Blizzard at The Golden Corral

  • QIC: Cable Guy
  • When: 2/24/15
  • Pax: Geko, Funhouse, Crash, Zima, Cornhole, Aquaman, Minuteman, Roadkill, Jeckyll, Cable Guy
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

10 PAX braved near white out conditions this fine morning for a cardio beatdown and downpainment on the week to come!

With the Palmetto 200 quickly approaching cardio is the prescription to get ready for success!

Mosie around the backside of HT


10 SSH

20 IW

10 SSH

20 Mountain Climbers

10 SSH

20 Peter Parkers

10 SSH

20 Parker Peter

10 SSH

20 Slow Squats

10 SSH

10 One Legged Merkins Right

10 SSH

10 One Legged Merkins Left

10 SSH

10 Carolina Dry Dock

Line up and commence Burpee-cides (Crowd Pleaser as always)

Sprint to 1 st line 1 Burpee

Sprint to 2nd line 2 Burpees

Sprint to 3rd line 3 Burpees

Sprint to 4th line 4 Burpees

Back to 1st line 5 Burpees

Sprint to 2nd line 6 Burpees

Sprint to 3rd line 7 Burpees

Sprint to 4th line 8 Burpees

Return for 10 Burpees

Bonus 10 Burpees with the six!

Split in 2 groups

Group one Balls to the wall

group two sprint to 4th line 5 Bomb Jacks

Flip Flop

2nd round  Group one People’s Chair

Group two sprint to 4th line 10 Bomb Jacks

Flip Flop

3rd Round Group one Balls to the wall

group two sprint to 4th line 5 Bomb Jacks

Flip Flop

4th Round

Group one People’s Chair

Group two sprint to 4th line 10 Bomb Jacks

Mosie to the line and partner up

1st partner Bear crawl to the 2nd line

2nd partner does SSH

Flip Flop

1st Partner Bear Crawl to 2nd line

2nd partner Does Flutter Kick

Flip Flop

1st Partner Bear Crawl to 2nd line

2nd Partner Does LBC

Line up for some Abs

20 Hello Dolly

20 Rosalita

10 Windshield Wiper

Indian Run to COT


Many praises to be had and thankfullness for the PAX

Announcements: Don’t forget about The Swamp at Rivergatethis Friday am with Chicken and Wisdom II to follow beginning next week

Mud run sign ups

BRR Sign ups



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40 Day Challenge for Children’s Attention Home

PAX of The Fort, Indianland and Rock Hill,

In 2014 we developed a great relationship with the Children’s Attention Home (CAH) of Rock Hill. Some of the events and things we partnered with them for included;

  • April Cereal Drive – 374 boxes
  • June Field day event
  • Lowes Home Improvement work days around the campus with a time of fellowship ending the week
  • Bike rides and playing games with the kids while visiting the home.

There are some big plans coming for 2015 that all of us will have an opportunity to serve and model what being a godly man looks like for the kids of CAH. 2/28 Launch of Workout at CAH!!!


Beginning Wednesday 2/18/15 we are starting a 40 day challenge that will include 3 dimensions. The 40 days will be the days of lent, ending on Easter Sunday 4/5/15. That’s only 6 weeks of serving and a little sacrifice.

This is not a ritual but a way to build a stronger relationship with God. When we get weak, regardless of this challenge, we should pray and relay on his strength to carry us. Jesus was the example of this during the passion. He knew what was coming but relied on God the Father to carry him through. This is a way to build spiritual muscles!!

Dimension #1 – Attend 20 workouts within the 40 days. That is 3.33 workouts per week. Very doable even for Red-eye.

Dimension #2 – Either give something up (Facebook, candy, snacks, beer, etc.) or take up something positive (reading, praying, poetry for your M, etc.)

Dimension #3 – We will be collecting items for Children’s Attention Home, just like cereal drive. No need to break the bank, but if all our PAX participates, we will make a difference for them this summer.

Here is what they requested:

  • Individual Wrapped Snacks like Lance crackers, Little Debbie’s, cookies, goldfish (Think Sam’s, Costco)
  • Gatorade – mix of flavors and think of kids with sizes in packs (small size, 10/12 pack)

Bring one of each or a couple of one item, whatever you can do!

Q;s will hold PAX accountable for #’s 1 & 2 in the COT. Be ready to be asked how many times you have posted and what you have given up or taken up.


