Simple pendulum

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: mossy to coffee parking lot. Simple pendulum where you run to GHES teacher parking lot. At bottom of hill 16 merkins at top of each hill 13 LBCs. Nothing else, nothing more, nothing less, except for Dark Helmet complaining. And yes the reps represent the score of the Steelers win against that pro team to the south. How about them Steelers Crab Cakes?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for flounders sister and school starting again

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Start your One Word at Alcatraz for 2023

11 pax gathered at Alcatraz this AM to make their downpainment on 2022 and create momentum for 2023. The Site Q, Uber, requested a discussion on One Word and Double D and YHC obliged that request by incorporating this into the workout. We also celebrated DD 56th birthday today. He is a fantastic leader and has been a huge influence on my life over the past 10 years. I am blessed to have him in my life.

Similar to years past, this week has been a time of reflection for YHC. The time between Christmas and New Year offers an opportunity to review the previous year, recognize the blessings in my life, assess how the year went and get organized for next year. I review my One Word, journal entries, calendar, budget, etc. as part of this “Year End Review”.

As I reflect on 2022, my One Word was “intentional” yet the word I would use to describe the year was “unsteady”. Some parts of acceleration including my relationship with my M and 2.0s, a strong D2D performance, deepening of relationships with SL, Whetstone and other, increased faith with Shady/Backdraft and the McGospel crew and my job environment has improved. Some deceleration particularly in the Spring/Summer, continued identity in my Mammon, some struggles at home including a torn ACL and a continued jester around self worth that leads to various symptoms. Overall, there was growth particularly as we close 2022 and I have hope for 2023.

In preparation for the workout, I mentioned to Maximus and DH to join us and they requested a difficult workout. DD was quick to oblige using his One Words from previous years and I decided to crack the seal by leading my first ever cinder block workout. I search “F3 cinder block” and found lots of good ideas.

After sharing that DD woke up with a sense of being “full” this morning celebrating his birthday with a group of HIMs we circled up for COP:

SSH x 20
Mtn Climbers x 20
Peter Parkers x 10
Parker Peters x 10

Mosey to the baseball field


DD at the Q
14 Big Boys
15 Burpees
16 hand release merkins + shoulder tap
17 Mahktar Jai
18 Apollo Ono
19 Kneetar Jai
20 Mike Tysons
21 Backward lunge
22 Freddy Mercury
23 Big Boys
24 Burpees
25 HR merkins + shoulder taps
26 Mahktar Jai (

After each exercise run to the fence and back

Handoff to Pusher

Grab cinder blocks from DD truck and mosey to basketball courts

Partner up

P1 does the following:
1 Merkin
1 Squat
1 Curls for the girls
1 Shoulder press
1 Tricep Extension
1 lunge each leg

Partner 2 planks while P1 does exercises
Rinse and repeat adding a rep up to 5


Round 2 – rinse and repeat from round 1

Coin flip – heads equals (2) manmakers/tails equals (2) big boys

Mosey back home

– Dam to Dam for a Cause fundraising focus over the next 8 weeks
– Q Source relaunches on 1/3
– Upcoming BBQ fundraiser
– Murder Bunnies hockey team starts this week – great 2nd F opportunity
– Opportunity to EH younger guys in the Fort and responsibility for older guys to serve as Whetstone

All men in attendance created momentum heading into 2023. YHC is thankful that I just “keep posting” because the men of the Fort inspire me.


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Hit the hill

THE THANG: mossy to Hubert Graham Way. Run to bottom of hill (3rd street light). 10 merkins then run to top and stop at the 2 street lights for 10 merkins. 5 rounds.

Missy to playground. PAX split in half, 10 step ups each leg others do swing set crunch until step ups done. 2 rounds. 20 leg raises and 20 flutters.

Mossy back to COT the long way around the school with 3 stops on the way of 5 burpees.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Xmas convergence
COT: prayers for travel, injured and sick

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Hill Yeah!

WARMUP: the first 1/2 mile
THE THANG: 4+ miles with maybe a few hills to help prep for dam2dam
MARY: nah
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party coming up and be on the lookout for more d2d fundraisers
COT: prayers & praises

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A “Gloomy” Morning

WARMUP: SSH, toy soldiers, quads, Cherry pickers, mosey
THE THANG: lots of running today, got just short of 3 miles. Dora 200 step ups, 200 squats, 200 calf raises. Did some wind sprints in parking lot multiple times, suicides, etc.
MARY: LBCs, hammers, dollys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 golf, Christmas party
COT: Prayers for marriages, prayer for Ruby as he meets with a brother in need, remember to say No to some things this season to say Yes to the more important things.

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Pearl Harbor day

WARMUP: 10 of each: windmills, LSS, IW, Moroccan Nightclubs, SSH

Round 1 for the actual day of Pearl Harbor – 12 rounds of 7 toe touches, 1 pull up, 9merkins, 4 squats, 1 pull up (12 7, 1941 – see what I did there?)

23 CCD run to bottom and complete 35 flutters and run back to top of hill for 2,335 servicemen who died

24 LBCs run to bottom and complete 3 burpees and run back to top of hill for 2,403 total people killed

20 wide arm merkins run to bottom hill and complete 26 WW2 sit ups and run back to top of hill for 2,026 sailors/marines killed

16 diamond merkins run to bottom hill and compete 6 burpees and run back to top of hill for 1,606 sailors who died aboard the ships

11 ranger merkins run to bottom hill and complete 78 hello dollys and run back to top of hill for 1,178 wounded Americans

6 burpees run to bottom of hill and complete 8 burpees and run back to top of hill for 68 ships destroyed

3 pull ups, 5 squats and 3 LBCs at the pull up bars for 353 aircraft destroyed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter!!
COT: prayers for marriages and Truckers cousins new born in hospital

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