Changing of The Guard- Ranch Style

When checking in with the scheduled Q that was suppose to bring todays beat down, and he said he needed to call in a relief. YHC took it as an early Christmas present. Not only was I able to Q today I also got to hand off the shovel flag to a true HIM. It has an an honor to get to spend the last year leading on of my favorite AOs in all of The Fort, but also to be as excited to give it to Jiffy. He will only make this site even better.

We started off the morning with cars pulling in all the way up to the disclaimer. It was brief but to the point. All PAX knew to give what they could. Dig deep it will only hurt for 45 minutes. So they thought.

Start with easy mosey throwing in some high knees, butt kickers, karaoke.

Circle up SSHx20, IW x 15, windmills x 15, monkey humpers X15, Peter parkers x 10, 6 inches and hold x 2.

mosey to picnic benches dips in cadence x10 followed by derkins x10 for 3 sets.

change to legs 10 squat box jumps, 10 calf raises X3 sets

mosey to wall keep legs burning by doing 20 second wall sit.

Mosey to back of school. Partner up for DORA 1-2-3.

Partner 1 runs loop, Partner 2 merkins, squats, flutters.

Mosey to playground- 5 pulls ups 10 big boy sit-ups, 4 pull ups 8 big boy sit-ups down to 1.

Max set of pull ups.

Mosey to entrance 5 trees lunge walk to first, broad jump to second, bear crawl to third, squat walk to forth, and reverse lunge to fifth.

go back with lunge walk sprint, lunge walk sprint.

Mosey to COT. 1 min ab work.

Hand off Shovel Flag to Jiffy.

Announcements- Joe Davis Jan 6, Convergence this Saturday tega cay elementary 0600 5k/10k.

Prayers and praises for family’s coming and going out of town.

It has been a pleasure to serve the Ranch, the PAX and look forward to another leadership roll in F3.

Backdraft out…


TClap |

Crazy 8’s at the Coop

Was a great cool morning at the coop.  19 showed up to take some punishment from YHC.  Hadnt been to The Coop in a while. Good to be back.

*there were more than the 9 guys tagged- my recording didn’t take.  Sorry men!

Disclaimer as we had an FNG- brought by Ginsu…soon to be named Caddy Shack.  He has two pet groundhogs or he likes golf.  not sure.

We ran around to circle up for COP.  Usual suspects were there and interspersed burpees to get the blood going.

The Thang

  • P1 does hanging crunches/leg twists while P2 does LBC.  Rinse Repeat x3

Down the hill to the flat parking lot

  • bearcrawl down, 10 merkins, backward bearcrawl 10 CDD
  • Lunge walk down, 10 squats, backward lunge walk, 10 squats
  • Bobby Hurley down and back

Its at this point someone suggested legs…

Go to the hill

  • Crazy 8s
    • Bottom Merkins, LBC 8 reps each
    • Top: Jump Knee Tucks, Dips 8 reps each
    • Rinse repeat 8x

Great morning and reminder to take inventory of your gifts and what you bring to the table.  Develop them and allow to flourish at home, community and work.


TClap |

Round Robin


Sasquatch led us through his standard warm up. Then mosey to the parking lot right in front of the church for the main thing.

Complete an exercise from the Weinke and then run a lap around the parking lot. Exercises as follows:

25 Kettlebell Swings

20 Merkins

20 Squats

20 Hillbilly Press (10/ side) (press the kettle bell up and on the way down, lift leg on that side up like hillbilly walker)

20 LBCs

30 Curls (15/arm)

20 Skull Crushers

20 Calf Raises

20 American Hammers

After we wrapped up all these exercises we did 10 minutes of Pax-led Mary. This was a good workout and I was grateful for the opportunity.

TClap |

This Just In: Injured PAX deliver Epic Beatdown (at The Fort)

It’s exciting!  Something about Qing The Fort is just exciting. It was YHC’s (Zima) first post almost 4 years ago. It was my first VQ warmup (w/ CSPAN and pressure). And it’s the perfect location to bring guys from all sides of town sweat…to sharpen…to get better.

Disclaimer: Sasquatch has been on the IR with an achilles injury. Zima has been on the IR with a rotator cuff injury. Chances are you might not get your money’s worth. If you wanted to get a good beatdown go to Alcatraz. If you wanted to play soccer go to the Deep.

However, Sasquatch and YHC don’t let something like this get in the way. We embrace it and work around it. We conspired to deliver a beatdown that ensured afternoon naps.


Sasquatch on Q

Mosey to Anchorman’s Cones (Thanks Anchorman)

Dynamic Warmup (from one side of cones to the other)

  • Knees to chest
  • Heel to Waist
  • Heels to Butt
  • Inch-worm
  • Side Shuffle (fwd and back)
  • Low side shuffle (fwd and back)

Circle Up for COP

  • SSH IC X15
  • Moroccan Night Club in static lunge IC X10 (each leg)
  • Plank Series
    • Peter Parkers IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Parker Peters IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Mtn Climbers IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Ski Jumps IC X10
    • Upward Dog/Downward Dog
    • Plank, Left High, Right High

Mosey to Playground

  • Sasquatch THANG (Groups of 3) – Rotate when Position 1 completes – 4 Rounds
    • Position 1 – Toes to Bar (or knees to chest) X8
    • Position 2 – Freddy Mercury’s
    • Position 3 – Merkins

Zima on Q

Mosey to the base of the cones for some Dora 3-2-1 (Reverse Dora). Partner Up! One partner runs (50 yds out and back) while the other completes the exercise.

