Seabuiscuit Take off!!

Here is the newest exploratory Running AO in The Fort. It is located at the Blue Smoke House parking lot outside of Massey community.
I gave 2 option to the 7 PAX the showed up for this first event. They decided to go over to Holbrook Rd where is no sidewalks but good shoulders and very low traffic. Easy route, 2.25mi each way on the same rd, down hill one way, of course, a little uphill on the way back. All PAX completed the route and got back on time, some did extra bonus picking up the 6.
See you next week for a new exploratory route, all paces are welcome!!

TClap |

QSOURCE 2022.08 – KING (Q1.2)

Q 1.2: King

King: The daily discipline of physically training the body.

Let that sink in and we’ll break it down in sections.

Daily – One should be making repeated efforts to train. This doesn’t have to mean running 10 miles every day. It does mean putting in some sort of physical effort to invest in your body. On a given day, your body could benefit from lower impact activity like stretching, walking and yoga.

Discipline – You cannot slack. You must establish guardrails or involve others who will hold you accountable because after all, you cannot hold yourself accountable; don’t lie to yourself. Identify your tendencies that keep you from physically training your body on a daily basis and put the measures in place to keep you from ditch-diving. Establishing that is an example of discipline.

Physically – As part of the Get Right, you must put the physical work in so that you can be better equipped to handle what life throws at you. Additionally, I have found that if I get a solid workout or run in, my mind is cleared of the fog and I am open to correction, new ideas and ways in which I do just about everything, better.

Training – You’ll never arrive. You are constantly putting in work to get just 1% better. Identify a goal and make incremental improvements. When you’ve reached that goal, make another goal. Improvement is not made in the completion. Improvement is a process of continual training. As you’ve heard countless times, life is lived in the process, in the journey.

Body – There is a lot of reading and study to be done in order to better understand what both Christian and secular writers mean when stating that our bodies are temples. Regardless of your view, you know the basics of that inference. You should treat your body well, and in this case, that means physically training on a regular basis to keep your temple sharp and ready.

This relationship we have with our bodies begins with Fitness, hence why that is the first F. It is not negotiable; I must be physically able to perform the physical necessities of life in order to be effective. If I am unable to carry my kid after she breaks her leg or I am unable to put a suitcase in the overhead bin of an airplane, how effective am I? I would be more of a liability instead of an asset. I never know when “the time” will come so I must train on a daily basis, utilizing a variety of methods, to be ready.

Why do I push for 1% better through different training methods? If all I do is run, I can’t carry my kid. If all I do is rucking or weightlifting, what will I do when my kid wants to run a 5K with me; ask her to walk? Integrate a variety of training methods to challenge your body and build stamina. Stamina fights fatigue. Fatigue happens when you’re not trained for that next 1%. Fatigue keeps you from stepping up when only you can step up. When no one else can, you can…you must. In the words of the late Travis Manion and now memorialized by the Travis Manion Foundation, “If Not Me, Then Who?” In the end, fatigue makes cowards of us all. Fight the fatigue. Fight for that next 1%.

It is important to understand too, that no matter how far or fast you run, no matter how much you can carry, the inevitable time will come when you can’t out-King your Queen. The Queen is the next section in Q-Source and that too, requires discipline and guardrails. For this however, I’ll remain focused on the need for the daily discipline of the King.

A few years ago, F3 PAX around the country spread the initiative of the F3-250. The spirit behind this was to encourage PAX to participate in 250 workouts in a calendar year. This could be a great measure of accountability for men. If you have another man tracking with you on your way to 250, you’re more likely to put your feet on the floor when the alarm rings in your ear. Another tactic is to let someone know the night before where you’re posting. Set your clothes out and get everything else ready. That’s discipline. Find yours. Locally, there are men among us who are engaged in daily check-ins with other men as part of their daily discipline.

It takes a want-to in order to make this a reality, no one will do the work for you. Our world is full of excuses that will entice you to take a more comfortable or faster path. I challenge you to not succumb to that excuse. Why? Inevitably, the “stuff” is going to hit the fan and YOU will have to respond in a way that requires physical effort. You will not have the time to look for the easiest route or the route with the least resistance. You will have to act because only you can. Check that, you won’t have to. You GET TO.

