Being Grateful…. And Burpees

WARMUP: Haha no warmup. We ran .25 miles.
THE THANG: We ran in .25 increments from the Ranch shovel flag across Springfield Parkway and and continued running on the Carolina Orchards sidewalk.

Every .25 we did the following exercises:

HR Merkins
4-CT Flutters.

Reps increased by 5 every stop. So at the 1 mile mark we did 20 of each exercise.

On the way back we decreased the reps back down to 5.

With 7 minutes left I did a 5 minute EMOM with 5 Burpees 5 Squats and 5 HR Merkins so we got to 100 (actually 105) reps of each exercise.

We were all able to get back to COT by 6:00.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph this Monday. Sasquatch will bring bands to help PAX as needed with the pull-ups.

COT:Prayers for health..mental and physical. Prayers for the country.

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The Revenge of Dr. Kraken & Jack Webb

The weather was warm which made it prime conditions for Broga; the only thing missing were goats. We kicked off the workout with @sasquatch doing 15 minutes of Broga stuff (Just bros being broga-y). We moseyed over to the carline circle for some crazy 8’s. The two exercises were Kraken Burpees (real crown pleaser) & Squats. We started with 7 Krakens on one side of the roundabout and 1 squat on the other side. Next 6 Krakens & 2 Squats and so on and so forth.

After the pain was realized we moved on to a Bear Crawls/Carolina Dry Doc Jack Webb. It was four Bear Crawls and 1 CDD. If you want to bottle up pain try this exercise.

We had a few minutes left so we did a modified Dora. It was 25 Merkins, 50 Squats, & 75 Clave Raises.

Back to COT for Prayers and praises.


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Day 29. AKA3. DORA from Hell

WARMUP: 15 minutes from f Broga led by Sassiest of all Quaches. Mosey to band practice field: SSH, Imperial Walker, Merkins, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Lunges, Peter Parker, SSH
THE THANG: DORA from Hell. Get a partner in crime. Do these things as your PIC runs the length of the field and back.
50 Burpees
100 merkins
150 monkey humpers
200 Squats
250 Plank Jacks
300 LBC
350 SSH

MARY: Plank and plank
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA Convergence and Shieldlock Invergence. No other announcements needed.
COT: prayers for Aquaman and CableGuy. Also Repeats mom and Kermit’s friend.

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You feel like it’s going to rain

WARMUP: Ran to the covered awning at school entrance. as it was raining in sheets.
10 Windmills IC
15 LSS IC held the low and added 10 MCCs IC
15 Merkins IC

THE THANG: We honored Sgt. Zachary Tellier today with his Hero WOD:
10 Burpees

10 Burpees
25 Merkins

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges (each leg)

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges (each leg)
100 Big Boys

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges (each leg)
100 Big Boys
150 Squats

As all reps were completed, PAX picked up the 6 and finished all of the reps with the 6. Everyone got all of their reps in.

With time to spare, we did burpicides and then had PAX call exercises IC on the benches (included dips, BSS, derkins and Peter Parkers) until 0600hrs.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA continues, Blood Drive coming up on 5/12, a few PAX have Q’s this week in The Fort.

COT: Brief message on practicing what we’re studying and cutting one bad habit. @Wegman’s passed the shovel flag off to @Sawdust and we wrapped up in prayer.

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Snarky Puppy

WARMUP: Sasquatch led us though a quick disclaimer and then rocked a  killer broga set, one of the regions hidden gems is 15 minutes with this dude IMO. We went through a bunch of warrior poses etc. After that we did the workout then finished back with Sasquatch for 5 more minutes of body contorting fun.
THE THANG: Took the baton from Sasquatch and brought pax on short warm up lap to bottom of hill and back up. Quickly we grabbed some Cindy’s and then went over to small patch of grass to murder some bunnies. After a quick lap down to the other side of building and back then we started the main event, 11s. Pull-ups then run to bottom of hill and back. Then run to grass and do murder bunnies to other side of patch and back, roughly 30 ft. then do a manmaker. Worked our way though 7 rounds then we ran out of time. It was miserable.
MARY: see ⬆️
COT: prayers for work challenges, baby on way for Wegmans and praise for Jesus and the ultimate sacrifice He paid on this day

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Using a Sandbag Timer at The Ranch

IT was a warm windy morning (but dry) as we all gathered at The Ranch.  We began with a quick warm-up of SSH, Monkey Humpers (for Bobber as he drove in), Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills and Moroccan Night Clubs.