Q’s will also collect items and pass them up to:

  • Cake Boss, Pusher, Chicken Hawk, Senator Tressel, Maximus, Pebbles, Peach

Idea men is to look beyond ourselves, challenge ourselves and get out of comfort zones while thinking about the sacrifice that has been made for you by our Sky Q.

Looking forward to how this challenge brings all of us together as a tighter PAX for our community.

Here are some of the committments men have made!! Good Job to all and others can send in theirs so we can hold each other accountable!!

  • Cake Boss – Donuts/Cake
  • Pusher – Desserts/Sweets
  • Hasselhoff – Alcohol
  • Crab Cakes – Soft Drinks/Be more present with kids
  • Cash – Alcohol
  • DD – Alcohol
  • Dark Helmet – Dessert after dinner
  • Zima – Chips/Read “Facing Your Giants” daily
  • Italian Job – Soda
  • Minuteman – No more speaking to gratify himself
  • Maximus – Kneel down to address/discipline kids
  • Rebel – Ice cream
  • Decibel – Read the Bible daily
  • Old Bay – Iced tea
  • Trucker – Snacks
  • Red Banjo – Ice Cream
  • Chaser – Restaurants/Fast Food
  • Dustin Jordan (F3 Name?) – Soft drinks
  • CSPAN – Mountain Dew
  • Change Order – Not eating after 7pm
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The 4 Corners of Persevering through F.A.T.P.A.N.T.S.

  • QIC: Boeheim
  • When: 02/10/2015
  • Pax: Jerry Lewis, Pusher, Chowdah (Happy Birthday!), Minuteman, Jekyll, Cornhole, Aquaman, Package, Red Eye, Free Bird, White Lightning, Bubba Gump, Menthol, Gekko
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

15 pax gathered at Golden Corral for lessons in perseverance (White Lightning & Free Bird somehow unlatched the barn door & took off on a soggy 5 miler for some P200 training).  The first lesson coming from the late great Dean Smith, (paraphrased) “It is the disciplined man who is the free man.”  By getting ourselves up early and getting our bodies in shape, we have the rest of the day to concentrate on other choices with no regrets. Let’s Mosey!

  • Back of the Harris Teeter for COP
    • SSH x 40
    • MNC x 25
    • WM x 20
    • Plankorama – Regular 10 Count, Right Side High, Regular 10 Count, Left Side High, Six Inches, Mountain Climber x 15, Six Inches, Peter Parkers x 15 (nice work through the mumble chatter)….Let’s Mosey!
  • Back Corner of Harris Teeter
    • Monkey Humpers x15
    • Imperia Walkers x15
    • Knerkins (Merkins on the Knuckles) x 10
    • Empty Wheel Barrow (really, that’s the name on the F3 Website) Switch w/ partner halfway to front corner
    • MIKE – Happy 36th Mike “Chowdah” Snyder; Now closer to 40 than to 30!

CSPAN brought us the #NOFATPANTS at the start of the year.  If we keep up with our F3 workouts (along w/ some other healthy habits), we should be able to keep those now oversized trousers in the closet or send them to the Goodwill store.  With the help of our F3 brothers, we can keep persevering through the gloom and other CSAUP events to keep those things where they belong.  So…

At the front corner of Harris Teeter, break into 4 groups. Each group gets a Weinke for FATPANTS. Each exercise is done at one of the “4 Corners” in the HT parking lot. After each exercise, jog to the next corner. FATPANTS are as follows:

  • Flutter kicks – 10 reps (4 count)
  • Alabama ass kickers – 10 each leg (Thanks Red Eye)
  • Turkish get up – 5 each arm
  • Plank jacks – 10 reps (4 count)
  • Alternating shoulder taps – 10 reps (4 count)
  • Nine count (That’s right no “n” exercises)
  • Three merkin burpees – 10 (Thanks Cornhole)
  • Slow low squats – 10 reps (4 count)

YHC forgot to demo some of the less familiar exercises to the pax before setting them off to the 4 corners.  A happy accident as it led to my second Dean Smith quote about persevering : “What to do with a mistake, Recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it.” Re-circle the pax, go through the demos. Now that everyone fully understands; rinse & repeat the FATPANTS

Gather at the sidewalk in front of Harris Teeter for some OYO BLIMP (Burpees x5; Lunges x10; Imperial Walkers x15; Merkins x 20 and Plank Jacks x25). Jog to next parking island after each exercise.

