Bermuda Murph

It was a glorious Friday morning with a group of eager to work Pax. After a very thorough and intricate disclaimer we got to work.

The Thang was the MURPH!
100 Pull-ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats

Believe it or not we had enough PAX finish that we were able to work in about 3 minutes of MARY.

Great morning great group!

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Concentrica Cornhole… with Kettlebells!

Today was my opportunity to lead the men at Cannonball.  This place has become a PAX favorite.  Many of the men enjoy the Peg Leg pre-run before the standard start at 5:15am, so I was setting up with plenty of men gathering early.  Great to see Trench out there pre walking to get his miles in too! RESPECT.

We got the PAX circled up with the normal disclaimer.  Elmer Fudd joined us for his 2nd Day in a row, and Airwolf seems to having posted everyday for the last two weeks!  Got some new guys ready to go all in…

Disclaimer and we left our kettlebells for a little warmup.  One short lap around the parking lot to get the blood flowing then COP.

I don’t recall all, mostly just make up what feels good on COP nowadays.

IWs – Merkins – Producer Pickers – CDDs – LS Squats – Peter Parkers – Parker Peters – Mountain Climbers

Time to get to work, so we grabbed our kettlebells for a small walk back into the parking lot to circle up.

I started the 1st evolution getting all the men used to the 12 exercises (below).  We completed an “in cadence” round of 10 reps of each of the kettlebell exercises below.  Once complete we moved to our game.

My goal today was to share a man’s Concentrica.  I’ve set up this game before a few times, but with so many newer guys around and with our discussions around Q source and how to become a HIM, a refresher seemed welcome.

I drew a large bullseye on the ground with the 5 Concentrica rings.  From Center –> Out the rings are M — Shorties — Shieldlock — Whetstone — Mammon.  I gave a brief summary of each circle and how a man needs to focus his “shots” toward the center to stay in relational rhythm.  We’re not always accurate, but the goal should be the same…you want more of your attempts in the center than the outside!

The PAX would stand about 20 yards away and throw cornhole bags at the target.  Wherever the bag landed, we would rotate between the 2 exercises in each category.

They were:

M = Center

  1. 20 KB Swings
  2. Overhead Carry with a walk


  1. 20 America Hammers DC
  2. 20 Flutters w/ Press DC


  1. 25 Curls
  2. 25 Tricep Presses


  1. 25 Goblet Squats
  2. 20 Bent Rows each arm


  1. 20 KB Pistol Squats each leg
  2. 25 KB Thrusters


  1. 5 Turkish Getups each side
  2. 10 KB Snatch each arm

Everyone got a turn, some a 2nd chance…I think the total attempts and workouts were 17-18.

There were two highlights to the event.

  1. Two Ferns went 1st, and proceeded to miss the target completely.  We started with 5 Turkish Getups, which set the mood perfectly. When he got the chance to redeem himself later he threw the beanbag as far as he could… clearly determined to show his distain for the heckling!
  2. Our 2nd Day PAXer Elmer Fudd was the ONLY PAX to hit the bullseye “M”. Today’s hero for sure.

We finished right on time, put the bells away and finished in COT.

Lots of Announcements – plenty to do… start with the Invergence next week!

Prayers for Costanza’s co-worker Nikki going through health and addiction issues.  And for YHC’s old friend Katie McCloud who lost her Mother to pancreatic cancer in a month.

A honor to lead,


TClap |

Coupons of Rock

Had a total of 12 plus myself to attend a beat down with Coupons. I wasn’t feeling all too well today after seeing the Doctor yesterday. So my goal was to help with form and to push the PAX to getting a good proper burn while using the right form.

The Thang.

I had 7 different stations

I had the group count off by 7’s to determine which station was their start point.

#1 (The Counter) was 5 station suicides with burpees at each cone. Once the group at this station completed this is what made the PAX move to the next station.

#2 Lateral Raises to Center. This was hard for most due to size of pavers being used. So it resulted in different various shoulder exercises. All focusing on the shoulders.

