Throwdown at The Yard

Statement of the F3 Mission, F3 Core Principles, F3 Credo
WARMUP: 2 laps around the parking lot with a few exercises to follow.
We ran the rows of the parking lot, increasing by 5 reps at each column, starting at 5, then 10, 15, 20, 25.
On one end, Carolina Dry Docks and the other, Mountain Climbers with running in between.

Make our way to the football field and line up on one end zone:
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, perform 1 burpee.
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, then 2 burpees.
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, then 3 burpees.
Do this all the way to the other end zone then finish with 10 burpees as a group.
Crawl Bear back to the starting end zone. Lots of moaning initiated by the ‘ol Crawl Bear trick.
Captain Thor: 1 Big Boy Sit Up & 4 American Hammers.
2 Big Boy Sit Ups & 8 American Hammers.
All the way up to 10:40.
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Multiple fundraisers and the Christmas Party…DO IT.
COT: 5th Core Principle.

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Tour and More

Mosey to back lot –> WM, CP, HBW, yoga-esque stretch -> Mosey to islands
Appetizer –> 10 Big Boys, 15 Merkins, 20 Sumo Squats –> Lunge Walk to next island –> Repeat x 3

Mosey to top of hill via the yellow brick road

Palate Cleanser –> 5 Iron Mikes, 10 LSS, 15 American Hammers –> run to next island –> Repeat x 2

Entree –> partner up for 100 Dips, 200 Flutters, 300 Overhead Claps, 200 Step-ups, 100 Derkins while partner runs the track around Bball courts

Dessert — mumblechatter, flatulence, Cossack Squats

MARY: Negative
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see newsletter, swing those clubs today gents!
COT: prayers/praises. Challenge –> invite one person to post this week!

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Upside down Pyramid

Mosey to drop off circle
10 Windmills IC
Plank Warmup Stretch
Mosey to pickup a Cindy
Upside down Pyramid
Do set of exercises and run down the hill.
Complete exercise and run backup the hill.
Rinse and repeat.

Top of the Hill Exercise with Cindy:
50 Squats
40 BBS
30 Alternating Lunge
20 Swings
10 Man makers
20 Swings
30 Alternating Lunges
40 BBS
50 Squats

Bottom of the Hill Exercise:
10 Burpees

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read Your Newsletter
COT: Show To Know

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Not all abs are in 6 packs

WARMUP: We did some SSH, some windmills, some imperial and hillbilly walkers, some Moroccan nightclubs and a few more SSH since I accidentally stopped early with the first set…

Shuttle run style workout on the field. Starting on the goal line we ran to the 20, did 20 reps of the exercise, ran back to the goal line the. To the 40 for 40 reps, back to the goal line, the other 40 for 40 more reps, back to the goal line and the other 20 for 20 reps and then back to goal line and run the full length of the field and back. Once back hold a plank for the six and then together 1 minute of plank and onto the next exercise

-Freddie Murcury
-Leg Lifts

I had more but we ran out of time

COT: it happened

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Dora, Tabata and Mary

COP – mosey to base of hill for various exercises I/C. Greeted late arrivals (they know who they are) with Monkey humpers.

the main thing – Partner Dora because you’re there for the man next to you.

50 – swings
100 – squats
150 – curls
100 – squats
50 – swings

10 minutes of Tabata – called various exercises for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds

Moved on to 5 minutes of Mary to complete the trifecta and take us to COT

Announcements – read your newsletter

COT – 5th core principle

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Culture Club Wins!

Played a classic game of Uno and <@UNKNC6XNZ> was the winner! No burpee penalties were issued! Great job.

