Risking it All and Going Beyond

Better conditions led to 14 PAX posting at Golden Corral for this week’s edition of BEYOND. Turnout was improved in part because Rad cancelled the ruck workout, encouraging the usual ruckers to join the fun, while he bailed and went yogging at Sea Legs instead.

After Copperfield gave the disclaimer, the 14 BEYONDers took off for a short mosey around the perimeter of the main parking lot, incorporating butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers, toe walks, and heel walks. We then lined up at the shovel flags (we had three…I don’t know where the third came from…) and did 10 merkins at the island, jog to the next island, 10 more merkins, etc. for a total of 40 merkins. This was followed by a short mosey to the HT loading docks for some final warming up. (Note for GC Q’s – people drive like MANIACS behind HT, so keep the PAX out of the main roadway if possible.)

Brief COP included 10 windmills, 10 low slow squats on our toes (in relevé, if you will), then a couple yoga lunge stretches on each leg. Then partner up and jog around to the HT wall facing the six of O – O – O – O’Reilly for the Thang.

The workout sets were generally done in Stand By Your Man style, with one PAX performing the prescribed reps of some form of merkin while the other does some other exercise, then switch places until all merkin reps completed. Once done, run around oil change place and O’Reilly and back to the HT wall with your partner. Pretty simple…ish…

Let’s get going.

The original plan was to build this week’s message off of what was covered at BEYOND last week, but that had to be modified when we had only three last week and fourteen this week. So, we started with some quick catch-up. If you want a recap of last week, check out that backblast. Main point to remember for today: dig deep and determine your purpose, as this will give a filter through which to handle today’s questions.

Living with purpose inherently involves risk.

During this first set, discuss with your partner how you would define “risk.”

Set 1: Breakdancer merkins (20-16-12-8 reps each) while partner does Rockette Chair (People’s Chair with alternating leg kicks)

Plank it up for the six, then hold it while we chat (with rotation to side, reverse plank, and other side).

Risk can have a variety of definitions, but generally it is an action that exposes you or somebody else to the possibility of harm or loss. We all face risks every day, from driving to relationships. Some risks are bigger than others, but we live lives of risk. Taking risks is necessary for growth and gain, in work and in life. Without some level of risk, we won’t get better.

Risk and sacrifice are different, but related.

During this set, discuss with your partner how you would define “sacrifice.”

Set 2: Mike Tysons (15-15-15-15 reps each) while partner does BTTW (with shoulder taps for the brave).

People’s Chair for the six, then stay for the talk.

Sacrifice is the act of giving up something you want to keep in order to get or do something else (and potentially better). You could say that sacrifice is the realization of the potential loss involved in the risk. Sacrifice has an intentional, willful component to it – you choose to give something up, whether under compulsion or not. Today, most of us sacrificed more sleep to post (thanks for that!), and in doing so also took the risk of maybe getting a good workout, maybe making our day a bit rougher because our arms won’t work after, etc. Silly example for an obvious point.

Personal examples of risk and sacrifice.

During this set, discuss a current or recent example of risk or sacrifice in your life.

Set 3: Pseudo Planche merkins (15-15-15 reps each) while partner does breakdancer. It’s like the breakdancer merkin, but without the merkin, a little more jumpy, and ideally a bit faster.

Return and breathe while waiting for the six, then for the talk.

An easy example of sacrifice in my life was giving up our life in Africa to return to the US. Again, for more on this, refer to last week’s backblast. But for the risk component, there were two risks that weighed heavily on our last year in Africa and played into our decision to return. The first was our son’s health. He was premature and had some health issues that went with it. He also began having seizures while we still lived overseas. As a father, was I willing to risk his health to continue living and working in Zambia? Then, we wanted more kids, but my wife is a high-risk pregnancy, and we lived in a place where premature babies die more than they survive, and maternal mortality is high as well. These risks paired with other circumstances played into our decision to return, giving up our identities, our home, our relationships, etc.

Much of the reason for me wanting to talk about all this today stems from a conversation with Cha Ching and Olaf from several months ago. They may not remember it, but it has stuck with me ever since. We were talking about the new security training I’m helping develop for our new workers, and there are three main questions that come out of this training. These questions are what I want to leave with everybody today (with one more set thrown in for good measure).

The first two questions to consider:

How much am I willing to risk in order to achieve my purpose? (This makes more sense if you spend the time determining your purpose.)

