crawl to opposite line, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to start, 5 mtn climbers. Repeat this movement 5 times. Jog down and back up Massey.
Next set used 3 lines for suicides. 21 jump squats, 21 lunges, 21 Apolo ohnos, run 3 line suicide. 15 of each then run suicide. 9 of each then run suicide.
Next set uses the 3 lines plus far curb. Run to 1, 20 merkins, back to start, run to 2, 15 seal Jack’s, back to start, run to 3, 10 plank Jack’s, back to start, run to 4, 5 bombjacks. Next round drop the 1st line, do 2,3,&4. Next round just do 3&4.
Finished with ‘who’s the king’. Start w/1 burpee and 20 shoulder taps (L+R=1). You have 60 seconds to complete and whatever time is left is what you have to rest. Add a burpee each minute. If you don’t finish the round then you’re out and you just do 5 burpees per min for remaining. Several made it through the 7 burpee round before time was up. I think everyone was OK that time was up. Back to COT to share core principles with FNGs. Solid work by all the PAX. Thx for the opportunity Soup2Nuts!

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Burpees, Bombjacks and Pullups….Oh My

Warm Up
Windmill (IC)
Mosey to top of Massey Hill
Downward Dog, stretch the calves

The Thang
Massey Hill
Run to bottom and top x 5
At the top:
-20 shoulder taps
-15 planks jacks
-10 good mornings
Mosey to Fort Mill Church of the Nazarene Parking Lot

Nazarene Parking Lot
11’s with Burpees and Bomb Jacks
Started at 1 burpee and 10 bomb jacks and went to 7 burpees/4 bomb jacks
Mosey to Print Shop pull up bars

Print Shop Pull up bars
5 pull ups
10 merkins
15 squats
20 LBCs
25 calve raises
We did about 15 minutes and failed some and then failed some more
Mozy back to COT

Mary: 1 minute of flutters

2/24 get in a car and go support our brother, Helmet
3/1 Q School
3/2 Print Shop
3/9 Spring Invergence

COT: Prayers for leadership

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Welcome to my TED Talk

Disclaimer disclaimed
Valentine’s Day Eve – Accelerating the M requires both Skill and Love. Just like our fitness, relationships are either Accelerating or Decelerating, Aye?
If you think you are “Maintaining” your relationship, you are actually Decelerating.

Mosey to WEP Stage
The Culture is a Jester
• Our culture likes to present marriage as easy, but a HIM knows virtue takes work, and thus marriage will take work.
Warm Up
10 Windmills IC
Al Gore w/ 10 MNC IC
11 Hill Billy Walkers IC

There is NO 50 Yard Line
• Halfway is not good enough when it comes to the M. An Accelerating HIM will go the length of the field for his M.

The Thang – Pearls on a String became chase Maximus (and Clickbait and Poppins, with Band Camp on form patrol) around the WEP loop, at each swing, do the following:
10 Merkins
10 Squats
10 Flying Squirrels

Your Wife is NOT Your Best Friend
• She is made for a much higher purpose, put her on the pedestal alone.

Mosey to Pike Entrance
7s of Derkins and Bomb Jax
7s of Step Ups and Dips
Mosey to Pike Wall
Wall Sits and Burpee Waterfall

Joy Trumps Happiness
• Happiness is a transitory positive feeling
• Joy is a permanent state of hopeful satisfaction
• A healthy and vital M is a lifetime pursuit

Mary – Flutters until 0600

Marriage requires Proximity and Purpose. It transforms a man from a selfish Happiness-junkie into a selfless Joy-seeker. The HIM knows if he fails at his M, nothing else he does will matter.

