Pre-Blast for The Fort 2015 Christmas Party

This is a long time coming, so here it is:  The Pre-Blast for The Fort 2015 Christmas Party!

Now this will be no ordinary Christmas party.  This party will be THE blowout of Fort Mill that people will be talking about for months, or at least hours….   There will be food, drinks, rap battles, break dancing, etc.  The typical PAX throw-down.  This is a BYOB event.  This is all you need to bring.  $65 a couple is a steal to hear DD drop the mic to an Eminen classic, “the Real Slim Shady” while Menthol throws down the cardboard to show us his old school break dancing moves….  This is something you don’t want to miss.

The Thang:

AO: The Diary Barn

Date: 12/19/2015

Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Cost: $65 per couple – Pay here  OR send check to Joshua Sale 1213 Whitetail Drive Fort Mill, SC 29708

Extras:  BYOB – If you would like to partake of a festive drink, please bring it and our bartender will be serving the PAX.

Remember that $65 now in September is easier to come by than in December.  Do this now and have a pre-paid date night for your M that will be loads of fun!

Let me know if you have any questions.


TClap |

Today rain is spelled B-I-N-G-O

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 09/25/15
  • Pax: Winchester, Cheeto, River Rat, Shrute, Sgt. York, Apache, Turbine, Smiley, Riddler
  • Posted In: The Fort

10 PAX made the choice to not to be a #Cantore and brave a little bit of precipitation to become better men. Plus have a little #slowburn fun at the same time.


  • 20 SSH – (shocker)
  • 15 Windmills (This is a slow burn so not a Tinker Toy Propeller)
  • 15 IW
  • 20 MNC
  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 MNC


Since at #Petra we use the parking lot in front of the Catawba Bingo hall I figured we should have a beat down bingo game. The following exercises were written on a scrap of paper, in a bag, chosen by the #PAX who were present.  These were picked in no certain order, however not all were chosen.

  • B – BURPEES – 10
  • B – BULLFROG MERKINS – 15 (FYI – BF Merkins are basically half a burpee)
  • B – Bomb Jacks – 10
  • B – BEAR CRAWL – 2 Parking Rows
  • I – IRKINS – 20
  • I – IRKINS – 10
  • N – NIPPLE SCRAPERS (Dive bomb merkins) – 5
  • N – NUR (Get it? Run BACKWARDS) – 3 (parking rows & back)
  • N – (k)Nuckle Merkins – 10
  • N – NUR (RUN BACKWARDS) – 4 (parking rows & back)
  • G – GROINERS – 20
  • G – Gut Busters (aka. Plank Twists) 15 – (a Popeye favorite that I’m not sure is on the Exercise list yet. Along with #Fartsaccidnet in the lexicon)
  • G – Al Gore – 30 secs. (squat position pretend to hug a tree)
  • G – Gut Busters – 15
  • O – OVER HEAD PRESS – 30
  • O – One Leg Squat – 20 (10 – each leg)
  • O – X’s & O’s – 10 (like a big boy sit up, arms & legs out in an X – O sit up ball up Q calls out X – O) ((Luckily due to the rain and how terrible this sounds I remember no one drew this one))
  • FREE – Run a lap around the entire parking lot
  • FREE – Run a lap around the entire parking lot
  • FREE – Run a lap around the entire parking lot

After one of the “FREE” runs we stopped to reflect on the Mark 4:35-41 where Jesus calmed the storm.  The rain this morning was nothing compared to the storm the disciples faced that day. However, knowing that Jesus woke up from sleeping and simply yelled “Quiet! Be still!” and the storm was gone, we can have faith that Jesus can calm any ‘storm’ we are going through in life.

Side quote: “You will not be the same after the storms of life. You will be stronger, wiser & more alive than ever before.”


  • Oct 3rd – Race for the Cure in Charlotte sign up F3 Nation Turkey Punchers to be a part of the team.
  • Extra credit Run 0630 before The Patriot Saturday

I apologize for not remembering any more announcements due to the fact I quit recording on my phone during this time.


  • Smiley having issues with some termite damage on his house
  • Lift up Padre in his move to start #TurkeyPunching folks down in Easley, SC.

As always thank you for allowing me to lead you today. It is an honor.