Circle up for peoples’ choice ab-lab. First though, I need to find my sack. Since I usually jog the 1.25 miles to GC, I had to pack the Weinkes & my phone in a small sack, which I misplaced during the workout. After Package proclaimed “It’s in my hand”, I bombed jacked us with a “That’s what she said.” Not cool after he did me a solid, but I couldn’t resist.

Ab lab finally got going w/ Aquaman’s crowd pleasing knees to elbows. That is plank on your elbows and then bring each knee to the side in alternating fashion. Next Minuteman w/ LBC’s and finish with a gut wrenching (see what I did there) alternating tempo of flutter kicks by Pusher.

COT:  (Welcome back White Lightning & Free Bird)                                                                  Proverbs 3; 5&6 – Trust the lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

I believe this speaks to thanking the lord for giving us the strength to continue with F3.  Trust in him and he will allow us to persevere first through the gloom, then through the other paths he lays before us (I’m no Cake Boss but that’s my take).

Announcements: Wednesdays 5:15 at Baxter Starbucks – running for P200 ramp up; Sign ups for BRR are now live; April 11 Mud Run – Sign Up through F3 website; Sundays 6:30 the BRC at Baxter Starbucks – more P200 ramp up!

Prayers for Bubba Gump’s assistant JoAnn battling cancer. Prayers for Chowdah’s friend Chad who passed away over the weekend from a brain tumor in his early 40’s leaving a wife and child.

Praise for Aquaman’s wife crushing the test to get recertified to be a school counselor.


In continuing with today’s theme, YHC kept saying “endurance” at the AO when I meant to say  “perseverance.”  I’ve learned that I may need my Weinke more than I would like to admit. I’m moving on from that now as this group continues to help me build not just my physical strength, but my mental strength and confidence. This was only my second Q (and first BB) but I’m looking forward to the next one being better.  I’m looking forward to being w/ my brothers in the gloom and I’m looking forward to #NOFATPANTS ever again.







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The Other Side of the Corral

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • Pax: Corn Hole, Smuggler, Funhouse, Dory, The Firm, Serrano, Spiderman, Rooney, Blackhawk, Cable Guy, Bayheim, Gecko, Waldo, Cheddar, Bubba Gump, Jerry Lewis, Free Bird, Crash, Maximus,
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

20 men posted on a perfect SC  winter morning for another course at the Golden Corral.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Mosey across Gold Hill Road to the exclusive Crossroads Shopping Center for COP:

SSH x 40, Squat x 25, Merkin x 10, IW x 25, CCD x 10, Monkey Humper  x 25,

Mosey behind the shopping center, past several dumpsters and pair up around a cement bollard (pole)

One arm lifts from the ground LH x 10, then RH x 10.  YHC heard a stripper pole comment so 10 bomb jacks.  Repeat two more times, including the bomb jacks.

Mosey to the former Mill restaurant and line up in two groups in front of the parking curbs.

Walk on top of the curbs all the way to the other side (balance), 2 times.

Sprint alongside  the curbs and cut in/out of the spaces in between (agility), 4 times.

Split up, 2 to a curb for pushorama:  Merkin x 10, dips x 10, wide arms x 10, dips x 10, diamonds x 10 (all in cadence,  crowd pleaser).

Mosey to the Wells Fargo bank:  split  into two groups.

Group 1:  Steeple chase through the drive through banking structures (2 circuits).

Group 2:  Wall sit with arms out/up.

Repeat cycle

Mosey home to our Harris Teeter for slow LBC’s x 40,  and super slow mo  Freddie Mercury x 10.


It was another great day at the Golden Corral with the motivated Pax of F3.  Today we ventured out across the street to the Crossroads shopping center.  While we circled up and did SSH’s and merkins in the parking lot, we watched  the sad clowns file into Planet Fitness.  They were on their way to a nice warm gym with shiny new equipment, alone.   We were out in the cold and were getting ready to go behind the shopping center to do bomb jacks and pull ups by the dumpsters.     Where would you have rather been this morning?

I like to try new things at workouts, but  there is always a little trepidation about certain things. Today it was crossing the road with 20 guys (Pusher calls me squirrel – as the kind that gets run over), walking on the curbs (twisted ankle) and steeple jumps over the plastic drive through bank structures (can these support a grown man? ).  Thankfully,  everyone made it back unscathed and no property damage was done – I hope.

It’s a privilege to Q at F3,  and I am SO glad I am with the group outside of Planet Fitness –  this morning, and every morning!








