Simple pendulum

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: mossy to coffee parking lot. Simple pendulum where you run to GHES teacher parking lot. At bottom of hill 16 merkins at top of each hill 13 LBCs. Nothing else, nothing more, nothing less, except for Dark Helmet complaining. And yes the reps represent the score of the Steelers win against that pro team to the south. How about them Steelers Crab Cakes?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for flounders sister and school starting again

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Christmas Leftovers

16 degrees this AM….

No one else showed for pre-run – but YHC hasn’t worked out in over a week so figured better to dust off the cobwebs before leading this morning.

Was not sure how I would feel this morning (been sick for past week) so had a couple different routes in mind to get to Allison Park. Felt decent so decided for the 4 mile route through Baxter (Front – Berkshire- Downing – Gardenia – Mills – Sutton)

We stopped at random points along the way to allison park for exercises – monkey humpers (ICx20), merkins (ICx10), squats (ICx10), wide arm merkins (ICx10), lunges (OYOx10), diamond merkins (ICx10), shoulder taps (ICx10)

At Allison Park we did dips (ICx10) and then all got in plank position and did merkins while each PAX took turn doing 5 pullups.

Running low on time so mostly just run straight back to COT via sutton road and Richards Crossing. Stopped once to keep group together and did some Burpees (OYOx7)

Got back a couple minutes late.

COT and then some mumblechatter after.

As always- an honor to lead.


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Running with Burpees…Do you have a problem with that Mr Lawrence?

WARMUP: Mosey to Patricia Ln.
THE THANG: Alternate between 2 pain stations…one at circle at the end of Patricia Ln and the second at the farthest parking lot in front of GHMS. The pain stations are exactly 1/2 mi apart. At Patricia Ln the PAX completed a round of 10 burpees and 25 flutter kicks. At GHMS, 10 merkins and 25 sumo squats. Rinse and repeat. PAX logged between 3.5 – 4.5 mi.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party and convergence. Read your newsletter.

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Baxter Loops

WARMUP: Ran to Baxter Mushroom pool parking lot
THE THANG: Run laps around the circle road. At each stop sign do the following.
15 Merkins (5 Diamond, 5 Regular & 5 wide arm)
15 Squats
15 LBC

Return back to COT
MARY: A few were back early for 3 mins of Mary
COT: Prayers lifted for healing, surgery, lost loved ones.

Thanks Badlands for the opportunity to Q and lead the pax.

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Win the Morning, and the Day

WARMUP: Quick run around the parking lot, back to an area close to COT then circle up for 15 reps each of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial Walkers
* Strawberry pickers
That got the heart rate up. muscle groups loose, and blood flowing nicely.
Keep it simple. Starting from where warmups were done near COT, do the following in order…..
* 5 Burpees
* 10 Box cutters
* 20 Hand-release merkins
* 40 Mountain climbers (2 ct)
* Run a lap around the shopping center’s parking lot (approx 1/4 mile loop)
* Repeat until time is up

Not much mumblechatter because we were all in constant movement. Everyone got in at least 2.5 miles, others got in more. Tesla was King, lapped everyone at least once. I think he got me twice. Ugh!!!

* A LOT going on! Read the newsletter, get involved.
* Thanksgiving convergence this Thursday at The Ranch!
* Raised approx $1,100 at the Bourbon Tasting! Great job Cyclops organizing and hosting, and great job Wegmans on the catering.
* A lot of P&P.
* Special prayers for Spectre and his M.
* Blessings for Beaker and his M in celebrating their 5th anniversary.
* Prayers for my youngest son as he is battling flux at school still trying to get accustomed to the workloads and responsibilities of 6th grade.
* Sorry if I missed posting any of them in this backblast. My mind is still covered in frost.
* Give thanks this week, pay forward your blessings to someone less fortunate and in need.

Thank you Badlands for the opportunity to lead. Thank you PAX for showing up and pushing yourself and each other. We won the morning!

Thankful and blessed,

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STL Teams

Chilly morning so mosey over to medical offices behind bank at top of Dave Gibson to warm-up. Break out into teams of 4 or 5.
Laps are up Dave Gibson, down 160 to Arby’s, right into Earthfare lot, right on road that returns to start.
Hills are down Dave Gibson up to GHES and then back to start.
As a team complete the following as efficiently as possible:
6 Laps, 6 Hills, 50 Burpees, 100 HR Merkins, 150 Bomb-Jacks, 200 Mtn Climbers.
Every PAX had to run one loop and one hill. From there it was up to the team to figure out how to divide and conquer.
The goal was to get through this the first time and then challenge the teams to figure out how to improve their plan in order to reduce their overall time. Probably due to poor communication on YHC part, we ran short on time to complete the second round. Teams completed as much as time allowed on second round and then returned to COT. This was Wipeout’s second work-out so we went over the 5 core principals and then a quick summary of the 3Fs.

Lots of 2nd F events in the newsletter. Get out and participate!
Thanks Badlands for the Q opportunity!

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Lack of Creativity, Excess of Difficulty

One Mile Warm Up to Dave Gibson, across 160 to Emory and around to Brayden Pkwy. Sun 6 pace for the front men.

Hill Suicides
Start at base of Brayden hill, run up, run down.
At Median Break
10, 20, 30 Merkins/Flutters
10, 20, 30 Curb Dips/American Hammers
10, 20, 30 CDD’s/Hello Dollies

Do your ten at the first median, back to the bottom. Then twenty at the second median, and back to the bottom. Hit the top at 160, 30 reps, back to bottom.

After three laps, head back to Earth Fare for COT. Looped the building to make it an even four miles before calling it. Five 8 Count Bodybuilder’s to end.

Strong work by all. The Brayden hill is unforgiving.

THERE WILL BE MEAT at the bourbon tasting on 11/18
This week we’ve also got Change Order’s Veteran’s Day clay shoot – 11/11. Hit up CO for more details.
Chad 1000x is on Thursday at S2S.

Prayers for Band Camp traveling for work. Safe travels, brother.
Praise for Poppins’ leadership at the Bethel men’s shelter
Prayers/praise for our attentiveness as fathers and husbands.
Praise for the new faces today.

Olaf’s prayer hit me right between the eyes. He dropped a timely prayer request after a weekend of distracted parenting. How much presence would my kids perceive that I give, if I asked them? Am I giving them all of me, or only some of me?

Thanks for the tap today, Badlands.

Punch List out.

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pro tip: don’t take 2 weeks off

WARMUP: Mosey to coffee shop on Dave Lyle for some broga and merkins and mountain climbers in cadence. Then mosey down towards Middle school.

11s with imperial squat walkers and diamond merkins

every time you pass the gold hill school sign do 2 burpees

4 miles – 55 ISW, 55 diamonds, 40 burpees, 20 merkins, 40 mtn climbers

strong work by all

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