#3 Colt 45’s (lots of mumble chatter here) yes these pavers were larger than station #2. Just like the bicep curls of 21’s. This was a 15 rep  bicep curl count going from arms down to 90 degree angle with elbows in. Followed by another 15 rep curl from 90 degree to paver to chest. Then lastly 15 rep count full bicep curl. Hence the 45’s. Once you hit 45 you started back again till moving to next station

#4 Burp Merican. This was a Burpee that increased the number of Mericans per each rep. So your first Burpee when down in the Merican you completed one. Then the second Burp you did 2 Mericans, and so forth.

#5 Alligator Merican with Bear Crawls. You started out doing the Alligator Merican from point A to point B. Once you made it to point B you Bear Crawled back to point A. You continued this until moving to next station.

#6 Elf on the Shelf. You started with a paver on one side of you. Grab the paver on that side while keeping it on that side basically made a rainbow motion brining paver to other side. Touching the ground, then bring back.

#7 Center Chest Raise. Grab paver in hands with palms/wrist facing up. With elbows locked go from waist to 90 degree angle (Shoulder/chest height) straight out. Squeeze then slow let down. working the lower chest.

The PAX completed the first round. I had them circle up around me and had Story time. I talked about my past a little and about what the past can do to you. Give you excuses, push you, or hurt you. That you shouldn’t use the past to determine your failures but use it to better you and make you a better person. Push you. After the short talk I sent them for round 2. I hope that little bit helped because I didn’t hear as much mumble chatter and saw a different fire under all the guys out there. It was an honor to Q at the Poopdeck and share a little about myself.

Ended with COT.

TClap |

Mega Tight Mile

I had the pleasure of Qing the High Intensity workout at Shipwreck this morning! 10 pax accepted the challenge and I wanted to make sure to deliver what they signed up for. We did a variation of a merciless mile, but this one was different…It was a Mega Tight Mile.

We ran down to the track and COP lasted about 15 sec just to give instructions. The HIT workout is only 30min so we got right to work!

Mega Tight Mile looked like this: 4 cones placed around the track at each cone you stop and do work!

Lap 1: 10’s

10 Burpees

10 Plank Jack Merkins

10 Tuck Jumps

At the end of Lap 1 you completed 40 reps of each exercise.

Lap 2: 20’s

20 Ski Ab’s (Counting only middle)

20 High Knees with a Twist (High knees but touch opposite elbow to knee…basically a standing Freddy Mercury)

20 Front Back Jumps (Jump forward, Jump Backward)

At the end of Lap 2 you completed 80 reps of each exercise.

Lap 3: 30’s 

30 Mountain Climbers (Double Count)

30 Plank Jack Shoulder Taps (As you do shoulder taps your legs spread apart while holding plank)

30 Squat Jumps

At the end of Lap 3 you completed 120 reps of each exercise.

Almost Done Finish Strong!!

Lap 4: Time Challenge

To finish our Mega Tight Mile I challenged the Pax to give it all they got!

For the last lap all you have to do is run!…but the catch is if you don’t finish your lap in under 2:15 you owe us 20 burpees!

Lucky all the pax are mega tough so everyone fished in under 2:00min so no burpees were done.

Instead we finished the workout with some ab work

In Cadence 10 Box Cutters, 10 V-Crunch.

Congrats You did  it!

After completion we met up with the Moderate Workout guys for Name-o-Rama, FNG naming, and Prayers a praises.

Shout out to 3 FNG’s QT, Airwolf, and Bartman

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Copyright’s Counterclockwise Claudia


Pax started off with a full lap around the parking lot followed by some F your neighbor (exercise followed by everyone taking two-four steps to their left). AKA an excuse for me to share my 30#er.
Exercises included: bent over rows, tricep ext., Squats, moroccan night clubs

The Thang
Found this KB WOD on some CrossFit website. Claudia: 5 rounds of 20 KB swings, 400 m run

Kraken catch me if you can
Pax partnered up, P1 took two KBs and walked, P2 did a kraken burpee and ran to catch up and relieve partner for 2 laps.

