Sawdust’s Testimony

WARMUP: Army Warm Up Drill
THE THANG: 5 minute Tabatas stations with Pain Train Interval runs between stations
MARY: All Abs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Monday 4/17 Timed 2Mile run at the Honey Badger… Who wants the Belt for Fastest Two Mile in the Fort…
COT: Praise for Cousin Eddy’s New Home Purchase. Prayers for Shield’s Mother in Law (COVID), Safe travels to all during Easter Holliday’s, and for those of the Christian faith – the Sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ…

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Vulnerable Sevens with a twist

Quick mosey, SSH, Moroccan night clubs, windmills, low slow squats, low slow merkins

7 reps of the following:

Hand release merkin
4 count calf raise
Pull ups
Knee raises
Over the shoulder sandbag toss
Diamond merkins

Run down the hill to the stop sign, NUR back

We did 4 rounds of this with some life testimony in between rounds.

MARY: 3 minutes of broga


COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel OUT!

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Head Fake: actually working out!

5 Burpees
Toy Soldiers
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
4 corners around NAFO
10 Merkins
20 Plank Jacks
30 Sumo Squats
Partner goes one way
Other goes opposite
When meet do 5 Burpees together then keep going

MARY: don’t know her
Matthew 16:15
Take your vitamins and say your prayers

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You are not a piece of Sh$T

Five Pax showed up on a chilly morning at Ring of Fire. After the disclaimer, we moseyed to the lower parking lot for some warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, and Plank Stretches). A car pulled up while were exercising, we thought it was a teacher wanting to get a head start on the day. Turns out it was Saw Dust.
Next, we moseyed to the front of the school for a round of 7s, no cheat merkins on one end of the parking lot, squats on the other side. After completion we jogged around the parking lot returning to the same spot.
Lunge walks, burpee broad jumps, and inch worm merkins completed the length of the parking lot.
Mosey to the pull up bars. Similar to 7s, we did 6s. 5 pull-ups, 1 burpee completed each set until out counts were 1 pull-up, 5 burpees. Next, we ran up to the bus drop-off circle for 3 rounds of dips (I might have accidently said “dicks”) and derkins. Once complete, we headed back to COT for a round of LBCs and Flutters.
Throughout the workout, I provided a peek into my story. I don’t tend to share it very often. I was born in Boston; my mom and dad had lived in the city their whole life. My dad worked as a construction manager on several high-rise buildings. His goal was to move out of the city and start a business. We moved to Martha’s Vineyard where he established a construction and building supply building. I started working with my dad at a very young age. I was the 2nd oldest of seven children in the family. It was a great experience learning both the construction and business side. My dad pushed me to go to college, learn more about business. After graduation, I started working for a large company. I was given a number of opportunities to travel and move with the company due to my work ethic my dad had instilled upon me. The hard part was I moved frequently; I did not make many connections outside of work. One night, I had been out at a local bar, drove home, and ended up getting arrested for DWI. I felt my world was crashing down on me. I was facing a lot of unknowns (loss of license, court, job uncertainty) and I was mad at myself for letting things get out of control. For the next few weeks, I wrestle with all the things that had gone wrong. One evening, my sister called me and asked me if I would be her son’s godfather. I told her yes and how happy I was for her family. After I hung up the phone, I began to cry. I could not understand why she wanted a piece of shit like me to be her son’s godfather. I decided two things that day. First, I will never go back to the place where I felt so bad about myself. Second, I made the necessary changes in my life to become a better man. I didn’t have the men of F3 around me to help me through this tough time in my life. What we have here in The Fort is a blessing.

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A4A Dry Run

THE THANG: A4A Preview – show on 4/22 to Alcatraz to find out!
MARY: Plank
COT: We did it
MOLESKIN: YHC really appreciates what Cousin Eddie is doing with ROF and the sharing of testimony. Many of us don’t take the opportunity or are not comfortable or maybe haven’t taken the time to think through what our testimony is. In F3 fashion he is pushing us to grow. I will save the details of my story for an in-person conversation for anyone interested but the 3 lessons I am learning and realizing to have the biggest impact on my acceleration are COMMUNITY, VULNERABILITY & SURRENDER. F3 provides opportunity for each of these – it is up to the Pax to make the choice. I’m happy to walk this journey and learn from each of you.

