Hot Potato at Ring of Fire 🔥

WARMUP:  Imagineer took on some impromptu VQ action and led our warmup.  
THE THANG: hot potato Q that involved the pax, lots of running, bench work, pull ups, quadzilla, dora, and other fun things
MARY: Kaiser finished with Mary.  Lots of abdominal pain filled fun
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel mens shelter 7/7
COT: congrats to Shield on 19 years of marriage and Harry Careys 100 post of the year

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Hot Potato at Ring of Fire 🔥

WARMUP:  Imagineer took on some impromptu VQ action and led our warmup.  
THE THANG: hot potato Q that involved the pax, lots of running, bench work, pull ups, quadzilla, dora, and other fun things
MARY: Kaiser finished with Mary. Lots of abdominal pain filled fun
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel mens shelter 7/7
COT: prayers spoken and unspoken – be a light in the darkness

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Hot Potato at Ring of Fire 🔥

WARMUP:  Imagineer took on some impromptu VQ action and led our warmup.  
THE THANG: hot potato Q that involved the pax, lots of running, bench work, pull ups, quadzilla, dora, and other fun things
MARY: Kaiser finished with Mary. Lots of abdominal pain filled fun
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel mens shelter 7/7
COT: prayers spoken and unspoken – be a light in the darkness

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Add 4, carry the 2, divide by 1.21 gigawatz

WARMUP: quick mosey, low slow squats, cherry pickers, merkins (stayed here for a minute), mountain climbers, plank jack, honeymooner, downward dog, bomb jacks for DH…more mosey, ran to the thang
THE THANG: A pile of goodies awaited us. Partnered up and found 1 item to share. Partner 1 did the exercise and called out the number they thought they could hit, partner 2 ran to the corner of the parking lot. Switch when partner 2 returned who also shared their guess on reps while partner 1 ran. Penalties were given for over/under and hitting numbers (this was all made up on the spot and math came into play). We rotated after each partner did the one exercise and the penalty after each round.

Exercises included:
-45 lb plate: round 1 shrugs, round 2 calf raises
-sandbag: round 1 man maker, round 2 shoulder press
-35 lb KB: R1 swings, R2 curls
-30 lb KB: R1 squats, R2 pass through lunges
-25 lb KB: R1 triceps extension, R2 plank row
-Ruck: R1 merkins, R2 chest press

We made it to round 2 for about 2-3 rotations. Penalties included merkins, bomb jacks, flutters, burpees, diamond merkins, etc. How much you went over or under drove the number of exercises and some of these had a multiplier…there was zero rhyme or reason to this.
MARY: No Mary today.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots in the newsletter, check that out
COT: lift up Sawdust’s mom who recently fell and lost a friend this past week

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Burning at ROF

Broga with Up/down dog
20 SSH in cadence
15 Moroccan night clubs IC
10 cherry pickers IC
Moseyed over to The center of the parking lot and did Burpee suicides – adding a burpee at every other parking spot and at the beginning Kaiser said we got in 42 burpees
Then moseyed over to the back side of the school to get Cindy’s. Started with 10 curls OYO. Walked over to the grass area in front of the school and did Murder bunnies between 2 points (it was about 100 ft – felt like 100 yds)
Did 10 curls OYO then went back to the start, did 10 squat presses. Had a couple 10 counts and got back to it with murder bunnies again. 10 Curls OYO at when done, another couple 10 counts to catch our breath and then the final leg with 10 squat presses to finish.

Since we still had almost 15 minutes left we did a quick Dora with:
100 merkins
200 hello Dollies
300 squats
Ran to next light post/median and back

Headed back to COT and finished with some flutters.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Dads on Saturdays in June at 0900 and mens shelter/dinner on the first Thursday of the month
COT: prayers/praises lifted up

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Ring of Fire^ The Return of the Wheelbarrow

Got the call from the #bullpen that @backdraft needed a “righty” to offer a proper beatdown. I waited for “Wild Thing” to blast through the speakers. *editors note: that didnt happen but 7 other men showed up.

Properly disclaimed and warned..err.. communicated what our plans were for the day. Everyone was excited (except @slash – but that is his own brand of excitement).