What, if anything, would be an unnecessary level of risk or a risk that would actually hinder accomplishment of your purpose?

No need to answer the questions this time, as they take time to really work through.

Set 4: Battering rams (drop to six inches, then, using your arms and not your feet, thrust your torso forward so your hands end up between ribs and hips; 20-20-20 reps each) while partner does Monkey Humpers. For some, this proved to be a somewhat inappropriate combination of moves. #badplanning #somethingsyoucantunhear

Pressed for time, we gathered following the run around the buildings for the final point. I actually left out two full sets, but I don’t think anybody’s arms are particularly missing them (see below for what we missed).

The final question to ponder: Do I believe strongly enough in my purpose that I’m willing to sacrifice everything for it?

Simply put, are you willing to die to achieve your purpose? Fourteen years ago, my answer would have been a lot different. But now, with a wife and children, I hesitate. If I know that they will be taken care of, then I’d probably be willing to die. But what if the tables were turned? Would I be so committed to my purpose, to my faith, that I’d be willing to sacrifice my family? I’ve never been in that situation, so I don’t know. But this is a reality faced by many in other parts of the world. For some, it’s a daily reality, being faced with the possibility of losing everything for what they believe.

What would you do? Do you have a commitment to something that is so strong that you’re willing to sacrifice everything for it, even your family?

Time never seems sufficient to cover the topic, but discussion doesn’t need to end when the workout does.

We ended there and ran back to COT to meet up with the bootcampers.


  • Deacon reminded us of the opportunities in the Paradise community, with the reading program on Mondays and Wednesdays and G-Fit on Saturdays. Take a risk and make an impact in the community.

Prayers and Praises

  • Pray for those involved with the Palmetto 200 this weekend.
  • Keep praying for our wives and kids.
  • Pray for those with mental health issues and the practitioners who care for them. Specifically, pray for Copperfield’s M as she deals with some very difficult situations.
  • Bolt’s neighbor passed away last week. Pray for this man’s family and friends and others who are dealing with this loss.
  • Prayers for one of Decibel’s employee’s dad, who is in the hospital.
  • Bonsai and his wife are praying about a few things right now; prayers for wisdom and discernment as they consider some options.
  • Deacon has a friend with serious health concerns. Prayers for him as he seeks care at Mayo.
  • Praises for F3 and the impact it has had on our lives.

It was an honor to get to lead this group, and I really appreciate Maximus pushing me to do two BEYOND Qs in a row. If you haven’t had opportunity to do this yet, talk to him. Whether or not the other PAX benefit from the message you bring, your life will be changed by working through the material in preparation to lead. Definitely worth it. And I’m happy to not do it again for a while.


Missed sets

For those wondering what we missed for lack of time, the remaining sets were:

Set 5: one-arm merkins (16-12-8 reps each) while partner does bomb jacks.

Set 6: Scorpion merkins (16-12-8 reps each) while partner does jump squats.

You’re welcome.

TClap |

Gettin’ SWOLE! – Too many Ruck Merkins to Count

Was reminded the day before of my Golden Corral ruck Q, so did the only thing I could think of – tabata.  Sort of.

Deacon, Mainframe, Rad and I rucked over behind the Teeter and did the world’s fastest warm-up that consisted of some windmills, moraccans, imperial walkers and curls.  Threw the rucks back on and hit the first tabata:

  1.  For 5 minutes, each minute do 30 side straddle hops and 10 merkins (w/ the ruck on) (150 ruck side straddle hops, 50 merkins).  Thankful for the Rocky theme music and Dropkick Murphy’s to get us through it!
  2. For 5 minutes, each minute do 15 squats and 10 merkins (w/ ruck) (75 ruck squats and 50 merkins)

Next up – Partner pushes down the HT parking lot w/ exercises.  Partner 1 pushes partner 2 (both have rucks on) about 50 yards, then drops and does 35 flutters and 20 ruck merkins.  Partner 2 pushes partner 1 back to the starting line and does the same thing together.  Do that two more times.  (140 flutters, 80 ruck merkins).

Last, but not least, 3 sand bags were waiting.  4 stations – 1) no sand bag, just ruck, 2) 40 lb sandbag and ruck, 3) 60 lb sandbag and ruck, 4) 90 lb sandbag and ruck

  1.  each of the 4 pax gets one station and we do 10 squats per station in order moving to the next after each w/ no break.
  2. do it again, this time w/ chest press.  Press each of the sand bags (or your ruck if you’re at that station) x10, 4 stations in a row, no break.

