SSH x25
Peter Parker x10
Parker Peter x10
Downward Dog
Imperial Walker x10

Mosey down Academy St, right on Withers St and to the top of hill where my truck was parked with the hell pavers.

THE THANG: 9 Holes of golf
Top of the Hill (Tee Box) Curl the block 18 times and OH press 18 times
Run down the hill and back up the next hill to the Island Green (shovel flag planted) in front of First Baptist Church.
9 Burpees
Run back to the Tee Box and complete the same exercises but in rep counts of 16
Back to the green for 8 burpees
Continue the series decreasing the counts at the tee box by 2 and the green counts by 1 until finished.
I don’t think anyone finished although a couple of guys were on their last round when time ran out. We logged a little of 3 miles moving up and down the hills.

Great work by all and thank you Kermit for the opportunity!!!
No Time for MARY
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter has it all

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Tom Hall WOD

Thomas Lee Hall was the son of Fort Mill Mayor, William Lee Hall. He gave his life in WW1. Here’s the Citation from his Congressional Medal of Honor:

Having overcome two machine-gun nests under his skillful leadership, Sgt. Hall’s platoon was stopped 800 yards from its final objective by machine-gun fire of particular intensity. Ordering his men to take cover in a sunken road, he advanced alone on the enemy machine-gun post and killed five members of the crew with his bayonet and thereby made possible the further advance of the line. While attacking another machine-gun nest later in the day this gallant soldier was mortally wounded.

The main part of HWY 160 through Fort Mill was renamed from “[John Wilkes] Booth Street” to “Tom Hall Street.” His heroic deeds helped our town move on from its secessionist past.

118 Swings w/ cinder block
30 Squats w/ Block overhead
30 Merkins
(Sgt Hall was in COMPANY G of the Army’s 118TH INFANTRY, 30TH DIVISION)

Laps in front of sugar creek
One lap – just mosey (Sgt. Hall survived the first attack on the German position)
One lap – bear crawl/lunge walk/block carry (Sgt. Hall’s second attack was the one that took his life)

After each of the two laps, we sprinted the hill alone to honor Sgt Hall ordering his men to stay behind and advancing solo to take the German machine gun positions. At the pull-up bars: 5 pull-ups, 5 knees to chest, 5 L leg raises. 5 manmakers back down at the bottom of the hill for the 5 Germans he killed at bayonet point.

Rinse and repeat. We sprinted the hill 3 times.


Welcome FNGs Easy A & Portal

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Superman made me do it


Cherry pickers
Low and slow squats
MNCs so Cyclops


downward dogs
Upward dogs
Peter Parker’s



Mosey to side of pike building

Bear craw under awning allllll the way down

Mosey to half wall

30 Dips
30 Derkins
30 step ups

Mosey to park
Jack Webb (5 rounds)
Mike Tyson’s
Chin ups

Chin ups to failure OYO

Mosey around park- counter clockwise
Every bench complete the following:

15 air squats
10 calf raises
5 flying squirrels

7 or 8 benches were passed on way to pavilion
Under pavilion

Wall sits while 6 comes in

Take turns burpee broad jumping to end of stage and run back to wall

Started with Dora but then modified to group work for time management sake we had important work to do

50 J-Los

Calf raises
Pigeon toe calf raises

50 flutters (4 count in unison)

Mosey all the way to Kimbrells furniture store to complete monkey humpers tears facing inside Kimbrells where Cicada was supposed to be setting up a men’s breakfast.