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Pleasant Knoll – Recon Mission

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 01/27/15
  • Pax: Old Bay, Solid State, Free Bird, White Lightning, Jekell, Macgyver, Rooney, Senator Tressel
  • Posted In: Block Party, Golden Corral

8 men accepted the challenge or mission to accompany YHC to test drive a new AO, Pleasant Knoll Elementary School. Home of the Panthers, tucked deep in the woods, lays a plethora of potential pain at a beauty of an AO.

Cake Boss calls meeting to order at 0515 with mosey 3/4 around school


20 Wind MIlls, 20 SSH, 20 IW, 15 CDD, 20 Squats, 15 Merkins,

Move to play ground find a partner

2 rounds of 10 pull-ups/Swing Crunches

Back to Bball court

2 rounds of suicides/LBCs

Mosey to side of school find some wall

2 rounds of People’s Chair with leg kick (10count) / BTW

Mosey to back playground

2 Rounds of step ups/Freddy mercury’s

Mosey to wall

2 Rounds of wall sit/bear crawl to fence/sprint

To the HIll

4 rounds of Run Hill, down path, down steps / Rosalitas

2 rounds of box jumps up steps, run down path / Bear Crawl up hill run down path


8 rounds of ab exercises


Men worked hard. It was Double Shot Tuesday, so 2 rounds of everything at minimum.

They men thing PKES is a quality AO with lots of potential. Going to recon Publix and Gold Hill Middle next with the idea to get relief to WEP and Golden Corral (Multiply by Division).

Announcements: Friday speaker series t Eternal Church office behind Zaxby’s 0600-0700

Prayers to all injured and going through tough times that they focus on the power and grace of our Lord!

Honored and humbled to be part of such a great group of men! Thank you! CB


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Golden Corral- “Clean Wipe”

  • QIC: WorldWide Leader
  • When: 01/27/15
  • Pax: Lug Nut, Boeheim, Hasslehaff, Gears, Gecko, Cheddar, Smuggler, Maximus, Zima, Pig Pen, Spiderman, Cable Guy, Aquaman, The Librarian, Horse Shack (FNG), Spitz, Crash, Funhouse, Waldo, Turano, Lil E, Trucker, Change Order, Decibel, WWL
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

25 strong posted in 30 degree temps while the North East was getting flooded with snow! Welcome FNG Horse Shack (Eric Hammond), great first post!

The thang:

Disclaimer & welcome to FNG

Warm-up lap around GC

COP- SSH, windmill, squat, imperial walker, merkin

Mosey to edge of parking lot.

Introduce the workout for the day, in honor of the 2nd F outing on friday night to see American Sniper, the story of an american hero, Chris Kyle, and his patriotism, we’ll do the Murph!

1 Mile run

100 Pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats

we did this as a group, in cadence, had to modify the pulls using a format Maximus introduced us to, not sure if that came from another workout or the bed room….. but went something like this, partner one on the ground, partner two stands over partner lends his his hands, partner one grabs hands and pulls his body up. I can only imagine what the onlookers of Harris Teeter were thinking…. I dont want to know….

We made it through 6 rounds (10 pulls ups / hump your partner, 20 merkins, 30 squats)

1 mile run to cap it off


Gotta love the Murph!

You can imagine where the “clean wipe” comment comes from.

Lots of good  mubble chatter this morning.

Thoughts and prayers to Spitz and his wife Alice who was hit by a car last night, thankfully she is ok, has broken ribs, but will recover. Spitz could’t help but feel lost in his faith and reasoning as to the why behind this, but let me steal a quote from a friends post- Psalm 112:4 – I am much less interested in right circumstance than in right responses to whatever comes your way.

Other noteworthy prayer requests as Zima prepares for a mission trip and Gears friend heads into surgery.

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Cross Dressing Q

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 1/20/2015
  • Pax: Lug Nut (Respect), Pusher, Bubba Gump, Pink Slip , Dark helmet, Trucker, Anchor Man, Serrano, Dory, WWL, Cornhole, Spitz, Hasselhoff, Zima, Pig Pen, Boeheim, Cable Guy, Flat Tire, Sen Tressel(Respect), The Firm, Maximus, Aquaman, Cheddar, Gecko, Spiderman
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Per·cep·tion [ pər sépshən ]: perceiving: the process of using the senses to acquire information about the surrounding environment or situation

What the Q sees:

What the PAX sees:


So there was this guy- liked to work out with his buddies.  Had worn all shoe tread down to the foot. #fredflintstone.  He gets a little loot from ol’ st. nick- not much mind you- the majority goes to M and 2.0, 2.1, 2.2. He goes shopping.  Online.  Gets a deal.  SOME would say…errr… Some DID say they look like women’s shoes.  #kicker- they hurt.  Way to go.  #SMDH

Big numbers AGAIN for GC.  This is #problematic in a fantastic way.  See: Freed to Lead  #mumblechatter aplenty last night on the twitter machine.  Triple Claps to @Flattire.  He chirped, he posted.  #onions

Disclaimer- something about a large cinderblock over your head (at your own risk, of course) and off we went.


