Do The work,” Be a Humble servant”

WARMUP: Mosey (.40)
THE THANG: 50 SSH, (run.40) 45 Merkins, (run .40) 40 Flutters (run .40) 35 Squats, (run.40) 30 CDD (run.40) 25 Bomb Jacks (run.40) 20 Big Boys (run.40) 15 Diamonds(run.40) ran out of time 3.5 Miles.
MARY: No Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Dam etc.
COT: Prayers for Ltrains wife’s grandparents, DD parents, Ld Prayed us out!

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The Wheel of Wow

It was a dank morning in The Fort as 18 men decided to make the hard choice and accelerate their Friday!

We warmed up the engines quickly and then moseyed over to the Wheel of Wow for a high dose of pain.

Wheel of Wow:
Eight cones with a different KB exercise at each cone. The timer was a 40 count of reps on the battle ropes. We rotated around the wheel, and at every third cone we ran a lap.

Back to COT for prayers and praises.


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Eight is enough

WARMUP: Mosey, toy soldiers, butt kickers, caraoke, mosey, windmills arm circles
THE THANG: mosey to round about at stadium. Pax pick from index cards. Each card has one exercise. One pax serves as a timer. The timer carries a 40 lb ruck and/or 47 lb sandbag to top of the hill and returns. During the timers absence, the pax are working on the exercise listed on the card. Fellowship was kickin since nobody had to count.
MARY: Airbornes hip thingies
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: stays at COT

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It’s Still a Keeper


5 Rounds. Each Round has it’s mode of transportation. There are 5 exercises that were repeated each round. Do the 1st exercise, then do the transportation, do 2nd exercise, etc. When done with all 5 exercises. Repeat with the 2nd transportation. Added some * options to modify harder if needed.


Sprint – 2 aisles

Side shuffle – 2 aisles *add bell

Lunges – 1 aisle *pass thru with bell

Bear Crawls – 1 aisle *Crawl Bear back

NUR – 2 aisles


Curls – 10 ea arm or 20 both

Squats – 10 *20

Overhead Press – 10 ea arm

Tricep Ext – 10 *20

Swings – 10 *20


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The Hive is Alive at Five

Warm-ups : SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Wind Mills, Plank Stretches

Mosey to the big parking lot for some partner exercises. Partner 1 carried both bells while Partner 2 performed 5 perfect merkins. Flapjack and continued until we arrived at the second light post. Next, we dropped the bells for partner pushes between the light posts. We continued this pattern until we arrived at the front of the school.
Next, we grabbed some wall with the bell for a wall sit press and extension. Two rounds and then proceeded back to the stadium carrying the bell over our head. At each light pole, we stopped for an exercises. First light pole, man-makers, set of 5. Since half the group elected to modify, we did 5 more. KB Swings, Flutters, and LBCs were completed by the time we arrived at the stadium.
Back to partner exercises, Partner 1 carried bells up the hill while partner 2 ran to the top. Flapjack and continue until mumble chatter subsided.
Return to the flag for a few minutes of bells around the circle. Lots of laughter due to either having to handle Tesh’s 100# bell or the colorful deceivingly light bells.
Great job men!
Prayers for family members and friends suffering from cancer.

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Bushwood Zipper

WARMUP: Short mosey around the south end of the parking lot then circle up for the following:
10 ea
* WM
* IW
* Strawberry pickers
Then on to the main event
Bushwood zipper. No field trip anywhere. Start right where we finished warmups. Borrowed a theme from Minnow Pond – the zipper. Do a set of exercises, then run down the entire length of a parking aisle to the end, then repeat set of exercises, then run down the entire length of the next parking aisle. Repeat until we covered the entire parking lot.
5 burpees
10 box cutters
15 merkins
20 mountain climbers (2ct)
Overall about a mile running and 50 burpees, 100 box cutters, 150 merkins, 200 mountain climbers (2ct)

Next, partner up for a Dora of
100 LBCs
200 squats
300 flutters (2ct)
Runner did a loop that was approx 200-300m.
We all finished everything, so we did an Indian Run back to COT just in time to meet up with the gear guys from Snake Pit.

MARY: 3D led about a minute or so of ab-lab.

– A LOT going on, read the newsletter and get involved!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead East of the Peach Stand! Well worth the drive. Great AO.

God bless and SYITG,

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Heroes from Gettysburg to Ukraine to Fort Mill

In the spirit of MLK, who fought for peace and justice, we tapped the history books to honor another minister from the battlefield. Fr. William Corby served for 3 years during the Civil War as chaplain to the 88th New York Infantry, which was one of the five regiments of the Irish Guard. He was at Gettysburg and a statue there memorializes his blessing of the Union troops on the 2nd day of the battle. His unit originally included 3,000 troops, and started the battle with 500, only to lose 200 to death, wounds or MIA. Fr Corby went on to become the president of the University of Notre Dame 2x later in his life.

WARMUP: SSH, Mtn climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Carioca, Toy soldiers, Butt kickers, Run, Nur

THE THANG: In honor of Fr Corby and his regiment, we did 88 reps of three exercises as follow:
Round 1: Run lap then do 22 burpees (4 cycles)
Round 2: Run lap then do 22 Squats (4 cycles)
Round 3: Run lap then do 22 Mahktar N’Dyaes (4 cycles)

MARY: Flutters, Freddys, Box cutters, Big boys, LBCs, American Hammers, Planks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB 10k Jan 28; Murder Bunnies game 3 Wed 7p, Weekend in woods event in Blue Ridge, VA in late Feb

COT: Words from Clickbait, kidney donor request from Splinter, & prayers from Mark Twain

Thanks to Saw Dust for the Q stick. Always an honor to lead the heroes of The Fort!

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