How will you ensure readiness? By engaging your KING and having the daily discipline to physically train your body, your temple. If you need help or accountability, I will gladly walk with you. Just know, you won’t walk forever because I’m going to push you to run or carry weight while we walk.

I love you too much to let you stay static.


TClap |

QSOURCE 2022.07 – DRP(Q1.01)

Q1.01 DRP
DRP: The daily commitment to accelerate your Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
For anyone who has been living under a rock for the past 20 years the daily red pill is a reference to the choice that Neo is faced with in the movie The Matrix. The main character is faced with a choice to accept the truth that is hard to face, (by taking the red pill), or to ignore the truth and pretend the newfound knowledge he has recently acquired doesn’t exist, (by taking the blue pill). He is told that by taking the blue pill he is making an informed decision that he wants to continue living in a synthetic world where he can go through the motions and live his life and eventually die without making any significant impact on the world but knowing that the whole thing is just one giant lie of deception. Or he can take the red pill which will force him into a life of suffering and hardship which is guaranteed to suck yet he will have the freedom to make his own choices instead of being a pawn in someone else’s game.
How is this scenario relevant to what we are trying to learn from the F3 leadership manual? It is a challenge for us as men to make a conscious decision to have a say in how we live our lives. Most men reading this are in the 1% club, compared to billions of people around the big ball who struggle daily to survive, and if not careful can go through our entire lives without having experienced the full spectrum of what life has to offer. When I say the 1% club I am meaning that you probably woke up in some sort of a dwelling that has running water, electricity, food in the pantry, and freedom from persecution for personal beliefs. To put it bluntly, we are at serious risk of living a soft life never even realizing our true potential. This is the ultimate waste of resources in my personal opinion. Great so what do we do about it? Enter the idea of the (DRP) or Daily Red Pill.
The QSource defines the DRP as the daily Commitment to Accelerate your Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Let’s wait to unpack the definition in order to first call attention to the capitalized words in the statement. When regular words are capitalized within the QSource text it is because those words take on a specific definition as it pertains to the F3 world. See Foundation QF2, Language, for reasons why Dredd redefines common words.
Commitment is defined as, (IDA): the Unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish its Mission. (Q3.9).
Accelerate is defined as, (IDA): To increase the pace of Movement.
Fitness is defined as, (IDA): A man’s Right relationship with himself.
Fellowship is defined as,(IDA): A man’s Right relationship with those in Proximity.
Faith is defined as,(IDA): A man’s Right relationship with his Creator.
So let’s do some algebra and plug all of the definitions into the original statement and see what we get.

DRP: The daily (unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish its mission) to (increase the pace of Movement) for your (right relationship with himself) your (Right relationship with those in Proximity) and your (Right relationship with his Creator).

Whew, that was a mouthful. So what does it all mean? Explain it like I am five please snowman.

It means that to take the DRP a man must set his daily purpose to improving himself, his relationship with those in which he interacts, and his relationship with his Creator.

Sounds simple but unfortunately, it doesn’t make it easy.
Great now we are getting some traction. We know what the DRP is now let’s talk about why it’s important to you. Let me be the first to possibly hurt your feelings and say that you are soft, easy to kill, and will give up at the first sign that things become difficult or dangerous. But there is hope for you I promise. If you don’t take offense to the previous statement then you might need to do some soul searching or you have already learned the magic of the DRP and understand that my insult is my attempt to be the Disruptor, see QF1, in your life. I know for an absolute FACT that you are capable of so much more than you think you are and I want to challenge you to take the first steps to achieve a more rewarding and joyous life. How can I be so sure that you are capable of more than you think you are you might ask? It’s not because I have some all-knowing crystal ball; it’s because I have been there in your shoes going through life panicking at every little change that happens that I can’t control. It isn’t until now at the ripe age of 37, yeah I am still EH’ing for heaven, which I understand the importance of the DRP and why it’s the first Q point in F3’s leadership manual. I would argue that the DRP is a concept that without understanding and accepting, a man will continue to live a life of uncertainty and fall into the victim mentality that the world is out to get him and will continue to struggle until he gives up and taps out, physically or emotionally. But there is hope and that hope lies in the daily decision to do hard things. This can be getting up early to post to a workout that will improve your physical fitness, planning a date night to strengthen your relationship with your M, or attending a 3rd F group to increase your knowledge of your Creator. The key is daily discipline. The daily discipline is hard to maintain which is why you must establish guardrails. To establish guardrails you must establish routines. And routines are created by the daily positive habit behaviors which are called Bricks.
This is why for all of last year I was encouraging guys to “Build your guardrails out of Bricks”.
So take your DRP and surround yourself with like-minded brothers and with time you will be able to achieve things you never thought possible. I have never met Hall of Fame wide receiver Jerry Rice but I can say with confidence he understood the importance of doing hard things daily in order to achieve his goals.

“Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.”
-Jerry Rice

Stay frosty my friends,

TClap |

QSOURCE 2022.06 – GET RIGHT (Q1)

First Quadrant (Q1): Get Right – To properly align himself, a Leader takes the Daily Red Pill (DRP). This is his daily commitment to accelerate his fitness, fellowship and faith.

Get Right is usually part of my spoken message to the pax on the days I’m fortunate enough to Q. This is because the Get Right quadrant resonates with me. It rings so true because staying upright is my bane. This Q Point gives me adequate motivation to drive past my normal desires of sleeping instead of exercising, eating too much food that tastes way too good and boozing until my words slur. Maybe I was blessed with an inordinate amount of Jesters, but I think most can relate. 

Getting Right incorporates the tenants of F3: Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. Understand, that this is a very specific order. Why does the first F in F3 begin with Fitness, not Faith? “Because men who have no self-control over what they eat or drink and the daily use to which they put their bodies become captive to their lack of physical fitness. Ultimately, that defines them, primarily in their own minds but also in the eyes of those around them.” Getting up to work out at a stupidly-early time each morning helps reshape how we define ourselves. It gives us belief that we can hold our Jesters and bay and continue to Accelerate toward a better version of ourselves—a better man for our family, friends, community and workplace. 

Then, Fellowship “requires the High Impact Man (HIM) to put the needs of others before himself.” We are not prepositioned to put others first; we are engineered to survive by thinking of ourselves first. As we age though, we find that others become dependent on us. Our wives and children, our colleagues, our community all begin to need us more and more. This is a weight that can feel extra burdensome if we are not in the upright position. “Only in maturity does a man develop the discipline and desire to consistently promote the cause of his loved ones over his own and seek Preparedness.” This is not possible if we are overcome by our base desires of doing whatever we want in our pursuits of pleasure. 

Finally, we come to Faith. How do we define Faith in F3? It is the realization that we are not the center of gravity, and this great gift of life is not given so we may serve ourselves but to serve something greater. God, Yahwey, Vajrapāṇi, Zeus, SkyQ—F3 does not define this Greater Divinity, but we do recognize it is absolutely not us. “For the un-Fit man, this is simply not possible. His lack of control over what he eats, drinks and does renders him captive to other forces.”  

It is important to understand that we are not the center of the universe. It is also important to know that we cannot Serve anyone or anything without first being able to control our gluttony and sloth because “they are all-consuming.” As we continue to learn Leadership from the QSource, do not be fooled into thinking you have graduated from Get Right and can move on to the next quadrant. You, my friends, will always have a foot in the Get Right quadrant. Life moves fast. It can be difficult. Staying upright is hard. The following Q Points are a roadmap to helping up stand strong again when life drops us to our knees. 

If you see me down, know that I’m in need of your Leadership. You’ll have the same from me.  


TClap |


If you remember no other Foundational Principles from the QSource thus far, this is the one to remember. To me, this is the basic point of all QSource and of all of leadership. It’s near and dear to my heart, and everything else contained in the QSource is simply leading us to Preparedness (that’s why G3L is called the 4 quadrants of Preparedness…). I will ask your grace as I share some personal experiences, but they are the only kind I have.