SSH, IW, Squatjacks, Runner Stretch, MC, SSH, few others

Mosey behind #hairypeeter for circle of coupons- 4 to be exact.  Pax will chop(football style) and pass the block: pick it up, put it down w/ twist. “Put that package away,” 12 cycles  #whatdoesbrowndoforyou  UPS- anyone? Buehler?

Bring circle in a bit tighter.  rinse/repeat. Pass the rock . up-downs throughout(football style)  6 cycles

You had to be there.. try posting…

Grab the Cinderblock Coupons and mosey to hill #lurker

Squads of 4 teams to the bottom.  First man backward run up lurker, forward run down.  At top- 1 cinderblock burpee.  Some had the honor of 5.  While runners are gone- teams complete LBCs, Merkins, Lunges

Rinse/Repeat with changes:

First man backward run up lurker, forward run down.  At top- 5 bombjacks.    While runners are gone- teams complete over/unders with coupon.  Also side to side #cavemanmedicineball

Jailbreak AYG back to VT for COT passing the blocks along the way

Naked Man Moleskin

Perception was not the theme this morning but it organically came after further thought.  Things may not be as they seem.  You may perceive that you are the only one particularly when you look around COT.  I assure you brother(s), we are all wrapped in our own successes and struggles.  If you dig in, you’ll find it.

For me- Boeheim, Anchor Man, Pusher, Deacon, Aquaman, Santini- the bench is deep…or should I say couch. #mentor  Point is- we all have our troubles at various points and at various levels.  Recognizing you aren’t alone breeds confidence/strength.  Now go text your buddy, grab a coffee and be that guy.




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Pebbles @ WEP, let’s go to GC

After a brisk run with Jekyl, Gears and Cornhole, YHC was greeted by a mass of PAX. Maybe it had something to do with Peebles on the Q @ WEP that drove these guys north, but never the less they came. The mummble chatter started early as I attempted to give the PAX a preview of what was on the Weinke, but either due to lack of coffee or impressed that I actually remebered that it was my time to Q, the PAX had an attention span of a gnat…. So we took off.

Quick run to back of Hairy Peter:

COP warm up = SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins – let’s go

The Beat Down
1 – Run some distance to a perfect,painful spot
2 – Diamond Merkins
3 – Tuck Jumps
4 – 4 count Carolina Dry Docks
5 – Roll Ups (full sit up and stand up with no hand assist)
6 – Wall Merkins (180 degrees of pain)
7 – Round the world squat jumps
8 – Merkins
9 – A$$ to Gra$$ Squats
10 – Burpees (crowd favorite)

We got through 6 rounds and then mosey back for final ab work with the slowest Freddy Mercury cadence imaginable. Didn’t really start hurting until 13. We went to 20.

Final excercise of Protractor was interupted by comments, Trucker, that called for a Bomb Jack retribution. Then someone, Maximus(?), continued with the conversation and we ended up with the final excercise as 20 Bomb Jacks. Fine with me.


As YHC observed the mass of PAX standing around me as we counted off, I was amazed that 28 guys would roll out of the Fartsack in the rain, not knowing what was waiting for them and still push through with 100% effort.

Prayers go to Gears’ sister that just found out about cancer, Bubba Gump’s brother with operatin Part Deux, and Grace as she is coming closer to going to be with her Lord, give peace to her Family.

FunHouse out

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99 bottles of…….

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 12/30/14
  • Pax: Trucker, Senator Tressel, WWL, Geicko, McGrufe, Anchorman, Cornhole, Cable Guy, Longshanks, DD, Dori, Funhouse, Flat tire, Smuggler, Gears, Aquaman, Cake Boss, Spitz, Jekyll, Rooney, Lug Nut. Decible, FNG - Sugar Daddy
  • Posted In: Golden Corral


2014 is coming to an end, can’t believe it. So YHC decided to Q and not be the fourth Q in a row who failed to show up at Golden Corral 🙂 YHC original idea was pushed back when Cornhole brought up a great idea while at Dunkateria this past Saturday. Since tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, it was fitting that YHC became a Bartender in anticipation to his yearly end of the year drinking. With props provided by Gears (my pony keg was still full of beer), 23 PAX and 1 FNG ended the 2014 year with some singing and beer themed exercises.

