The Arsenal – Get into the Game!!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 08/10/2016
  • Pax: Fall Out, Posse, Kielbasas, Shopdog, Jingles, Borne, Clark Kent, Bounty Hunter, Ringer, General, Bird Cage, Dasher, Popeye, Bubble Boy, Transporter, Beast
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

16 PAX and YHC arrived at The Arsenal it seemed the clown cars would not stop coming in the lot. We took off for our mosey and guys were still jumping out of cars.

The Thang:

Mosey down to football field avoiding obstacles along the way like holes in the ground, curbs, high tension wires…etc….etc….


  • SShs
  • Squats
  • LBCs
  • Merkins
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Sumo Squats

YHC brought the PAX together on the football field to discuss the game of life. All of us would rather be in the game versus on the sidelines or in the dugout. We all want to play versus watch the game, but in the Game of Life we seem to sit on the sideline and watch Life go by. What is going on in our life that we need to “Be in the game” on. Marriage, Kids, work, Faith!! Think about it!!

Moesy to playground without getting hurt

Partner up

5 exercises, 10 reps for each man, 5 rounds (50 reps each)

  • Pullups
  • Dips
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • LBCs
    • Partner 1 – does reps
    • Partner 2 – runs quasi suicide
    • Swap until each get 50 reps
    • Move on to next exercise

YHC talked to the men about using the tools we have around us to play in the Game of Life. In football we put our helmet on when the coach calls us, or we grab our glove to play the hot corner in baseball. In life we have brothers around us in COT or Whetstone and we have our Faith, Bible and Sky Q that will guide us. Don’t go it alone. Use the tools at hand to play the Game!!

Mosey to school wall for couple rounds of people’s chair and shoulder presses.


Announcements for 9/13 convergence at Ballroom….see newsletter

Prayers for all those hurt, serving our country, facing health and sickness, and lost from Sky Q.

Thank you to brothers from Union County for coming out! Look forward to posting down your way.


Cake Boss


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Tour de ManU

  • QIC: Mayhem
  • When: 08/11/2016
  • Pax: Schrute, Roxanne, Burgundy, Smiley Face (respect), Captain Kangaroo (respect), Oso Blanco, Skippy, Murdock, Cool Table, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

What a group of High Impact Men. I love Q’ing in RH/FM. I started in FM at WEP before any RH AO’s existed. As a RH resident, I made a decision to stick close to home to help grow the area (region?). Now, I would put RH up against any of the several regions I’ve visited. WEP holds a special place though, so I’ll have to go back soon. FM brothers Santini, Pusher, Double D, CSPAN, Jekyll, Senator Tressel, Cable Guy and others helped me on my F3 progress. Oh yeah, and Twister taught me how to mumble chatter. Twister and Apache must be blood cousins.

I dropped the ball on scheduling as site Q, so I took it today and made it up on the fly. Great HIM to come on Q at ManU.

Pre-Run/Post-Run: I love having 3 brothers in Seven Oaks. We did a mile warm up from the neighborhood. Burgundy, Roxanne, and Italian Job help keep me accountable. (and ask me about NO!)

The theme this morning was form, timing, working the AO, and keeping up with the 6. And YHC worked hard to control the mumble chatter and Q jacking.

The Thang
I won’t get it all, but we did a lot of “stuff”

-SSH, right over left, left over right, Peter Parker, Windmill, slow Merkins, etc
-Mosey (1/4 mile)
-Parking lot Bear Crawls with hand release Merkins every two spots
-More mosey (1/4 mile)
-Peoples Chair (thank you CSPAN), Irkins, Peoples Chair, menage e trois Calf Raises, Peoples Chair, Derkins
-Even More Mosey
-Jacobs ladder on the small hill (Merkins and Squats)
-Still More Mosey
-Drunken Sailors (inverted row)
-little mosey
-Fountain step ups, box jumps, and low slow squats,
-Mosey (boring, I know)
-Mosey (really?)
-Seal Jacks
-Walk to COT (finally)

BOM: Such an inspiration to lead these men. 20 somethings to 50 somethings. Words that come to mind: Great, Endurance, No Slackers, We are the 6. Prayers for health, family, the brothers on IR.

EH: If you want on the schedule at ManU then DM me on the twitter box @iheadley There is lots of parking lot, ledges, wall, hills, and mosey to be had.

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Cedars Going Back To School Party

  • QIC: Drydock & Cedar
  • When: 08/11/16
  • Pax: High Pockets, Drifter, Cutter, Chef, Stranger, Redwood, Blacklung, BMX, Nunchuck
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Due to the fact that some of our 2.0s are going back to school, Cedar volunteered to help Drydock with the workout today since it would be one of his last opportunities for a while. Drydock also wanted to use the workout as a means of helping some of the newer PAX learn cadence calling in the warm up.