We then moseyed over the the front of the school to be a bit protected from the wind and did 2 sets of wall sits with a 10 count down the line followed by plank-45 degree, BTW each for about 20 seconds.  It should be noted that during this portion Bobber seemed very confused that further movements would follow the pervious one and seemed to be trying to get a jump start heading back to the parking lot each time.  The look of confusion as he returned to the wall was priceless… each time…

The body of the work consisted of AMRAP of the following movements with the timer being a PAX shuffling with a 60lb sandbag (120 for Bobber) to the painted rock and back. Several PAX commented that this list seemed similar to Tuesday only without the set number of reps, to which I pretended not to have heard… I mean there are only so many options right? Plus I’m sure I added at least a few new things… I hope…

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Donkey Kicks
  • Calf Raises
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Al Gore with Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Box Cutter
  • Plank Jack
  • Dry Docks
  • Seal Jacks
  • Flutters
  • Shoulder Taps

We completed about 3 rounds and then returned for COT

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Prison Yard Beatdown

10  Pax converged at the rock on a cool Saturday morning 0630 for a full body beatdown led by Sasquatch and YHC.

*pre-pull-ups were completed by Skipper, Maximus, Sasquatch and YHC. All of them.

Sasquatch kicked the sesh off with a brief disclaimer and  a unique and effective warm-up that included:


5+ minute plank with upward dog, downward dog (with multiple variations)

Peter Parker

Parker Peter

Plank jacks


Wide-arm merkins

Now that the upper body and core were fired up we moseyed over to the playground where we completed:

3 sets of 5 pullups

5 toes to bar

10 partner clap pushups

wheelbarrow ~20 yards

2 sets of 5 curb merkins

5 curb burpees

5 curb sit-up-getups

1 set of 5 windmill merkins

YHC took over right at 0700 and brought the PAX back to the parking lot where we split into two groups, first group (A)  runs lap around park, stopping at all park benches to complete a number of exercises, return to parking lot and switch with group (B) who is completing exercises in cadence with good form (AMRAP):

1st lap, Group B- Deep squats (AMRAP), Group A – Runs with 10 dips each bench (20 total)

2nd Lap, Burpees (AMRAP) and Step-ups (20 total)

3rd lap, Monkey Humpers (AMRAP) and Derkins (total)

After much grumbling and some counting methods no better than our last few elections we switched it up and moved to front of parking lot for some more partner work.

First partner sprints to far end of parking lot, 2nd partner holds plank. We did 3 or 4 rounds

Finally we did some Mary for 3 minutes, flutter kicks in cadence and american hammers to get us to 0730 and COT.

Thanks for the opportunity Skipper!




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Chest, Core, and Broga

8 total (3 runners and 5 broga booters) ascended on Varsity for a chest and core smokefest followed by flipping dogs broga at the hands of Sasquatch. Here’s what we did:

The Thang

  • 10 SSHs (IC)
  • 10 Seal Jacks (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)

Mosey around the lot to the breezeway

  • 10 Merkins (IC)
  • 10 LBCs (IC)
  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins (IC)
  • 10 American Hammers (IC)
  • 10 Scorpion Merkins (IC)
  • 10 Freddies (IC)

Mosey around the lot and back to the breezeway

  • 10 Staggered Merkins (IC)
  • 10 Hello Dollies
  • 5 Diamond Merkins (IC)
  • 10 Rosalitas
  • 5 Windmills (IC)
  • 60 second plank

Mosey around the lot and back to the breezeway

  • 10 Carolina Dry Docks (IC)
  • 10 Boxcutters (IC)
  • 10 Dive Bombers
  • 10 Butterfly LBCs
  • 10 Burpees

Mosey around the lot and back to the breezeway

  • 12 Derkins
  • Transition to Sasquatch for Broga


Today’s workout was not easy, but I’m reminded that we “get to” do this. We are privileged to have the freedoms and abilities to assemble at our leisure to workout and talk about anything and everything on our minds. In the current state of affairs, today was a reminder of how blessed we are.

