Positive Feedback Beatdown


Side straddle hop 20
Hillbilly Walker
Imperial Walker
Moroccan Nightclub.
Parking Lot Mosey with bell


Shuttle (go 3 spaces then back to start, go 6 spaces back to start etc)
Every 3 parking spaces (Farmer Carry)
5 Row each arm
5 Deadlift (1 or 2 Arm)
5 Swings
5 Merkins and repeat
5 minutes 2x (10 count in between)

Dora with partner (AMRAP till return)
Runner goes to last parking space
Goblet Squat
Lunge Pass
Good Morning
Chest Press
Figure 8
Repeat with each partner doing the exercise that the other did last round
5 minutes 2x (10 count in between)
The rr were

Abs section
Russian Twist (20 count)
Overhead Sit-up (15 count)
Plank Pull through (45 secondish hold)

Bethel men’s taco night
Highway cleanup
Prayers for employment
Mental health

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Dying ain’t much of a living

There was a steady, light mist that was more annoying than anything else. With Johnny Cash playing as everyone pulled into NaFo, the chatter began and it never, ever stopped. YHC was fine with it since it was my first Q in many moons, and I exceeded my own expectations by remembering how to call in cadence.

I will fail miserably trying to recount all of the stories that were told, but perhaps I could list some of the many subjects:
Johnny Cash & June Carter
King Soloman
Taylor Swift
White Snake
Nate Bergatze
Clint Eastwood, his movies and his quotes
The 6th Sense
The comedic relief was welcomed with the steady light mist beating down on us. And we still got our work in.

Mosey around parking lot
• 20 SSH IC
• 10 Windmills IC
• 10 LSS IC
• 10 MNCs IC
• Yoga – 4 rounds each side
o Chaturunga
o Warrior 1
o Skier / Humble Warrior
o Warrior 1

Mosey to Pull Up Bars
• Partner up – 3 rounds of 7 pull ups and wall sits

Mosey to football field.
• Figure 8 with 6 stations (2 at goal line, 2 at midfield, 2 at goal line). Movement will be run, nur or shuffle always facing the red clock.
o 15 Merkins
o 15 Big Boys Mountain Climbers
o 15 Overhead Claps
o 15 Squats
o 15 Flying Squirrels
o 15 Freddie Mercury Hillbilly Walkers

IT band stretches

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D10K this weekend, Trash pickup next weekend, Bethel Shelter 2/1, Pints & Padres on 2/6

COT: Stays in Cot

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Wrestling practice

Wrestling practice, three periods

Neutral position: lunges with Bell, five man makers on the whistle

Bottom position: 45 seconds swings, then bomb jacks, three sets – 45 seconds skull crushers, American hammers, three sets

Top position: 45 second, right then left, three sets; 45 seconds shoulder presses, then shoulder extensions, three sets

Words of affirmation, show some love.

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Christmas Convergence

Broke out into two groups. Half went with Soup to Nuts to the football field and half went with Sprocket to the grass field
Warmups were done at the workout sites
Soup2Nuts thang at the football field: Partner Dora
50 burpees
75 WWI Situps
75 Squats
75 Merkins
75 American Hammers
200 Clave Boss Clave Raises
75 Dips
Timer: bear crawl 20 yards; run 30 yards; run back 50 yards to workout area

Sprocket thang at the grass field: Wheel Spoke

Center Hub: 5 burpees

Spoke 1: Rd.1 25 merkins bear crawl to center hub; Rd.2 50 squats broad jump to center hub; Rd.3 40 lunges crawl bear to center hub

Spoke 2: Rd.1 25 Bomb jacks, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 80 mountain climbers, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 50 shoulder taps, crawl bear to the center hub

Spoke 3: Rd.1 50 American hammers, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 100 calf raises, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 100 Side straddle hops, crawl bear to the center hub

Spoke 4: Rd.1 100 Flutter Kicks, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 80 mountain climbers, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 50 LBCs, crawl bear to the center hub

After 26 minutes Group 1 and Group2 swapped workout sites and did the workout.