Did a full lap (running of course) around the Harris Teeter complex w/ rucks on.  The pax did great.  Think we can all say we got our chest work in for the week.  I haven’t been that sore in some time.  Final count – 180 ruck merkins, 150 ruck side straddle hops, 140 flutters, 115 weighted squats, 40 weighted presses.  Gettin’ SWOLE!

Until next time –

Cha Ching

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GC Bootcamp

4 Pax came out for BC and 4 for Rucking.
Mossied round HT after disclaimer.
Moroccan Night Clubs
Mountain Climbers

11s with dips and derkins

The Thang
Seal Jacks x 15
Plank Jacks x 15
Squats x 25
Burpees x 10
OHP x 15 w/CB
One Armed Rows x 15
Imperial walkers x 15
Mountain Climbers x 15
Merkins x 20
Freddie Mercuries x 15
Big boy situps x 10
Pax went clockwise around stations with a lap around the parking lot between each station with some good conversation in between.
Announcements /prayers
TClap |


Another beautiful, slightly cool morning as the PAX assembled at the buffet. 5:15 hit and we broke up into bootcampers and ruckers. Disclaimer was given and off we moseyed to behind Teeter. Circle up for normal warmups: SSH (20), HW (20), Low slow squats (15), Windmill (10), Peter Parker (10), Parker Peter (10), MNC (20).

Mosey over to water fountain behind apartments. Spread out around it and then bear crawl around entire fountain circle. Take a couple of steps over to bottom of hill. Time for deconstructed burpee ladder: squat thrusters (I’m sure they have some F3 name I’m missing), jump squats, & merkins. Do same number of these at bottom of hill, run to top of hill, do remainder of ladder, then run back to bottom and plank for the 6 before next round.

  • R1 -> Bottom = 20/20/20, Top = 0/0/0
  • R2 -> Bottom = 15/15/15, Top = 5/5/5
  • R3 -> Bottom = 10/10/10, Top = 10/10/10
  • R4 -> Bottom = 5/5/5, Top = 15/15/15
  • R5 -> Bottom = 0/0/0, Top = 20/20/20

Mosey back to small traffic circle in front of apartments. Circle up, all PAX doing lunges. One by one each PAX did 4 burpees. After we made it around the circle, 20 CDDs & 20 Flutters.

Mosey to side lot and break into 2 lines for sprints. Line 1 sprint to end of building, line 2 take off once line 1 gets 3/4 down. 4 sets of sprints. Time for some ab work. 10 small circles clockwise, 10 small circles counter-clockwise, 10 box-cutters. 4 more sets of sprints and some more abs: 10 toe-touch LBCs, 10 hello-dollies, & 10 rosalitas.  Times almost up, one final sprint, all you got back to COT.

Great work by all the PAX today. It’s always encouraging to see some new faces, several old faces, and some guys coming back from IR. Always an honor lead this group! Thanks Decibel for the opportunity.


TClap |

Prepared for Rucking?

It was an honor to lead 6 High Impact Males this morning in the Ruck WO at Golden Corral. This is always a difficult Q for me because I never want to underestimate the abilities of the men I am leading.


We began the morning by circling up for a short COP to warm ourselves up and performed the following: Imperial Walkers, Low Slow Squats, Peter Parker Peters, & Merkins. We than Rucked 2×2 over to the Rite Aid where YHC had set up our workout.


The first time I ever attended a Ruck WO Zima was on Q and this is what he did. A Ruck Pyramid doing the following: 25 Burpees; 50 Merkins; 75 Ruck Swings; 100 OH Flutters; 75 Ruck Curls; 50 CDDs; & 25 Burpees. I know this sounds crazy, and trust me it was. Between each set of exercises the PAX were to run around the Rite Aid back to where we began. We then Rucked 2×2 back to the COT where I shared what is below.


Are you prepared for each day as you approach it?

I asked the PAX if they were spiritually prepared to face their maker. We better ourselves everyday physically but are we doing the same spiritually. Does what we do at F3 in the morning compare to the rest of our lives?

If we aren’t prepared, how do we lead our communities? How do we lead our M’s, our 2.0’s, our F3 brothers, our coworkers? We cannot lead unless we are prepared. We cannot lead unless we are being led. Are you being led by this world or your maker.

You have a choice to make. What will you do today to be prepared?

Luke 12:40 ‘You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.’


