First-time Footlooser

This backblast will be pretty concise since YHC does not remember much after having 3 Q’s in 3 days.

The warm up was your standard warmup consisting of SSH

Moroccan Night Clubs



The Thang

We partnered up and completed a lazy Dora with 100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 squats. The lazy part came in when P2 would hold a plank while P1 did 10 merkins and then flapjack. We would switch after 10, 20, 30 reps respectively .

After, we moseyed to another spot in the parking lot and counted off by 4. Each number was in a different spot completing a different exercise. The group where #1s started kept cadence and after they completed 15 reps we rotated. To go from 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 the mode of transportation was a bear crawl and the other spots were via lunge walks. After 3 rounds of that torture, we went back to COT for some peer led MARY .

Thank you for the opportunity to lead this great group of HIM.


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11s and Horse

Thank you Hasselhoff for the opportunity!

Standard warmup down on the football field.

Followed by some 11’s including Merkins and WW2 situps.

After we finished that up we did some dynamic exercises to not quite halfway across the field including but not limited to side shuffles, lunge walks, and toy soldiers .

We then moseyed back towards the basketball court and found some wall to do a nice wall sit .

We found a basketball and played a terrible game of H.O.R.S.E.

After your team missed the shot everyone had to do the following exercises and include all the letters your up to.

H- hand release merkins x5

O- overhead claps x10

R- rosalita x15

S- squats x20

E- everything



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Goodbye Uncle Sam!

OK so moderate is a loose term but modify as needed!

Disclaimer given and were were off to mosey a short way down near Empire Pizza to COP

Start with 20 SealJacks

10 Diamond Merkins

20 Slow Squats

20 Peter Parker

20 SSH

20 Parker Peter

20 IW

Plank on Elbows and Hold it for 2 min

20 Moroccan Night Club

Mosey a short ways and partner up

Several rounds of one partner backwards run about 20 yards and forward back to starting point

meanwhile partner two stays in and completes exercise then flip flop

78 squats on the curb

78 calf raises

78 wide merkins

78 LBC

78 Flutters

78 Carolina Dry Docks

39 Burpees (Crowd Please) Run Forward

78 Wide Merkins

4 rounds of Al Gore

Finish with 2 rounds of Body Destroyers

Mosey back to COT

Uncle Sam heads back to his native Colombia with 2 O’s! Safe travels! Hope yo see him back!


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Broga and Pole work at the Ballroom

The PAX were in for a treat as we started out the warm up with some routine Broga.  This obviously started after I did the disclaimer since I’m no where close to a professional like Sasquatch.  There was a lot of mumble chatter during broga so I had to stymie that with a 25 count of Mtn. Climbers.  That fixed the chatter.  We did a few other moves and then moseyed out to our first pain station.

If you’ve never been to the Ballroom there are a lot of light poles there.  I’m sure you can ask any of the PAX and the would confirm that.  I think we did 15 for the first round.  Below are the exercises  15 counts for each:  Merkins, LBC, Squats, CDD, Calf Raises, Flutters, Side Straddle Hops, Shoulder Taps, American Hammers, Mt. Climbers, Hillbilly Walkers, Freddy Mercury, CDD’s

Then we moseyed over for a round of wall sits that got a little outta hand so we had to cut that short.

Rinse & Repeat for more pole work.  Right before we finished up we found Cindy and did a round of curls.  Jail break back to COT for a final round of Broga to work out the kinks.

Great time with the PAX.  Thanks for the Opportunity.

TClap |

16 @ The Ballroom 5/15

  1. It’s always exciting to see cars come in hot around the curves of Pleasant Knoll Middle School to get to the workout on-time.  Everybody was in the circle when my phone alarm signaled it was 0515.  No FNG’s, but I disclaimed because a Q should always disclaim.
  2. We took off for a mosey towards the super far back parking lot with butt-kickers and high-knees.  Halfway to the lot we stopped for some warmup moves that included:
    1. SSH
    2. Seal Jacks (Jack Seals? Apparently I do them in reverse.)
    3. Weed Pullers
  3. At the back lot we did more SSH before grabbing a Cindy for some Walking Lunges ending with an All You Got back to the start line. We did that 2 times across the parking lot before we cleaned up the lot of random bigger Cindy’s.
  4. I broke out the Jumbo Cards for a round of Deck of Pain. As we went around the circle, I asked pax what Accountability means to them.
    1. Spades = Merkins
    2. Clubs = Crunches
    3. Hearts = SSH
    4. Diamonds = Monkey Humpers
    5. Face Cards = 10
    6. Aces could be 1 or 15, Dealer’s Choice.
    7. Jokers = 5 Burpees (no Jokers were pulled, hallelujah!)
  5. We had plenty of time left so we counted off by 2’s and did an Indian Run to the track where we completed 1 lap.
  6. We took a 20 count as we walked to the bleachers.  At the bleachers we ran up and down each stairway (4 rows) and then kept on running all the way back to the school.
  7. I gave the pax 2 options: Continue running around the paved path to COT or take the “shortcut” and Bear Crawl up the hill to COT.  It was about 50/50.

