Let’s Make the Fort Sore again

WARMUP: yes. you’d be crazy not to


(most finished in 35ish)

(got in 1.5ish rounds, only 8.5 left to go…)

Was hard today. YHC is especially struck by 1st Lt. Clovis Ray leaving a job in investment banking at age 32 for an Army commission.

Prayers for those that still miss 1st Lt. Clovis Ray and SFC Daniel Crabtree at their Thanksgiving table every year.

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Bass down under

Theme was to stay together. Short mosey down the hill to a dry spot for some Broga. Threw in a couple of mtn climbers and WAM. We stayed together and did a slight mosey to the base of the hill where the fun started.

7s was the call starting with 1 squat run up the hill to the stop sign and do 6 merkins. They key was to stay together. This is where the fun started with the Aussie accent for the remainder of the workout.

All right mates once we finish with the 7s we headed to the crikey pull up bars. Did a quick 5 and hit the blocks (Cindy blocks that is) for some down under beat down. The call was wall sits for undisclosed moment of time. We did 3 sets of curls with a wall sits in between and did I mention block on the legs makes a nice table for shrimp on the barbie. Followed that up with overhead presses.

It was time to make another move up another hill to the benches where we watched Ruby Slippers pick up garbage. Better to leave it better than what you found it. Time for a little Aussie AMRAP to firm up the pax. The call was 1 minute of decline merkins (lots of complaint with that one), then dips, step ups, calf raises or was it 🩘 raises not sure. Then finished off with the 1minute of burpee finally. Back to COT

No Mary cause Rebel doesn’t like to get wet.

Thanks for the opportunity Cakeboss

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27 – ALL of them were there

WARMUP: mosey to the high school gym parking lot for:
Windmills x 10 (d/c, i/c)
Cherry pickers x 10 (i/c)
Imperial walkers x 10 (I/c)
Hillbilly walkers x 10 (I/c)
Seal jacks x 15 (I/c)
Down dog, walk dogs
Merkins x 10 (I/c)
Should taps x 10 (I/c)

Hand off to warning track for the main event


Light poles are the Diamond
4 rounds
Home base – pole 1 – 5 burpees
1st base – pole 2 – 10 Bobby hurleys
2nd base – pole 3 – 15 LBC’s
3rd base – pole 4 – 20 merkins

Mosey to hill out to Munn road
Partner DORA – partner 1 runs, partner 2 does exercises and then flapjack
100 – Shoulder Taps
200 – LBC’s
300 – squats

On to the high school wall for BTTW.  Holding for an excessive period of time.  Once time was called pax moseyed to COT

MARY: Time for one minute of flutters.
COT: 5th core principle

Warning Track and YHC were given AAR’s and pax were dismissed after COT.

Always a privilege to see an accelerating HIM rise at The Coach’s Box.  T-Claps Warning Track.


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Forgot the Video

All With Blocks
1. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 Swings, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Bent Rows. (run to bars and do 3 pullups)
2. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 Swings, 25 Overhead Press (run to bars and do 3 pullups)
3. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 Swings (run to bars and do 3 pullups)
4. 25 Squats, 25 Curls(run to bars and do 3 pullups)
5. 25 Squats (run to bars and do 3 pullups)
Thang #2
5 Step Ups & 5 Dips: run lap and finish with Bear Crawl
**increase reps by 5 and finish with 5 rounds
Wrapped up with Bring Sally Up doing Squats


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Tour da Ranch

WARMUP: dynamic stretching along with ssh, Cherry pickers, mtn climbers.

THE THANG: 3 sets dips and step up. Wall sits with rounds of burpees. Pull up 5,4,3,2,1- merkins, squats, lbcs 15,14,13 etc. more pull up then Indian run to cot for some Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bourbon and bbq, golf, blood drive
COT: prayers and praises.

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My hero gave me life!!

WARMUP: grab a block and get to pain station

7mins of burpees


With cinderblocks
đŸ’„ mom was 84 so that was our count
đŸ’„ 6 exercises for each of her kids all with Cindy’s
đŸ’„ đŸ’„ Tri-extension, Man Makers, Curls, WWII Sit ups, Dips, Block Squats
đŸ’„ đŸ’„ Every 5 mins run 84 yards and do 11 Derkins run back

Thanks for opportunity and honor your heroes today!! đŸ‘đŸ» đŸ”„ đŸ™ŒđŸ»

2 mins of Mary with Clickbait and Mark Twain
Slash’s fund raiser for beetos

Prayers and praises around COT

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Bodily functions are real

WARMUP: started with a mosey around the parking lot. Stopped for some SSH, merkins, squats, mountain climbers, and a little back and hip stretching. Made our way over to grab some cindy’s.
THE THANG: Once we had our new toys, we went to the hill for 11s. Shoulder presses at the top with cindy and bottom of the hill hand release merkins. Pax that finished early did chest presses or picked up Pax and finished with them.

Next we took our cindy friend to the pull up bars for work. 7s was the game with 1 pull-up and 6 man makers
down to 6 pull ups and 1 man maker.
MARY: made our way to COT for Mary on steroids
1 hammer, 4 flutters; 2 hammers, 8 flutters
made our way to 5 hammers and 20 flutters before the crying started. Then it was 3 burpees and round the horn ab callouts.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots in the newsletter
COT: patience, schools, families in general.

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Old & Grizzled

Instead of giving a long disclaimer, I made the mistake of saying this was an old and grizzled group of vets. It pretty much went downhill from there. But in my defense we did average about 50% brace rate (knees, elbows. ankles, etc).

Anyway, short mosey around the lot then circle up for some warmups. Hillbilly walkers, 4 count squats (crowd favorite), mtn climbers, peter parkers, parker peters, MNCs.

Relocate over to near pull up bars. Partner up for lazy dora. 100 merkins: p1 does 10 while p2 holds plank. Switch back and forth until 100. 200 LBCs: p1 does 20 LBCs while P2 does 6″ leg hold. Switch back and forth until 200. 300 squats: p1 does 30 squats while p2 holds Al Gore. Switch back and forth until 300. 400 SSHs: p1 does 40 SSHs while p2 hangs on the pull up bar. Switch back and forth until 400.

I had more planned at front of school but based on time audibled to stay close to start point. Stay with same partner for partner burpees. P1 does burpee, then P2 does burpee, keep swapping back and forth up to 25 total then run to stop sign and back. 4 rounds (100 total). Finished up with 20 big boys and 20 flutters.

We may be old and grizzled but it was a really fun morning. Lots of mumble-chatter seemed to make time fly by. I appreciate all the old and grizzled as well as newer less grizzled guys we have in this group. Thanks Cake Boss for the opportunity to lead!

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