TClap |

Man Up at ManU

  • QIC: Mailman
  • When: September 17, 2015
  • Pax: Catfish, River Rat, Good Neighbor, Smiley, The Riddler, Turbin, Gauge, Apache, Italian Job, Posh, Shrute, Transplant, Sgt. York, Tinker Toy, Mailman
  • Posted In: The Fort

15 strong Pax showed up to experience the physical and spiritual sharpening becoming common to the Rock Hill Pax. What they weren’t expecting was a vocabulary lesson.

Tabata: A form of HIIT that consists of 8 rounds of ultra high intensity exercises in 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off intervals for a total of 4 minutes per exercise.  The goal is to push the body/specific muscle group to it’s total limit.

SSH x20
Imperial Walkers x20
Low Slow Squat x20
Mountain Climbers x20

Tabata Squats
Tabata Box Jumps
Tabata Burpees
Tabata Calf Raises
Tabata Merkins

All told the Pax pushed themselves hard and also ran 1.5-2 miles in the process. We gathered back at COT to discuss that our willingness to sacrifice and push beyond our limits at F3 must also translate to our marriages. The enemy is actively seeking to destroy our marriages. if we remain neutral, we are actually losing ground. Ephesians 5 issues a challenge to all HIM to sacrificially love our M’s like Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. This is too much for us on our own, but by abiding in Christ, all things are possible.

A One Day Challenge was issued to actively seek a way today we could sacrificially love our M’s. Hopefully the Pax experienced this as well as an extreme burning in their legs for days to come.

TClap |

We Don’t Chase the Wind

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 9/21/15
  • Pax: Popeye, Schrute, Geppetto, Mayhem, Tinker Toy, Mailman, Posh, Pusher, Sgt. York, The Riddler, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort

11 men got stronger this morning taking in 2.6 miles and 120 Merkins.

The Thang

0.6 mile Mosey around downtown followed by 25 SSHs and 15 Windmills.

Mosey again

At the parking deck, we did a series of Merkins and Ab exercises. At each level, we did different sets of including:

  • 10 Standard Merkins
  • 15 LBCs
  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 15 Squats
  • 10 Single Leg Merkins
  • 15 Hello Dollies
  • 10 Clap Merkins
  • 15 LBCs
  • 10 Staggered Arm Merkins (Each Arm)
  • 15 Freddies
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 15 Rosalitas
  • 10 Plyo Merkins
  • 1 Minute Peoples Chair
  • 10 Shoulder Tap Merkins
  • 15 Squats
  • 10 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 15 WWII Situps
  • 10 Single Arm Merkins
  • 10 Dive Bombers Merkins
  • 1 Minute Super Man
  • 1 Minute Paratrooper
  • 30 Seconds Super Man

Long Mosey back with 10 Burpees courtesy of Norfolk Southern.

Naked Moleskin

Great work men. Today was not easy, but everyone pushed through. Shoutouts to each man that came out today:

  • Popeye – great job not giving up
  • Geppetto – another day at the front of the pack
  • Mayhem – caught up after a late start and pushed hard towards the front
  • Tinker Toy – another day at the office for Rock Hill’s fittest
  • Mailman – never complains, always delivers
  • Posh – the Kenyan – another strong showing today
  • Pusher – thanks for crossing the river to join us – your presence is always appreciated
  • York – the guy just keeps getting better
  • The Riddler – after 2 miles of extra credit, he kept it going for another 2.6 miles
  • Schrute – if you’re not 100% yet, I’d hate to see you fully healthy (sneaky fast)

As a reminder, a life centered on Christ will not only help to free us from the uncertainty of our tomorrows and worries about success and achievements – what Solomon called “chasing after the wind.” It will redirect our focus toward what really matters. It will put finances, health, relationships, and our goals for the future in the right perspective. When we “chase after God” rather than chasing after the wind, we find that our relationship with Him rearranges our priorities.

Let’s remember to focus on what we have – to be thankful for the blessings in our lives.

Prayer Requests:

The Riddler’s bossman and his patience working with him.

Tinker Toy’s co-worker after his car accident.

Padre’s move to a new church.


Sep 23 (Wednesday) @0515 – PHOP – Our beloved Padre has answered a call to ministry in Easley. Let’s send him off in style this Wednesday at his last PHOP (North Rock Hill Church).

