I Stole Boss Hogg’s Q

WARMUP: 5 Merkins, SSH and 7 Windmills
THE THANG: I stole Boss Hogg’s 10
Station Workout- cumulative 10 reps Flying Squirrel, Merkins, Big Boy, Squat, Shoulder Taps, LBC, Flutters, Plank Jack and Lunges, running a lap after each station

MARY: None

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Mix it up…

After the standard detailed disclaimer by YHC, short mosey to warm-o-rama

All below excercises in cadence,
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

After Warm-o-Rama, run to the benches for,
50 Step ups OYO

Run back to the running track area for,
Toy Soldier/ Run back to start
Lunge Walk/ Run back to start
Karaoke Walk/ Run back to start
Side Run/ Run back to start

Then for some partner Dora work with two teams.
100 LBCs
100 Calf Raises
100 Arm Raises
100 Squats
100 Carolina Dry Docks
100 Lunges
100 Mountain Climbers
100 Skipping Without Rope
100 Shoulder Taps
100 Freddie Mercury
100 Merkins
100 Monkey Humpers

No time for dedicated Marys at the end.

Coffeteria and D2DB10k Packet pickup

Prayers for family and friends

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Riggs is gonna have to help Murtaugh off the pot…

WARMUP: mosey to Lowes for
20 SSH
10 Windmill
10 Cherry Picker
10 Merkins
11s running from the road to the front of Lowes. Start at one BBSU and 10 Leg Lifts (whatever they’re called)
Give the PAX a 10 count and change things up with…
21s?! running half the distance. Starting with one calf raise in squat position, and 20 squats
Upon completion we did some 10 counts in downward dog position to stretch our calves
Mosey back to COT and partner up for 3 minutes of Roshamburpees!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D and the Jeager
COT: Prayers of thanks and prayers for the lost

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Work at The Horn

5 at The Horn. Warm up lap around the carpool circle. Circle up for SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Squats, and arm circles.
Next, mosey to the wall in the back parking lot. Dora (merkins, squats, LBCs) , partner 1 performed exercises while partner 2 ran to wall and performed 2 muscle ups. Quick break to discuss Word of the Year.
Next, moseyed to the front of the school. Using the parking spaces, we lunged walked the length of the lot, stopping at every other line for 10 squats. Repeat but replaced exercises with crawl bear and Carolina Dry Docks.
Finished up with a mosey back to COT stopping at every other light pole for a exercise.
Prayers for the schools, job opportunities, and travel.

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MLK Tribute

5 men showed up at The Yard on a cold ,breezy morning. Warm-ups started at the basketball courts with SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Squats, and MNCs.
Next, we honored MLK with 15 burpees for his age when he entered college. He was only 39 years old when he passed away. I read his heart was in the condition of a 60 year old, mostly due to stress (he was also a smoker). Next, we moseyed to the back parking lot for a round of DORA (Merkins, Squats, LBCs). More MLK facts, over 700 streets, parks are named after this great man. He also made over 1500 speeches over his lifetime. Back to the basketball courts, dips on the wall, lunge walk to the basketball goal, reverse lunge walk to the foul line for 10 Bobby Hurleys (NC State graduate according to Boogie Down). We completed three round before time was up.
Back to COT.
MLK was an amazing man. We each have an opportunity to make an impact in this world, more importantly, in our community. We just need to take a step forward and act.

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Working Hard at the Yard

WARMUP: Disclaimer was disclaimed and we started to mosey. Goal of warm up was to cover 1 mile with various exercises along the way. Exercises while moseying – karaokes, high knees, and butt kickers. First stop during warm up was by the front of the school. Low slow squats x10 in cadence and mountain climbers x12 in cadence. Then we partnered up, cumulative rep count of 100 with each partner doing alternating sets of 10 reps. While partner A was performing 10 step ups partner B was holding a wall sit. Keep switching until you hit 100 reps total. Moseyed to the next area for similar routine to warm up upper body. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, this time while partner A is performing 10 merkins partner B held 6 inches. Moseyed to a 3rd area for a similar routine for core. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, partner A performed 10 sit-ups while partner B performed flutters. Goal was met as we covered 1 mile.
THE THANG: Moseyed to the track layout in the bus parking lot. Created 2 routines to be completed in alternating fashion.

Mini MP, running with push ups around the track.
10 – Diamond Merkins, run 2 laps
15 – Derkins (feet on curb), run 2 laps
20 – Merkins, run 2 laps
25 – WideArm Merkins, run 2 laps

Routine on the inside of track layout:
Bear Crawl from the inside of the track layout to the middle of the oval (to the basketball hoops). Complete the listed exercise and the bear crawl back to the track layout. Exercises were:
10 – Split Lunge Jumps
15 – Jump Squats
20 – Squats
25 – SSH in cadence

Alternated by completing the first phase of the mini MP routine and then move right into the 1st phase of the bear crawl routine. Keep alternating until all 4 phases are complete. Ended right at 45 min, maybe went a few seconds over.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Mental Health Awareness WOD, read your news letter.
COT: Love is a choice. What kind of choices are you making?

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12 Days of Christmas

WARMUP: stretches; windmill praises (Pope Francis (85)), Boxer Squats (Chuck Liddell (52)), Jump Ropes Manny Pacquiao(43)), Evil Squats (Milla Jovovich (46))
Bear Crawled across the basketball courts, 20 big boy twists, bear crawl back and 20 more big boy twists
1 lap around the courtyard track
2 burpees
3 big boys
4 monkey humpers
5 squats
6 flutter kicks
7 bobby hurleys
8 Mt Climbers (4ct)
9 Plank Jacks
10 SSH (4 ct)
11 Lunges
12 Merkins

COT: Prayers for family members, and travel during the holidays

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Mind Over Moderation

WARMUP: Run two laps around the parking lot. SSH, Windmills, Merkins
THE THANG: 2min run.
10 Lunges I/C, 10 Reverse Lunges I/C, 15 Low Slow Squats, 20 Calf Raises
2min run
25yd Partner Pushes (3x each)
1min run
Peter Parkers, Protractor
2min run
1min Carolina Dry Docks, 1min Ins/Outs
Even-Numbered Jack Webb: 2 Merkins/8 Overhead Claps, 4/16, 6/24, 8/32, 10/40
2min run
Plank Series
MARY: See Above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes there were. Christmas Party
COT: Should’ve been there.

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