We did the Big Ball of Man thing.
Continue to pray for Badger and also our brothers who can’t seem to beat the fartsack. Prayers and Praises went out and up for Cornerstone’s MIL. Signup to cut the grass at Fort Mill Care Center, see Assassin for more info. READ THE NEWSLETTER!

I consider it an honor and privilege to Q a workout.  A big THANKS to Short Sale for the invite.

TClap |

Footloose with Cake in the Cockpit

20 PAX including YHC hit the dance floor at Footloose. The idea is to workout so as Q I tried to be sure we got a good one in that the PAX could feel but also modify as needed

Flying is the safest form of travel and it may have to do with pilots that are accountable for the many lives on board their planes and so they take it  serious. The do pre flight safety-checks before every flight and if they skip it or get lazy, it could be the difference between arriving or crashing.

So man marriages in rough places and they don’t get there overnight….it takes time and it can be a long flight. I challenged the PAX on their “safety-checks and if they are performing them. 1 mile run with 6 Pain Stations in play with each representing a safety-checks, Away we went!

We did a mini dynamic warm up on our way to first pain station. Here is the wienke. Below is the moleskin.


If we perform safety-checks with our M we will have better odds of landing the plane safely and at your scheduled destination.

  • Family – not logistics but emotional well being, likes, dislikes and direction of family members
  • Finances – top reason for divorce and can be solved with communcation and plan
  • Friends – Take interest in each others friends as its part of who they are
  • Fun – Be intentional with fun adventures like when you were “courting” each other…
  • Fears – These guide decisions and if we don’t discuss them with M, we are makeing bad choices
  • Feelings – If you or the M is not feeling happy or feeling discontent, this does not just go away….need to discuss it and resolve it

Discuss these topics and do it often and your marriage will be safe!!

Thanks for Q Beacon


Cake Boss

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Choosing Not to Cheat – Ballroom Style

Honestly, YHC was stoked to Q the Ballroom this week. First, I had not visited the new site since moving from PKES. Second, I had not seen a lot of the Pax at this site and third the weather was perfect with a mild 60 degrees at launch.

I have struggled with moderate workouts for many years because I don’t view these men as “moderate”. If you define men who get up around 4:45 to post in any weather conditions and workout for 45 minutes while sharing fellowship and faith throughout as moderate, then so be it.

I recently spent some time in fellowship with other Pax and was reminded of the book by Andy Stanley, Choosing to Cheat. The gist of the book is that we are all cheaters. We cheat on our work by spending time with our wife. We cheat on our wife by spending time with our kids and so on. This book hits home for me. While work/life balance is unattainable and a #Oprahbomb, I find that I get the validation that I so desire from work and gravitate to working harder for more validation. I asked the Pax who posted to choose not to cheat for the next 45 minutes on their workout and to hold each other accountable in doing so.

The Thang

Mosey to football field


SSH x 30

Windmills x 15

IW x 15

CDD x 20

Plank Jacks x 20

Night Clubs x 25

Mosey to 50 yard line

Burpee Ladder Starfish

2 Burpees in middle

Sprint to corner

20 Mtn Climbers

4 Burpees in middle

Sprint to corner

10 merkins in cadence

6 Burpees in middle

Sprint to corner

20 Squats in cadence

8 Burpees

Sprint to corner

20 Bomb jacks

10 Burpees

Ladder back down

Partner up for Ab Ladder

5 Situps


5 Situps plus 10 flutters

Sprint…you get the idea

Finished with 5 sit-ups, 10 flutters, 15 Freddy, 20 LBC, 25 American Hammer

Random ladder of burpees and abs to finish…lots of complaining here



  • Prayers for Badger and Bullwinkles Dad
  • Lots of upcoming events…read your newsletter
  • Praise for Barney Fife and Boogie Down

Thanks to Short Sale for the opportunity. Love what you have done at the Ballroom!

Pusher out!

TClap |

Footloose – Accountability

Accountability – Are you pushing yourself when no one is looking?  What do you plan to gain by getting up at 4:30AM?  Be true to yourself!

