Kicking in the door

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 09/23/14
  • Pax: Atticus, Nirvana, Gekko, Tan Line
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

5 renegade Pax posted at Golden Corral to raise the virtual Shovel Flag while the regulars sucked in some WEP gloom at Block Party.  An inspiring display of accountability and solid dose of pain made a statement — You can lure Pax away from GC but you can’t close it down!!!

The Thang

Warm up jog in the area (YHC posted late on foot and missed the launch…not clear where the Pax ran, but they did not run home!)

SSH (kind of like the new born foal struggling to its feet for the first time….the Pax were moving but were searching for some direction and trying to find some zeal)

YHC posts and is handed the baton…YES!

Merkins x12

Peter Parker x12

CCD x12

Slow sumo squat x20

Mosey to benches at storefront for pain stations
Station 1: Dips x25
Station 2: Continuous curb step ups
Station 3: Continuous LBCs

Repeat cycle with Derkins x15, Curb jump ups and Freddie Mercurys

Rinse and Repeat whole cycle of 6 stations

Mosey to Valley of Darkness

Plank sequence

Run to top of hill, 5 burpees at top, run back (repeat counting burpees down to 1)

6MoM (dealer’s choice) — Freddy Mercury, flutter, Rosalita, Russian twist, Superman

Indian run back to shopping center

Line up at first speed bump near HT

Sprint to each street lamp (6 total?) stopping for 10 merkins at each one


Naked Man Moleskin

Funhouse and WWL thought they were shutting down GC for the Fitness Test at WEP, but little did they know some Pax had other ideas in mind!

T-claps to the Pax for launching in the gloom when none had any prior Q experience.  Accountability creates real magic!  No excuses, no fear, no regrets.  Just get after it!

This spontaneous Q situation provided a remarkable redemption opportunity for YHC after whiffing on my scheduled Q at GC last week (BTW, I did not fartsack….I posted at BP).  It was a pleasure and honor to lead once again.

It is amazing what 2 years brings — there are no longer questions about how to get pax to post….we can’t keep them away!!!



TClap |

Q by Committee…(Jeckyll)

  • QIC: Jeckyll & Decibel
  • When: 08/16/14
  • Pax: Gecko, Cable Guy, Decibel, McGruff, WWL, AquaMan, Cornhole, Pick-6, Skiiers, Nirvana, Lil E, Slow Pitch, Change Order, Maximus, Senator Tressel
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

16 PAX rallied at the Golden Corral for the not-so-normal Tuesday shenanigans. It would’ve been 17 but the scheduled Q pulled a CSPAN so Jeckyll stepped up and led the mosey out.

Mosey to the bank parking lot for a warm up of SSH, Squats and a few other things.
Mosey to the Teeter to lunge walk the infamous never-ending wall
Mosey to the stomping grounds on the back side of Teeter for partner work:
Partner 1 in the Plank Partner 2 10 Derkins / 10 Hop-overs Flap Jack
Repeat 2 more times

Maximus with the idea of 2-tiered suicides (25/40yds) with 10 burpees at the finish

3-Merkin burpees x 5 then toe lunge walk to the island and run (limp) back
3-Merkin burpees x 5 then reverse lunge walk to the island and run (limp) back
Squat Jacks and something else

Mosey to the “flag” for a Decibel-led round of Ab-Lab consisting of:
Boats/Canoes, X & O’s, Hello Dolly, Russian Twist, Protractor, LBC, etc.

Even when there’s no official Q, the PAX always steps up to see what they can come up with to lessen the mumble chatter. A lot of us were gassed but when you’re with a partner, you somehow manage to dig deep and pull through. Interesting how we let ourselves down before we let our partner down.

Childrens Attn Home, Invergence, Continue to read the details of the weekly email.

A softball teammate of Slow Pitch had a heart attack after walking off the field last night and praise God they were there to administer CPR. Thank you for stepping up and not just being one in a crowd. The young man is doing well this morning. Continued prayers for Sparkplug. New job for WWL’s brother. Bojangles mom’s surgery and recovery. Decibel’s son, Noah has surgery later this week to close up the hole vacated by the feeding tube. Maximus’ daughter, Olivia’s appointments yesterday. Praise God for great doctors. Safe travels as I drive up to MD for cousin’s funeral.

TClap |

Kettle Bell Anyone?

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: September 9, 2014
  • Pax: Change Order, Maximus, Package, Santini, Senator, Jekyl, McGruff, Freebird, Spackler, Corn Hole, Nirvana, Aquaman, WWL, Who Dat, Funhouse, Smuggler, Rooney
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

18 men welcomed a new item to the buffet.  They enjoyed a triple helping of the Kettle Bell.

