Bring Your Wife to F3 Day

Shady led the Pax out of Runde Park to the circle at the end of Windward Drive for windmills, cherry pickers, yoga type back stretches,Peter Parkers and Parker Peters. The Pax then ran back to Runde and met up at the parking lot.
Shady gave each man a tennis ball and instructed us to write our wives’ first initial on the ball. That ball would stay with us for the rest of the workout.

Dora with your wife as your partner. From the playground, we did the following exercises and ran to the back of the basketball court and back between each set.
50 pullups (set of 10)
100 decline merkins (set of 20)
150 step ups were planned, but we ran out of time.

Hand off to Senator
Circle up on the right ball field

Lt Dan (1 knee tar jai, 4 squats) to 10 (crowd pleaser)
Line up along the concession stand wall for people’s chair. While the rest of the Pax sat, 2 ran to the outfield fence, hopped over, ran up the hill, did 3 burpees, and ran back
Balls to the wall hold for 20 secs, move to 1/2 way down for 20 secs

Return to the circle for the <@UJGS2BBQD> killer hip flexor routine

LBC x 20, Hello Dolly x 20, Boat and Canoe x 3
Finish up with the Body Destroyer

Trash pick up today on route 21 (thank you <@U0617222M3M> for your continued commitment to this). Jaeger next week, various other (READ YOUR NEWSLETTER)

Prayers for <@U686LEPLH> in the loss of his mom. Another Pax in the loss of his father. We prayed for several family members and friends of the Pax with cancer and other serious ailments. Prayers for safe travels for <@UN6PTD007> and his family to WI.

<@UGRNYPPUM> always brings something unique to his Qs, and his idea of having a tennis ball with our wives’ initials was a good reminder of how lucky we are to have our spouses. YHC and Shady picked up the Q spot as last minute subs for our friend <@UN3JKG18C> who will be handing off site Q duties in two weeks. Thank you for your leadership, my friend. It was a beautiful morning at Runde and always a pleasure to lead the Pax on Saturday mornings. We are truly lucky Men of the Fort!

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11’s 7’s benches & other fun

WARMUP: mosey to the bus loop
Exercises in cadence with burpees in between
imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Low slow squats
Moroccan nights clubs holding people’s chair
Side straddle hops
Mountain climbers
Shoulder taps

THE THANG: mosey behind the school for 11’s
Burpees and squats on opposite sides of the lot – always adding up to 11

Mosey to the next lot for 7’s
Diamond merkins and lunges on opposite sides of the lot

Mosey to the tables for 3 rounds of:
15 step ups
15 incline merkins
15 dips

BTTW for 1 minute – just to see things from another point of view

Mosey to COT for 90
Seconds of geometry class (protractors) and we hit 0600

MARY: see above comment
ANNOUNCEMENTS: you betcha’ – on site and in your newsletter – which you should read.
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call Rainmaker :eye:

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4 Corners of Arms & Abs

WARMUP: Obligitory SSH, Windmills and Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: 3 rounds of 4 corners. Mode of transport between each was decided on the fly. After a round, run a lap around the parking lot. 90 of AMRAP at each corner. Lots of Arms and Abs work this morning.
MARY: Not much time, so just a light A-frame stretch.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lot’s of things going on in March.
COT: Prayers for <@U686LEPLH> and his mom. Kids, travel & Bethel.

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Grunge isn’t classic rock

WARMUP: Did some side straddle hops, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and Moroccan nightclubs and then mosey over to the church lot

THE THANG: Tabata 40 seconds on with 20 seconds off. Got through about 2.5 revolutions. Topic of discussion was “is classic rock its own genre of rack from the 70’s/early 80’s, or is it anything more than 20 years ago?” Apple voted the latter and included Plush by STP on the classic rock workout playlist. I vote the former however…

Exercises included: LBC, Merkins, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Donkey Kicks, Dips, Side Straddle Hops, Nolan Ryan’s, Bix Cutter, Plank Jack, Lunges, Dry Docks, Bobby Hurleys and American Hammer

MARY: 2-3 minutes of rotational Mary once back to Harris Teeter…

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Lot work

Imp Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Michael Phelps
Mountain Climbers

Bear crawl Indian run

50 CCD
100 Imp Walkers
150 Squats
200 LBCs

Cross the lot
Lunge to other side of lot and do compounding merkins or burpees up to 5

