March 11 at The Coop

Super creative? Absolutely not?
Wordy? Definitely not?
Recap of the work done? Absolutely

GQ on warm up for his first ever crack at Qing. He ran us to a spot, performed some warm up exercises, adapted to the feedback and received the AAR in true fashion. That’s how we all get better; if we could all get an AAR after completing objectives.

YHC now on Q and we rant to the football field.

.5mi around the track at a good/heavy-breathing pace.
36 Mak Tar Jah’s
.25mi at a “get after it” pace
35 Mak Tar Jah’s

Planks & abs & stuff

Line up on the goal line
71 Carolina Dry Docks
Bear crawl to the 50yd line
71 Merkins
Crawl bear to the goal line

Mosey to the pull-up bars

20 Pull-Ups
Run down the hill to the stop sign
Nur back up the hill



GQ & Maximus

TClap |

BEYOND – Empathy in a Culture of Hurry

The more hurried you are the less compassionate you’ll be. – John Mark

Slow down. We need to slow. down.

SSH + Quick yoga flow + tappy taps + Merkins

Hold High Plank:

In today’s culture, we spend too much time focusing on self. It makes sense. In western culture, the individualized self is the highest goal in our society. We spend so much time focusing on what we desire. We follow those who have the same ideologies. In short, we hate each other and we want more of ourselves. We believe that we are God and only want to be surrounded by others created in our image. What does that say about us as a society?

Aiken Arms
10 Merkins
10 Plank Jacks
10 CDD’s
10 Donkey Kicks

Ass Webbs
Squats + Al Gore Pulses 1:4 – 10:40

Hold High Plank:

We only like things we want to like and curate things we want to see-further creating and hardening our ability to never have to see things we don’t want to see or disagree with. It’s not only desensitizing, it’s dehumanizing. Politics, sports teams, religion, name it. We are able to find what we desire to find and shut out anything we don’t want to hear/see. If we don’t like the news we see we can seek out and find the “news” we want. Using the mediums we currently use (social media specifically), when we see an opposing view that doesn’t align with ours, we aren’t obligated to disagree in a thoughtful and relationship keeping way. Instead the relationship doesn’t matter therefore the disagreement can be toxic, mean, and harsh. Trying to understand each other should be normal, unfortunately it has become a superpower in today’s culture.

Bear Crawl Circuit
Bear Crawl across parking lot
Low Plank in wait for six + 30 seconds
Bear Crawl back across lot
Low Plank in wait for the six + 30 seconds
Repeat w/Al Gores

Hold Al Gore:

You know what really is the driver behind all of this? Fear. A professor at Chapman University started a “Survey of American Fears” in 2014. You know what has been seen as a trend since the beginning of it all? People are beginning to fear what they see in the media. The top 10 fears from 2019 can be directly correlated to the top media stories of the past year. Basically the stories we see are whipping us up into a frenzy and fanning the flames of fear. How big will the fire get before it consumes us all? It really comes down to one question: What do we fear?

Punch Webbs 1:4 – 10:40
Dive bomber Pushups
Plank Jacks

A few Moseys in between rounds due to the difficulty of the Webb.

Hold High Plank:

I asked the question of what do we fear? We fear the other. Whatever the other is for you. white. black. republican. democrat. sunni. shiite. jew. german. christian. atheist. We have to dive head first into that dark and muddy part of our heart. Not put it away. Not shy away from it. Not run from it. What’s down in those depths? If we consider how Jesus actually walked and look at his ethos as he went about his life, we find someone who was afraid of no one and no thing. And this prevented knee jerk reactions. Prevented him from picking up a sword and taking down Rome. And if He wanted to do that, nothing could have stopped him. This made it possible for empathy to radiate from his very being. Because there was actually room for it as opposed to being filled with fear.
He chose to die willingly for others – namely his enemies. If you’re a follower of Jesus, ask yourself: Why are you afraid?

Aiken Legs
20 Squats
20 Box Jumps
20 Bonnie Blair’s (Jump Lunges)
20 Bomb Jacks

Hold High Plank:

What would it look like if we laid down our fears, our weapons, our hate, and picked up enemy love instead? This empathy is not easy. It is a hard won, practiced enemy love.