So why is Preparedness hoisted up as such an important virtue? Though this has been true for all of time, the last couple of years have pointed out in some clear ways how if we as a people were more prepared, the overall level of suffering and struggle could have been diminished. As the pandemic started to spread and so much was still unknown, we saw all kinds of behavior that was strange and often disturbing. We all saw videos of people beating each other up in grocery aisles for toilet paper. Toilet paper… let that sink in. Accosting another human being because you are so afraid you might not be able to wipe your ass in the most comfortable way you want to. But it wasn’t really about that. Because the masses live their lives so unprepared, they were reacting to a complete lack of knowing what to do next in an uncertain situation. As we learn in GrowRuck and other F3 Leadership training, in periods of high stress and limited visibility, you are likely to default to your level training/preparedness. Under pressure, we often see the results of being reactive vs. proactive.

The good news? This is all fixable with a tiny amount of discipline applied over a period of time. Like drops of water that eventually wear a hole in a rock, with the right guardrails in place, and a small but compounding effort, we can become largely immune to the tough situations that life will throw at us.

But only if we are prepared.

TClap |

QSOURCE 2022.04 – LDP (F3)

Good morning!
David Green / 53 / CSPAN (Can’t Seem Place A Name)
Welcome to Qsource – today we are talking topic F4 “LDP” for week 4 (posted Jan 23, 2022).  I always like to start with a story of how we got here. In my life journey, I always get positive feedback on the way I develop leaders, so while I am not an expert, I want to share with my thoughts regarding ways I see leaders developing
opportunities for other leaders.

First off, leadership is not necessarily a God given gift, most leaders have a long trail of failures followed by a few triumphs that everyone remembers, if you are ready to understand that it takes a perfect combination of God Given gifts / Opportunities / Arrogance (a positive fear of failure) / and determination or grit to be a successful leader, please continue to read on. Side notes for another day, you can take that leader and move them to a site across the street and they will transform into a failure because one of those variables being off – seen it happen and push on if you are currently in a bad leadership situation.

Here is my BLUF –
1. Lead with love
2. Show them leadership and the work
3. Allow them to do the work with your oversight and with limited responsibility for failure
4. Give them all the work with some responsibility
5. Step yourself out of the situation, let them work, cheerleader them to their success

First story is Zima, an absolute great guy. Liked F3 but was very comfortable keeping us at arm’s length, I applied the steps above and got him involved with First F (fitness), he enjoyed it, got super energized and I just rode beside him for a few years as he did the same technique to other men. Now every Zima mile you run, and I’ll toss in a sarcastic “that mile was 2.87 miles”, and “you are welcome”. Zima is now an extremely successful husband, father, and real estate leader in our community.
Second story is our man Dark Helmet, he was looking for so much more when he showed up at F3. I used the technique above and added the Double-D treatment that I got upon my arrival. #ALR (Ask Listen Remember) this gave me the opportunity to see the benefits DOAH could bring with a very specific form of leadership and communication skill to improve our group. He just needed more #4, and #5 has been so enjoyable to watch. Helmet is now on ‘fire” for all things leadership, and he showed up thinking he found what he needed, but really F3 found the leader that we needed.

I’ll end with a few work stories. I use the same exact format when training General Managers. With General Managers it is more about #3, and building their confidence, getting some success, and gaining the trust of others on the team. On the topic of trust, #1 is how you develop leaders at any level, to take interest in someone and investing in them changes their worldview. Almost all my leadership success stories at work revolve around being their first boss who cared if they truly improved. Getting better was not always nice, it was calling out and addressing a defect, as loving as I could.  Leaders love authentic leaders and can sense, and call bullshit a mile away. Be very careful as you start an LDP because you may come across as “rough/mean” but authentic love will always come through, and drive the desired results.

I can go on and on – please start the discussion – and shoot me a DM or text if you want to continue the conversation.


TClap |

QSOURCE 2022.03 – GROUP (F3)

QSource 2022.03 – Group (F3) 

**Note I realized I needed to add before posting… When I refer to “Dredd” in the following missive I am referring to one of F3’s founding members and prolific publishers, Dave Redding.  The many references contained herein are from his book Q Source.