Sign up for Yeti-2/24/2018.

Read your Newsletter.


Multiple prayers for sick family members.

Prayers for PAX who are suffering.

TClap |

Accumulator Around Rite-Aid

7 boot campers and 5 ruckers launched after YHC gave an “official” disclaimer (as per suggestion from Chaser on the weekly F3 round table conference call).  Boot campers were led by Hootie for a mosey around the parking lot, then circled up for COP warm-up.

  • SSH x20
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x10
  • Imperial Walkers x10
  • Merkins x10
  • Low Slow Squats x10
  • Windmills x10

The Thang

Handoff to YHC for a mosey over to the Rite-Aid for the main event.  We stumbled on 6 cones (each with an exercise) that would be the instructions for this part of the workout.  Each “round” would consist of running around the building, performing the appropriate exercise(s) at each corner, then planking up for the 6 so we all start the next round together.

Round 1- 1 burpee at each corner (running between corners)
Round 2 – 1 burpee, 2 crab jacks at each corner
Round 3 – 1 burpee, 2 crab jacks, 3 run stance switch
Round 4 – 1 burpee, 2 crab jacks, 3 run stance switch, 4 merkins
Round 5 – 1 burpee, 2 crab jacks, 3 run stance switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 6 – 1 burpee, 2 crab jacks, 3 run stance switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 7 – 2 crab jacks, 3 run stance switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6  box cutters
Round 8 – 3 run stance switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 9 – 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6  box cutters
Round 10 – 5 plank jacks, 6  box cutters
Round 11 – 6  box cutters

We managed to get all 11 rounds in before heading to COT. For those curious about the numbers:
24 burpees
48 crab cakes
72 run stance switch
96 merkins
120 plank jacks
144 box cutters
Total Distance run: 1.8 miles

Excellent work by all pax.  Great VQ warm-up by Hootie! Thanks to Decibel for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |

Taking it easy at the Golden Corral

After two Qs last week, YHC’s creativity was all but spent. Nevertheless, when Old Bay asked if I could fill in for Boeheim, I agreed to help. I still have that Twister spinner I made for a previous Q, so I already had something “prepared” in case I didn’t have time to come up with something new.

Not being satisfied with repeating something, I decided to at least update the board a bit (and tried cutting off a finger in the process, so ignore the blood stain if you see it). This will come in handy later, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

14 cold-ish PAX (well, 13, as Cake Boss came rolling in late) posted to Golden Corral before dividing up – six to ruck with Mainframe, Old Bay to run by himself, and seven for the bootcamp. Disclaimer was given (probably my best yet), and off we went. The first couple minutes of the mosey around to the back parking lot were spent explaining what we were not doing: no somersaults, no inverted burpees, no flips, etc. Apparently people get concerned when they find out it’s a Jedi Q. Incorporating knees to chest, butt kickers, and karaoke, we wove around until we found a good spot in the corner of the back parking lot to warm up a bit.


My warmups are getting a bit repetitive, but it seems I feel the need to stretch the hamstrings and open the hips with:

10 windmills IC

10 low slow squats IC

10 hillbilly walkers IC

10 merkins IC

Downward dog with cross body ankle grabs (probably the weirdest move of the day)

Not feeling quite warm enough, we moved over to the curb for some dips and crab cakes, Jack Webb style: one dip and four crab cakes (single count, with hands on curb), all the way up to ten and forty. Our shoulders got nice and toasty, though there were many modifications including a fully-seated version of the crab cake, but since Cake Boss has 60 pound weights at the end of both legs, grace was extended.

Shake it off, then mosey around to the front of Harris Teeter for the remainder of our fun.

The Thang

As mentioned, the Twister spinner made a reappearance for today. Basically, spin the spinner, do the exercise as prescribed, then run across the parking lot to the stop sign and back. Rinse and repeat. The exercises:

Two Arms

Donkey Kick (x20)

Merkins (x20)

Burpees (x10)

Dips (x20)

One Arm

Donkey Kick (x20)

Merkins (x20)

Burpees (x10)

Dips (x20)

Two Legs

Donkey Kick (x20)

Burpees (x10)

Squat Jumps (x20)

Bear Crawl

One Leg

Donkey Kick (x20)

Burpees (x10)

Squat Jumps (x20)

Bear crawl

The first spin resulted in one-arm merkins, which was a real crowd pleaser following the Jack Webb dip/crab cake combo. That, and they’re one-arm merkins. Other exercises completed include burpees (normal, one arm, and one leg), donkey kicks (normal and one leg), dips (normal and one arm), bear crawl (just normal), squat jumps (normal), and merkins (normal). I can’t remember the order, but it was pretty balanced, and there was a lot of running involved, ending with a quick run to COT to meet the ruckers and runner.