Disclaimer – Not a professional, modify but hold yourself accountable, no lawsuits.

Slow Mosey around 2 churches and Town Hall.

Warm Up:

20 SSHs, 10 Windmills, 20 MNCs, 10 Mountain Climbers, 5 Merkins

The Thang:

Slow Mosey to the 4 Station Square

4 Stations are marked by cones with written exercises on them.  Divide into 4 groups and mosey to assigned cone.  Cone #1 sets the pace with 20 Seal Jacks in Cadence.  During the cadence the other three groups are as follows;  2) Merkins / Plank, 3) Air Chair, 4) 6 Inches.  Once cadence is complete Broad Jump to next cone.  Continue until cycle is complete.

Round 2:  Same set up but cone number 1 will start with 20 Mountain Climbers in Cadence, when this is complete mosey backwards to the next cone.

10 count

Mosey back to FBC and line up on right side of parking lot.

Lunge Walk 20 yards  –  7 point Hip exercise (Right Hip)  –  7 point Hip exercise (Left Hip)  –  Lunge Walk 20 Yards  (I think the hip exercises started some interesting mumble chatter)

Bear Crawl 15 yards – Crab Walk 15 yards – mosey to end of lot (repeat going back)

Toy Soldiers 20 yards  –  Downward Dog 20 count  –  Dying Cockroaches x20  –  LBCs x20  –  Freddie Mercury’s x20  –  Big Boy Sit Ups x10 OYO  –  (During this series is when I discovered the mumble chatter had a lot to do with something about every star is Uranus and it’s very gassy)  Honeymooner 20 count  –  Toy Soldiers 20 yards

Slow Mosey around parking lot


Strawberry Fest sign up, Cannoli run, prayers for folks in the hospital, employment and various stresses of life and how we handle them – Bassomatic led us out.



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Back at The Yard and it was a glorious morning, and time to bring back my Styrofoam coolers with tickets of pain inside.

Plenty of moderate running space between coolers, as the PAX were divided into two groups and we ran past each other as we pulled tickets of misery out of three different coolers, spread out down the back driveway of the school. This was moderate, so I kept that in mind as I printed out the pain tickets late into the night before, and contemplated whether to print the ticket with 50 CDD’s, or leave it at 20. 

For those who haven’t seen my Piggly Wiggly coolers filled with tickets, stay tuned for an appearance near you.

Maybe we got in a little over a mile of running, but I forgot to ask Barry.

Great COT, and a good dose for Jiffy’s EH, Snowman (Jerry Reed from Smokey and the Bandit)

Thanks to Hasselhoff for the opportunity!

TClap |

Moderately Crabby

Thanks to Smithers for allowing me to lead this morning.  23 HIMs started with the disclaimer and then took a little twist on the mosey down the hill to the back side of Lowes for the warm-up and beat down. Two lines formed up at the shovel flag and proceeded to Blacksnake all the way to the warm-up.  It was noted that surprisingly no one was injured bobbing and weaving while running in a line.

The Warm-Up was short and sweet to get the muscles ready and not tired.

  • Brisk 25 SSH
  • 25 Moroccan Night Club
  • 20 Imperial Walkers

The familiar Burpees that are often limited or lost at Slow Burn were tweaked slightly to provide a little 4×4 action!

Immediately following the 4x4s, we jumped right into a round Batwings.  All to a 4-count cadence:

  • 20 Forward Arm Circles
  • 20 Reverse Arm Circles
  • 20 Seal Claps
  • 20 Overhead Claps

After the shoulders were smoked, we met up along the wall of Lowes facing the side parking lot.  Everyone partnered up for some 123’s with a rotating exercise for the traveling partner. The partners completed their 100 Merkins, 200 LBC’s and 300 Squats while crossing the parking lot performing either Bear Crawls, Crab Walks, Lunge Walks, or Toe-Walks.  The parking lot had 3 distinct rows of spaces along each PAX to determine the length of their crawls or walks.

Following the 123’s we circled up for a bit of core work; Abs and Back.  I thought it was important to incorporate the most often forgotten part of the core.  This is where the real “crabbing” started among the PAX.  All exercises done in cadence:

  • 20 Crab Cake
  • 20 Crunchy Frog
  • 20 Crab Humpers
  • 20 American Hammers
  • 20 Crab Jacks
  • 20 Big Boy Sit Ups
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 15 Merkins done with several pauses at 6″

The PAX moseyed its way back up to the top at their own pace in preparation for COT

At COT, the origin stories for  a couple of PAX were shared so that we can all get to know one another a little better.

Great work from all the HIMs who pushed through some serious shoulder exercises and goofy crab work.





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