circles up

WARMUP: run to stop light at entrance to Baxter and do monkey humpers and goofballs in-cadence until all traffic passes

THE THANG: Berkshire heights loops with 10 jump squats, 10 merkins, 10 LBCs every stop sign
All got 2 loops, some got 3

MARY: 13 American Hammers IC and 3 big boys

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of stuff – check newsletter

COT: yup

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Cheese and Bear Shredder Block Party

Mentioned the core principles and mission of F3
WARMUP: Ran up the hill across the street of the AO to the parking lot and began the Warmup consisting of SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, and Strawberry Pickers
THE THANG: We began with the Cheese Shredder and then went into the next exercises as follows:
From the first light pole, we would do Burpees in a ladder starting with one Burpee and went to the last light pole and did 10 Mountain Climbers. The mode of transportation between the light poles for the first round was a Bear Crawl. Then we ran back to the first pole and continued to 2 Burpees and went to the last pole and did 20 Mountain Climbers with the mode of transportation as Lunges. So, we completed 8 rounds of these exercises in the above pattern with the mode of transportation in Round 3 as Crawl Bear, Round 4 as Crab Walk and rinse and repeat the modes for Rounds 5-8. At completion of Round 8, we ran back to COT.
MARY: Not enough time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Golf training & conditioning

WARMUP: mosey, static stretching, cherry pickers, SSH, merkins, plank
THE THANG: Dora partner board of pain
100 each:
Man makers, OH Press, Merkins, Big Boy SU, KB Swings
MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q vs Q Finals/ Rock vs Fort, 2nd annual HIM Camp, Jaeger CSAUP

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A brick workout broke out in the midst of a Shield Lock discussion

WARMUP: Took a lap around the COT parking lot performing karaoke, buttkickers, and highknees. Circled up close to my vehicle because we needed to grab some bricks. But, before each man grabbed his source of pain we performed 10xSSHinCadence, 10xWMinCadence, 10xCPsinCadence, 10xMNCsinCadence, and 10xMerkinsinCadence. Short mosey to the vehicle, popped open the tailgate, and everybody grabbed some bricks.
THE THANG: COT parking lot is marked as a football field. Started at the goal line and lunged walk to the 50yard line. Every time PAX went down into their lunge they were asked to perform a lateral raise with the bricks. We stopped every 10 yards and executed 10 Burpees.

Next, we moseyed to a nearby grassy area. Time for a Jack Web of pain. 1 Merkin – 4 OCs w/ bricks. We definitely felt the pain by the time we made it to 10 Merkins – 40 OCs w/ bricks.

Moseyed back to the 50yard line. Ask the PAX to reverse lunge walk back to the goal line. Every time the PAX went down in to their lunge they performed a front raise with the bricks. We stopped every 10yards to perform 10 BombJacks with the bricks.

Didn’t need to travel far for the next Jack Web of pain. PAX circled up and we started with 1 Squat – 4 LowSquatPulses. While pulsing PAX were asked to hold their bricks in a front raised position. Legs & shoulders were burning by the time we made it to 10 Squats – 40 LowSquatPulses. A lot of funny commentary regarding everyone’s pulsing technique and pulsing speed ( apparently I’m a slow pulser ).

Last, but not least, asked the PAX to lie down on their bellies for some Superman Poses. We held each pose for a 10 count by YHC ( apparently, I’m also a slow counter, blame it on my Southern upbringing ). 1st pose was arms straight out with bricks in hand and legs together, 2nd pose was arms in field goal position and legs spread slightly apart, 3rd pose was arms in airplane position with legs spread shoulder width apart, and 4th pose was arms in parachute position with legs spread wide apart. Performed 2 sets of each pose.
MARY: Had time for 15xAlternating Single Leg V-Ups and 30x Touch your toes crunches, of course, all exercises performed with bricks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter serve tonight, the upcoming Jager CSAUP ( can’t wait for this one ), Rock Region’s 10 year anniversary, and a few others that I’ve failed to remember.
COT: ShowtoKnow

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Shorties at The Coaches Box

WARMUP: Brief topics on experiences as a shortie, myself.
Run past the circle by the football stadium for burpees and back to the circle.
On the curb, 10 Mike Tysons.
At the stadium lot, 3-tier suicides.
To the big gym parking lot for 4-corners.
Run to a corner and back to the center. At the corners:
Corner 1: 10 Deadlifts & 10 Cyclist Squats
Corner 2: 10 V-Ups & 10 10 WWI Situps
Corner 3: 10 Deadlifts & 10 Cyclist Squats
Corner 4: 10 V-Ups & 10 10 WWI Situps
8 Burpees

Run all the way to the other side of campus to the pull-up bars and partner up:
75 Pull-Ups
100 Carolina Dry Docks
75 Heels To Heaven
Other partner runs about 75yds total.

More shortie words (as a dad)

Back to the main COT lot and line up on the 0:
30yd sprint and back
80yd spring and back
100yd sprint to COT

More shortie words.

MARY: Indeed
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Redneck Tinder

THE THANG: hill work. Indian lunge. Zipper pushup drill. Burpee broad jumps, more push ups and bear crawl. Dora with more lunges and push up variations. Rotating wall sits and planks with burpees. Overhead claps for several minutes.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see newsletter
COT: self gratitude.

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Hangin’, Bangin’ & Running

WARMUP: Mosey to the 50yd line, arm circles, MNC, downward dog, honeymooners.
THE THANG: Partner Up at 50yd line. Run to the end zone while partner pushes them out:

100 Kettlebell Merkins
200 American Hammers
300 Kettlebell Lunges


100/200 Lat Rows / Tricep Extension
300 Kettlebell LBCs
400 Goblet Squats

Last set was reduced for sake of time although all Pax were hitting hard!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers for sick family members, students.

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2024.10 The Coach’s Box

Warmup then run to parking lot on way to pullup bars.

1st order of business get the HR up as quickly as possible:
4x Suicides distance was 1 to 5 parking spaces

2nd order of business is endurance and strength
20min AMRAP:
5xToes to bar
10x Squat jumps
10x Merkins
10x Lunges (EL)

Run back to 2x Suicides


Discussion on Servants and Masters. All the “things” of this world are good Servants but bad Masters: money, food, popularity, aesthetics, power… So how do you keep them in their proper place? It’s Discipline (1st F), Council (2nd F), and Mission (3rd F). So you wonder why this thing of F3 works, but it’s a model for behavior that works on so many levels.

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The Carpenter

*WARMUP:*  side straddle hop, merkin
*THE THANG:* Kettle Bell one arm swing with three second pause overhead 10rep per arm double arm overhead with 3 second pause 15rep 20 swing and catch in opposite hand Sumo Squat 25 between each set run 75 yards do 10 hand release merkins then run back second set was one arm snatch overhead 10 reps bent over one arm row 15 swing catch 20 last set is rinse and repeat of first one

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The Carpenter

*WARMUP:*  side straddle hop, merkin
*THE THANG:* Kettle Bell one arm swing with three second pause overhead 10rep per arm double arm overhead with 3 second pause 15rep 20 swing and catch in opposite hand Sumo Squat 25 between each set run 75 yards do 10 hand release merkins then run back second set was one arm snatch overhead 10 reps bent over one arm row 15 swing catch 20 last set is rinse and repeat of first one

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