Stretches and a couple rounds of Mary

Freddy mercuries
Box cutters

COT: shared letter from F3 Safari

Good morning my brother.
My name is Phelix Obuya (F3 Safari), born and raised in Kenya. Iwas born in abject poverty to an extent that we rarely had two meals. I wore my first pair of shoes when going to High school. Iwas born in a family of 7 but 5 of us died, my late dad included, therefore it is my 78 year old mum, my brother Chris and I who are alive. Am 48 years old and have been a member of F3 since 2020.
I hold 2 Master Degrees in Strategic Management and Community Studies and have worked with diverse organizations. Chaplain Steven Hubbard and I founded a Foundation and got it incorporated in Kenya this year. Damien’s Hope Foundation as it is called follows the ethos of the late St. Damien of Molocai, a Belgium Catholic priest who died while serving lepers. We therefore are dedicated to work with the “modern day lepers” who are needy and aren’t capable of meeting their basic needs in the society.
Damien’s Hope doesn’t have any kind of funding at the moment but we rely on personal contributions and goodwill.I do my apostolate on foot because many times I never have even cash to pay for transport. Having gone through very tough times in life moved me to found Damien’s Hope Foundation,
The reason am writing this mail is to sincerely thank you, Brother Patrick Lloyd, Fort Mill AO, Lake Wylie AO and Rock Hill AO plus any other person of goodwill who mobilized clothes, shoes and all the beautiful and valuable items that were received with gratitude to support our local F3 members and the needy in this community.
Allow me to conclude that by quoting from the Gospel of Mathew 25:35-40 that whatever you did, it was Jesus who benefited through your amazing support. We have received even some financial contribution that has always been handy in providing food and transportation to the pax who do not have any source of income and I always say, “Glory Be to God.”
Without taking much of your time let me take this humble opportunity on behalf of F3, Langata Kenya to THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR THE GREAT WORK AND SERVICE TO THE NEEDY.
Never leave no man behind, don’t leave a man where you found him.
Be blessed.
Your humble Brother,
Phelix (Safari)

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12 Days of Christmas


Windmills (sloooow)
Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Upward dog
Downward dog
Peter Parker’s
Upward dog
Downward dog
Wide arm merkins


Mosey to pull up bars, had board set up with 12 days of Christmas…

Start with first day of Christmas, run to bottom of hill come back and do first and second day, so on and so forth

Kraken burpee
Knee tar jai
Sumo squats
Cindy press
Toes to bar
Diamond merkins
Calf raises
Man makers
Hello dollys
Freddy mercurys
Monkey humpers

No need
Christmas party, dam to dam

Discussion about patience and God’s timing, other prayers, had to be there

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Mind Over Moderation

WARMUP: Run two laps around the parking lot. SSH, Windmills, Merkins
THE THANG: 2min run.
10 Lunges I/C, 10 Reverse Lunges I/C, 15 Low Slow Squats, 20 Calf Raises
2min run
25yd Partner Pushes (3x each)
1min run
Peter Parkers, Protractor
2min run
1min Carolina Dry Docks, 1min Ins/Outs
Even-Numbered Jack Webb: 2 Merkins/8 Overhead Claps, 4/16, 6/24, 8/32, 10/40
2min run
Plank Series
MARY: See Above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes there were. Christmas Party
COT: Should’ve been there.

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Wet roller coaster

– quick mosey, SSH, WM, IW
– “The Roller Coaster”: modified suicides: increasing reps at each cone: 10x / 20x / 30x / 40x / 50x. Run in-between the cones. After completing ladder, repeat with other exercise. List of exercises: squats, plank jack, MC, LBC. After each 5 min there was a 1 min “recovery” where PAX are required to do at least 10 burpees. Had some more running with some SSH and hand-release merkins mixed in there.
– some more SSH, hand-release merkins and burpees at the end together with the “swingers”
– read your newsletter
– was held

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Things I stole from Tesh

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, Merkin (slow)

THE THANG: https://f3thefort.com/2019/10/24/2019-43-minnow-pond/ Stole this one from Tesh. Thanks for writing the backblast buddy! We made it 4 rounds

MARY: called some yoga at COT, approximately 70 seconds worth

ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter is there to be read in your email inbox

COT: practice gratitude like you work on your fitness, CONSISTENTLY

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Keep it simple

WARMUP: running, stretching, etc
THE THANG: pull ups, merkins, curls, dips, running, swings, overhead press, squats
MARY: ab work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence
COT: keep it simple – Ecclesiastes Chp 7

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Black Friday “Convergence”

WARMUP: Toy soldiers, butt kickers, karoaci and mosey around the parking lot.
THE THANG: Base number is 10 reps. Stacked deck of cards so that there were only aces through 5 cards. PAX pulled a card from deck and that was the multiplier on the reps…eg a 3 card would mean 30 reps of the exercise.
Chest Press
OH press
Diamond merkins
Figure 8
Triceps ext
KB swing
Single leg deadlift
Arm curl
MARY: airborne ship exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: maximas and airborne are going to pull off the Christmas party

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