Announcements: Q-Source after this. D2D celebration on 3/2
COT: stays in COT

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Do Great Things Today

After the disclaimer, we began our journey around town. First stop, the pharmacy for some warm-ups (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Fast Windmills, Merkins, Peter Parker, Parker Peters). Next Stop, the former location known as Hardees. Partner exercises: Elevated merkins, feet on back of partner in plank position. Second set, planking partner elbows on ground.
Next stop, Post Office. Lineman push – partner 1 pushes partner 2, flipflop.
Next stop, Unity Church. Partner wheel barrow to the stairs of the church, each rest break 5 merkins. flipflop. mosey to Footloose parking lot. One partner started the bear crawl to the end of the parking lot. Partner 2 ran to the end and back to take over for partner 1. Both finished at the end of the parking lot. Next , we moseyed to the bottom Williamson St. All you got to the top of the hill. Once all made it up the hill, I took a minute to talk about how I get ready for the day. Take a shower after the workout (good hygiene). I look into the mirror and repeat these word “I am going to do great things today.” Sounds a little silly, but we need men ready to lead in our communities..do great things.
ok, back to the workout..on our way back to COT, we stopped by the Print Shop for a pitcher of pull-ups. Back to COT for a few minutes of Mary.
Great job Guys!

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Slowest WEP lap ever

WARMUP: 10 ssh, 1 burpee, 10 hillbilly walkers, 2 burpees, 5 Abe vigodas, 3 burpees, 10 imperial walkers, 4 burpees
THE THANG: partner up – partner 1 = 5 burpees, 30 lbcs, 15 merkins; partner 2 begins a lap around WEP via lieutenant dans

Upon completion, partner 1 runs to catch up and they switch roles

Continue until lap is completed (we got 3/4 of the way around in the time allotted)
MARY: no
COT: as always

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emom party

WARMUP: standard fare IC – goofballs, WMs, IWs, MtnClimbers, MNC and mosey to WEP ampitheater
THE THANG: EMOM circuit 5 exercises, 4 rounds
1st minute – 10 burpees
2nd minute – 20 merkins
3rd minute – 30 squats
4th minute – 40 Freddy mercuries
5th minute – 50 SSH
“rest” by bear crawling across amphitheater stage
repeat 3 more times

PAX needed a change of pace so we moneyed towards playground and walking lunged for about 35 yards

At playground we did some more IC exercises including reverse merkins on the swings and mtn climbers before lunge walking and moseying back toward amphitheater

back at amphitheater did more bear crawls and lunges across stage and then moseyed back to COT

MARY: IC flutters and LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash pickup postponed. d2db coming up

COT: yup

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Pocket Rockets

WARMUP: ran to auditorium, merkins, stretches, we talked about inches etc.
THE THANG: game of poker A,K,Q,J,10-2. Fun was had by all. Lots of pain dishes out. Helmet came out on top with pocket rockets
MARY: throw out New Year’s resolutions. Focus on 2 degree shift.
COT:prayers to be better men and leaders. For our lord to help us make lasting change

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Prison Break

Mosey to WEP amphitheater

5 burpees
10 Merkins IC
5 lunges each leg
10 In/Out Dollie’s

12-min AMRAP
Lap broken into 3 parts:
-Bear crawl length of amphitheater, mosey to bathroom for stop 1
-10 squat jacks, mosey to next position at top corner of trail on hill
-10 burpees, mosey to next position by swing across from amphitheater
-10 mike Tyson’s, mosey back to amphitheater

10-min AMRAP
5 burpees
10 pushups
15 lunges
20 air squats
Circle parking loop back to amphitheater

5-min AMRAP
15 sit-ups
15 glute bridges
15 Russian twists
15 Flutter kicks IC
30sec low plank

Mosey to COT

Lots of huffing and puffing in the gloom this morning mostly involving YHC’s choices best described as those done in a prison cell – and one Jane Fonda jazzercise sans knee-high Reebok socks.
A few notables:
Dark Helmet loves burpees – please be sure to include them in any AO’s where he HC’s.
Esso and Maximus set the tone in weight vests, floral and all.
Punch List crushed crushed the AMRAPs like, well, a punch list.
T-claps to Man Down for posting despite his 3am college bedtime.
Peabody and JWow were silent but deadly when chiming in on the prison cell burpees and bear crawls.
Soup to Nuts won best hair for the gloom, despite a contended effort by YHC and Dark Helmet.
Always a pleasure – Solo

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