Cinder Bells

Arrived early to count cinder blocks. We were in luck, one for everyone.

Mosey down the hill, grabbing a cindy on the way

warm up: imp walk, LSS, LBC, Gas pumper, hillbilly walker, shoulder taps, jump squats, calf raise, merkin clock, SSH, dy cockroach, freddie, windmill, jogged it out a bit, from jog to 100

cindy work, triceps, curls, bench press

plank curb walk, bear crawl indian run type deal .. fan favorite

twice half ran up the hill while the others worked, once BB sits, once heels to heaven

We did a jonah hill, 3 broad jumps, 3 merkins, 7 times

we did more cindy work, maybe like 3 times total, calf raises were included

Probably some other stuff

closed with Mahktar N’Diayes

Took the cindy’s home

I was gassed, this group kicked my a$$. Effort level from the group 100%+

Looks like we made it (barely),

Barry Manilow

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Ring of Fire – Q 3.6

– Dynamic warm up, 15 min of movement exercises and motion
– Merkinfest Dora, 15 min
– Up on the bar Dora, 15 min
Close with Q 3.6 Persuasion discussion

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Perseverance requires unwavering determination, resilience in the face of challenges, and a refusal to succumb to setbacks.

Pulled up discussed what are we struggling with and what holding us back.

Imperial walkers
Standing toy soldiers
The church clap

Mosey over to the pull up bars and grab Cinderblocks

The task: complete the exercise then complete run to the bottom of the hill preform 10 plank tucks for the first 2 exercises the the next two sets Peter Parker’s, shoulder taps. Last but not least 50 monkey humpers after the pull ups

10 Cindy Blocker’s
20 Each Leg Fire Hydrants
25 Burpees
30 Cinderblock Curls – return the Cinderblocks
40 Pull ups

Next mosey to the parking lot on the way we discussed what is it is that is holding us back.
Push ups at every end cap median.
Start at 5 and increase by 5 for every Median. We made it to 30 the fatigue was real and so was getting attacked by fire ant.

Announcements, prayers and praises.

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Hang time at the Ring of Fire

Low slow squats
Moroccan night clubs
Overhead claps

Dead hangs/planks
1 min x 2 sets
On set 2, hang as long as you can. Winner gets a prize.
It was Cohiba

2 teams
Indian run in opposite directions 2 laps
Last guy does 5 merkins then runs to front
Losing team does 10 burpees. Winning team planks
Shuffle teams and repeat

Light pole ladder
5 pull-ups
10 CDDs
15 diamond merkins
20 jump squats
25 Peter Parkers

Finisher – final 10 minutes
Dora – mode of transport is bear crawl
100 monkey humpers
200 Flutters
300 SSH

no time


COT: Think about being the man you were created to be

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The Daily Red Pill deserves an answer….YES!

Mosey to the football field and line up on sideline
1) 10 Low slow squats, run across field
2) 10 Merkins, run across field,
3) 10 Imperial Walkers, run across field
4) 10 Moracan Night Clubs, run across field
5) 10 Hillbilly walkers, lungwalk across field

Mosey to corner of Track
5 reps of each exercise in each corner.
Each lap, increase the count by 1, Goal of 5 laps unless you are Harry Carry and you get 7 laps in
1st corner) Sumo Squats
2nd corner) Donley Kicks
3rd corner) Leg Lifts/Weezy Jefferson’s
4th corner) Wide arm Merkins
Plank till 6 comes in at 0555

Hello Dolly’s

Toe touches, right over left, left over right
Convergence 8/4
Stuff the Buss 8/5
Prayers for travel, lost of friends, folks battling Cancer, Small World had a stroke and may need PAX to assist along with prayers.

Come to the Ring of Fire….its not just a song but a lifestyle.

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Partner Shredder

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, and Strawberry Pickers
Mosey to football field
Cheese Shredder
Partner Up:
Exercises (Weinke = W) – 10 Yard Line- Burpees, 20 Yard Line- Shoulder Taps, 30 Yard Line- Peter Parkers, 40 Yard Line- Monkey Humpers, 50 Yard Line- LBCs
Round 1= Human Wheel Barrel/ 10 Yards – Run Back 50 Yards; Repeat W
Round 2 = Partner Carry/ 10 Yards – Run Back 50 Yards; Repeat W
Round 3 = Bear Crawl/ 10 Yards – Run Back 50 Yards; Repeat W
Round 4 = Crab Walk/ 10 Yards – Run Back 50 Yards
SPECIAL MESSAGE: A partner is always better to help you through life.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, Bethel Shelter Taco Night, 9/11 5k Run
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Failure is not an option


Light stretching exercises, windmills, , MNC, plank, yoga stretches, merkins.
THE THANG: 64 burpees, 8 at a time and run across field each time, crosswise not lengthwise

Death by,


Start with 3, add 3 every 30 secs for 3 rounds, then add 3 per minute until failure… FNG got to 30!

I started my testimonial… beginning of life to my rock bottom.

Then we moseyed behind ROTC, did a dead hang to failure

Then we did a Dora with 50 pull-ups, 100 overhead presses with Cindy then 200 curls with Cindy, we almost finished…

No time but I shared the rest of my testimony. God had a plan for me and He has one for you too!
COT: yes

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Gods Promise

WARMUP: Mosey to bottom of hill for exercise
SSH, Cherry Pickers, Hillbilly Walkers
THE THANG: Mosey to lighted entrance to school. 35 merkins, 35 big boys, 35 squats.
Mosey back to bottom of hill. 35 Carolina Dry Docks, 35 Bobby Hurleys, 35 merkins. Mosey back up hill and individually grab Cindy’s. 11’s man makers at top of hill, LBC’s at bottom.
MARY: Abb work out led by El Presidente.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, Him Camp
COT: Family health, travel

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