  • Read your newsletter
  • Yeti is coming up. Sign up and do it.
  • February second Tuesday lunch will be at Pasquel’s (with either a hard or soft q sound, depending on who you ask) rather than Fort Mill BBQ.
  • Maybe some others, but Decibel was in a hurry.

Praises and Prayers

  • ChaChing’s grandpa passed away over the weekend, so prayers for the family and ChaChing and his wife as they travel north today.
  • Cake Boss’s thirty-something plumber Jason had a stroke (and answered the phone in the hospital)
  • Decibel’s son’s classmate Violet has meningitis
  • Prayers for the community in light of recent events

As always, it was an honor to lead these men, and you can ask any of the bootcamp guys – it wasn’t bad. You need not be afraid of a Jedi Q. We don’t always do weird inverted stuff. Sometimes I need an easy day.


TClap |

Ruck to Honor Master Deputy II Micheal Robert Doty

Lift your rucks up and hold them over your head.  Let’s take a moment to understand what we are here for today.

Yesterday I attended the celebration of life for York County Sheriff’s Duty Mike Doty.  I heard story after story about a man who took his work, family and friends with an equal level of seriousness.  This seriousness was driven by a passion to help people.  Whether it was a complete stranger, a family member, or a friend he was there without question and, as was pointed out, without a complaint.

One story told by his pastor was how he liked to look good.  I can tell you first hand, this is true, as I remember the day I met him in what I think was the winter of 2007.

My brother in law joined the Fort Mill Police Department in 2007 and two of the first friends he made were twin brother Chris and Mike Doty.  They were both intentional about welcoming him into the police family.  I quickly learned just how blurry the lines become between the PD, Sheriff’s Office, and the Highway Patrol.  This was primarily from what I witnessed in the actions of Mike and Chris Doty.  I hung out a fair amount with Chris, but did not have the opportunity to get to know Mike largely due to the shift he worked.  However, I remember the day I met Mike when he showed up to a small party I was attending with my brother in law and Chris.  Mike was on duty so he was in uniform and it being the winter he had on a beanie.  I specifically remember him being happy with his beanie because as he said it, “it matched the color of the uniform.”  I didn’t know why I remembered that tiny detail until yesterday.

This tiny detail is an example of how Mike approached everything.  Most of us would have simply grabbed a black beanie and been happy with warm ears, but not Mike.  He took things that extra mile.  This clearly carried forward into the impact he had on our community.  His intense passion for stopping underage drinking and drug abuse was a topic I heard more than once yesterday and have read about in news reports.  One specific example shared was a story shared by York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson about Mike’s focus on the opioid crisis we have today.  Again, not doing anything halfway, Mike initiated the York County Narcan program which trains officers to recognize opioid overdoses and take measures to reverse the effects.

I shared these thoughts with the PAX at the beginning of the workout all the while holding our rucks over our heads.  The focus for day is Mike Doty and like Mike we would not do anything halfway.  We would do reps based on numbers in Mike’s life and we would do them with an attention to detail and in good form.

With the rucks still over our head we would start where Mike’s life began.  Mike and Chris Doty were born on February 2, 1980. 

Birth 2/2/1980

  • 2 Overhead Squats
  • 2 Ruck Thrusters
  • 19 Merkins
  • 80 Single Count Flutter Kicks 

12 Years of Service & 37 Years of Life

Next we focused on the years in Mike’s life that were the source of the stories and the man Mike was.  Mike lived a full, impactful 37 years and gave 12 years of service to the Sheriff’s Office.  To honor these years, we covered the entire parking lot in front of Harris Teeter with a fast paced burn for 30 minutes.  For the run, we carried our rucks either with straps on our chest, by the handles, or if you are Rad, over your head since we were apparently lacking in shoulder work.

  • 12 Man Makers
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 37 Ruck Swings
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 12 Squats
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 37 Bent Over Rows
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 12 Merkins
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 37 Ruck Curls

Speed Ruck back to the start and complete the series a second time.