Variations of several common exercises:


35’s by Drydock… 35 Merkins then run 100 yards then 35 squats…run back…then down by 5 reps each time until PAX gets to 5.

THEN, mosey to another area:

35’s by Cedar…35 LBCs…run up steep grass hill…35 Carolina Drydocks….and so on until PAX reaches 5.

Mosey back to COT….Praises and Prayers.


GREAT Q CEDAR…He is an inspiration to all 5th graders that want to learn from their Father and other PAX!!!  VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!


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  • QIC: Real Tree
  • When: 08/10/16
  • Pax: Drydock, Drifter, Dollywood, High Pockets, Vila, Mr.Rogers, FNG (Axis), Orvis.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

9 men took to the Maze on this hot and humid morning,

Started the war up with AC/DC Thunderstruck doing side straddle hops until the word thunder was sung at which time we done a burpee.

Short Mosey to the football field where we partnered up and grabbed center block coupons. One partner done merkins the other partner lunges to the other side of the field and commenced to doing 20 curls. Ran back to other side to hand off coupon. Once that set was finished same thing just changed merkins for LBC’s and curls for Tricep overhead extensions. DId some squats to Sally , then short mosey to school bus hill, where we done 20 dolly’s nur up the hill and 20 seal jacks.

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Tour of the Nest

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 8/10/16
  • Pax: Incoming, Choir Boy, Burgundy Boy, Bogey Boy, POPEYE, Skippy, Voight, Slow Pitch, Mr Big Stuff, Sgt York, Bill Nye, Paw Paw, Torque Wrench, Pescodora, AnchorBar, Chuckie, Rebourne, Mayflower, Italian Job, Honeypot, YHC
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

This fine morning 22 of the finest HIMs including YHC unpartook of the comforts of the fart sack and posted to the Eagle’s Nest one of the finest AO’s F3 nation has to offer.

And with the promise of a surprise VQ everyone was on pins and needles of who could this young HIM be. And from the crowd step our 17 year old  Voight a true F3 fitness male model

Here’s his Thang

A very well preformed Disclaimer and then warm up

20 SSH In cadence

20 merkins In cadence

20 Italian night clubs In cadence

Handed back over to YHC and we counted off into 2 groups and moseyed while doing infamous Indian Run Merkins (IRM) down Oakland Dr to the intersection of Eden Terrance. Where we played cross walk count down dodge traffic name that exercise. I will leave it at that and we did 3 rounds

There was no 10 counts this fine morning the 10 counts were replaced with each pax that was called upon told his story of how he came upon this great F3 Thang an awesome way to get to know your PAX and their story and not being just a PAX of the gloom

IRM’ed to the front of the Nest where we lined up and did LT dangers to a 10 rep of merkins down alumni alley

IRM’ed to the be show with number 1 group of pax going to the top and the number 2 group staying at the bottom with each group doing 5 merkins every other row until we went from top to bottom and bottom to top

after that we jailed broke back to COT and the fast gents went fast and circled back to pick us not so fast moseyers

Finished up doing 2 group slosh pipe big boy navy seal sit ups 20 single count


  • Aug 20 recon Lancaster
  • Aug 27 launch Lancaster
  • Sept 30 4 year The Fort region Anniversary

Ended with  COT

A lot of prayers and praises for FAMILY, and injured Pax also reach out to these guy’s you haven’t seen lately. Share the gloom love

Aye!!! Apache!!!!










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It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 8/10/16
  • Pax: Apache, Cool Table, Flop, Mayhem, Incoming, JAG, Reborn, Gauge, Mayflower, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

10 men took the red pill and embraced the suck this morning at Rock Hill’s newest AO, Boom Town Central. Conditions were what was to be expected, hot and humid. Here’s what we did:


  • 25 SSH (IC)
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 15 Windmills (IC)

Long Mosey through the trails before doing a little stretching:

  • L over R
  • R over L
  • Middle
  • Calf Stretches on the Curb

Mosey to Comporium

  • Lunge walk to the first light pole
  • Butt Kickers to the next pole
  • Bunny Hops to the next
  • Nur to the next
  • Karaoke to the next
  • Duck walk to the next
  • Jog to the next
  • Bear Crawl to the next
  • Frog Jumps to the next

Mosey to the pond

  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 Derkins
  • 15 Irkins

Mosey to the next bridge

  • 20 Dips

Mosey to the rocks

  • 20 Curls with a coupon

Long Mosey back to the COT

All in all, we covered 3.1 miles at a good conversation pace. We took the time to learn a bit about the PAX – who brought them out and how long they’ve been posting. It was a good way to take our minds off the pain we were enduring. Awesome work this morning by everyone. Very proud to call you brothers.