When asked by Tesh to write an article for his QSource disruption I was quick to say yes, when he told me my topic was Group, I chuckled a bit.  The reason?  Will knows that I grew up in a special sort of Group and I have very strong opinions on the value of said groups…  Dredd tells us there are three types of groups in the world: the community, the organization and the team.  Well, I have a fourth group that jumps to mind, the cult… It often takes shape in all three of the other group distinctions and I worry that more of us than would like to admit are members of one.  SIDEBAR: if you are using Miriam Webster’s “Essential Meaning” of any words, you are a moron.  A definition is a definition.  I don’t need Webster to boil it down for me, but I digress…  

Webster eventually defines “Cult” as the following: 

1: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious

2: a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book) especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad

b: the object of such devotion

c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

3: a system of religious beliefs and ritual

4: formal religious veneration 

5: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator

Let’s skip #1 in that list, leaving that to the Branch Dravidian’s and focus on #2.  Great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work.  Dredd tells us that Man is by nature a group forming being, so we are pre-wired for coming together with others.  Most of mankind is also pre-wired to desire a bunch of people around them to make them feel more comfortable delegating their decision making to someone else in said group.  Take a moment and reflect on the groups you are a member of today… the neighborhood you live in, your workplace, your church, your college, your vaxx status, your fraternity, military branch, F3, political party, Facebook group, Shield Lock, etc.  Some of those are standard groups we all notice, some others, not so much.  Seems that lately we are pretty good at creating new groups, sub groups, groups for others and on and on.  

Dredd defines group as a voluntary combination of two or more people, and clarifies that group membership is never coercive.  Well, we have certainly seen that change in the last couple years!  I have watched and listened to many people join groups they didn’t want to join out of obligation, out of fear, under duress and every degree in between.  My question is, why are we so dang desirous to be in a group, and more importantly, why are we so scared to be kicked out of a group?  

Now, to be fair, having grown up in a cult, I am allergic to groups.  I have spent most of my adult life like Groucho Marx, never wanting to join a group that would have me as a member.  I remember being surprised by the “correct answer” to Dredd’s first Socratic, “Is man’s natural desire solitude or combination?”  I was quick to say “solitude!”  Only to find out the correct answer was quite the opposite.  After years of reflections I am not sure why I tilt toward solitude.  Was it my family of origin?  Was it the cult?  Was it a toxic combination of both?  Whatever the answer, my family now is the only group I fight to stay a part of every day.  It has been a struggle over the years because when things got challenging my answer was usually, “we would both be better off on our own instead of forcing things here as a couple.”  

My allergy to group was not healthy, but I postulate our desire to be a part of groups is similarly  unhealthy.  Do we take the time to consider whether we are joining with another to the improvement of ourselves and those impacted by our group?  Are we surreptitiously  joining with others on social media and serving as a mob to attack the others?

Some of the groups we associate with will be necessary evils, like our HOA or employer, but most others we are absolutely free to choose.  When the group you hang out with on Sundays tells you who is and who isn’t worthy of or receiving Grace, maybe you question.  When you find yourself confident that the opposing group you are yelling at is definitely evil thus proving your righteousness, maybe you question.  When you find yourself blending into the group so someone else makes the decisions and you just go along, maybe you question.  When you cling tightly to your membership of the group you thought was right, but now realize it was wrong and you don’t want to admit it to yourself, maybe you question.  When you want to leave the group you promised to love and cherish till death, maybe you question.

Remember when your parents asked you whether you would jump off a bridge because your friends did?  Maybe they even quoted Proverbs 13 to you and you probably rolled your eyes.  We are older now, but often no smarter.  Be judicious about who you join with and who you are ready to cast out of the group.  Once you figure out which groups are healthy to join, figure out how you will lead because we all lead whether we want to or not.  Rarely is there no one behind us following us following the leader.  Cults are built on irrational devotion to fuel their power and impact on the world around them.  Regardless of what Creed told us in The Office, cults are destructive and more prevalent than we may want to admit as we certainly have no shortage of irrational devotion these days.

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.

