First Timer at the Hive

Always fun to Q a workout your not overly familiar with so figured I’d give the pax a little something different than what they’re used to in a kettlebell workout.  Special thanks to Shady who brought his arsenal of KB’s to share w/ Jedi, Dirty Harry and myself.  Otherwise we would have looked really stupid w/ our 15 pound colored shake weights.

Started out by doing a quick mosey around the big lot holding our KB’s.  From there we hit the warm-up:

  • 20 SSH, 10 thrusters, 20 alternating merkins (one hand on a KB at all times, switching hands each merkin), 10 big boy sit ups w/ KB press and 10 KB halos around the head clockwise and counter clockwise.

Ran the guys w/ our KB’s down to the far end of the lot adjacent to the football field and we got started:

4 cones set-up (1st at the far end of the lot), the next 3 about 8 parking spaces apart.  Quick and dirty – do an exercise at the first cone, immediately lunge walk (w/ twist) w/ KB to the next cone, drop the KB, run back to the first cone (every time) and bear crawl back to your KB.  Once there, you do the next exercise, lunge walk w twist to the next cone, drop weight, run to the very first cone, bear crawl back to weight (now 2x the original distance)….you get the point.

    • Exercise #1 – wood choppers – It’s a play on the KB swing, but a little harder.  Start w/ KB above your head to the left then swing it down to the right side of your legs, and then swing back up to the left side of your head.  Key here is to not blow out your knee, but to actually accelerate as much as you can on the way UP.  20 reps per side, then lunge walk, run, bearcrawl back to your KB (wait for pax, those waiting did upright rows), then
    • Exercise #2 – jump squats x20.  Lunge walk, run, bear crawl 2x the distance (those waiting for pax to get back did sit ups w/ KB), then
    • Exercise #3 – curl thruster combo (curl KB, drop down into a squat and press it over head) x20, then lunge walk run, bear crawl 3x the original distance.
    • Exercise #4 – finish off w/ KB toe touches x20.  After that we ran to the bottom of the hill right next to the stadium

Starting at the bottom, do the exercise and rep count i give you and then run w/ your KB up the hill stopping at each light pole to do the same exact exercise & rep count until you get to the top of the hill, then do it one last time, then run down the hill and wait for the 6 (and the next exercise).

  • Exercise #1 – American hammers x10 (only count the right side) – 50 reps by the time you’re to the top
  • Exercise #2 – old fashioned skull crushers on your back x20 – 100 reps
  • Exercise #3 – shoulder press / tricep extension combo move x15 – 75 reps

Once we finished w/ the hill work, we ran to the start of the big lot where we parked our cars and bear crawled the entire width of the lot w/ our KB’s in hand until we made it back to COT.  End result was about 1.6 miles, tons of reps (tris and shoulders fully smoked) and a pretty quiet COT lol.  Prayers included Jedi’s school / crazy life right now, Pax that haven’t been out in a while (get a hold of them and get em back), kids / marriages and safe travels.

Thanks to Band Camp for giving me the torch for a day – had a blast.  The guys rocked it.  Until next time.


TClap |

Conveyor Belt of Pain 2

YHC had just spent a stressful weekend in which we threw a birthday party for our eldest at Adventure Air (and the rest deep cleaning our house). They let me jump, and jump I did. So much so that my back was incredibly sore the day before my Q.  That just meant that everyone would need to do some more back stuff with me to help keep me in shape.  Thanks, everyone!

9 PAX gathered in the parking lot of the Armory.  Started out by dragging out the disclaimer while Tesh and River Rat pulled in.  Yet another PAX showed up at the last minute, but I don’t recall who it was..  Went for a quick mosey up the side lot and half way back to wait for… other guy… sigh… and got in a quick 20 SSH and some windmills to get us stretched out.

We then moseyed over to the bells and ran to the far end of the parking lot where some of the toys were arrayed, and chalk was drawn all over.  Stations were set up every 3rd parking space down the line, then at the end, over two rows, and back down the line forming almost three sides of a square.

The stations were as follows.

