Working on the Bum-Bum

This was my first kettlebell Q so truth be told I googled “kettlebell circuit workout” and the bulk of the decent sites were ladies teaching how to firm up you “bum-bum’s”… Seemed like we all could use a little help in that department so I plagiarized heavily from these sites…

The disclaimer was disclaimed and we began with a short mosey around the lot with some butt kickers, high knees, side shuffles, and toy soldiers.

We circled up for warm up consisting of:

-25 Side Straddle Hops

-25 Moroccan Night Clubs

-12 Windmill

-12 Imperial Walker

-12 Hillbilly Walker

-12 Goofball (for Geronimo)


We mosey over to the pick-up line curb for the beginning of toning our “Bum-Bum’s”

We completed 2 circuits each consisting of 15 reps of 15 exercises with a lap around the parking lot between every 5 exercises.

-15 Kettlebell Swing

-15 Sumo Squat

-15 Lunge Pass Though (each side)

-15 Calf Raises (I actually raised this to 20 on accident but Dark Helmet kindly reminded me that I had committed to 15 earlier in the description)

-15 Split Squat (squat in a lunge position) – each side


-15 Bent Row (each side)

-15 Shoulder Press (each side)

-15 Curl (each side)

-15 Halo (each direction)

-Drive the Bus for 3 10 counts (bell extended 10 straight, 10 turned to the right, 10 turned to the left)


-15 LBC’s

-15 Flutter

-15 Hello Dolly

-15 Freddy Murcury

-15 Box Cutter



after about 2 cycles we mosey to COT for announcements and prayers


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#218in18 Kick-off Convergence BackBlast

76 PAX (including 4 FNGs) met in the gloom at Harris Teeter this morning to kick the year off the right way.

Group 1 – Jedi

Start with 60 seconds of plank tutorial, then a fairly lame attempt to explain the exercise “routine” for the upper body station. The routine, to be done in increasing AMRAP style:
· Incline Merkins
· Low Country Crab Boil (One leg, one hand dips)
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Staggered/Uneven Break Dancer Merkins (Left hand on curb)
· Staggered/Uneven Carolina Dry Docks (Left hand on curb)
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Pseudo Planche Merkins
· Donkey Kicks
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Staggered/Uneven Break Dancer Merkins (Right hand on curb)
· Staggered/Uneven Carolina Dry Docks (Right hand on curb)
· 90° Turn to starting position

Start with 10 reps for each exercise, then add 2 reps each round after that (10, 12, 14, 16, …). Only the elite few made it past the round of 12.

Group 2 – Peabody

An absolute honor to lead a convergence and had so much fun working with all the guys. Here’s the fun of the cardio Q.

SPRINT Relays!!!  

3 team

60 Yard sprint

Team members are doing Seal Jacks, side straddle hops, or flutters while teammate runs.

Winning team selects penalty exercise for 2 losing teams. (Unknown is losing team has to do the penalty exercise too but only half the reps).

Rinse and repeat the sprint relay races once teams are mixed up.

Mary to follow:

  • 50 LBCs
  • 25 Flutters
  • 10 Freddie Mercury’s

Lists of fun to hear the encouragement of other Pax and see the competition bring out the most in guys.  Saw lots of guys really push hard to win for their team.

Group 3 – Jekyll

Motley Crue and 80’s hairband soundtrack

  • COP: SSH, IW, Squat
  • 5 Burpee OYO, 4 OYO, 3 OYO
  • Lt Dan: squat and jumping , 1:4 ration
    • 1 squat: 4 jumping lunge, 2 squat: 8 Jumping lunge…10 squat: 40 jumping lunge
  • 5 burpee OYO
  • Calf Raises 25 each: Straight, Toes Out, Toes In
  • Donkey Kicks


Welcome FNGs Iron City, Humps, Hillary, and Juliet

Prayers by CakeBoss for leadership.

– Ginsu

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The Hive 2018.01

Happy New Year!

It was sub-teens this morning and by the forcast, not supposed to get above freezing today.  Even though this weather is slightly ridiculous, 5 men still posted to the Hive to find something hard to do, and get it out of the way early.