At this point we were all completely smoked, but not done.  We then turned to the day that the people of York County will not forget.  The day that as tragic, anger and sadness inducing as it was, also brought a ton of beauty to our region.  Detective Mike Doty’s passing was the birth of a showing of support for our first responders that many of us have not seen in some time.  It comes in the wake of a treatment towards our officers that simply does not line up with the appreciation those that put their lives on the line deserve.

End of Watch 1/17/2018

  • 1 Bear Crawl (100yds)
  • 17 Merkins
  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 18 Squats

Lastly we concluded by recognizing Detective Mike Doty’s badge number. I really wish we had a full hour, because to do this justice we needed to do 809 reps of something.  However, given we only had three minutes left we did the following.

Badge number 809

  • 80 Flutter Kicks with the ruck over head
  • 9 LBCs with the ruck over head

Thank you to the PAX who posted today for giving it everything you had!  We all went into this knowing that a 45 minute workout would never live up the level of respect we have or the tribute that we would truly love to pay; which is why everyone was crawling toward the end.  It was HARD but it should be when you attempt to honor a man like Detective Mike Doty.

We will continue to lift up the Doty family in our prayers.  We also continue to pray for the quick recovery of Sergeant Randy Clinton, Sergeant Buddy Brown, and Officer Kyle Cummings.  May the Lord watch over our first responders and keep them safe as they do daily for us.  Thank you to all of you for what you do daily and know that the men of F3 Back the Blue!

TClap |

A runner Qs a Bootcamp

We had 7 Bootcampers and 6 Ruckers, the Ruckers were lead by Spiderman, the all looked like they were having a great time and they all thanked Spiderman for being so graciously easy on them(actually I just totally made that up. They all looked terrible)  Thankfully the rain stopped and the disclaimer was given and the Ruckers walked off while the BC guys started right in on a warm up routine of Squats, Jump Ropes(simulated), Lunge Walks, Toy Solders, Karaoke, etc.. Being sufficiently warm we moseyed to the back of HT and circled up for a little Hip & Leg work.

COP – Single Leg Quarter Squats, The Clam Shell(yes it’s a little awkward), Jane Fonda, Front leg lifts, The thigh master, Flutters and some Merkins just for fun.  Now that our hips and legs are ready to run lets go.

The Thang – Mosey to the bottom of the hill by the new apartments, educate the newbies about the hill that used to be there and how no GC workout was complete with out it. The new hill is paved nicer a little longer and not quite as step but it is still worthy of being run up and down several times.  The Q chose to do a round of 11s with LBCs at the bottom and Carolina Dry Docks at the top.  The Pax did great and nobody got lapped by Jedi. Next we were off to the back of the Oil Change place for another round of 11s with dips and derkins, an audible needed to be called as I noticed you can’t run around the Oil Chang place anymore, you have to take a much longer route around the Auto Parts store too. Oh well, everyone agreed that more running was better. We had to cut this sort of 11 due to the longer run, so we headed back to COT.  With 2 minutes still on the clock I made the mistake of asking Jedi for an Ab exercise and he delivered with some terrible rocking thing that I hope to avoid in the future.

Announcements- The Yeti & read your Newsletter

Prayers/Praises – Prayers for the family of the fallen Police Officer, and Praises for how the community has come together to support Law Enforcement.

A Brief challenge to remember Beginnings, and to remember that God’s Mercies are new every morning.


TClap |

Goruck Welcome Party prep at Golden Corral

14 HIM’s showed up at GC for a crash course on the welcome party portion of a Goruck challenge, or to remind themselves how much the welcome party sucks.

We started with 12 HIM’s but stole Royale and Copyright from their planned boot camp workout.

Welcome party training consisted of a very simple combination of merkins, mountain climbers, SSH, flutters, overhead squats, curls, presses and Ruck swings at a 30 count of each – followed by a 100 yard bear crawl. This was a time hack with 15 minutes to complete the task.

The PAX made the time hack – but forgot that Rucking is a team activity. All 14 finished the hack at different intervals. The punishment for non-compliance was man makers x10.

After a quick breather and reminder the Goruck is about teamwork, new leaders stepping to the forefront, and that Welcome Party’s suck. We tried the task again.

This time the PAX worked perfectly as a team – but the time hack was missed. The punishment was manmakers x10.

At this point we had completed 500 ruck reps and still had seven minutes to spare. We finished up with 100 yard ruck tosses broken up into 50 yards tossing a 40 pound sandbag and 50 yards tossing a 60 pound sand bag


TClap |