  1. KB Swings
  2. Upright Row
  3. 3/4″x72″ Black Iron Staff – Tip ups
    1. Holding the staff at least at half way, the more above your hand the harder it is
    2. Let the tip drop to parallel with the ground and use only fingertips and wrist strength to bring it to vertical.
  4. 3/4″x72″ Black Iron Staff – Rotations
    1. Holding the staff straight forward, rotate to the left and right
    2. Speed of rotation controls the work required to slow and reverse direction
  5. Box jumps (20, 24, and 30 inch sides)
  6. 10lb Training  Mace – barbarian swings
    1. Swing the mace to align it with the chest at shoulder height to the left and right, when the arm close to the ball crosses the body, it’s on the bottom.  When it’s on its own side, the top
  7. Kettlebell Pendulum Swings – R
  8. Pendulum Swings -L
  9. Deadlift
  10. Seated chest press
    1. Six on the ground, legs straight out, torso leaned slightly back
    2. Chest press while leaning back with legs not leaving the ground
  11. Standard Kettlebell Row

There is always a traveling PAX. Two PAX started at station 11 (Chicken Hawk and Shin Guard).  Chicken Hawk spent about 10 seconds doing rows and ran with his bell down the parking lot, turned 90 degrees and ran to station one.  Each PAX was to bear crawl with the bell to the next station, however after one round it was apparent that the timer was going to kill our ability to hit all the stations multiple times.  Changed it to a quick walk.

After the first complete round, we met in the middle and did about a minute of broga to stretch out the back and went back to the conveyor.  We made it half way through the second round before time was up and it was a quick mosey back to COT for announcements and prayer.

Everyone worked hard.  Everyone got better.

TClap |

Pantheon of Pain – The “Gam Guillotine” – Redux

This BB is going to be easy, at least for the workout part for in honor the Q of my first workout – Jekyll – I decided to recreate his Q nearly verbatim. With the help of Gears I was able to find his original back blast. This is yet ANOTHER reason to do these things!! (You’re welcome Funhouse)

Pantheon of Pain- the “Gam Guillotine”

15-20 of the following
SSH, Squat, Calf Raise, lunge, Apolo Oh- No, Good Mornings, IW, and some other leg stuff.

The Thang:

Mosey to the grass field park near Trailhead park, to the trail that leads up to the dreaded power lines and Heart Attack Hill.

Run the Camelback.  5 squat on southend , 5 jump squat on Northend.  1 round is up and back. 5 rounds total.

Lungewalked 1/2 way, crabwalk 1/2 way.  backward  walk up hill.

Run Camelback: 5 air squat, 5 Mary Catherines, 5 rounds (includes extra hill)

To Memorial Gardens. Bearcrawls and lungewalks around the flag

Pledge of Allegiance

Back for COT.

>> It was just as horrible today as it was 3 years ago, even though I am in much better shape now. As we were progressing through it, myself, Mr T, and Fishsticks started to remember some of the details of that day. It was just as humid, but slightly hotter. Mumblechatter was epic. And it hurt ALOT back then. I remember almost passing out on round 8 of the hill.

Wednesday June 29, 2016

That was the day my F3 journey all began. That’s the day I started transforming into a better person, in many ways, than what I was before.

My good friends Mr T and Qwerty were working on me for a few months to come out to try this thing they called F3. I just got over a major surgery where I was out of action for a while, which really put me in a bad place mentally and physically. They knew I was down and out. They were there for me. It’s awesome they said. You are very active, and it’s a great FREE workout they said. You’ll meet some great people they said, maybe even develop more friendships they said. And it will help you become a better man they said. Seriously? All this I thought was just another phony sales pitch from another Ponzi scheme, another get ripped quick scheme or something. for usually if it sounds too good to be true then usually it is.  I kept making excuse after excuse, but they were consistent in trying to motivate me to try it. Just once they said, and we will stop.

After a lot of constant yet polite and respectful nagging from them, I decided to throw caution to the wind and say WTF. One super hot and muggy summer morning Mr T came by and picked me up in that awful-WTF-early time, and off we went. (btw – I committed to do this a week or so earlier but had trouble waking that dang early). I met up with a bunch of fellas I had no idea who they were, what kind of people they were. Then one of them asked us to do all kinds of weirdly painful exercises. Running up a stupidly steep hill in the dark, no lights. Walking on my hands and feet (??!!). Introducing me to this God-awful exercise called a Good Morning (burpee). After a while I was expecting some frat house hazing to be honest, so I was a little on guard. But I kept going along, for the conversations during this was pretty dang good. Rather I was just listening, I could not talk – no breath to do so. Then we circle around an American flag in a park and say the Pledge of Allegiance. That was flat out inspiring. Next thing I knew it was over and I was on a rush. Then we sealed it with some open conversation and then a prayer. Wow.

The rest is now prologue to a wonderful set of chapters added to the ongoing book of my life that everyone I’ve met through F3 has helped write, the solid foundation that my future can build upon.  Looking back now, boy were they right. I cannot thank Mr T, as well as Qwerty who was assistant EH, ever enough. I can only keep trying to do for them what they have done for me.