The difference between fear and enemy love is a difference of franticness and peace.
Fear is frantic.
Fear goes at a speed love does not.
Fear is fast. Fear is frantic. Fear is distracted.
But love?
Goes about three miles per hour.
Three miles per hour it the average pace of someone who is walking purposefully yet gracefully.
Most of Jesus’ miracles happened on his way somewhere else.
We have to go at a pace that can be interrupted. That can be responsive to the moment in front of us.
If you walk at a pace that is in step with our Lord, don’t be surprised if empathy and enemy love show up.
You can’t love someone when you are hustling (for me – I think bedtime with small children).
But when you say no to the hustle? You can be stopped. You can step into the holy moment of grace.
Jesus did it.
He felt other people’s pain. He leaned into their space. He understood their hurt. He waited and didn’t hustle past.
He loved.

Seal sit ups x 30
Straight Leg American Hammers x 15
Straight Leg LBC’s x 11
World War I sit ups x 5

Yeti – Doty – Manion

Band Camp’s travels to DC this weekend with the band.
Chicken Wing is having hip surgery next week.
Prayers for all traveling this weekend and the frenzied fear that is the current virus situation.

Thanks Dirty Harry for the tap to lead the inaugural BEYOND of 2020. Looking forward to what this will become.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Split Q / Shovel Flag Handoff at the Coop

Lots of fun at the Coop on Wednesday. After a quick warm up which included 56 side straddle hops (representing 56 weeks of Punchlist’s leadership at the Coop) Punchlist delivered the first blow to the PAX.

Each Partner Wheelbarrows every other 10 yards for the length of the football field. At each 10 yard marker PAX performed that number of reps for each workout.

Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps x 7
10 – Donkey Kicks
20 – Hand release Merkins
30 – Jump lunges
40 – Air Squats
50 – LBCs
40 – Air Squats
30 – Jump lunges
20 – Hand Release Merkins
10 – Donkey Kicks
Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps X 7
Reverse Direction – All Together Now
Bear Crawls every 25 yards
15 Bomb Jacks at every 25 yard interval

2nd Round of Pain delivered by Kaiser

At the endzone performed a combination of exercises in cadence with the PAX
20 – Mock Tar Jays
20 seconds – Wide Arm Merkin – 6″ Hold Plank
10 – Burpees in cadence
5 sets of 10 push ups each
Run to the 50 yard line each set
Backpedal to the goal line each set

Group mozy over to the pull up bars. The bars were calling us and we answered. The pull up challenge was then initiated.

Started out with a group wall sit. Then 2 PAX would come off the line and challenge each other by doing 5 pull ups. Lots of mumble chatter erupted as each individual would get critiqued on their form. At the end of the workout New Site Q called out Old Site Q for a healthy & fun QVQ pull up contest. Group then ran back to COT to finish with very strong dose of Mary as the mumble chatter intensified.

Punchlist was honored for his leadership during the 56 weeks leading the COOP. He has truly been a strong leader to many including myself and I am honored to take the shovel flag from such a HIM!

TClap |

Four #HIM at Laces In

Four men showed for a fun morning before the winter storm hit. We looked around and collectively said: “Is this it??” Once we realized everybody else was hiding from the snow, the clock struck 0515. I disclaimed the disclaimer and then we moseyed.

One Burpee
10 SSH
Two Burpees
10 SSH
Three Burpees
10 SSH
Four Burpees
10 SSH
Five Burpees
10 SSH
Tappy Taps x 9


In honor of the date… 2/20/2020

Two Rounds of 20/20/20 (Multiple Exercises)
Hand Release Merkins/Squats/Donkey Kicks
Mosey to end of parking lot and back
Repeat for two total rounds

CDD’s/Bonnie Blairs/Plank Jacks
Mosey to end of parking lot and back

Curb Dips/Monkey Humpers/Shoulder Taps
Mosey to end of parking lot and back

Bear Crawl – Bomb Jack Webbs (Thanks Cha Ching)
Line up at one end of parking lot.
Bear Crawl on Spot
Three Bomb Jacks
Bear Crawl Two Spots
Six Bomb Jacks
Bear Crawl Three Spots
Nine Bomb Jacks
And so forth until we hit 10/30

At round seven I modified to lunge walks/squats because I couldn’t hang… how does the saying go? If you can’t do it don’t Q it? I tried. Slapshot is the man for following through with the bear crawls to the end.

Total Bomb Jacks/Squats – 165

Squerk Work
Mosey to adjacent side of parking lot, partner up by weight
Wheelbarrow to first row of parking spots, 10 Derkins/Squats while holding partner in wheelbarrow. Flapjack.

Out and back two rounds each.

At this point I felt a little merlot-y… so we headed back to COT for some Mary.

World War I Sit Ups x 20
Rosalitas x 20
Hello Dollies x 20
Have A Nice Day x 1 Minute


Two Shovel Flag hand offs next week. The Coop and Laces In.