SSH x30, Burpee x10 OYO
Mosey to the band practice lot for some yard markers.
Tricep Extension x20, Burpee x10

The Thang
AMRAP for points: front raises = 1 point, 40 yd dash and back = 6 points
I was around 56 points on this one…  Apparently, no one else could add at this point, so I win by default?  I think Geronimo was in the 60s which means he needed to bring out his 50lb KB.  AMIRIGHT?!
Flutter x20, FredMerc x20, Burpee x10
AMRAP for points: bent rows = 1 point, 40 yd dash and back = 6 points
I was at 70 points on the nose on this one, and I was last.  Peabody, Airborne, and Geronimo had me beat.  Sugarbug refuses to count over 32 apparently.
Flutter x20, FredMerc x20, Burpee x10
Split into two groups 40 yards apart: Fireman Carries with 2x 40lb KBs relay style till each man has three 40 yd carries
Squat Hold x12, 40 yard dash
Steven Curry with holds for 20 yards, 80 yard dash to the endzone.

Mosey back to COT.
THE HIVE IS AT HARRIS TEETER CONVERGENCE ON 160 AND SUTTON/PLEASANT NEXT WEEK (12/12).  Joe Davis is tomorrow so WEP is closed.  Read your newsletter for announcements.

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One Year Celebration at The Coop

On my second Q in as many days to celebrate my one year anniversary of F3 I had a much better turnout (Can’t blame Clemson for fartsacking today…)

12 men arrived in the slightly chilly morning air to make themselves better.

A short mosey led us back to where we started to begin warm-up

-25 SSH

-10 Windmill

-10 Imperial Walker

-10 Hillbilly Walker

-25 Moroccan Nightclub

-10 Peter Parker

-10 Parker Peter

-10 Mountain Climber


We then took a short mosey toward the large wall on the side of the school.  This mosey included high knees, some karaoke, and imperial walkers


Once at the wall we completed 3 sets of

-Peoples chair waterfall with each PAX giving a 10 count

-40 OYO dips on the curb

-25 OYO flutter

-Wall Plank-45 degrees-Balls to the Wall each for a 10 count


Once this fun was completed we mosey over the the base of the parking lot near the stadium and partnered up for DORA with one partner running to the top of the parking lot at the stop sign and back with the other completing the exercise.  Total of 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBC


The PAX was much more efficient with the DORA than I had given them credit so we then mosey back to the smooth pavement just past COT for some Mary which included Freddie Mercury, Plank Jacks, LBC’s, X’s and O’s, Mountain Climbers, Dying Cockroach, and the ever popular Body Destroyers


COT with announcements and Prayer Requests.  Please pray for Squeaky’s daughter.

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Freezing in the New Year

Due to lack of sleep and poor early morning math I was driving like I robbed a bank to get to the Colosseum when I realized I was arriving at 5:00 not 5:15 for some reason..: once there I was able to relax for an eternity and hope at least someone else showed up for the day…

Thankfully 2 somebodies did and we were able to get going, although it did complicate things like “circling up” and “partner up”

Mosey to the back lot for warm up

-25 SSH

-10 Windmill

-25 Moroccan Nightclub

-10 Peter Parker

-10 Parker Peter

-10 Mountain Climber

-High knees, Karaoke, Shuffle and Toy Soldiers


Mosey to back wall

-3 sets of People’s Chair (1 minute), 40 dips, 40 flutter (double count)

-Jacobs Ladder with 10 Americans hammer (double count) then over the wall then 1 donkey kick then back. 9 AH and 2 Donkey, etc…


Mosey to flag pole for individual laps with the other PAX doing exercise.




Mosey to start point for some Mary and COT

Announcement… It’s cold but everyone else is a sad bunch of clowns for not showing up…

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12 Laps of Christmas with Some Discussion on our Favorite Gifts as Well as The Greatest Gift

We began with Sugarbug taking the lead for a mosey around the park and circle up in the field to get warmed up on this fridged 20-something morning.