– Proverbs 13:20

TClap |

Multitasking is not a thing……

As we all know we live in an overstimulated world…We are constantly bombarded with demands, tasks, responsibilities, fake news :), and distractions. There is more information and access available at our fingertips than ever before yet we are more drained and burned out as a society. We struggle to live in the present moment and to stay focused on things that matter. We get sucked into playing whack a mole on a daily basis. Work, chores, errands, kids, wife, family, etc. etc. Our phones beep and buzz about every 30 seconds and the email inbox is constantly filling up.  There is no more margin…

We discussed at COT how multitasking is somewhat glorified in our culture today.  I heard someone speak the other day about a term called “monotasking” and it captured my attention.  Actually learning to focus on doing one thing at a time.  Why the hell is that so hard?  What would actually happen if we were to focus on one task at a time, one conversation at a time, one project at a time.  Like actually eating your lunch at work without reading email or working, actually paying attention to the person speaking on your zoom call, shutting down your inbox and silencing your phone to work on a project.  I think that is where we can learn to actually find life in the present.  Reading the Gospels this is exactly what Jesus did.  He was never in a hurry, took time for prayer when the world was screaming for his attention (including his posse), was extremely present in the moment, and focused on doing one thing at a time.  Food for thought.   

Oh yeah…we did a workout.  Here it is.

Warm up – Side straddle hops, quad stretches, imperial walkers, overhead claps

The Thang – 

Suicides on the football field 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and then run 100 yards.  Nurr back to goal line.

Ring of Fire (or Rectangle of Fire). Start center field with 5 burpees.  Run diagonal to each 20 yard line and do 20 reps of an exercise.  Run back to center and do 5 burpees at each transition.  Exercises include Merkins, Bobby Hurleys, V ups, CDDs.  Round 2 included wide arm merkins, squats, flutters, and overhead claps.

We then went back to the goal line and repeated suicides.

There was time remaining so we ran to the pull up bars for some fun.  20 dips, 20 curls with cindy, 5 pull ups, some wall sits, 25 dips, 25 curls with cindy, wall sits, finish with 5 more pull ups

Closed at COT

Prayers for Aquaman and his family, Prayers for Sawdust and his support of his fellow soldiers, Prayers for my wife Elizabeth’s Deviated Septum surgery and recovery.

TClap |

QSource 2022.02 – F2 Language

Q Source
F2: Language

Preparatory work (warm-up):
The F3 Lexicon contains the particularized language of F3 leadership. It is available online My goal below is to show how this foundational concept of F3 leadership is both circuitous and useful. Every F3 word I use in direct reference to its lexicon definition is both capitalized and italicized for distinction.

The Thang:
When we discuss language, remember this is the area where from the outside F3 feels like a cult. I (YHC) felt like this when I first started Posting.
“Why does everyone need a special name?” *
“Why can’t we just have normal names for exercises?” **
G3L…uh? 3S2T….huh?
And what the heck is a Q?

Here’s why language is a foundational concept according to Q Source: “Every Effective group has its own Language.” For this sentence to be comprehensible, two words need the lexicon:

  • Effective: The degree to which a person or Group is Purposeful.
  • Language: The Lexicon of Virtuous Leadership

PAX still need to dive further still into the lexicon:

  • PAX: A Member of F3 Nation (can be singular or plural).
  • Group: A voluntary combination of two or more people.
  • Purposefulness: Commitment to Purpose
  • Purpose: An Advantage sought.

But wait, we’ve still got to dig deeper.

  • Advantage: A superior circumstance achieved by Movement.
  • Movement: Actions taken in furtherance of Purpose.

So, here’s the circuitous route I want us to discuss. Warning circular writing ahead:

Purpose is an Advantage sought. An Advantage is a superior circumstance achieved by Movement. And Movement is action taken in furtherance of Purpose. Remember, Purpose is an Advantage sought. So…we can gain an Advantage to a superior circumstance by Movement, which are actions taken in furtherance of our Purpose. And our Purpose is an Advantage sought. Etcetera. Because the definition for these three terms is intertwined, they must coexist. You cannot have Movement without having Purpose or Advantage. Either you have all three or we have none. Purpose without both Advantage and Movement is meaningless.

