Sandbag shenanigans


Windmills, strawberry pickers, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, low and slow squats, Moroccan nightclubs, cyclops, plank and some stretching then 5 merkins

Bring bags to outdoor amphitheater

Three rounds- ladder workout

5 man makers
Up a level
5 burpees – back down to first level
Up a level
5 HR merkins- back down to first level
Up a level
5 diamond merkins

MODE- Bear crawl up hill

5 Squats with bag
Up a level
5 split squats
Up a level
5 single leg squats
Up a level

MODE- Reverse crawl

Flutter press 4ct
American hammers 4ct
LBCs 4ct
Big boys

MODE- Third round- lunge walk

Over to loop
Partner 1 bag on bag plank
Partner 2 runs to end of lot and back, 2 rounds.

Bag toss for last minute to burn it out!
MARY: see round 3 :arrow_up:
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter, pints n padres summer cookout 7/23
COT: yes

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Is your Deck in Order?

All in cadence
– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Imperial walker
– Side straddle hop
Pick up bag and mosey to outside theatre
– Partner exercise: bags do not touch the ground for the duration
– Partner 1 takes bag up to second level and completes 20 upright rows while partner 2 side lunges until the partner gets back. Once partner 1 returns, switch
– Once completed, partner 1 takes bag up to level 4 and completes 30 curls while partner 2 does calf raises, once partner 1 returns, switch
– Mosey to back parking lot with bag on shoulders
Card game:
Run to other side, pick up a card. Nur back to start and complete the below exercises.

Numbers 1-10, do the number of reps per card:
Hearts – Squats with bag on shoulders
Clubs – Bent over rows
Diamonds – Overhead press
Spades – Over the shoulder bag toss
A – 5 Man-Makers
K – 10 Lunge squats w/bag on shoulders, single count
Q – 15 Bomb jacks
J – 20 Flutter w/press
Joker – 5 Kraken Man-Makers. Do these yourself or hand to anyone of your choice

At end, count up cards and call them out. Complete overhead presses in the amount of cards you gathered
MARY: No need
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4th of July convergence
COT: Boomer and his family, those still sick and suffering from addictions

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Circuit of Circuits

WARMUP: windmills, SSH, Moroccan night club, butt kickers, hi knees, disco club (side ways run)
THE THANG: 3 circuits. Each repeats 3 times, adding 5 to each rep every repeat
1st circuit 10 mericans, 10 big boys, 10 SSH. On your own.
2nd circuit 10 dips, 10 shoulder taps, bear crawls. Add extra if you finish before your team of three so you all finish each workout at the same time.
3rd circuit 10 squats, 10 flutter kicks, 10 heels to sky. In cadence with your team of 3
Added some burpees to help keep mumblechatter down
Qsource: shared leadership. Work together as a team, and trust your team to do their part. Teams work better when everyone can be relied on
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter smack talk
COT: prayers and praises

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THE THANG: 100’s .. Jerk Press , Curls , Squats, Tricep Extensions. Bent over rows , little run with 10 burpees In between sets of 50..
MARY: Kinda
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your News Letter
COT: We did it .

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A million reps

WARMUP: side straddle hops, tappy taps, imperial walker
THE THANG: partner workout:
Alternate MOT between Mozy, Farmers Carry, and Overhead Carry while partner does reps.

50 – 1.5 squats
50 – pull through
100 – deadlift
100 – halo
150 – overhead press (right)
150 – overhead press (left)
200 – row (right)
200 – row (left)
250 – chest press
250 – lying lat pullover
300 – flutters

COT: Prayers for family members health and mental health, prayers for sick and suffering from alcoholism, praise for the PAX for helping us get better

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B.O.T wants a HIVE Hat

WARMUP: SSH, CP, IW, we ran to the far side of the parking lot with kettlebells and Olaf lead us in some stretches
21-15-9 WOD
21 left arm clean snatches
21 jump over burpees
21 right arm clean snatches
21jump over burpees
15 left arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
15 right arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
9 left arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees
9 right arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees

Ran to the end of the parking lot with bells did some squats and lunges. Ran back to COT
COT: Closed in prayer

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Turd Burglar

WARMUP: Windmill, IW, HW, MNC
4 quarter-mile laps around the parking lot for a total of 1 mile. Stopped every quarter of a lap and did 10 reps of one exercise Burpees, Squats, Merkins, Big Boys x 4 for a total of 40 of each throughout the mile.

Partner Dora
Timer: One pax runs ~ 300 yards while the other pax does reps of an exercise.

50 – Step Up Burpees
100 – Squats
100 – Merkins
100 – SSH
100 – Plank Jacks
100 – LBCs
100 – Derkins
MARY: Flutter Kicks , Freddie Mercury,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Batman said read your Newsletter
COT: Closed us out in prayer.

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Flag Handoff at The Sink…..If you know what I mean?

Flag handoff from Maximus to Farmer’s Only.

Warmed up with a lap around small loop and back to circle perform a few exercises to get familiar with the bags.

– Merkin (5-5-5 – Regular, Wide, Diamond)
– SB Toss (10)
– SB Shoulder to Shoulder (10)
– Deadlift (10)
– Manmaker (5)

Partner up. DORA. One partner carries, One partner exercises. 50 reps for each exercise.

1 – Suitcase Carry/Overhead Press
2 – Shoulder Carry/Lunges
3 – Back Carry/Flutters w/ Press
4 – Overhead Carry/Rows
5 – Zercher Carry/Cleans
6 – Bear Carry/Curls

Everyone went through once at 50 reps each exercise. Some began making way back through before all PAX drop the exercise portion and began making way down the list completing just the carry. Stopped with about 10 mins left for next activity.

Next up, we piled all the sandbags up on one end and went back to the other side. PAX divided into two teams and one PAX at a time for each time raced down to the pile to retrieve a bag and bring it back to other side. All PAX take a turn and team that recovered the most weight at the end is the winner. Losers perform burpees.

Lots of CSAUP opportunities this Summer. July 4th convergence.

Flag Handoff. Congrats Farmer’s Only.

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