24 SSH, 12 Windmill, 12 Moracan Nightclub, 12 Peter Parker, 12 Parker Peter (by now Dark Helmet and his ruck were starting to notice a trend and were getting nervous)


Mosey over to the playground to do some laps “12 Days of Christmas” style. It went like this (feel free to sing along)

One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Nine dips, Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Ten SSH, Nine dips, Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Eleven plank jacks, Ten SSH, Nine dips, Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Twelve burpees, Eleven plank jacks, Ten SSH, Nine dips, Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground


Once the carol had been sung the choir lead was passed over to Quack Attack who began his lesson on the greatest gift

-Began with a circle of core work.  Quack Attack would call out an exercise and a PAX would ten count followed by another ten count by the next PAX clockwise. He would then discuss the next exercise as well as some insight into life for about a 10 count and we would begin again with the next PAX clockwise for a revolution around the circle. I don’t remember every exercise because I was trying to not fall over, but we did some plank, a dying cockroach of sorts (but it looked much nicer so we called it a dying palmetto bug), as well as some side planks with a hip dip that apparently looked so impressive the women on the track started giving us more room when they came by.

-Following this circle of fun we proceeded to run halfway around the tack around the park in a “native american” fashion… The PAX running to the front was instructed to yell their F3 name and the favorite gift they received as a child.  I must say based upon the answers it seems Nintendo did well during our childhood… Also I felt bad for the poor lady who must have thought 10 minutes earlier “What a nice cool morning for a peaceful walk with Fido at the park… It will be so relaxing… The odds of 20 men running in circles around me screaming the names of video games is incredibly low…”

-Once everyone had discussed their favorite gifts and we reached everyone’s favorite hill we split the group in half for a relay race.  The line was at the base of the hill and those PAX in line were to squat while the lead member ran up the hill and completed some sort of one leg squat jump that from any distance away looked like a typical drunk wedding dance.  They were then to run back to line and tap the next PAX

-Following this completion which was decided to be a tie (dealing out 5 burpees to everyone) we finished with another “native american” fashioned run the remaining distance around the park to the lot for COT.  On this run we were to say our F3 name and who was going to win the College Football Championship.   While there was some limited SEC support CLEMSON certainly was the polling favorite with a notable write-in (scream in) vote for Air Force… Maybe this is the year of the triple option…


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Special Appearance by Thin Mint and Some SOB’s at The Coop!

Thank you to Thin Mint for pushing himself (and all of us) out of our comfort zones this morning at the Coop.  Great to see the SOB’s present and we need to get together again soon.  Below is the Backblast from Thin Mint. – SugarBug

12 indistinguishable blobs showed up in the 0515 darkness of Nation Ford HS for this SOB’s first Q in The Fort. The next 45 minutes went a little something like this.

The Warm-Up
-Imperial Walker x10 IC
-Low Slow Squat x15 IC
-Arm Circles IC (5 small fwd, 5 small back, 5 big back, 5 big fwd)
-Low Slow Merkin x10 IC
-Alternating Leg Lift (from 6 inches) x10 IC

The Thang
Mosey over to the band lot and line up at the goal line for:
-Bear Crawl Burpees – start your burpee (drop, do the pushup), at the top of the pushup bear crawl 5 yards to the next line, finish your burpee (stand up, jump), repeat for 50 yards, sprint to the end
-Return by Lunge Walk 10 yards, Broad Jump 5 yards, repeat to the end

Mosey down to the launch lot and grab a partner for partner suicides:
-5 partner derkins each
-Sprint opposite directions to end of lot, round 1 island, meet back near the middle 1 row from where we started
-10 handslap merkins
-Run back the way you came to the start
-Repeat but go up 2 islands to the 2 nd row, repeat to 3 rd row, 4 th row, 5 th row (for some)

Head to the JROTC building and form groups of 3 for grinders:
-P1 at pull-up bars –1 pull up, 4 hand position changes (if possible, just pull ups if not), repeat
-P2 at bottom of hill – double merkin burpees
-P3 runs from bottom of hill to the top, relieves P1 who runs down to relieve P2, etc.
-Continue until each person has done pull-ups 3 times