I’m always humbled to lead this group of #HIM. Each time I Q, I wonder “who am I to lead these men? Why would anyone follow me?” Then I am reminded of a saying I heard years ago. “Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.” You see, we don’t lead for an ego boost. We don’t lead because we want all eyes on us. We lead because we want to share what was first shared with us. That’s why it’s important to launch to new cities. We didn’t know what we were missing until someone shared F3 with us. Now it’s our turn to give it away. Your next chance to do just that is 9/20 as we launch F3 Lancaster. More details to follow.

Under Armour has a new slogan that is getting air time now during the Olympics. “It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light.” What we do every morning in the gloom sets a cadence for how we will approach the trials that will appear in the day. Will we ever need burpees in the workplace? Probably not. But getting up at 0 dark 30 to push past our preconceived pain points prepares us for what lies ahead. The discipline we show; the respect for our fellow man – these are the things that make us stand out amongst our peers. We prepare physically to be strong when needed. We build bonds with our brothers so when they need us, we are there. We prepare spiritually for those times when we don’t have the answer. This is what makes F3 different. This isn’t you against your brother; this is you against you – getting stronger every day. Each morning you post prepares you for the day ahead. Keep up the good work. You are stronger today than you were yesterday and will be stronger tomorrow than today. Keep fighting. Keep trying. Keep pushing. What you do in the dark puts you in the light.



  • Lancaster Recon 8/20 at 0630 Lancaster High School
  • Lancaster Launch 8/27 at 0630 Lancaster High School
  • Gauge needs a final member to his Ragnar Team. Reach out if interested.


  • Families
  • Jobs
  • Injured PAX
  • Those fighting illnesses
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Mr. Big Stuff begins flight

Warm up

25 straddle hops, 20 rocking night club, 10 cherry picks, 20 squats, 10 merqins,

Mossied over to practice field. Introduced “Creeping Leopard”. Went from side of field to midway, High Step back, Bear Crawl back to mid way, Lunges back, Bear crawl backwards to midway,

Mossied to picnic tables at the school courtyard and divided into teams of 4. Each team counted off each member 1,2,3 & 4. 1 would run distance to back tennis entrance and back and replace number 2 who was doing dirkins, and 2 would replace 3 who was doing dips on picnic table seats and 3 would replace 4 who was doing leg lifts. 4 would begin to run. We would do this one time with everyone doing each excersise. Then we washed and repeated this one time.

Talked about forgiveness with using the story of Joseph forgiving his brothers who feared him when he came of power and their father passed away.  How we wept in forgiveness and I related this to a personal story of my own in life.

Then mosseyed to back entrance of Tennis Center. Task was to sprint the side length of two tennis courts to the corner while facing Cherry Road, then karaoke to the left on the back baseline of multiple tennis courts outside the fence to the next corner, then Nerd or whatever we call running backwards to the next corner. Then karaoke back to the beginning where we started.  We repeated this after three 10 count rests.

Lastly mosseyed to our AO and cooled down with superman and pulled the ripchord. Side straddle hops.

We had 29 attend with many brothers helping me with my first VQ and I am sure this is not completely correct.


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the truth hurts at the dragon

  • QIC: drifter
  • When: august 6 2016
  • Pax: drifter,redwood, ceder, drydock, orvis, cutter , undertaker, yoda, twister
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

there were no fngs, so with a brief disclaimer , we went into some ssh in cadence, slowlow wind mill, ssh in cadence, morican night clubs , hill billys , went down the parking lot to so high knees and back. but kickers and back. gorilla hummers, bear crawls  and back, smurf lunges , imperial lbc , sprint and back, then moseyed ,to the back of the school for a breather and some 3rd f, where we talked about being truthfull to yourself, be you and not who somebody else wants you to be, everyone if different, every has a different story to tell,  so with that being said we did 10 reps of true mercians, squats and burpees at each light poll jogged back and did 10 American hammers.. that was good through the first 3 light polls, then had to Omaha down to 5 reps for the final 4 light polls, with that taking not enough time was winky was empty, so we did some ab labs .. moseyed to do some ercians of time.. dips of time  and a stroll around the parking lot to finish off the morning, for th cot and ball of man

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F3 Independence 8 HIMs Romped Thru Winthrop

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 08-08-16
  • Pax: Fallout Kindergarten Cop Capt Kangaroo Blackhawk Dog Pound Canseco (rename) Van Wilder Samurai
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

A quick disclaimer and off to warmups.

