Ring of Fire at Ring of Fire

Mosey around parking lot.
Circle up for warmup COP:
– Mountain Climbers
– Imperial Walkers
– Shoulder taps
– LBCs
Mosey behind NaFo to pile of quarry rocks, each pack grab one.

Continue mosey to lit parking lot near bypass for ring of fire.
12 cones on the perimeter of a large circle, with an exercise and count on each cone.
Pax leave coupon in middle, run to cone and do exercise. Pax then run back to center of circle and do 3 man-maker burpees. Rinse and repeat, workin around all 12 cones.

Mosey back to return coupon, then back toward COT for Mary

Few exercises, but I can only remember the last was American Hammer.

Thanks, Cousin Eddie, for opportunity to lead and share my testimony. It didn’t have a very high entertainment value, but I think the pax at least liked it as much as a 10-count break.

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Dora the explora?

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, cherry pickers, windmills
THE THANG: Dora with 200 reps at one end and coupon work at the other. Partner workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence on 6/10
COT: Be accountable and prayer

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Halting Ring of Fire

17 pax posted at Ring of Fire.

Started with a run. Did some Toy Soldiers and carioca.

Warm up with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches.

Ran around to the back of NaFo.

Did bench work: step ups (10 each leg), incline merkins (12 I/C), dips (12 I/C), butt touch squats (12), decline merkins (10 I/C), calf raises (18).

Proceeded to run some more, and stopped at the band practice lot. Did “Munitions factory”:
Pax do low plank for 1 min (this is home), then bear crawl about 100 yards (this is your commute), then do work at your factory making BOMBS (pax do 25 each of: burpees, OH claps, merkins, big boy sit ups, squats), then commute back home doing a nur, then plank for the six.

Then we ran to the pull up bars.

Did 6 pull ups and 6 toes-to-bar
Next run back to shovel flag for some mary…we did the Sally (Moby’s Flower) routine where leg raises for “bring sally up” and 6 inch leg hold on “bring sally down”.

Fini, COT.
HALT = Hurt, Angry, Lonely, Tired. These can be triggers for our Jester. Be aware so that you might be able to break the cycle.

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Football field with Yds to go!

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Merks, Squats, Slow mosey, Rebel Merks, LBCs…
THE THANG: 6s and 11s on the Foorball field using the Yard Markers as pain points to traverse the 100yds. 6s Big boys and burpees greeted the pax followed by BombJax and Merks followed by a round of 11s with Squats and Plankjax. Pax fluttered waiting for Six. Circled up midfield for a quick Starfish set up using each corner of field for an in-cadence random Pax grabbing the reigns.
MARY: 4 mins round of Mary that Senator Tressel upgraded w some Xs and Ohhhs – that was a crowd pleaser!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, Newsletter, and You
COT: Prayers and Praises for Drop thrill, recent surgery for Pax members, Luka and parents, and health and patience in general.

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Ring Burn

Football yarmarkers.
10 Yard Line – 10 Burpees
20 Yard Line – 20 Bombjacks
30 Yard Line – 30 Flutters
40 Yard Line – 40 Squats
50 Yard Line – 50 LBCs

Mode of transportation was running 🏃‍♂️.

We did 110 Burpees, 120 Bombjacks, 160 Flutters, 200 Squats, and 100 LBCs.

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ROF Circles

WARMUP: Legacy intro. Mosey then SSH, IW, HW, plank tucks
THE THANG: shared testimony. Ran in circles. Lunch walks 😂 toy soldiers. Lots of other things: plank tucks , Peter Parker, shoulder taps a few bomb Jax. Bear crawls crawl bears. Dora 100 mtn climbers, 200 squats, 300 plank tux.
MARY: funhouse stole Q and did Freddie mercuries
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter.
COT: prayers.

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Ring of circuits

Warm up
3 exercise 3 min 4 corners.
merkins 15
Mountain climber 20 (10 EL)
Squats 25

CDD 15
WAM 20
Monkey Humpers 25

Diamond 10
Big Boy – 20
Flutter 25 EL

plank tuck 10
Hello Dolly 20
Jump Squats 25

Run Hill / pull ups


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Sawdust’s Testimony

WARMUP: Army Warm Up Drill
THE THANG: 5 minute Tabatas stations with Pain Train Interval runs between stations
MARY: All Abs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Monday 4/17 Timed 2Mile run at the Honey Badger… Who wants the Belt for Fastest Two Mile in the Fort…
COT: Praise for Cousin Eddy’s New Home Purchase. Prayers for Shield’s Mother in Law (COVID), Safe travels to all during Easter Holliday’s, and for those of the Christian faith – the Sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ…

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Vulnerable Sevens with a twist

Quick mosey, SSH, Moroccan night clubs, windmills, low slow squats, low slow merkins

7 reps of the following:

Hand release merkin
4 count calf raise
Pull ups
Knee raises
Over the shoulder sandbag toss
Diamond merkins

Run down the hill to the stop sign, NUR back

We did 4 rounds of this with some life testimony in between rounds.

MARY: 3 minutes of broga


COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel OUT!

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