Couple minutes of Mary
Plank abreast facing up the hill
Low slow merkins x10 IC
On your belly, wait for GO
AYG uphill to Stop sign, mosey back to launch for COT


-Invergence on September 29 th . f3-the- fort-5th- year-invergence/
-Convergence on September 30 th , 0700, Nation Ford HS. All other AOs will be closed on the 30 th . convergence-fng- challenge-preblast/
-Following the convergence, help needed to install pull-up bars at Children’s Attention Home. A few more PAX needed to help dig holes and put up the posts and bars. Contact Chicken Wing for more info or to HC. home-workday/

Prayer Requests
-Forgot to do this — not a regular thing for us SOBs but maybe it should be.

YHC tried not to get lost or to faceplant as we moseyed up towards the band practice lot. Nation Ford HS is pretty dark first thing in the morning. I tried to take out Photo Bomb twice by making unannounced sharp turns, but he was too quick on his feet so we warmed up instead. Thankfully the lights came on in the parking lot for the partner suicides or things could have gotten ugly. Have only visited this AO twice (last week and this week), but I can confirm that everyone comes to work hard. Heard your typical mumblechatter this morning, especially on the call for double merkin burpees, but saw every man in attendance pushing hard and getting uncomfortable. Dark Helmet summed things up pretty nicely before the workout when he stated that he knows he CAN modify, but then he looks around at everyone else pushing through and would rather puke today than let up. Beauty of F3 right there. Don’t get me wrong – modify to avoid injury, but not to avoid discomfort. On the other side of uncomfortable things is where each and every one of us finds a better version of ourselves. It’s obvious when you say it (get outside your comfort zone, duh) — but it’s far too easy to forget in the moment. The more we can learn to embrace uncomfortable situations in the gloom with a push from our brothers the more we will find ourselves embracing (or even running headlong at) the everyday discomforts (making that call, having that talk with your M, punishing your 2.0 even when they make the puppy dog eyes) that threaten to force us all into complacency. Or, maybe Dark Helmet was just regretting his choice of a Gordita Supreme at Taco Bell last night. Really enjoyed working out with the men of The Fort this morning and getting pushed by some new faces (especially Backdraft who is one sneaky fast dude). Thanks to Haggis, Fahvra and Fallout for leaving their usual routines to come out to The Coop. Haggis is soon to be a Springfield resident so keep an eye out for him at an AO near you (if he can drag himself off the trails of Anne Springs that is). Very much appreciate the invite from Sugar Bug to lead. YHC definitely plans to visit more often.

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Crawling at the Colosseum

9 PAX arrived in some slightly cooler weather than the past few weeks and thankfully the rain held off for us and a good time was had by all,

The disclaimer was disclaimed and we began with a mosey around the car rider loop with some high knees, butt kickers and toy soldiers and then circled up to complete the warm up in cadence: 25SSH, 25 Moroccan Night Clubs, 10 Peter Parker, 10 Parker Peter, 10 Windmill, 10 Mountain Climbers.  We then mosey over to the front of the school for the fun to begin


The Thang:

Bear Crawl Ladders

-Starting on the curb across from the school we were to bear crawl across the road and do 10 Monkey Humpers once arriving at the other side, then we were to reverse bear crawl (backwards) back to the curb and do 1 Derkin. Then bear crawl back and do 9 Monkey Humpers with 2 Derkins etc.

-Once this was completed we mosey around to the back of the school until I could see the back dividing wall and realized it was too short so we took a tour of some construction equipment and returned to the front of the school

-3 sets of 10 count waterfall peoples chair followed by feet against the wall in plank-45 degree-90 degree each for a 10 count (30 seconds total)

-We then mosey to the front of the school near the flag poles and took turns running the car pool loop while the rest of the PAX performed an exercise: Nolan Ryans, Al Gores, Dips, Flutters, Toe Tap on Curb, Calf Raises, Dry Docks, Low Slow Squat, Merkins

-Mosey back to COT for some Mary (LBC, Hello Dolly, Rosalita) then circle up for announcements and prayer


Good time and I appreciate the opportunity to lead.