Blue – Merkins / Curls
Green – LBC
Yellow – Squats / Goblet Squats
Red – lunges / Chest press

Skip – Run
+2 – pick 2 exercises, 2 reps
+4 – 4 reps all 4 exercise
Reverse – Repeat last exercise
Wild – Change color

<@U05RN7GSDLH> was doing his Site Q duties and looking for the next leader to pass the Shovel Flag :flag-us:on to. :pickup_truck:

<@U05K5D10AG6> and his canine friend were in full effect. Checking form and sniffing for clues. :dog2: :mantelpiece_clock:

<@U07QXBKKF5F> posted for only his third time but already looks like a pro! Good work! And happy birthday to his 2.0 (son) :partying_face:. Just keep posting.

<@UN6PTD007> brought all the deep dish pizza from Chicago he could find and was King of the workout. :pizza: :prince:

<@UNKNC6XNZ> was singing :microphone: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? And my answer was yes, with all the lunges we did.

<@UST30T7FF> or… Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! (See Kaiser Chiefs) was always encouraging and probably the strongest man there. So much so that he left the workout on his own two feet. No car. :muscle:

<@U061P7HUFRR> was out selling insurance and running laps around guys half his age. :male-office-worker:

YHC was blessed to lead such a fine group of men who want to get 1% better today in their mind, heart and body.

My report is trueish and is open to interpretation.

The Thrill is gone. :v:

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Dos Hermanos

THE THANG: I shared a modified Mental Battle Q from a few years ago. Mental Battles are all around you. Don’t fight alone. No OYO (on your own).

9% of men in the United States have daily feelings of depression or anxiety.
33% of those men mentioned above take medication because of those feelings.
25% of those men actually spoke to a mental health professional in regard to their feelings.
85 – White men aged 85 and above have the highest rate of suicide in the United States.

9 – Turkish getups (modified)
33 – Kettlebell swings or Calf raises
25 – Curls or Big Boy (WW2) Situps
40 – Flutters
45 Moroccan night clubs

17% have a common mental disorder, e.g. depression, anxiety, phobias, etc.
43% of adults believe they have had a mental disorder at some point in life.
25% of people with eating disorders are men.
20% of people will have a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year.

17- Cleans / Flying Squirrels
43 – American hammers
25 – Merkins
20 – Flutters

20 – Veterans commit suicide daily
75% of deaths by suicide are male
32% of Americans have anxiety disorders
36% of all psychological referrals are for men.

20- Lawnmowers / Diamond merkins
30- Rosa Litas
45 squats
32- Clean and Press / Jump Squat
36- LBC’s

Some final stats to consider: In the US, 7% of adults have major depression, 17% have depression, 13% of teens aged 12-17 have major depression which equals 3.1 million. 6% of people have PTSD or 12 million.

“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭CSB‬‬

COT: Prayers for Divac

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Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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What’s The Significance Of The Number 19?

WARMUP: SSH and Halo’s

Headed over to the hill by the practice football field.
At the top of the hill
Holding bell in one hand 19 reps of
Overhead press, Racked Squats, Bent over rows
Farmer carry bell to bottom of the hill and repeat using other hand. Farmer carry back up the hill.
That’s 1 round

Repeat 4x

If you let go of the bell before the end of a round, the round needed by started over and reps did not count.

Flutters, LBCs, John Hancocks


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Para Sports at the Yard

The Thang:

Mosey to Black Top Area:  IW x15, MC x15, Peter Parker x15, Parker Peter x15, Windmill x10, Merkins x10

Mosey to small parking lot:  Bear Crawl 5 spaces- 5 burpees, Crab Walk 5 spaces 5 burpees, Crawl Bear 5 spaces 5 Bomb Jacks.  Lunge Walk 5 spaces- 5 Bomb Jacks,. Bunny Hop 5 spaces- bomb jacks and lunge 5 spaces bomb jacks

Mosey to benches:

20 dips and 10 urkins, Rinse and Repeat x2

Para Sports:

1 man does a lap in a wheelchair basketball chair while others do mary exercise he called.  x10

Dora 1,2,3- CDD, Squats and LBC

Thanks for having me J Cruise and the gang.  Definitely make it a point to get to AOs that you do not normally go to.


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