Thanks to everyone I’ve met along the way. Your push, pull, inspiration, support, wisdom, accountability, leadership, motivation, and more has been truly transformational for me.

Love y’all. God bless.

TClap |

Remember your #

Another saucy morning for the PAX at footloose.  Slight mumble chatter as YHC assessed the group.  I had a plan but could I pull it off was the question.  Gave a brief intro and disclaimer and we were off for our 5 second mosey which caught everyone off guard.  Mental preparedness is key.  We started out with…yep you guessed it Broga.  Thanks to Sasquatches excellent training I learned a few things over the last couple of years on Broga.  Threw in a few other warmup items like windmills, SSH, blah blah blah.

On to the meat and potatoes.  First order of business was to assign a number to each PAX and an exercise which went fairly well considering a bunch of dudes early in the gloom.  Kicker was if they forgot their number or exercise we’d do burpees.  I don’t think we did any surprisingly enough.

Off to our first location down by Ft. Mill COG.  Plan was to start at #1 and go through 13.  PAX with number would run up and down the stairs while rest of PAX did exercise.  Simple enough.

Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, LBC’s, Calf Raises, Carolina Dry Docks, Flutters, Squats,
Shoulder Taps, Mountain Climbers, American Hammers, Seal Jacks, Freddy Mercury.

Off to another set of stairs where we rinsed and repeated again.  Ran back to Shovel Flag for 1 more round to finish up with COT.

Thanks Beacon for the opportunity.

TClap |

If Wilt Chamberlain met Nicole (well he probably did)

It was cool morning and 11 showed up for my Q at the Abyss. I gave a brief but full disclaimer. We did a fast mosey, because they don’t always have to be slow (I picked this up from a Backblast where Duck Dynasty “Cobain’d” for a fast mosey and Maximus said that they are fine and not really intended to be slow but they have evolved into being slow). We circled up for COP in the grass because only snowflakes circle up on the clean smooth asphalt and I ain’t no Snowflake (poor grammar intended).

COP was basically a modified Worse Merkin Ever Routine (hats off to Whitesnake who caught on after we departed the workout).
30 SSH in Cadence followed by 15 Ranger Merkins in Cadence (correct Merkins) – Royale said something about liking that I do 15 instead of 10 (or at least that is what i heard).
30 Seal Jacks in Cadence followed by 15 Werkins in Cadence
15 Smurf Jacks in Cadence followed by 10 Diamond Merkins
(O’Reilly does not like my COP’s, he would prefer Windmills or something like that, but see above – I ain’t no Snowflake) Kidding……Windmills are ok to do also.

We then took a long run around the school and then regrouped at the Monkey Bars where we performed a “Nicole”
(Nicole is one of the girls of Cross-fit. Set a timer for 20 minutes. Pax will complete AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of the following: Run 400m; Pull-ups AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) Mix up the pull-ups, chin-ups etc. as you see fit.; Repeato until the timer sounds.)

We still had time so we then started and almost completed the “Wilt Chamberalin”
(Space cones 100 ft apart. Length of basketball court. Line up at first cone do 100 lbc’s then run to second cone do 100 squats back to first do 100 flutter kicks(each leg) then end back at second to finish off with 100 lunges(50 each leg). Nice ab and lower body routine. Named for Wilts NBA record 100 pt game.) Copyright got called out by a couple guys (O’Reilly) for bailing on the Lunges and jumping ship or “Turncoat” as O’Reilly kidded around saying should be his new F3 name. But O’Reilly did not realize that Copyright did like 500 Weighted Lunges the prior day.

I then asked if anyone wanted to say their reps and 1 Pax (Flux) stated he did like 100 Pull ups and like 6 Miles and I told him that I researched what “Nicole” averaged and he was almost as good as her. Of course I added to what ever Flux told me and tried to make him feel less of a man. I did no such research of course. Well it was approximately 12:30 and it apparently was in his head and he called BS on my research. I didn’t think it would have taken till 12:30 though.

Finished up with a COT a couple prayer request (Joie heading to Guatemala, Whitesnake has a friend in a dark place in life, and a couple others I am sorry I forgot them but I know now more than ever that the Lord heard them!!!!!!! I also had an unspoken one that is really heavy on my heart right now and engulfing my mind with fear so if you are ready this please include my M in your prayers.

Thanks Copyright for the chance to lead such a good group of men.