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Doing more of the things I (don’t) Love

Today I figured out a cool way to make cones really light up in the dark. Just thought I’d put that up front.

It’s been a little while since Qing at the Coop, so this was a good time. I was a little punchy after working a swing the night before, so I’m glad that all the PAX had patience with me this fine morning.

The Thang

Warm up Phase
Line up and the following for 20 or so yards
1. High knees/mosey back
2. High skips/mosey back
3. Butt kicks/mosey back
4. Toy soldiers/back mosey back
5. Power skips/back mosey back

Goofballs 20xIC
Squat Imperial Walkers 10xIC
Merkin-crab dips-Merkin-crab cakes
Howling monkey ring of fire x10 each

Pull Yourself Phase
Partner up- Pull up/merkin- rotate- then Flutter kick for the six
4 Regulation Corps Pull ups/ 8 regulation merkins
4 Switch grip Pull ups/4 offset merkins 2 sets of each to get both sides
4 Close hands chin ups/8 close hands merkins (diamonds)
4 Regulation Corps Pull ups/ 8 regulation merkins

Pull Bricks Phase
Circle up at the Sugar Creek ES parking lot.
2 sets of cinderblocks attached to the big ropes
2 PAX hand over hand drag the bricks the length of the lot then backpedal pulling the bricks back to the start- hand off to the next 2 PAX
All other PAX are rotating through the following, changing whenever brick dragging PAX exchange change direction.
1. Tuck jumps-Modify to alternating lunges sometimes(SOOO many tuck jumps)
2. Tempo merkins IC
3. Hip slappers (on the curb if you are awesome, on the wall if you are crazy like Geronimo!)
4. Front- back -go Overlooked this on the Winke

I wanted to try out an idea I had this week. In my head I have a list of exercises that I like least. Today I tried to incorporate many of them (missed partner carries and backwards bearcrawl uphill, ugh!). It may or may not be surprising, I really don’t like doing pull-ups. 2 1/2 years ago, I could maybe strain out 5 in a row, followed by a good break. I don’t like slow cadence merkins. I REALLY don’t like flutter kicks. Tuck jumps and monkey humpers make my legs burn, as does the back pedal brick pull. I was introduced to the inclined hip slappers by the SOB boys, and quickly added that to my list.

All that said, I will be the first to goad the Q into calling any number of the aforementioned activities. “Why do you do this insanity?” Is probably flying through your head right now. I know if I do more pull-ups, I get better at pull ups. The same goes for all of those things things that are difficult for us. Extrapolate that a bit and apply the same idea to work. I don’t expect that I’ll ever enjoy performing ISO audits, but the more I do them, the less it sucks to do them.

Now, if we could just stop doing partner carries altogether…


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Mid-term Exam @ the Coop

23 Men arrived with lots of chatter and welcome to FNG “Horse Shoe” and the EH by Couter inviting the intern out.  It was a beautiful day at the Coop for a Mid-Term Exam to remind ourselves of the word that we chose at the beginning of the year and to challenge our selves to finish strong.  

For those that chose a word at the beginning of the year… how is it going?  What have you learned? How are you approaching life differently?

For me… My word is Wisdom and I struggle for perspective and often lose my way and need to be anchor and guided.  The verse that has been shown to me to help is below:

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. – Ephesians 5:21

The Thang:

 –  Warm up… Thank you Pitts for stepping up and leading us through a series of warm up exercises!!  Nice leadership and excellent cadence! 

(mosey to band parking lot)

Power skip to 50 yard line and back

10 min Amrap

  •    5 burpees
  •    10 donkey kicks
  •    15 bomb jacks
  •    Sprint to 50 yard line and back after each round

  – bear crawl / Merkin ladder (1+ merkin every 10 yards) to 50 yard line and back

  – lunge walk/jump squat ladder (1+ jump squat every 10 yards)

Mosey to the NaFo wall for some wall sits and a bit of balls to the wall

3 minute Amrap

  –  5 – Flying squirrels

   – 5 – mountain climbers

   – 5 – Carolina dry docks

It was an honor and privilege to lead and thank you to Sugarbug for the opportunity.

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