Once we can clarify a term in the lexicon or see multiple Qs use it in the same way, we understand its meaning in an F3 context. Because so many of the lexicon definitions are pared down* to one specific meaning, communication is simple using a shared language where key terms lack confusion. Communicating like this gives the PAX quick understanding. The shared language gives us the means to accomplish together as a Group what would be impossible for the individual.

The mission of F3 is the invigoration of male community leadership. With the advent of specific and particular language, PAX develop a tool to facilitate their leadership.

This circular language models our own path of Acceleration in any endeavor. (Acceleration: To increase the pace of Movement.) Because we understand that Movement is in service Purpose, we seek betterment for any Purpose we may have. Our Purpose could be leading a workout (1st F), our Purpose could be to be a sacrificial father (2nd F), or our Purpose could be deeper spiritual connection (3rd F). Regardless of what area of life we examine, our desire for Acceleration towards our Purpose remains.

Perhaps, for the veteran PAX, you’ve noticed that Qing an F3 workout is so much easier than leading at your workplace. (Maybe YHC is alone on this…?) I argue that a majority of the difficulty at work is you, your peers, your subordinates, and your superiors do not share the same language. You can use the same words and each population interprets them to mean different things. Without that shared language, we quickly relive the lessons of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). At the university, we relive those lessons vividly every faculty meeting.

While my main income (Mammon) is from teaching music at a university, I am frequently asked to sub in with professional orchestras. This requires me to jump into a functioning Group with little to no on-boarding. One reason this works is musicians have a shared language of notation, and a flexibility to match stylistically the ensemble sound. The leader of an orchestra is the conductor (maestro or maestra). One of the main criticism musicians have of any (every?) conductor is their failure in Articulation (Q3.5): describing Vision to others. When a conductor is unable or unwilling through gesture to communicate their musical vision, they move towards verbal communication.

Musical notation developed over a long period of time. There are meanings for each meticulous marking. However even within the language of musical notation, there is an immense amount of room for interpretation. Ask a Czech musician how to interpret Dvořák, and they will say if you see a staccato note, it must be staccato. And an accented note, must be accented. Ask a Russian violinist how to interpret Tchaikovsky; they will say when you see a staccato, it must be staccato. If you see and accent, it must be accented! As an American, when I hear European orchestras play Bernstein with a European conductor, they often miss the nuances and inflection of his music. Even though they’re playing the staccato notes their version of staccato. Clearly musical language has an accent that must be accounted for.

A good conductor can effectively use language to convey much of their musical vision. But a great conductor will create language to elicit exactly what they’re seeking from the orchestra. This is especially true the longer a maestro leads an ensemble. The musicians understand the maestro’s language. The best example from my experience was when maestro said, “let’s do it again, but think Johann Strauss with Debussy’s chordal aesthetic.” That comment completely altered the orchestra’s interpretation for the better, and we were not playing a piece by Strauss or Debussy. Obviously, we understood maestro’s language. That comment probably means nothing to you without an understanding of J. Strauss waltzes and Debussy’s harmonic language.

A musical interpretation example you may be able to experience is the opening of Star Wars: Main Title. ( Listen to the first chord and think of it as a downward gesture in energy. Imagine the conductor coming down with their arms to start the ensemble. Then start the recording again and consider the opening to begin with up energy. Imagine the conductor’s hands raising with the baton extending out and up to open the piece. Does the same recording feel differently depending on how you interpret it in your mind?

There is no one common language of leadership. But Effective Groups will utilize a unique language in the furtherance of their mission. Groups without a unique language still work and often achieve their missions. However, there are more unproductive or ineffective steps along the way. As leaders, let’s work towards utilizing language as a tool that will make our efforts Effective. With refinement, language is not an obstacle between our shared understanding, but a tool at our disposal.

I ask, as did the writer of Hebrews (12:1-2), for perseverance to run the race you have marked out for us. But our human diligence only carries us so far with mortal strength and finite lifespans. Bless us through the Holy Spirit with the language to be effective as we run your race. That our faithful efforts emboldened by your presence would bring glory to you.