10/23 @ 0600 Sign up for team Turkey Puncher’s here

Sign up for the World’s Fastest 5K here

TClap |

Inspiration through Perspiration

  • QIC: Double D + Cake Boss
  • When: 09/19/15
  • Pax: Barry Manilow, Hipper, MacGyver, Tesh, Knife Set (aka Ginsu), Sir Topham Hat, Javert, Boeheim, Jeeter, Mainframe, High Life, Boomer, Seacrest, Quack Attack
  • Posted In: The Fort

16 pax posted to The Fort following the Fri night Invergence for a follow up dose of inspiration.  Pebbles was scheduled to Q but sick 2.0 kept him at home.  YHC and Cake Boss brought Indian Land-style pain that is still coursing through my glutes on Sunday evening as I draft this BB.

The Thang

DD in lead

COP at WEP launch point

Mtn climbers x20

SSH x20

IW x15

Merkins x10

Monkey humpers x15

Run around path and around playground then line up along playground

Karaoke to path and back

Backward run to path and back

Partner up

Wheel barrow to path and back

Partner 1 = pull ups x10 while Partner 2 = dips (flap jack)
Rinse + Repeat

Line up along tree next to path

Merkins x10 + sprint to next tree and back

Merkins x10 + Wide arm merkin x10 + sprint to next tree and back

Merkins x10 + Wide arm merkin x10 + Diamond merkin x 10 + sprint to next tree and back

Sumo squat x10 + sprint to next tree and back

Sumo squat x10 + Calf raise x10 + sprint to next tree and back

Sumo squat x10 + calf Raise x10 + Jumping lunge x10 + sprint to tree and back

Circle up for some Mary

Dollies x10 + Rosalita x10 + Flutter x20

Slow Freddy Mercurys x10

LBCs x20

Hand off to Cake Boss

Mosey to hill

Bear crawl to top + 1 bombjack + run to bottom + 2 bomb jacks
Rinse and repeat adding 1 bombjack on both ends OYO until 10 at the bottom

Mosey to Stairway to Heaven and rejoin partner

Partner 1 = broad jump to first light post + 1 merkin all the way to top adding 1 merkin at each post
Partner 2 = LBCs x25 + Freddy x25 + Peter parker x25 + Parker peter x25 (rinse + repeat)

Mosey to bottom of camelback hill along trail out of parking lot

Donkey kicks x5 OYO + run to road at top of grassy hill + donkey kicks x5 + run down

Run home


Naked man moleskin

YHC + CB were standing in for Pebbles.  Thanks to MacGyvery for the invite to substitute.  Both of us agreed that the potluck food from Friday night Invergence did not provide adequate fuel for Sat AM workout.  YHC was gassed all day Saturday (and I did not even stay for the last hill session due to morning family commitment).  Then, the lower body pain getting out of bed Sunday AM that has lasted all day confirmed the Pebbles-level rating for the second half of the workout.  Nice job, CB!

Good to have Tesh out among The Fort pax this morning.  Tesh is a recent relo from Greenville to Fort Mill.  Wish we had F3 in FM when I moved into area in 2006…hopefully the pax help to speed your transition to a stable place in the Fort Mill community.

At the end of Sept we officially cross the three-year mark of bringing life to Fort Mill’s gloom.  God has done amazing things through each of you during your engagement with F3.  And the most inspiring part is that we/he are still only in the beginning.

Thanks for the honor of leading you yesterday!



TClap |

Palmetto 200 – The Fort – Pre-Blast

Pax of The Fort:

Months of training culminated with F3 brothers last weekend. A team of 12, two teams of 9 and a 6 man Ultra team from The Fort put it all out there in a 210 mile relay through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Vans filled with bags of water, trailmix, uncrustables, cold pizza, headlamps, calf sleeves, and phone charges, sourounded the PAX piled into vehicles for this #CSAUP.

You are either coming off a high from the Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), bumbed that you missed the BRR experience, needing a #CSAUP in your life, interested in running a relay, or think “Why Not”! Then Pax…HC for the Palmetto 200!

The P200 is an opportunity to experience all 3 Fs – Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. The P200 will be Friday March 18th to Saturday March 19th.

What is the P200?
It is a 200 mile relay race that begins at Coble Plaza in Columbia, SC and finishes at Patriots Point just outside of Charleston, SC.