DORA 100, 100, 100
P1 – KB thrusters, bent over rows (50 each arm), plank rows (50 each arm)
P2 – overhead carry to light pole (switch arm) and back

Finished with some Mary and a fan favorite counter clockwise nameorama.

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High Intensity Beatdown at Shipwrecked

Shipwrecked is the newest Lake Wylie AO that offers two workouts: moderate for the respectable or dinged up pax and high intensity for heart pumping challenge.  YHC was privileged to Q the 30 minute high intensity boot camp.  Here is how it went down:


  • 100 yard mosey to the rear of the elementary school parking lot
  • 20 SSH IC
  • Arm circles

The Thang, Part 1 – The Challenge

A combination of merkins and pullups; pax individually chose to 25/8 or 15/5 for a series of no rest reps:

  • Two rounds of standard merkins/wide arm pullups
  • Two rounds of diamond merkins/chinups
  • Two rounds of werkins/standard pullups

After about 12 minutes, pax would have completed between 90 & 150 merkins and between 30 & 48 pullups

The Thang, Part 2

  • 11s in the parking lot: squats and CDDs
  • Lunge & Nur in between
    • Omaha lunge to plyo-skip

The Thang, Part 3 – on the track

  • Fast jog the straight-aways, slow jog the curves – one lap
  • Repeat with 5 burpees between straights and curves – 20 burpees total
  • Finished with quick round of Mary
    • 15 crunch frogs, IC
    • 12 Box Cutters, IC
    • 20 American Hammers, IC

We ran back to COT for announcements (Invergence/Convergence Sept 6/7) and to welcome FNG “Chimichunga”.

Final tally:  30.min 53 sec; 1.44 miles, peak heart rate 170, average 120;

As always, an honor to lead.







TClap |

Full Body Beat Down

What’s up fellas! Welcome to my first ever Backblast. Hopefully it’s not terrible, but if it is it’s because of the reader…not the writer.

The clock hit 5:15am so after a short intro, disclaimer and regular warning about legal matters we got things started. We did a Black Snake Indian run (Indian run but 1 by 1 the pax weaved in between  each other back to front). We did this until we made it to the location for COP.


15 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Cherry Pickers, and finished with 10 Low Slow squats.  After this we got down to business with the good stuff.

For the Main event I wanted to make sure we did a full body workout with arms, legs, abs and endurance… so I broke it down into 3 parts.

Part 1 (Full Body)- Hill top Escalator

10 Burpees, 20 Plank Jack Merkins (Merkin but as you go down your legs go out like a SSH), 30 Gorilla Jumps, 40 Mountain Climbers, 50 Flutters.

After each round run down the hill and alternate between Bear Crawl and Bunny hops back up.

Part 2 (Abs & Endurance)- Ladder Suicides In and Out Abs

I put out 5 cones for the suicides. For the Ladder portion we did in and out abs (Plank while moving your legs in to your hands and back out into plank position).  10 In&Outs then Suicides, 15 In&Outs then Suicides, ending with 20 In&Outs then last round of Suicides. Congrats you made it past Part 2!

Part 3 (Arms & Legs) 11’s

Last Part finish hard!

We did 11’s with Peter Parker Merkins and Shawn Whites (Squat Jump with 180 spin)

After all “Parts” were complete we ran back for Name-o-Rama, Prayer Request and Praises. .  Black Snake Indian Run formation.

Prayer Requests: Teachers going back to school today

Praises: Shout Out to Two Ferns for leading the Prayer walks and Schools and for FNG Autotune!




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Run, Kraken, Broga

13 men resisted the ever menacing fart sack and met in the gloom at the Bermuda Triangle for another great Friday.  With the shovel flag passed on from HomeBrew to Wolverine last week, I wanted to make this Q a bit different from my previous ones to help usher in a new era at the Triangle. At a recent site Q meeting the Fort’s Maximus was discussing a bootcamp consisting of a minimum of 3 miles running with a bare bones bootcamp mixed in and with Ragnar coming I thought to myself, what a great idea.