Two Ferns

TClap |

12 started their week at The Armory for some Workouts of the Day dedicated to the brave men who stormed the beach in Normandy. After a brief warm up we got to the heart of the day:

20 Minutes AMRAP

-60ish Meter Suitcase Carry (switch hands midway)

-60ish Meter Bear Crawl/Bell Drag Back (switch hands midway)

-44 American Hammers

-60ish Meter Suitcase Carry (switch hands midway)

-60ish Meter Bear Crawl/Bell Drag Back (switch hands midway)

-44 Burpees


Following this we had about 13 minutes so we adjusted another WOD

6 Minutes

-Ladder count up of curls, overhead press, goblet squat & high pull (1 of each then 2 of each then 3, etc)

6 Minutes

-Reverse ladder count from the amount you had completed previously of 4 count flutters and 4 count mountain climbers. The original weinke called for man maker burpees instead of the flutter kicks, but I decided to modify that…


Mosey back to COT for announcements and prayer.


Thank you for the opportunity to lead

TClap |
Olaf is evil

Snowman Celebrates America

22 Mericans joined YHC at #Abyss for some stars and stripes work.
Disclaimer was disclaimed very well and everyone was clear on my style of “fun” so to get the party started we counted off by twos but since nobody remembers their number we did stars and stripes. Then YHC’s paintrain was opened up and each PAX that was a star was asked to carry a tire carcass and the stripes had to pick logs.

Mosey over to back track and get artistic by making a flag with coupons from paintrain. Wish YHC would have taken a picture of the magnificently heavy flag.

Circle up for some COP/warmup
SSH x 13
Circle of hump x 13

Everyone grab a partner and grab something heavy and make a lap around the track AFAP.

Circle back up for more COP
Suicide squats x 17
Hip slap x 50 (crowd pleaser)

Everyone grab a partner and grab something heavy again and make a lap around the track AFAP.

Last little bit of COP
13 Bropees with high five at the top of the jump.

Now we storm the beaches and charge the back hill in memory of all the great men and women that have died protecting our great country.

One partner grabs a machine gun, aka log, while the other partner grabs a ring of belt ammo for the partner’s machine gun, aka tire carcass, and charge up the hill AFAP.

Starting at the top of the hill, lunge walk down to the middle light then backward lunge walk to the bottom. Then crab walk back up the hill to the middle light then bear crawl up to the top.

Grab all the coupons and rumble down the hill back to the track circle for some ring toss fun.

Broke PAX into 7 fire team columns of 3-4 men each. Starting at the end by the playground first pax up will ring toss tire carcass towards other end of parking lot, then run to where the ring stopped and perform 3 Kraken Burpees. Next man up grabs ring and tosses then chasses and performs krakens and so on until the team reaches the other side. Nobody was seriously injured so we ramp up the difficulty and with it comes more excitement and maybe more danger, remember the disclaimer….Same rules as first trip down but now ring has to be tossed overhead. Now as you can imagine the level of chaos and confusion got pretty intense. I can’t imagine the horror of being in a firefight with my fellow men getting dropped and scattered from a rain of machine gun fire from a superior position. Guys were ducking from other tires being heaved and jumping over their teammates and even jumping over other guys that were not even on their team but somehow there tire rolled into their path so they had to jump over them too, It was mayhem. Nobody died and there were some pretty good laughs so we continued.
All the coupons and logs were then distributed around the oval track for the final exercise. Deep squat expedition was about to start. Everyone started at a coupon around the track. Every time you encountered a coupon in your path you had to stop and perform three deep squats. If there were two coupons side by side, you guessed it, six deep squats for the double coupon. continue around the track until one minute to Endex then jailbreak to COT leaving coupons at the track.

Announcements before ball of man for COT with an open moment for PAX to lift up prayers and praises.

Great job by all the men gutting out a physical fast paced good old fashioned American beatdown in celebration of our wonderful nation.

Thanks for the opportunity Copyright to lead and Funhouse for the accountability to get it blasted.

If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations or comments on how I can offer a better beatdown please let me know. DM me or hit me in the gloom, I would love to discuss. I know that we are very fortunate to be AO rich and have multiple options on where we post each day so I want to make sure I am delivering a beatdown that is worth you unfartsacking yourself for. I don’t think I am alone in striving to serve up a beatdown that checks all of the 3S2T and if anyone has any feedback good or bad let me have it brother. Hit me with the hard truth, I demand it, because we can’t get better unless we get truthful. Here is your chance to work on your Candor, deliver a hard truth to me and let’s discuss like men how to make it better for everyone. I want to represent this region right when I have the opportunity to guest Q downrange so help me make us look good. Get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there to become a better leader, be vulnerable and learn from the mistakes and analyze the feedback. I can’t wait until next time and I hope you feel the same way.

