Where’s Jekyll?

Scheduled Q had some complications but we all can jump on and lead anytime… the beauty of F3
WARMUP: find a loaner ruck for The Pirate who showed up for the bootcamp but found 4 ruckers getting ready to take off, Sprocket had an extra plate carrier so off we went.
THE THANG: one mile loop behind LPL building, stop at CAH for step ups, dips and incline merkins
Another loop behind LPL building, stopped at CAH and were able to do a round of step ups…. Then the clock hit 0700 and we stopped,
MARY: catching breath after the step ups
ANNOUNCEMENTS: mini convergence at WEP on Saturday.
COT: stays in COT

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Thankfull for F3TheFort

*WARMUP:* Rucks on! Carry 40lb Sandbags across Hwy 160 towards the Old Bilo/LPL Property !
Shared Disclaimer and Warmed up with the following movements: 10 reps per movement
Cherry Pickerks
Morrocan NightClubs
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers


Q Called a movement for an uncertain numbers of reps as one Pax was the timer.
The Timer had to Farmer Carry 40lb Sandbags in each hand down to the end of the lot and back. Continued in rotating fashion until all PAX had taken a turn.

Movements Performed:
Bent Over Rows
Swift Mosey with a Burden

After this circuit, we moseyed around the building and back towards the Dawn Patrol site.

Each pax performed dips, merkins, and 10 step ups each leg!

Following this set, we mosey to the stairwells and performed some elevation ruck and reverse ruck.


Finished the last 7 minutes with a round robin of movements led by each PAX present:

Freddie Mercury
Mountain Climbers
Flutter Kicks
Broga !!!
Portal send off this coming Saturday at The Fort! Meet at WEP, 2nd F to follow.

COT: Always Stay in COT !!!

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Dave Lyle to Gold Hill and back????


THE THANG: 1.75 out and back for a total of 3.5 miles. Option to add on 2 loops around the very large building for another half mile.
MARY: Yes – handful of the fast runners
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUP, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Litter Pick up coming soon, Canoli Run….
COT:Well done well attended and knocked out in a timely manner.

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