Yesterday I watched a video of a father saying goodbye to his 6-ish year-old daughter as she and her mom evacuated their town mere the hours before being attacked. I cried at the thought he may never see his family again as a foreign country invades his homeland. It really put things in perspective. These atrocities are happening while I continue to live life with minor inconveniences. I was able to wake up this morning, drive to a workout, spend time with friends, and come home to a warm shower, in my home, and have breakfast with my family. It breaks my heart that we live in a world where there is utter disregard for the wellbeing of others. In times like these, it’s imperative that we hug our families tighter, show grace and compassion to others, and be the steadfast beacon of light in a dark world. We must stand firm in our convictions and quell the fears of our families. Join me in praying for the people of Ukraine. Ask for protection of the innocent and vulnerable and give wisdom to global leaders. Pray for our service men and women as they prepare for potential deployment. Ask for humility for the proud and pray for peace in the face of fears and adversity.


Italian Job

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Chia Pudding

Four men showed up on a rainy morning for a little broga, exercise, and some healthy recipes.

Sasquatch started us off with 15 minutes on broga.  Lots of good stretches and poses to get our bodies right.

Next, we moseyed around the parking lot with some dynamic stretching. We made our way to the bus drop off.  The workout was simple, exercises performed near the school, once complete, run a lap and perform the first exercise along with the next and so on, “The Accumulator”.  Below are the exercises we completed along with the count:

  1. Squats – 20
  2. Merkins – 20
  3. Flutters – 20
  4. Plank Punches – 20
  5. LBCs – 20
  6. Carolina Dry Docks – 20
  7. American Hammers – 20
  8. Burpees – 10
  9. Lunges – 20

We got through all but the last two rounds.  Before we ran back to COT, we completed the last two exercises less the lap.  During the recovery laps, we learned about several healthy dessert recipes, like Chia pudding (Chia seeds + almond milk) or banana ice cream.

Great job everyone!



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Growing Up @ Varsity

A steady rain fell as 7 PAX exited their vehicles at about 0514 and a quick disclaimer as we moseyed to find cover near high school entrance.


Sasquatch led us through 15 minutes of contortion that can best be described as pain pretzels.  Sasquatch nailed the balance poses, the rest of us sure tried hard.
At 0530, the reigns were turned over and the premise for the bootcamp was shared with the PAX.  My 3rd (and final) 2.0 turned 5yo this past week, so this beatdown was brought to us by the number 5 and inspired by the progression of his life thus far.
– Newborn:  feeding then pat the back until you get a nice BURPee…
5 quick burpees to get the blood flowing
– 6 months:  things get real interesting once they start crawling…
5 bear crawl laps around awning pillars at school entrance (after 3/4 of first lap i realized 5 may have been a little aggressive but we made it through)
-9 months: they are gaining balance and they start sitting…
Wall sit w/ MNC x10 (IC)
Wall sit w/ alternating heal raise x10 (IC)
Mosey (out into the rain) to pullup bars
-12 months: they are gaining arm and leg strength.  They push/pull/struggle to stand up on own…
5 rounds
5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 air squats, run down to stop sign and back
Mosey back to covered high school entrance
-2 to 3 years: terrible 2s lead to laying on ground, flailing, and lots of grunting….
5 minutes of Mary. 5ish exercises. LBCs, peter parkers, nap time (Fishsticks knew we needed a break), Leg Lifts, V ups
End at 0600.
CoT under awning.  video-less Name-o-Rama/Announcements/prayers/praises
Pretty sure i heard a couple “this sucks” and at least one “cant wait to see what is next now that my arms, shoulders and legs are toast” so I think that means it was a good workout?  Bear crawls and pullups are not exercises I excel at, but I chose to put them in today to challenge myself and get better and hopefully that was the same for the other PAX (Sasquatch may have broke a sweat?).
Each year my 2.0s get older, I stress about whether or not I am raising them right and question if I should be doing things differently or if I am being too hard on the older ones or too easy on the younger ones.  Who knows.  Raising kids is tough. So, let’s all take time to cherish the special moments as they come because time flies and they get old quick!
PS- my geography teacher lied – I guess it does actually rain in the Badlands.
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