Stay frosty my friends,

TClap |

Kettlebell Flush Draw

Cherry Pickers
Imperial walkers

Play Some Cards – split deck from 2 to 7’s (lo’s) and 8 to A’s (hi’s)

Round 1:
Spades (hi) – lawnmower pulls, right arm
Clubs (hi) – lawnmowers pulls, left arm
Diamonds (hi) – Shoulder press, right arm
Hearts (hi) – Shoulder press, left arm
Jokers = 5 Burpees

Round 2:
Spades (lo) – shoulder pulls, right arm
Clubs (lo) – shoulder pulls, left arm
Diamonds (lo) – Shoulder extensions, right arm
Hearts (lo) – Shoulder extensions, left arm
Jokers = 5 Burpees

Round 3 (whole deck):
Spades = Swings
Clubs = Goblet Squats
Diamonds = Curls
Hearts = Rest/Count/Stretch
Jokers = 5 Burpees

May 13
The Armory

TClap |

Leg Day at The Hive – Friday, May 17th

12 men joined YHC at the Hive to make a baker’s dozen of PAX ready for a kettlebell beatdown.


  • mosey around the parking lot
  • 25 side straddle hops
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 11 windmills
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 10 peter parkers
  • 10 parker peters
  • 10 4 count mountain climbers
  • mosey back to bells

The Thang

Pax lined up on one side of the parking lot. Will do a series of 4 exercises, run at 75% speed to the other side of the lot for another series of exercises, then sprint back to start to rinse and repeat.

First set 

  • Side 1
    • 10 single arm thrusters – each arm
    • 10 overhead lunges – each leg
    • 10 goblet squats
    • 10 kettlebell swings
  • Side 2
    • 10 big boy sit ups
    • 10 burpees

Rinse & repeat x 3

Second set

  • Side 1
    • 10 snatches – each arm
    • 10 sumo high pulls
    • 10 single arm rows – each arm
    • 10 overhead press
  • Side 2
    • 10 big boy sit ups
    • 10 burpees

Rinse & repeat x 3

Extra credit

  • 25 LBCs
  • Captain Thor to 3×12


  • Convergence


  • marriages
  • churches
  • personal issues
  • travel
TClap |

I’m your huckleberry…

A little background for any historian looking for minutia about May of 2019…  A couple weeks ago, our very own Nasa sent out a call to all the PAX in the Twittersphere to participate with him in the “30 day ab challenge”. Something about wanting to look good for summer.  YHC decided that having having abs (yes, just the word in its plural form) would be a nice change.  Each day HURTS.  They hurt a lot more whenever the Q pulls a favorite bit of pain out of the app to share in the mornings.

When YHC noticed on the Twitty thing that there was a call to Q footloose, I very quickly volunteered (“I’m your huckleberry”), knowing that I could stack the deck in my favor for one day, and one day only… No overlap. But that doesn’t mean easy.

Mosey up the road over to the SE lot of 1st Baptist for
15x SSH

During the set an angry and loud dog appeared. To be good neighbors we moseyed down to the other end of the lot to finish the warm up.

15x Moroccan Night Club
15x Low Slow Squat
15x Calf Raises

Mosey down to the stairs and into the little lot next to Fort Mill Church of God. There’s a very nice retaining wall there that’s great for some moderate step ups.

Everyone paired up for some fun

Partner one does the exercise, person two does the motion for about 20m up and down the lot. Switch and wait for the six before moving on. Everyone kept together very well.
Stationary, motion

  1. Step ups, Bear crawls
  2. Merkins, Toy Soldiers
  3. Lunges, High knees
  4. Pistols R, Butt kickers
  5. Pistols L, butt kickers
  6. Supermans, Bear Crawls
  7. One leg deadlift R (toe touch), Toy Soldiers
  8. One leg deadlift L (toe touch), Toy Soldiers
  9. L elbow, left knee, and right hand on the ground, right leg straight and high, hold until the other PAX gets back from -> high knees
  10. Squats, Butt kickers

We took a rest lap after the supermans and when the circuit was complete.  There looked to be enough time to try for another full circuit, but around # 8, on of the PAX noticed my nice watch, causing YHC to LOOK at said watch, realize how bright it was getting, and we ran back to COT for announcements, prayers, and praises.

TClap |