MARY: None

COT: Cake Boss closed us out in prayer

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No Dark Helmet

WARMUP: Merks SSH Cherry Pickers Nightclubs Squats Mosey w Toy Soldiers
THE THANG: Parking Spot Cinderblock Ladder- stack em up with a Run and Nur back between reps.
RND 1 – Iron Mikes Bomb Jax and Squats
RND 2 – Dips BBS Swings
RND 3 – Derks Dips Manmakers
Head Back to COT with a few stops on way back. Steps up burps Donk kicks Diamond Merks BBs Plank Jacks

MARY: Drop Thrill took the lead and lead the Pax.
COT: Positive and Encouraging

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The Round up

WARMUP: yea, we did that. Ran around. Some SSH. Some Carioca, Some Imperial and Hillbilly walkers, Ran some more

5 pull-ups
10 merkins (of various forms)
15 squats with the cinder block
20 swings with the cinder block
4 rounds

Mosey away for a reprieve. So a little leg work for the 6 and mosey some more

Mosey back for one more round

MARY: J-Lo and some Yoga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter is 1/4

COT: Happened. Good sharing. Come take part.

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4 corners of full body work

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HBW, Merkins, stretching, run to bleachers, longes, squats
THE THANG: 4 corners, first, 2 rounds lower body exercises, next 2 rounds, upper Boddy exercises, last 2 rounds, core exercises, run back to COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: christmas patty, goof tournament, read newsletter.
COT: prayers for work and family members.

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Staying Warm at The Ranch

WARMUP: SSHx30InCadence, run to the front of the school with buttkickers, high knees, and karoake on both sides.
THE THANG: Arrived at the front of the school after warmups and quickly started to work.
Round #1 – 4 sets – Leg Day HIIT – Complete rep count of 1st exercise and then move right into the 2nd exercise and continue until time is called. Each set is 1 minute with 10sec of rest after the 1st set, then 15sec after the 2nd, and so on.
1st exercise was BSSx10 each leg
2nd exercise was Alt Jumping Lunges

After 4 sets were completed of the above we moseyed to one of the back parking lots behind the school.
Round #2 – Started on one end of the lot and made it to the other end by bearcrawling 2 spaces forward- stop to perform 2 Diamond Merkins, then crawlbear one space back and perform 1 Diamond Merkin. Lots of grumbling as it was a longer parking lot than I remembered.
After completion of the above we moseyed to the playground Round #3 – Performed same routine as the 1st round but with different exercises.
1st exercise – 10xPullups
2nd exercise – V-Ups
After completion of the above we moseyed to the backside bus loop. Split the group into 3s.
Round #4 – Half the circle by placing 2 PAX on both sides, they both start to perform burpees. 3rd PAX on the team runs from PAX#1 to PAX#2. When he reaches PAX#2 the 3rd PAX stays put and starts to perform burpees while PAX#2 runs to PAX#1. Performed this routine for 7 minutes.
MARY: 10xLBCInCadence, 15 Straight Lower Leg Lifts
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

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Deck of Cards Las Vegas Style

SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Merkins, Broga
Cheese Shredder
Round 1 Farmers Carry while your partner does Burpees performing “Catch me if you can” then Round 2 the same but doing Merkins
Deck of Cards= Exercises – Deadlift, Goblet Squats, Goblet Lunges, Swing, Bent over row, Floor Chest Press, Halos, Clean and Press, and MAN Makers. One card was drawn to determine the rep count. The face cards counted as 15 reps. At the end of all the exercises, we all ran up the hill to the Stop Sign and back.
Flutters with the kettlebell, American Hammers with the kettlebell, Box Cutters, LBCs, and Hello Dollies
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Rollercoaster of pain

– SSH / IW / WM
– Rollercoaster modified escalating suicides: 10/20/30/40 squats / MC / plank jacks / LBC
– Jack-Webb: Pushup + OH clap
– Airborne hips
– yes
– read newsletter
– conducted

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