Don’t Let Go

WARMUP: mosey with some merkins and squats
THE THANG: Two rounds of six exercises working 30 seconds 10 seconds off. Merkins with bags on back, merkins, chest press, squats with bag, air squats and deadlifts.
Four rounds with moseying in between and no setting the bag down of 10 deadlift, ten hang clean, ten front squat, and ten press.
Two rounds of plank ladder with clean and overhead carry with flutters in between.
MARY: no.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter.
COT: praises to the group and shieldlocks

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Turd Burglar

WARMUP: Windmill, IW, HW, MNC
4 quarter-mile laps around the parking lot for a total of 1 mile. Stopped every quarter of a lap and did 10 reps of one exercise Burpees, Squats, Merkins, Big Boys x 4 for a total of 40 of each throughout the mile.

Partner Dora
Timer: One pax runs ~ 300 yards while the other pax does reps of an exercise.

50 – Step Up Burpees
100 – Squats
100 – Merkins
100 – SSH
100 – Plank Jacks
100 – LBCs
100 – Derkins
MARY: Flutter Kicks , Freddie Mercury,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Batman said read your Newsletter
COT: Closed us out in prayer.

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Tap The Taint


SSH until the stragglers joined us = 30 in cadence.
High Plank
Downward dog
Upward dog
Merkins x 5


KB Swings x 30
Snatch x 30 (15 each side)
Side bends x 15 each side (cadence count)
Lap around parking lot
Repeat x3

Heel elevated squats x30
Reverse lunges x30 (SC)
Good Morning x15
Lap around parking lot
Repeat x3



Family, patience, marriages, day to day struggles, and addictions

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Yard Work

WARMUP: Yes – stretching, gas pumpahs, SSH, Windmills, Squats, Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers.
THE THANG: DORA ( Derks, Squats and Dips) Hill work with some Bomb Jax and Sumo-Squats followed up with 4 corners (Merkins in cadence and Flying Squirrels (oyo).
MARY: Yes – 4 mins of Mary saved us from 20 Flying Squirrels….
ANNOUNCEMENTS: cSAuP coming, FtMill Care Center signups, Christmas party, etc etc
COT: Yes

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Kettlebell Chaos: Four Rounds of Fury with 20 Swingers

Rolled in with seconds to spare, hopped out grabbed the kettlebells and gave the disclaimer.
Warm up :
Cherry Pickers
Stretch the hamstrings reach to the right foot, then the center then the left foot, back to center.
Overhead claps.

The Thang:
Round 1
45 Seconds of Kettle Bell Goblet Squats
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Kettlebell Imperial Goblet Squats
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Kettlebell Lower Leg Lunges
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
Run a lap around the parkinglot

Round 2
45 Seconds of Right Leg Roman Dead Lift
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Left Leg Roman Dead Lift
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Wide Leg Kettlebell Deadlift
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
Lap around the Parking lot with the kettle bell hit the speed bump rifle carry, make it to the turn regular, hit the next speed bump riffle carry, get to the turn regular till you get back to the start.

Round 3
45 Seconds of Kettlebell Pass Under Lunges
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Right Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Rows
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Left Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Rows
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
Lap around the parkinglot with the kettlebell make it around the bend and slowsy to the next bend then regular till we get back to the start.

Round 4
45 Seconds of Kettlebell Overhead Press
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Right Arm Kettlebell Chest Press On Your Six
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Left Arm Kettlebell Chest Press On Your Six
30 Seconds of Rest
45 Seconds of Alternating One Arm Kettlebell Swings
Time is is up Recover.

Announcements, Prayers and Praises

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Flag Handoff at The Sink…..If you know what I mean?

Flag handoff from Maximus to Farmer’s Only.

Warmed up with a lap around small loop and back to circle perform a few exercises to get familiar with the bags.

– Merkin (5-5-5 – Regular, Wide, Diamond)
– SB Toss (10)
– SB Shoulder to Shoulder (10)
– Deadlift (10)
– Manmaker (5)

Partner up. DORA. One partner carries, One partner exercises. 50 reps for each exercise.

1 – Suitcase Carry/Overhead Press
2 – Shoulder Carry/Lunges
3 – Back Carry/Flutters w/ Press
4 – Overhead Carry/Rows
5 – Zercher Carry/Cleans
6 – Bear Carry/Curls

Everyone went through once at 50 reps each exercise. Some began making way back through before all PAX drop the exercise portion and began making way down the list completing just the carry. Stopped with about 10 mins left for next activity.

Next up, we piled all the sandbags up on one end and went back to the other side. PAX divided into two teams and one PAX at a time for each time raced down to the pile to retrieve a bag and bring it back to other side. All PAX take a turn and team that recovered the most weight at the end is the winner. Losers perform burpees.

Lots of CSAUP opportunities this Summer. July 4th convergence.

Flag Handoff. Congrats Farmer’s Only.

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School’s Out: Dawn Patrol Edition

Nice showing at DP. A couple double downs, a couple big brains (SLT) and a couple late risers … all perfectly acceptable.

With that said, “I have to get the kids to school” is not valid for June and July, so get out and double down.

6 rucked, 3 ran. We had a 2.5 mile loop.

Down that way, right at the pharmacy, around to Hardees, take a left, all the way to the T, right, right at the next T, come up behind the post office, Forest, Academy and back.

If I lost you, Bandcamp can translate.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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WARMUP: SSH, mosey to print shop
1st Station – Print shop
25 pull ups
25 squats
2nd Station – Academy & MAIN
25 merkins
25 squats
3rd station – Academt & Monroe White
25 merkins
25 squats
Repeat – most got 3 full loops

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Ruck & Block Grind: The Ultimate Shoulder Challenge!

Showed up with only Falcon Crest there, and the PAX started to trickle in.

A few exercises to get started.

The Thing:
Grab a cinder block and speed ruck to cones in the car lane.

Round 1:
– 10 Cinder Block Squat, Curl to Overhead Press
– Ruck to large cone on the right:
– 5 Man Makers
– 10 Ruck Push-ups
– 15 Overhead Ruck Hold Squats
– Speed Ruck around the parking lot

Round 2: Rinse and repeat
– This time, further ruck around more of the parking lot.

Round 3: Rinse and repeat
– This time, ruck the immediate parking lot and then around the field.

Round 4: Rinse and repeat
– Bring the block with you.

After Exercise:
– Carry block to the bottom of the hill going to Walmart.

Light Post Challenges:

1. 1st Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block curls.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

1. 2nd Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block squats to curls.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

1. 3rd Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block squats to curls to overhead press.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

Once completed, farmer carry your ruck and cinder block to the entrance of the school. Then, put the ruck back on and get the cinder block back any way you can.

It was a shoulder smoke show!

Announcements, Prayers, and Praises:

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