Disclaimer was given and we ran over to the basketball court for a quick COP. SSHx20/Cotton Pickerx10/Tha Windmillx10 all IC. 

Main Event

5 Kraken Burpees/5 Jump Knee Tucks/5 Donkey Kicks/ 5 Pull-ups/Run 2 Laps around track

Rinse and repeat 3 more times then we ran 4 laps straight for a total of 3 1/2 miles run.

Finished up with some Broga- Sun Salutation/Standing Half Lotus Left-Right Legs/Crow Pose


Violence in America/ Travel Prayers.  Two Ferns is leading a prayer service at the local schools to pray over the kids, Tweet him for more info. Thanks for the opportunity to lead Wolverine! Peace!

TClap |


There are not many more exciting things to do in F3 than to launch a new AO so I was very honored to be able to lead the High Intensity portion of our new AO…..ShipWrecked! One group of Pax goes and does a 30 minute Moderate Bootcamp and another group of Pax does a 30 minute High Intensity Bootcamp. We then go to Starbucks for cafeteria afterwards. I have no idea what the moderate boot camper’s did but here is my rundown.

Right off the bat…10 Burpees. Ran across the street to the High School where we did a High Intensity COP.  2 rounds of Circle Burps(16 more Burpees ) and 10xSSH IC.

Main Event

Super Crazy 8’s

8 Kraken Burpees/8 Ski Abs/8 Donkey Kicks/8 Big Boy Sit Ups/8 Jump Knee Tucks/8 Scorpion CDD’s Left Leg/8 Scorpion CDD’s Right Leg/ 8 Jump Lunges (count both legs as one rep)-run in a figure 8 pattern around the parking lot-rinse and repeat.  We completed 5 rounds before I had to get us back over to the elementary school for COT.

Finished with another round of Circle Burps(got 9 more Burpees in).


We voted on the name ShipWrecked for the new AO.  Prayer Walk this Sunday at the local schools-see Two-Ferns for details! Thanks to the leadership of Lake Wylie for the opportunity to lead!!! Peace!

TClap |

Neither Rain Nor Snow Nor Gloom Of Night…

IcedT ghost writing for Clavin.

13 Pax (2 from Gastonia) came out this morning in support of a Gastonia Pax who I personally work with.  With Gastonia being close by it only makes sense that every once and a while we should have a guest Q from that region to shake things up and find out how different regions operate.

Clavin opened with the pledge of allegiance and did a disclaimer and he started the COP right away with 5 Burpees/SSHx10/4 Burpees/Imperial Walkersx11/3 Burpees/Moroccan NightClubx12/2Burpees/LBC’sx10/1 Burpee

We then mosey’d on over to the side of the building where Clavin said his region was in a bit of a first F rut with every workout seeming to be the same so he had us do 5 Burpees/25 Big Boy’s/25 ‘merkins/25 Scorpion Dry Docks(both feet). Then we went to the Green Monster.

We continued the same bunch of exercises(however he Omaha’d 50 Scorpion CDD’s to just 25) on top of the hill, in the middle of the hill, on bottom of the hill, middle of the hill, top of the hill. With the Pax being smoked we mosey’d on over to the back parking lot where we did rugby sprints.  One Pax calls out an exercise and once he is satisfied we all run to first cone, run back, then sprint to far cone and walk back where another Pax calls a different exercise.  The Gastonia boys were introduced to the Kraken Burpee(thanks Royale) and other general F3 exercise’s.  We then mosey’d on back for COT.

Prayers for the mass shooting victims and all victims of violence.  We all must admit we live in a violent world but rejoice in the fact that there is strength in numbers and that is where F3 comes in. Traveling prayers and family prayers also. Thanks Clavin for coming on down to lead. Peace!

TClap |