Was done

Battlebot celebration
Hive convergence
Christmas party


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D2D prep

WARMUP: mosey to Ace Hardware. 51 SSH, IW’s, HW’s, shuffles and karaoke.
THE THANG: mosey to DD’s 15 six count burpees, 15 big boys, 15 LSS, mosey to apartment office 15 six count burpees, 15 big boys, 15 LSS mosey to church picnic area. 15 dips, 15 big boys, 15 LSS. Mosey to Teeter parking lot Dora / 100 merkens, 100 LBCs, 100 squats.
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence
COT: what happens stays

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hills burpees and Broga

WARMUP: mosey to fire station. Moroccan, the windmill, low sli squats, merkin, downward dog, honeymooners, side straddle hop
THE THANG: run to hill merkins and squats x10 then run hill while parter does curls rotate then goblins squats, overhead press. Run back to COT. Pit of misery. 1 x burpee 4 x side straddle hop run and lap. Double it rinse and repeat until at 10 burpees and 40 side straddle hop. Predator run on hill. The finished with 10 mins of broga.
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger.. read your news letter
COT: prayers for those running D2D

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Kitchen Sink 2/19/25

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, IWs, Mtn climbers, shoulder taps
dynamic movements around the traffic circle
THE THANG: buy in 100 squats with bag on shoulders, move to back of school (15 merkins while moving at various locations) at pickic benches 10 step ups with bag on right shoulder 15 derkins with right hand on bag, repeat on the left side. 25 bif boys, 8 clean and press 10 upright rows, repeat. followed by 20 American hammers. move back to soccer field stopping at light poles for calf raises. on soccer field throw bag across 5 burpees, lunge walk to other side, throw bag to other side alternating throws from right to left side. Lt Dans to the other side.
MARY: flutters, LBCs box cutters, hello dollys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: safety for d2d runners

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Words that Hurt but why??‍♂️

YHC brought up local story of Cam Newton calling teammates losers because were a losing team when he got drafted.
Is he wrong? What really drives people getting upset with those comments.
Come back to COT to see
Along mosey we did
5 burpees
10 CDDs
15 sumo squats

Stopped for some 7’s on long steep hill
1 merkin 6 sumo squats

Continue mosey with 5,10,15
At tennis courts

10 merkins
10 big boys
10 lunges
10 plank jacks
Bear crawl to each corner of tennis court
2 rounds

Continue mosey back to basketball court at COT

Another round of tennis court routine

Yeager——sign up
Being called a Loser is not nice and rude but when in a race or working we have goals and we either attain them or not
Are we all losers??
I think not but we get wrapped up in the identity of loser versus knowing we are Children of God loved valued and chosen
He proved this to us over and over again but we focus on earthly things not Godly things.
Change the focus
Who cares what the horizontal says and know the ONE who calls you by your name

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Loaded Failures up

WARMUP: Yea. A light mosey a few movements, like throwing the bags.

Kitchen Sink:
10 Cleans
10 Back Squats
10 Manmakers
10 Rows
Move with the bag, do it again.

10 Lateral Lunges
10 Squat Thrusters
10 Burpee hop over bag
10 Plank Pull Through
Move with the bag, do it again.

10 Single Leg Deadlifts
10 Reverse Lunges

Burnout till 0600:
Jack Webb w/ Squats (1) and Lunge Walk (4)
Got to 4 & 16

Convergence 3/14 at the Hive
Jaeger 3/15 at Model A Brewing

Asked each guy to share a bit about their failures. So, many of them shared a regret…something they viewed as a failure that like mising an opportunity. Some shared some pretty epic failures and how they’ve changed because of that.

We don’t necessarily have to regret something for it to be a failure. Personally, I want to try to fail better and often. I wanna dream big, and go big. If it blows up right in my face, hopefully I can learn something for my next big attempt. Shady once told me to fail forward. I like that.

We can’t be afraid to take chances. How are you putting yourself at risk for failure? Is that a good thing? Is it a bad thing? Is it neither but thinking makes it so? (That’s a reference to Hamlet….look it up.) How can we strive to attempt things in ways that leads to good things even when we fail?

This is the kinda stuff I think about. Sometimes a lot. Often in a circular fashion. You’re welcome…or not.

The workout was hard, in the rain, and we went in a giant circle, twice.

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