The course travels through through the Three Rivers Greenway in Columbia, Santee State Park, Francis Marion Forest, Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island, over the Ravenal Bridge and into the historic Battery of downtown Charleston, and finally finishes at Patriots Point.

Last year we had 2 – 9 men teams and a 12 man team. Runners on 12-man teams will run three legs of varying distances and will run differing total miles. Similarly, 9-man teams will run the same legs but each will run 4 legs instead of 3. The P200 is a flat course and has more variance in the total miles per runner than BRR. It lends itself to include a wider range of runner. In the P200, there is room for an inexperienced runner who will only have to run a handful of flat miles during the race while still providing longer distance totals to challenge an experienced runner on the same team. The overall experience and camaraderie is priceless.

Hard Commit (HC)?
Don’t be left out of this event! There is room for all runners and even non-runners who are committed to train from now to March. Current F3 running groups and boot camps offer perfect training for such an event. We can form multiple teams based on speed and experience. Costs will be divided between the PAX on each team. Costs include registration, van rental, gas, and a few general supplies. You will be out of pocket roughly $200.00. However, that doesn’t inlcude all the gear you end up buying in preparation.

If you are interested than e-mail me the following information at

-HC or SC?
-Your preference of team size – 6, 9, or 12
-Your mile pace
-Your e-mail address

Here is the Link to the Palmetto 200 website if you want more information:


TClap |

#FortBRR 2015 In The Bag

  • QIC: WWL, Pusher, Menthol, Cornhole, Crabcakes
  • When: 9/11/15 - 9/12/15
  • Pax: 36 = 1 six man team, 2 nine man teams, 1 twelve man team
  • Posted In: The Fort

BRR is said to be the highlight of an F3ers racing season…. I can understand why.

211 miles (thanks for those extra 2 on the second leg 2!), 28+ hours, 36 Fort pax, plus some 50 other F3 teams from across the lands!

There is nothing like the comradery, encouragement, laughter, sweat, hills, volunteers, red necks, short shorts and cattards (did you see that?) that is Blue Ridge Relay.

This year had a little something special as well, the race stated on Friday, September 11th, exactly 14 years after the coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic group on targeted U.S. landmarks. In total, some 3,000 people died and was the deadlist incident for firefighters and law enforcement offices in the history of the U.S, killing 343 and 72 respectively.

It is a gift to wake up each morning, be free and to have the health and support to live a healthy life.

Make the most of each day, challenge yourself, challenge those around you. You do not have to run 211 miles to find a challenge.

Below are the race results along with some highlights from each team (captured by team captains):

  • F3 Undertrained and Overconfident – 30th place overall, 5th best 6 man team, 27hrs 57 mins, 7:59 pace (extremely impressive!)
  • F3 Your Pace or Mine – 67th place overall, 38th best 9 man team, 29hrs 47 mins, 8:30 pace
  • F3 Premature Acceleration – 88th place overall, 52nd best 9 man team, 30hrs 25 mins, 8:41 pace
  • F3 The Fort – Did you miss us? – 126th place overall, 78th best 12 man team, 31hrs 37 mins, 9:01 pace

Highlights from team Undertrained and Overconfident (6 man)

  1. Carnival was uber prepared with 2 watches, rain shoes, rain coat, laminated cue sheets
  2. think Condor just woke up and said let go run, dude didn’t even bring a towel or deodorant, thankfully WWL uses a spray can
  3. Sir Topham Hat planned his entire nutrition plan around getting burritos at EZ 18, he walked the entire premise and asked 10 different people where the burritos were, he looked like a kid who had just opened up a Christmas present and found a hand-knitted sweater from Grandma….
  4. WWL crushed leg 31 with a 1hr 2 min, non-stop run up 3k ft climb
  5. Leg 5 – Banjo and WWL hopped out of the van to take the annual picture with the Jefferson Cows and “Cheese made here” sign
  6. Condor was a big hit with the ladies, spotted leg 9 jogging beside a nice eye candy, until she said her ” o  my boyfriend like that…”
  7. R Kelly – Bump N Grind
  8. Sir Topham Hat’s quote of the race – “well, I think I may have blow my race on that leg” 6:15 – 2.5 miler (before he ran a total of 37 miles and a MG)
  9. Banjo beasted 40 miles! enough said

Highlights from team Premature Acceleration:

  1. Waldo made quite an impression and was clearly the fastest on the team. It was great to see him catch and pass Funhouse on a couple of the legs to bring our team back up with them.
  2. I shed my shirt on leg #10 after getting dehydrated. Fortunately, Flat Tire was there to take a picture and make some Twitter magic
  3. Ran a 8:41 pace and finished in the top half of all teams
  4. Waldo, Smuggler and I got our picture made with the Ghostbusters car in Boone
  5. Zima and Gears were the most well prepared for the BRR and it showed in a stellar performance by both
  6. Package did not lose a rib!
  7. Burgandy was actually not nice for once during his Mountain Goat #31. He tried his best to put a smile on his face but clearly it stunk!