Wrist Stretch each arm *2

Right over Left

Dillon County Cotton Pickers *12

Moroccan Night Clubs (Never knew how dangerous these were till we had Fallout dislocate his elbow) * 25

SSH *25

Off to the first sweat station (Winthrop Stonehenge)

Step-ups 25 each leg

Mosey to the front entrance monument second sweat station

Derkins  *30

Dips *50

Irkins *50

Off to the third sweat station Winthrop Library

Partner up for loop runs / pains

One Pax runs a loop of the building while the second performs the pains until the first returns

Low Slow Squats


Carolina Dry Docks

Off to the fourth sweat station Scholars Walk

Bear Crawl *2 light poles

Lt. Dan *2 light poles

Broad Jump *1 light pole

Return to the COT

American Hammers *25

Box Cutters *10

Rosealittas *10


Closed with praises and concerns

Kindergarten Cop’s friend had chest pains during church and went to the hospital

Of course, Fallout’s dislocated elbow

Pony Tail’s Mother In Law Double By-Pass surgery

Teachers returning to scho9ol this week

Van Wilder and Samurai’s daughters preparing to leave for college next week

Fallout rough start but the dislocated elbow never slowed you down!!!  Good work!!!

Kindergarten Cop as always you bring good energy to the group and great work!!!

Capt. Kangaroo another solid workout.  You amaze me each time I see you work.  Great work!!!

Blackhawk as always, a solid leader of F3 and HIM.  Great energy and pushing me in the runs!!!

Dog Pound another solid workout, never complains just produces good work!!!

Canseco (rename) he had forgotten his name from a few months ago so we decided to rename today.  Great work and hope the tattoo will help you remember.  LOL!!!

Van Wilder another tank like workout.  Never stop attitude and work ethics are off the chart.  Great work!!!








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Black Diamond Start to the Week

  • QIC: General
  • When: 08/08/16
  • Pax: Ringer, Fahvra, General
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC was bringing back an oldie but a goodie launching a MONDAY morning Black Diamond from the Original Tomahawk site. We got a short downpour approximately 15min before launch just to slick things down and keep it cool for an early August morning. 3 warriors chose to up the ante and elected to start the week on a high with YHC’ s Black Diamond


  • Quick paced loop around the AO and back to launch site
  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Wind-mill
  • 15 Mountain Climbers

The Thang

  • Incline merkin “walk” using the curb (apprx 40ft, felt like 100) 20 curb dips at the end
  • Incline merkin “walk” with curb jump after each merkin (same 40ft) 20 curb dips at the end
  • Incline Diamond merkin “walk” (same 40ft) 20 curb dips at the end
  • Heavy bucket carry suicide (advance bucket to first island, drop and sprint back to start line. Run back to bucket at 1st island,pick up and advance to 2nd island. Drop and sprint back to start and repeato to 3rd island…then work the suicide back to start. Rinse and Repeat (x2)
  • Mosey over to carpool loop containing 4 pain stations
  • Station 1 (10 burpees), run to Station 2 (20 merkins), run to Station 3 (30 curb dips), run to station 4 (40 single count F. Mercury)
  • Repeat the same loop, however this was far from the same. This loop would be a building loop…Station 1 (10 Burpees), Station 2 (10 burpees, 20 merkins), Station 3 (10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 curb dips) finish at Station 4 (10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 curb dips, 40 F. Mercury) AT THIS POINT Ringer and Fahvra broke a sweat
  • Repeat the initial loop…NO building, to the dismay of…NO ONE
  • Mosey over to the nicely soaked hill for some Jacob’s Ladder (6counts) – Dive Bomber Merkins (bottom), Air-press (top). Repeat replacing Air-Press with Jump Squats. Repeat replacing Jump Squats with Bomb-Jacks (3x total)
  • Finish how you start (1 more set of Inline Merkin Walks – 20 dips at the end)
  • 1 last Suicide sprint to wrap things up.


  • Strong work by some of IL/SOBs finest – RINGER has taken the next BLACK DIAMOND. Stay tuned on the Ole Tweeter and Slack
  • Ringer – the dude is always out there getting after it and crushed the pain station loop putting his head down and knocking through the Burpees and Merkins at blazing speed. Burpee competition, my money is on this guy. Awesome work, thanks for coming out and cannot wait to see what is in store for the next BD.
  • Fahvra – I think I finished ahead of him on the warm-up lap…only because he had never been to the AO and had no idea where he was going. I would not pass him up again until I beat him out of the parking lot leaving after the workout this morning. Strong work, I think you can still go hit the chest and tear it up this afternoon in the gym despite 100+ merkins of all shapes and styles this morning


Over and Out – General

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