The Thang:
Quick mossy around the Teeter parking lot, circled up and:
Bells Side Straddle Hopslam x30
Firestone Imperial Walker Stout x30
Widmere Brothers Windmill Hefeweizen x30
Westbrook Brewery Merkin Cake (Mexican cake) x20

PAX lined up in 2 lines shoulder to shoulder:
1st PAX does shoulder press with Pony Keg while rest of PAX in line does Squatters (squats) Craft Brewery Wee Peat Scottish Ale. In the meantime, the PAX sing “99 bottles (kegs) on the wall”. PAX with keg does shoulder press until lyrics note “pass it along” and keg is passed to next PAX. Continue down the line and back until PAX hit 65 kegs. Kegs pushed to side, for now.

NoDa Hop Drop and Roll x10 (Bunny hop into Merkin into roll and jump squat up)

Fonta Flora Double Hop Beard (squat jumps) x20

Lexington Brewery Kentucky Burpee (Bourbon) Barrel Age Stout x10

PAX line up in single line: Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA (bear crawls to curb, rinse repeat)

Indian run with kegs to driveway. Bottom of hilly driveway; 1st group does Hill Brewery Citra IPA (runs to top of driveway) and does Wicked Weed Jack O Hammered (jack webs 5/20) while the 2nd group at bottom of hill does standing lunges until 1st group returns, rinse and repeat 2xs. Bottom of hill group for 3rd/4th round does Victory Golden Monkey (Monkey humpers)

Indian run back to COT for a Ab blast:
Nook Brewery LBC IPA x21
Russian River Pliney (russian twist) x21
Dogfish 90 Minute Protractor (90 minutes, Colt 45, 0’douls)
Line Pint Brewery Yellow Rose (rosealita) x21
Westbrook Brewery Merkin Cake (Mexican cake) x10

YHC tried to be as creative as a Bartender could be in incorporating Brewery/Beer names to our normal exercises. I think it finally clicked with most of the PAX during the Ab Blast. We were 1 short of a full case of beer! I had a blast developing my weinke and enjoyed introducing many of the PAX to craft breweries and beers, even though many PAX were asking for Bud Lite, Coors, PBR…. (Blasphemy!).

Encourage the FORT to sign up for the Joe Davis 5k on 1/10/15, our numbers are below Area 51, its only a 5k so everyone can survive! #accountability

CSPAN caravanning down to N Augusta 1/3/15 for a kickoff of a new AO.

Prayers to WWL family. Prayers for a great 2015!

Trucker aka #Stickabrew

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Who’s Q…We Got This

  • QIC: Change Order, Trucker, Maximus
  • When: 12/08/15
  • Pax: Decibel, DD, Cable Guy, Smuggler, Cornhole, Serrano, Spider-Man, McGruff, Anchorman, Who-Dat, Waldo, Sir Topimhat, Lil' E, Repeat
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

17 PAX roamed into the Golden Corral on Tuesday for what was sure to be another epic beat down by a well-planned Q. After a minute we looked around and realized we were on our own…again. All good ’cause Change Order said he’ll get this party started.

With Change Order on the Q mosey to the warmup
15 SSH
15 Squats
15 High Flutters
10 Merkins
10 Burpees

Hand off to Trucker
Mosey to the back lot and split into 2 groups
1: Side shuffle. 2: Wall sit and flapjack
1: Karaoke 2: Wall sit and flapjack
1: Sprints with 10 burpees. 2: Wall sit and flapjack
1: Sprints with 10 Merkins 2: Wall sit and flapjack
Mosey to the oil change wall
20 dips
1: bear crawl forever. 2: max out darkins

Maximus in the Q and mosey to the Teeter Wallace line up shoulder to shoulder
1st man bear crawl to the end of the line while the PAX holds a wall sit. Continue until each man finishes their bear crawl.
1st man duck walks to the end of the line while the PaX holds a wall plank. Continue until each man finishes their duck walk.
Slow Squat
Mosey to the COT area
7 Minutes of Mary
More CDD and Merkins

Announcements can all be found in the weekly email but starts with F3 Dads this Saturday at 0930 at Runde Park/Alcatraz
Prayer requests are for healthy and developing kids, job transitions, Senators wife and injured PAX.


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