*When you have a specific and particular name in a given context you build an identify around that. Justin wouldn’t be willing to run miles on a raining morning and do 100 pull-ups while swinging a kettlebell, but Band Camp will joyfully do that in support of a fellow PAX’s Q. (I can mumble chatter joyfully during the workout too, right?) There’s also an element to the name that signifies you’re a part of the group. Your ability to cope with a silly nickname indicates to all the PAX that you can handle hard truths with grace.

**I don’t like doing push-ups, but when they’re called “Merkins” they seem to have a different Purpose.

TClap |

QSource 2022.01

Greetings and happy new year.  For QSource this year I’m going to attempt putting together short articles on topics from our fellow pax around The Fort.  They will be for you to digest and discuss as you go about your week.  So, for the first week, I am volunteering as tribute to guide this effort and open myself (and this approach) up to criticism.  The first topic is disruption, which seems befitting as this is the first step in a new direction.  I’m going to try to convince you that disruption is not only a prerequisite in the process of improving one’s life but a basic necessity of life.

If we explore our existence from the basic levels, we can find some things that are necessary for our own survival which may not be self-evident.  Observing the world around us, we see all objects in the world on an endless timeline of actions/reactions that are both completely random and completely predictable all at the same time (chaos theory).  Then there is life.  With life comes a stored memory of these actions and reactions which will dictate how behavior is changed (adaptation) and how life changes through the generations (evolution).  In the same way, we need proper conditions conducive to life (food, water, shelter), life also needs something to adapt to or it can not be called life at all.  Therefore, the status quo is not only “less desirable” it is a hostile condition that renders life useless and leads to self-destructive behavior.  It may be the reason why “I’m fine” is both true and everything but.

As a Control Systems Engineer, I deal with measurement and control on a fundamental level to the extent that I see it in everything (feedback).  Because we can not learn anything about a process while it is at steady-state (read: status quo), we have to inject a disturbance (read: disruption) in order to see how the system behaves.  Only then will we learn anything, and only then will see if the system is capable of handling the process.  Only with disruption will you ever know of competence, which some psychologists are now seeing as a basic psychological need:  “Competence concerns the experience of effectiveness and mastery. It becomes satisfied as one capably engages in activities and experiences opportunities for using and extending skills and expertise. When frustrated, one experiences a sense of ineffectiveness or even failure and helplessness.”  Link

Let me give you a metaphor.  Let’s say you try to develop the ability to do a handstand.  Your entire muscle chain from your fingers to your hip flexors will develop in the process, because you will use every muscle to help you stabilize.  Your muscles will get stronger, your nervous system will develop, and your balance will improve.  With practice, you will learn how to balance with less and less effort.  This will eliminate the need for muscle recruitment and lead to atrophy… unless you don’t stop at just a handstand.  We can not become intoxicated with the pride of holding a longer handstand when it is at the cost of your overall capability.  The skill is a basic practice that is helping to become more competent at the simple activity of moving and controlling one’s own body.  The disruption that instigated the need to do handstands needs to be replaced with a new disruption.  You must now learn to walk on your hands, then walk up stairs on your hands, etc.

Because we know that disruption is needed for life, we now have to figure out how to use disruption to “influence movement to advantage”.  That’s where you, dear reader, come in to play.  Due to our own shortsightedness or perhaps even willful ignorance, we can often not see our own need for disruption or perhaps the proper disruption that precedes advantage.  Advantage is a “superior circumstance” that is not defined by our own feeble senses or fickle emotions, but by the community as a whole.  Advantage is any condition that promotes the health of all life that is influenced and helps all things thrive.  This unconditional service to all life (of which we are a part) is what is defined as love.  In other words, love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (Cor13:7)

As a leader, we must be constantly using disruption to increase competence and seek advantage, but it can not stop.  We must constantly be challenging the status quo and asking others to do the same for the health of our society.  Give them a reason.


Cultivate virtue in yourself,
And it will be true.
Cultivate virtue in the family,
And it will be overflowing.
Cultivate virtue in the town,
And it will be lasting.
Cultivate virtue in the country,
And it will be abundant.
Cultivate virtue in the world,
And it will be universal.

See others as yourself.
See families as your family.
See towns as your town.
See countries as your country.
See worlds as your world.

~Tao Te Ching

TClap |