WARMUP: Dynamic warmup with #usualsuspects exercises and 100 yard mosey in between

1. partner wheelbarrows/carries #crowdpleaser
2. Cindy Series: 2 lines of 4 PAX. P1: runner; P2: Cindy exercise; P3: Merkin, P4: AB or Leg. When runner returns- goes to back of line and everyone moves up a position. 3x rounds
3. Spring Series: 75%, 85%, 100%

COT: Closed out with Cash’s Prayer. Jay Griggs (F3 Cash) was a faithful member of F3 nation for many years and had many friends. He lost a prolonged battle with cancer not long ago. The Wednesday #AO at NAFO, originally named The Coop was renamed Ring of Fire in honor Jay.

At Jay’s funeral, a prayer was read that he lived by everyday. I often get to read this prayer at COTs but was especially meaningful today.

“Search me, Lord. Lead me to You. Help me to be a good man, a good father, a good husband and good employee. Help me to forgive and release from resentment those that I feel have offended me. Let me see the good in others and draw the goodness out of them.”

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Deck of fun w/insurance

Started w/some stretchy things then mosey down to MS for 20 merkins, 20 squats, and LBC. Mosey for a while, 15 of each, mosey then 10, mosey some more for 5 each.

Deck of fun w/insurance:
♡ = hard release merkins
♧ = jump squats
â—‡ = big boys
♤ = monkey humpers
Ace=1, cards 1 – 8, do the reps at each of the three lines, suicide run style
9 – K (13 for those that are challenged), only do the rep at the far line
Each person pulls 2 cards. Before pulling cards PAX can decide if they want insurance. 5 burpees for insurance. If you take insurance and pull 2 high cards, group only does half of reps. But if one low and one high card then group does everything.

I think we made it through about 2 rounds. PAX took insurance about 75% of the time and it paid off 0% of the time. Anyway, something different to try and blend some running in with the normal deck of Death.

Also, not sure about Slash’s new diet but he needs to cut down on the fiber. Thank goodness we were outside and there was a breeze!

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6 1/2 Men

WARMUP: mosey to the front of sugar creek elementary for some SSH, wind mills, low slow squats with moroccan night clubs
THE THANG: lunge walk the hill heading to the pull-up bars with 10 squats every 5 yards-ish followed by 11’s at the bars with burpee’s and pull ups
MARY: 6 minutes of Mary LBC’s, Freddy Mercury’s, 🇺🇸 hammers, gas pumps, WW2 big boy’s, protractor’s, and flutters

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Ring of Fire: Carrying Burdens

WARMUP: 5 pull-ups 5knee ups 5 flying squirrels 2 rounds
THE THANG: pick a block walk the campus 4 exercises 4 times
MARY: n/a
COT: share your burden as we can do it alone!!!

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Remembering Columbine

Mosey down to lower parking lot. toy soldiers and high knees around parking lot then mosey back to ROTC building for CoP.

CoP (IC)
20 SSH, 12 IW, 12 Cherry Pickers, 12 MNCs

This workout was developed as a remembrance of the Columbine High School shooting victims from 23 years ago (4/20/1999). I was a freshman in high school about 40 minutes from Columbine and had friends there that day that were thankfully not physically injured.

Everyone grabbed a cindy…

Buy-in: 21 merkins. One for each wounded victim that survived that day.

Main Event:
To honor the 13 victims that died that day (12 students and 1 teacher) we did 13s.

13s – bent over rows with the cindy at the ROTC building, 8 count body builders at lower stop sign (start with 1 row and 12 body builders, increment one row and decrease one body builder each round, end with 12 rows and 1 body builder)

Before each round the name and age of one of the killed victims was announced.

SSH were completed at the end of each round until the 6 was in.

this brought us to 05:56

Finished off the workout with 25 chest presses with cindy (IC) and then 10 OH press with cindy (IC)

Although tragedies continue to happen seemingly endlessly – raising kind, caring kids and being leaders in our community can make an impact on those around us. This impact can reduce or mitigate the impacts of the mental health issues that lead to some of these tradgedies. Keep up the great work and hopefully we never have to deal with anything close to what happened this day 23 years ago.

AKA continues tomorrow at Minnow Pond, Blood Drive May 12

COT: prayers for mental health, our kids, Ukraine

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