  • 300 Flutters (2-Count)
  • 200 Mtn Climbers (2-Count)
  • 100 Bombjacks (say what?)

Mosey to statue hill for Quadzilla (see: Quadraphilia in the #lexicon). YHC sets timer for 4 (actually 5) minutes and PAX run uphill backwards and downhill forwards until time called. It’s a quad killer.

Mosey back to the cones for…

Suicides; however you need to do the following exercise at the beginning and then every time you reach the “baseline”.

  • Series 1 – 5 Flying Squirrels
  • Series 2 – 5 Tuck Jumps
  • Series 3 – 10 Monkey Humpers

With just a few minutes left we finished with SSH IC X25 and then American Hammers IC X20 or 25 (Can’t remember). Clean up the cones and mosey to the parking lot for COT.


It’s frustrating having an injury. We should do well to lift up the many PAX dealing with injuries, because it can drive a #HIM crazy.  Fortunately for Sasquatch and YHC, we can modify and work around what ails us. For others it might not be as easy or the injury may be too severe. All this to say if you know a PAX in this predicament, shoot them an uplifting text, give them a call or meet them for lunch.

Tclaps to all the PAX who put in the work this AM. There was a lot of meat in today’s workout and we tried to keep things moving at all times (see: move with a purpose). It seemed we needed to push a little harder this AM to let the other (Paid) workout folks (about 20 of them) at WEP know this wasn’t your ordinary workout. These were guys getting after it and leaving it all out on the field. That and it’s always fun to chase Longshanks. One day man…one day.  Here are the rest of my notes.

  • Thanks to Anchorman for the cones
  • It’s amazing that Crabcakes can pull an Elvis without anyone knowing #promove
  • Tclaps to Spiderman for running 8 miles and then joining the workout
  • It’s always fun to workout with Longshanks and Dark Helmet. Uncomfortable, but fun!
  • Wegmans really needs to share his shaving technique with his brother (Sasquatch), nah we probably wouldn’t recognize him then.
  • Great to see so many familiar faces and some new ones. I need to get over here more often.
  • Quadzilla is still a favorite of mine and the PAX still hate it. Yay!
  • Thanks for putting up with us and allowing us to lead

Prayers and Praises

  • Lots of prayers for injured PAX
  • Prayers for families experiencing strife
  • Praise and prayers for several 2.0s on the way
  • Prayers and for teachers
  • Praise and Prayers for 2.0s and families back to school


  • Lot of marketing for Qs next week
  • Nun Run – get it on the calendar (see newsletter) and run with SPEED FOR NEED
  • Read your newsletter

Always an Honor!

Zima & Sasquatch


TClap |

More pass the dutchie

10 at Armory this morning got better.

The thang:

Imperial Walkers
Sumo Squats
Good Morning Stretch

Lap, then back for:

Carolina-dry docks

Mosey over to the low wall with bells for some pain circuits.

Circuit 1 (Lap between exercises)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2 (Lap between exercises)
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3 (Lap between exercises)
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

Partner Up

Partner 1 runs large loop with Bell
Partner 2 runs opposite direction, meets him and takes bell
(This was fun)


Then back to circuits

Circuit 1 (No laps!)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

We circled up for a round of pass the dutchie, Tesh’s invention and always the growls from handling his and Peabody’s bells.

Lunge with bell to parking lot, take a lap, lunge back to wall for a quick round of LBC’s  and Protractors.

Big ending with big ups to Sasquatch on the news of a boy due in January (and soon to be Uncle Wegmans.) Continued prayers for Smithers F-I-L.

Always a pleasure —- Assassin ——-

TClap |

The Coop 2017.29

I was greeted this wonderful morning by over 20 gentlemen that all came to get stronger.  This is not an AO on my routine schedule, but I love it and sneak over here for the pull-up bars on occasion.  It’s the first time I’ve gotten to Q here so guess what?  We’re all going to be sick of the bars before we leave.

Warmup: SSH, Merkins, Freddys

Break up into groups of 3.  Groups of 3 will provide adequate rest between exercises.  This workout is to build strength, not endurance.  Just don’t check twitter while occupying the bench and we’re cool…

Upper body superset: (this is drop set, each exercise is a similar muscle group but an easier movement, so you do more reps)
4 pull-ups, 6 negatives, 8 assisted (one partner gives you a foothold)
Once done Al Gore till the 6 comes in, 10 jump squats, al-gore 30 seconds, 10 jump squats
Core superset:
8 knees to chest, 12 hanging tuck toe pointers, 16 bicycles
Al Gores and jump squats

Repeat the whole thing!

At some point I tried to be a good Q and have a discussion about the topic of the month, and then someone farted…

Stay in groups and head to the bottom of the hill for a 3man Dora.  100 merkins, 100 squats, 100 LBCs.  This is more or less a warmup for your legs, and cool down for your upper and

Stay in groups for a 3man relay race up the hill and back.  If you don’t almost lose control of some bodily function on this one, you have something left in the tank…  Back to COT.


At COT I gave an explanation of why I train, but to sum it up: I like having solutions to problems.  Some solutions come as physical abilities.  Read the newsletter.


TClap |