Pray for my M in her last trimester and through her discomfort.
Pray for those PAX with pregnant M’s.
Unspoken prayers/praises.

Thanks Cyclops for the tap to lead.

Punch List out.

TClap |

20% More

Today was a day a long time coming, but more in the NMM.

10 Men showed for a soggy beat down at the Coop.  Here’s what we did:

The Thang:

Mosey, with some shuffle, to the practice field.


  • SSH
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Windmills

Gassers, repeating 5 times with exercises below between

  • 20 yards
  • 50 yards
  • 100 yards

Squats till 6, then MNC till 6

  • 12 Merkins IC
  • 12 Burpees
  • 12 Monkey Squats IC
  • 12 Bombjacks
  • 12 CDD IC

Mosey to Rock Pile

  • Pick a rock, 12 Man Makers
  • Run a lap to sign and back
  • Repeat x3, upgrading rock after each

Mosey to covered area for some Boat and Canoe and American Hammer.

Mosey to Pull Up Bars

  • 6 Pack

Run to Bottom of Hill, Backwards Run Up the Hill then to COT



As we gathered for #BTP, I commented that my FNG workout was at the Coop 5 years ago and it was a VQ for One Niner (BB here) and how it would be neat for him to be there 5 years later.  As we finished the COP and were about to run the Gassers, a lone figure came trotting up in the gloom… none other than One Niner.

I charged the PAX with looking to push themselves 20% more throughout the workout today.  The idea was that we get complacent or comfortable in our routines, but imagine what impact you could make with just 20% more effort to break out of your plateau, regardless of the arena of life.  I saw lots of good effort today with guys really pushing it both on the gassers and the man makers.  This is how we get stronger… by pushing beyond where we’d normally stop.



Yeti, Doty Run, Q School – Check your newsletter.


Prayers up for Marriages, Punch List’s M with baby pending, and being willing to share with others when life is hard.


Honor to Serve.

TClap |

Round 2 at Laces In

Lack of creativity? Potentially. Simple yet effective? Undoubtedly. That could be how I describe several stages of my life.

Yesterday at the JOC, we did round 1 of the Deck of Cards. Whenever you have a round 1, you have to have a round 2. Taking yesterday’s learnings on clock management, I modified the warm-up, flapped the gums a little less and up’d the tempo. That would ensure we get through the deck this time.

We had a total of 20 at Laces, with 2 of those being Road Runners. The other 17 joined me as we circled up.

River Rat got to hear this twice but I shared what Billy Bob said on the Roundtable podcast recently about modifications. You can always modify as needed BUT do not use that as an excuse to not push yourself. It’s appropriate in so many areas of life and it was appropriate for the PAX & I this morning.

So, we jogged over to the start line for our abbreviated warm up consisting of (2) 50yd runs at 50% pace and 75% pace. We followed that up with windmills in cadence and butt kickers in place, also in cadence. And that was it for our warm up.

For the 1st-timers, the deck goes like this, your rep count is the number on the card, 2-10 are obvious, Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces=14. Suits represent the following exercises:

Hearts: 8ct Burpee (It’s a burpee with a plank jack & the push up)
Diamonds: 4ct Mountain Climbers
Clubs: Jump Squats
Spades: Diamond Merkins
Jokers: (25) 4ct Flutters

In total, we did:
(104) 8ct Burpees
(104) 4ct Mountain Climbers
(104) Jump Squats
(104) Diamond Merkins
We had 3 Jokers in the deck so that is (75) Flutters, of the 4ct variety

We finished the deck at 0551 so we had 9mins left on the clock which was filled with:
(30) Flutters
(12) Hand-Release Merkins
(15) American Hammers

4 more 50yd runs at 50%, 75%, 100%, 75%

Moseyed back to COT for:
Heels to Heavens
Freddy Mercury

COT today was pretty powerful for me. We had men that brought some real stuff today that they are walking through life with. As we say, you are not meant to carry this on your own; that would crumble any man. You have been called and designed to lead but the best leaders have a group they work with. In F3, we call that group a Shield Lock.
Remember, sometimes you need to modify the game plan. However, DO NOT use that modification as an excuse to not give it your all.

It’s been my honor.

TClap |

Long Duck at The Coop

It was a brisk morning at The Coop. As Site Q I feel led to write a quick Backblast for LD.

30 SSH
20 Wind Mills
20 Tappy Taps
Mosey to Pull Up Bars

Partner up. Partner 1 runs down and up hill once while other partner chips away at the board of pain.

