Fo Shizzle my Drizzle

THE THANG: Three rounds of PT ( 15 Merkins, 15 Squats, 15 overhead press, 15 Tricep extensions) + 2 miles of rucking

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Looked better on paper Dora

WARMUP: Rucks on – grab weight plates coupons (Fishstix claims I must have borrowed them cause they are too heavy for me) and walk through parking lot (with a short coupon rifle carry) to O’Reilly parking lot for CoP

Rucks off – SSH, WM, up/down dog, merkins, MNC all IC

THE THANG: rucks back on and suitcase carry coupons onto Old Farm Rd.

At entrance to apartments, coupons down and perform 10 Squats (IC) and 10 Merkins (OYO)

pick coupons back up and suitcase carry to end of Old Farm Rd

partner up for Dora 1 2 3

(ruck stays on for duration – use coupons for exercise)

100 curls – partner 1 curls while partner 2 rifle carries coupon to tree and back. switch/repeat

200 OH Press – partner 1 OH Press while partner 2 bear crawls to tree and back. switch/repeat (this is where complaining/modifications started – no gloves was bad idea)

300 Shoulder Taps- partner 1 Shoulder Taps while partner 2 suitcase carries coupon to tree and back. switch/repeat (this is where no gloves was really bad idea)

Had to cut Shoulder taps short for sake of time and head back toward CoT.

MARY: Tinsel showed us a shortcut on the way back so we had time for some chest press flutters and American Hammers IC and finally broke in Tinsel’s new rucks with some pickle pointers.

Shoes for F3 Kenya continues until Tuesday – need shoes for all ages

Adopt-a-road trash cleanup – this Saturday 0745 Peachstand

read newsletter for other fundraising/service opportunities including charity skeet shoot, dam2dam, etc

COT: Don’t do it alone

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Iron pax week 1 Ruck edition


Starting at cone 1 and bearcrawl to cone 2 and perform 25 air squats.
After the squats, lunge to the left to cone 3 and perform 25 merkins.
After the merkins, reverse bearcrawl to cone 4 and perform 25 flutters with ruck overhead
After the big boy situps, lunge to the right to cone 1 and perform 25 man makers

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Finest 2nd F

WARMUP: none
Rucked around the loop 160, Brusters, Hubert Graham, gold hill

Lots of great 2nd F and We got to learn about Tinsels business and how he got started.

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Pick that up and let’s go

WARMUP: SSH, merkins, cherry pickers, on the ground for hamstring and back stretching
THE THANG: We brought some extra weight where each Pax of course had their ruck, and then 2 Pax for .25 miles would also carry the 40 pound sand bag and either a 30 or 35 lb kettle bell.

At the 1/4 mile mark, we rotated the extra weight to 2 new Pax and kept rotating every 1/4 mile.

At our first 1/4 mile we did 5 merkins with our ruck. Next 1/4 we did 5 merkins + 10 squat thrusters with ruck; next 1/4 was same as above plus 15 ruck swings; next quarter same stuff + 20 ruck chest press; another quarter plus everything + 25 shrugs.

Added up quickly but old school pearls on a string plus the extra weight was a nice way to end the work week.
MARY: no time today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots going on in the fort! Dam 2 dam signups begin Sept 1
COT: keep praying for DiVinchi’s step dad

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Kind of like Currahee Tuesday, only this was on Friday and called Chupacabra…

WARMUP: Those are for the weak

THE THANG: Just some miles, down to Tega Cay Elementary and back. Stopped in front of the school for OYO sets of 20 of Squats, Overhead Press & High Pull. Just under 2.5M.

I don’t mean to brag, but my watch read 6:00:00 when we pulled up to COT…

COT: we were present for it

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Flash WOD

WARMUP: no warm up

With ruck on, 5 rounds:
20 high knees
10 Squats
10 Lunges
20 calf raises
10 Merkins
10 Mtn climbers

We had 15 minutes to spare so we did 2 more laps around and 5 minutes of broga led by @cobrakai.

Run/shuffle/ruck one lap after each circuit. Everyone except @slapshot rucked the miles, he run them and completed 8 rounds I think.

Great turn out for Chupacabra and Stockade.
Tinsel out…

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Treehugger Ruck WOD at Chupacabra

We honored our brother Treehugger with a Ruck version of the WOD.
5 rounds of:
10 sandbag rows
20 flutter kicks with ruck overhead
30 merkins
40 yard sandbag toss
50 yard sandbag farmers carry
1/4 mile run/ruck

It was a sweat fest and the merkins with the ruck on received the most complaints.

We prayed for the people affected by the accident at the beginning of the bear race, prayers for our families and for patience and balance on our minds.

I will suggest to keep a water bottle handy when working out in this heat and humidity, I had to pull mine out of the car 10 minutes into to WOD.

Stay hydrated brothers!!

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