Highlights from team Your Pace or Mine:

  1. WWL throwing out a friend bet to the captains of the two 9 man teams half way through the first leg (all 3 teams started at the same time) to see who’s team finishes first
  2. Pusher was too scared to accept
  3. Menthol says “$20” and shakes on it
  4. The three captains stay together until the last 50 yards
  5. WWL edges out front for the lead after leg 1 and the team never let go
  6. WWL still waiting for his $20

Highlights from team Did you miss us?:

  1. Van 1 drinks in basements on Thursday night. #WesternNC
  2. Photobomb is flexible and likes Buddy Runs. #MoreYogaMiles
  3.  Gekko gets screwed with additional miles due to down tree and then gets lost. #BRRFail
  4.  Twister loves public showers, relay races, stink clothes, and needs Photobomb’s “help” with a little something. #Gross
  5.  General’s sleeves were optional. #SunsOutGunsOut
  6.  Mayhem’s runs were “explosive”. #Pepto
  7.  If you are over 6’7 and 300lbs you’re not a Mountain Goat – you’re  a Mountain Buffalo.  If you’re in a quiet Van you can hear his mating call around 4 am. #MountainBuffalo
  8. Don’t go by Cornholes spreadsheet.  Airborne may get surprised with 2 more miles – but it’s a beautiful night out for a run.  #Van2MVP
  9. If we don’t get moving Sasquatch will beat us there. I know it’s 9 miles but still – he’s wearing his speed sweater. #TrimJob
  10.  Boehiem programmed all EZ’s into GPS – none of them worked. Less than a year from a heart attack to BRR strong. #RunningSelfie
  11.  Cable Guy ran 12 miles….total. But they were really flat miles though. #WalkingMG
  12.  In order to get out of running 2 additional miles Cornhole traded to get the hardest MG segment. #OldManLogic
  13.  Everything went swimmingly. #Vocab

Talks have already begun about 2016 planning, start your hill training!

Info on Palmetto coming out soon.

Job well done men!!


TClap |

Pre-Blast – F3 Dads of The Fort & Middle and High School Age 2.0’s

Starting Saturday, September 26th from 7:00 am – 8:00 am at Gold Hill Middle School we will add a new wrinkle to F3 Dads.
We will begin to have a workout specifically for Middle and High School age kids and their fathers.  This will be a workout and you will be pushed physically.  This is not a typical F3 Dad Workout.
The purpose of this workout is to engage the middle and high school age kids, deepen relationships between 2.0’s and their dads, and to foster leadership skills by eventually having 2.0’s leading a portion of the workout.
We will be meeting the last Saturday of every month, and this is for both sons and daughters.
TClap |

Pre-Blast for The Reservation – 9/19 OCR Training

Date: 9/19

Time: 0600-0730

Location: Indian Land Elementary School – Doby’s Bridge Rd

We will be taking off early Saturday morning – 0600 sharp. Be there to get a preview of the course. Warm-up plus preview will take 10-15min.

We will be making several laps around the course until we reach 6.2 miles. This is to get a feel for how long the Mud Run course will be in October. So bring your running legs and mucho chesto to this workout as you will need it.

One very important item, we will be trying to group PAX into teams of 4 as much as possible. If we have odd numbers that may fall to 3 or even 2, but 4 is the goal.

Your team will end if either the time allotted (1.5 hrs) is over or if you have reached the 6.2 miles.

We will be out there to encourage each other, but this is training so go hard but don’t go 100%. Keep your focus on the obstacles and don’t get lazy – this is where injuries happen! Use your teammates to get over walls and to motivate you throughout the course.

Now get out and get dirty and be there Saturday @ 0600 for a true test of the Fall Mud Run! AYE!