100 Pull Ups
100 toes/knees to bar
200 Merkins
200 Big Boy Sit Ups

Mosey to parking lot – 2×50 yard sprints

Back for COT.

Great lead by Long Duck!

TClap |

NYE at the “Ant”- BB 2wks late

Link to the Pre-Blast:

The script changed but we discussed burnout and the challenges associated with getting burned out. Nevertheless, we did some work with heavy sand bags and rucks. The legs were put to the test and teamwork was present.

A lot remains on the written weinke which should see the light of day or the darkness of the gloom…some day.

Until next time.


TClap |

Petty Officer Taylor J Gallant

On this breezy and 66 degree December morn, eight badgers answered the call to post for the last Monday of the decade. We honored Petty Officer Taylor J Gallant by putting our all into a one hour suck fest.

The Work:

Run 1 Mile (4 Laps)
60 Burpee Pull Ups
Run 800 Meters (2 Laps)
30 Burpee Pull Ups
Run 400 Meters (1 Lap)
15 Burpee Pull Ups

It was an oldie but goodie, and fun was had by all. We finished just in time for a quick round of flutters and mosey back to COT.

It was great to see Shield and Cheddah back from their stints on IR.


Read your newsletter.



Dirty Harry enjoyed a prolonged break with his M over Christmas – her longest stint off since starting her new job. Praise for that time, prayers that it happens again soon.

Pray for your word for 2020 and for each PAX to step up and lead in their respective circles of concentrica this year and beyond.


Dirty Harry – thank you for trusting me with this last Badger of the decade.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Extortion 17 Spl Spencer Duncan

Five men posted at Honey Badger to honor the 31 heroes of Extortion 17, and Spl Spencer Duncan.   Conditions were cold and raining.  NaFo has two entrances with some awning cover and we utilized both.

Warm up:
Under the large awning: Run loop under awning, 17 times, drop a clothespin in the bucket to keep count.
Then warm up exercises:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
All pax in plank: read story of Extortion 17 (copied below)

Thang 1:
13’s: start at a bench do a derkin, bear crawl to other side, do two derkins at other bench, change incrementally to 13
(do box cutters for the Six…)
Do 31 step ups
Plank for the Six
Read Spl Spencer Duncan Story (copied below)

Thang 2:
Run to small awning (distance of 350 feet)
17 Block Curls
17 Block Squats
31 heavy Freddies, hold block and do freddie mercuries
(Plank for Six…)
Blocktanamo: standing, line up hold block out at 90 degrees, each pax runs and presses/slaps/etc the other pax’s blocks.

Thang 3:
Run to Large awning
Indian Bear Crawl
21 bobby hurleys
21 squats (IC)
Indian Bear Crawl-Merkins
21 jump squats
31 calf raises

Thang 4:
Run to small awning
21’s: 20 block swings, 1 merkin…change incrementally 21 merkins
This was cut a little short due to time, and it quite sucked.

Run back to large awining
Fini, COT

Dirty Harry’s wedding anniversary is Dec 24; HarryCarry’s first born turns 16 today; Marriages; those in medical care.

Reason for the season: Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the son of earth, Born to give them second birth.

Reason for the workout:
Extortion 17
On August 6, 2011, a U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter approached a landing zone in Afghanistan 40 miles southwest of Kabul. The helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was on a mission to reinforce American and coalition special operations troops. It would never return. Insurgents fired at the Chinook, severed one of its rear rotor blades, and brought it crashing to the ground. All 38 onboard perished instantly in the single greatest moment of sacrifice for Americans in the war in Afghanistan. Those killed were some of the U.S.’s most highly trained and battle-honed commandos.

Specialist Spencer Duncan was born Feb 6th 1990 in Meriam Kansas and graduated from Olathe South High School in 2008.

He knew he wanted to make a difference in the world, and chose to join the US Army Reserve after high school. After basic training at Fort Knox, Spencer qualified as a helicopter repairer and was stationed 7th battalion, 158th Aviation regiment in Kansas. He loved working as a mechanic and became door gunner for Chinook helicopters. In May 2011, Spencer was sent to Afghanistan for his first deployment.

Specialist Spencer Duncan, 21, was a member of the Extortion 17 air-crew when it was shot down in the Wardak province on August 6, 2011. He is survived by his parents Dale and Megan, brothers Tanner and Calder, and his beloved dog Dixie.

When Spencer’s body was returned home to Kansas, over 15,000 people turned out to line the roads and show solidarity with the Duncan family. Specialist Spencer Duncan was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal and Meritorious Service Medal. He is interred at the National Cemetery in Ft Leavenworth Kansas.

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