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Headspin Testimony

WARMUP: plank, upward dog, downward dog, peter parker, plank jacks, merkins, mountain climbers – while Headspin gave his testimony.

5 rounds: 5 kraken burpees, 20 big boys, 50yd partner push (switch)

Big Bang – Circle up on 25 yard line in plank. Q calls out an exercise and a number. Pax run to any edge and complete the exercise, then run back to the center and plank for the 6. – while Headspin gave his testimony.
10 Merkins
20 lunges
30 American Hammers
20 bobby Hurley’s
10 burpees
Run a lap
10 bomb jacks

MARY: Elbow to knee Bicycle, J-Lows – while Headspin gave his testimony.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Rooster, Bethel Men’s shelter, The Jaeger

COT: Prayers for Ruby’s wife’s family and the loss of an uncle, prayers for Rainmaker to find a job (or start a business), praise for a 3rd grader coming home from the hospital, Praise for Kaiser and his wife’s prayer life, praise for cousin Eddie buying a new house.

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Cinder Fella workout

THE THANG: Part 1: Partner cinder block work 2 reps each – alternating run and work. Curls, Shoulder press, bench press, Upright rows Part 2: elevens at the pullup bars and V-ups at the bottom of the hill, maybe 2 miles and lots of shoulder work.
MARY: no Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaeger and more
COT: Prayers, for Drop Thrill health, friends with Cancer and recovery .

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Bring da toyz!

WARMUP: We did a full body warm-up with a focus on the shoulders.
Timer: 60 lb ball lift over shoulder – 22X; We each did 2 rounds. We rotate exercise stations after the timer/PAX is finished.
55 lb RAM Burpees
25 lb ball with Big Boy sit-ups
Incline pull-ups
HIgh Incline Merkins
High Decline Merkins
Merkin power push
Wide-arm merkins
Ab role out
Sandbag carry to Back pulls (need red band)
Run with 40 lb sandbag around cones
KB swings
One arm power squat presses
Band curls
Band shoulder presses
Shoulder raises with 10 lb KB-AMAP
KBs: Sumo squats

MARY: American Hammers
I gave my testimony mid-way through the workout.
COT: We went around focusing on praises. Main standout prayer request: pray for the families, survivors, and everyone involved in the Turkey/Syria earthquake.

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Bring da toyz!

WARMUP: short full body warm-up with a focus on the upper body and shoulders
Timer: 60 lb ball lift over shoulder – 22X; once this workout warrior was done we switched stations; everyone got through 2 lift over shoulder sessions
RAM Burpees
25 lb ball with Big Boy sit-ups
Incline pull-ups
HIgh Incline Merkins
High Decline Merkins
Merkin power push
Wide-arm merkins
Ab role out
Sandbag carry to Back pulls (need red band)
Run with 30 lb sandbag around cones
KB swings
One arm power squat presses
Band curls
Band shoulder presses
Shoulder raises with 10 lb KB-AMAP
KBs: Sumo squats
MARY: American Hammers to finish
My testimony was given.
COT: Lots of prayer requests for Turkey/Syria and the earthquake victims and families
Praises focus around the COT. Good stuff.

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From the transcript

WARMUP: selected from:
SSH, IW, HW, Flowing Yoga, Burpees, longish run, toy soldiers

10 Donkey Kicks
20 Hand release merkins IN CADENCE
30 Jumping Lunges
40 Squats
Ran around a bit to make this happen in different areas
Stopped at the pullup bars for
10 dead hang pullups
10 knees to chest
5 burpee pullups
Bear crawled 100 yards at one point

NMM: (Cousin Eddie has asked Qs to share a bit of their story)
YHC somewhat laments a bit that I’ve never had a road to Damascus moment to share in testimony. However, like many I assume, my baptism has come slowly like a misting rain. Where, every so often I notice myself a little more marinated in the Spirit.

An honor to lead. Thanks for the opportunity.

A poem from the slack transcript of today’s Name-o-Ramas in The Fort:

Yea, this is what you got.
45 years. Nice Work
Doesn’t matter
I am like pleasure

This is a bit of a mix up
Cousins, cousins, respect, respect,
Just the last hour hat on cue,
most of them ran

This is a bit of a mix up
respect mathematics respect
It was intense
This is a bit of a mix up

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