TClap |

Everyday is Upper Body Day!

  • QIC: Popeye & Sgt. York
  • Pax: Popeye, Sgt. York, Padre, Apache, Italian Job, Tinker Toy, Bogey, Mailman, The Riddler, River Rat, Turbine, Catfish, Swamp Fox, Guage, Double D, Smoke Wagon
  • Posted In: The Fort
16 strong PAX this morning at ManU to see what Sgt York and YHC had in store.  There was a little preview on the Twitter machine and I (we) hope it didn’t disappoint.
The Thang:
  • 20 SSH
  • Short pause b/c YHC forgot to add the disclaimer & check for FNGs…
  • 15 Wind Mills (not Propellers Tinker Toy)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 MNC
Mosey to the Fountain –
Circle of Merkins
  • 10 Merkins in Cadence.
  • 10 Irkins in Cadence
  • 10 Derkins OYO
  • 10 Ranger/SEAL Merkins OYO
  • 10 Dips OYO
Mosey to the movie theater
Find some space on “the bar”
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • Run a lap around the loop from the theater next to marble Slab and Mellow Mushroom
  • 10 Pull Ups – 10 Merkins
  • Run a Lap
  • 10 Pull Ups – 10 Merkins – 10 Squats
  • Run a Lap
  • 10 Pull Ups – Merkins – Squats – SSH
  • Run a Lap
  • 10 Pull Ups – Merkins – Squats – SSH – Monkey Humpers
  • Run a lap – Wait for the 6
Mosey Back to the Fountain Rinse and Repeat the Circle of Merkins.
Hand off to Sgt. York
Mosey to the Manchester Park
Pair up and find a bench –
  • Merkins OYO as many as you can do for 60 seconds
  • Dips OYO as many as you can do for 60 sec.
  • Dirkins OYO as many as you can do for 60 sec.
  • Irkins OYO as many as you can do for 60 sec.
Mosey back to the Movie theater
Burpee Railroad tracks ( A lot of mumble chatter for this pain station) The best way to describe this is a Burpee Broad jump, Indian Run.
  • Two rows of PAX in start in the plank.  Burpee, jump over the legs of the guy next to you, Burpee, Jump legs, Burpee, etc all the way to the end back in the plank. Repeat until all PAX have gone 3 rounds.
5 – 50ish yards sprints.
Mosey back to the COT for the last 3 minutes of abs, LBCs, Hello Dollies.  Done.
It was a pleasure and honor to lead you men today, and I’m sure I speak for Sgt. York as well.
  • Sept. 18 (Friday) The Fort’s 3rd Year Birthday Party @1730 at the Rush Pavilion (map) – The plans are coming together for this celebration.  A sound system is needed, so if you have one that could be used, contact Senator Tressel.  Check out the pre-blast for more info and to see what you can bring.
  • Sept. 19  World’s Largest Coffeteria 2 – Support Crime Stoppers of York County at the Pancake breakfast fundraiser at Fatz Cafe 478 S. Herlong Ave. Rock Hill.  8am to 10am. After your workout come out and bring your M’s and 2.0s for b-fast. $7 ages 9 & Up $4 ages 4 to 8 3 & under FREE.  The money raised goes to support Crime Stoppers of York County.
  • Oct. 3  Race for the Cure in Charlotte – 6am – F3 Nation Turkey Punchers sign up today. There will be a workout pre-race. YHC will Q – F3 Nation Turkey Punchers
  • Oct. 17 – @ 1600 – Worlds Fastest 5K – Fort Mill High School Track  Sign-up link now available for this CSAUP event for The Fort. Learn more from the pre-blast.  You won’t want to miss this!
  • TOMORROW – Catfish is on the Q for Petra Friday subing for Burgundy who will be with the PAX at the BRR.
Prayer Requests:
  • More men / FNG’s will come out to find out what F3 is all about and bring back those who may have slipped through the cracks along the way. 50 new FNG’s is the goal
  • PAX who are running the BRR this weekend.
  • The PAX on the mission trip in Colombia.
  • Law Enforcement Officers in York County, across SC and the US.
  • The woman who was robbed at the Family Trust ATM in Rock Hill. Safety for all PAX, their M’s & 2.0’s to keep your head on a swivel.
Thank you again for letting Sgt York and YHC lead you today.
TClap |