Warm up Lap

Circle up
Cherry Pickers x20
Mountain Climbers x20
Windmills x20
Peter Parkers x20
Imperial Walkers x15
Parker Peters x20

Split into three teams and grab a Kettle Bell

Mosey to the retaining wall
Decline Merkins x10
Dips x20
Incline Merkins x10
Rinse and Repeat
Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to hill
Kettle Bell Relay
While teammate runs up the hill team does
Carolina Dry Docks
Wide Arm Merkins
Diamond Merkins
Sumo Squats

Russian Twists
Freddy Mercury
1 more

High Slow Flutter
Hello Dolly
2 more exercises

Great effort today!  Introducing those unfamiliar to the Kettle Bell.  Hopefully they will show up on Monday. As always a pleasure to work out with you guys.

TClap |

Let’s go to the Bullpen

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 9/2/2014
  • Pax: Cornhole, Trucker, Slow Pitch(FNG), Maximus, Double D, Nirvana, Decibel, Spackler, WWL, Change Order, McGruff, Repeat, Dufraine, CakeBoss, Back Hoe, Trucker, Smuggler,
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

With Funhouse absent due to travel, the right arm was touched, signaling for YHC to be called from the Bullpen and assume the Q. It was an honor to lead the men on a warm, humid morning.  Into the Gloom…


SSH, IW, Squat Jack, SSH, Windmill, and maybe a few other punishments


Sound off in 3’s

Group 1: 30yrd dash, 5 burpees, dash back

Group 2: Jump squats

Group 3: Diamond Merkins

Cycle through- 2 sets

Group 1: Bear crawl 30 yard, Lunge Walk back

Group 2: Squats

Group 3: LBC

Cycle through- 1 set

Mosey to Church field

Push-O-Rama- On YHC count with 6″ hold on final rep

Merkin -10

CDD- 10

Wide Arm Merkin- 10

Diamond Mekin- 10

Sprint time- 40 yards each way

Line up facing church

Karaoke left

Karaoke Rt



Sprint 50% down and back

Sprint 75% D/B

Sprint 100% D/B

Indian Run home to shovel flag

3 minutes of Mary

Freddy, H2H, Dolly

Shout out to the PAX for a fast paced Golden Corral.  Good way to start a short work week.  Prayers for our brothers who are in the midst of career changes. Camp Care 5K, BRR, CAH, Invergence and many more opportunities to get involved outside of the morning work out.


TClap |

Golden Corral- Being focused and intentional

  • QIC: WorldWide Leader
  • When: 08/26/14
  • Pax: Back hoe, Spackler, Cornhole, Navana, Pick 6, Smuggler, Package, Photo bomb, Free bird, Who dat, Cable guy, Jekyll, Auqaman, Trucker
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

15 strong entered the Golden Corral for a fast temp beat down.

The Thang:

Straight out the gate with a jog around the complex (2 laps), just under 1 mile, end at field near church

COP- SSH, merlins, squat, imperial walkers, mountain climber, Parker Peter, Peter Parker

Line up along the lamp post, Beast (suicide with 5 burpees at each line)

Karaoke down and back

Side shuffle down and back

10 alligator push-ups, bear crawls rest

10 inch worms, lunge walk rest

Most to wall behind the Teeter,

Wall sits, 20 squats, 20lunges, Wall sits

20 calf raises, 100 jumping jacks, Wall sits

20 squats, 20 partner leg lifts

4 sprint series in parking lot

Long mosey to COT area

Break out the phone and play a little Moby Flowers- Bring Sally Up (crowd pleaser, #theFinisher)



A crisp 66 degrees this morning, left great out, pax was lively and ready to work. We didn’t have a single 10 count rest today, everything had an active recovery, high heart rates and a solid leg beatdown session with focused shoulder work. Aye.

I asked the pax to keep my twin brother who is going through a rough time with work right now and facing unemployement here shortly, praying that things line up for him and his family (he has one daughter and a second child due in Jan).

Reminders: 9/26 convergence RSVP, bring cans to any workout in August, BRR is next Friday

Closing words- BE INTENTIONAL


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Showdown at the Golden Corral

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 08/19/14
  • Pax: Repeat, Cake boss, Aquaman, Cable Guy, Dory, Package, Jeckel, Cornhole, Change Order, Pick Six, Funhouse, Nirvana, Spackler, Smuggler, Photobomb, McGruff, Decibel, Backhoe,
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

The shovel flag was planted and 19 strong bellied up to the Golden Corral buffet for a Tuesday morning feast.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:


SSH x 40, Merkin x 10, squat x 30, windmill x 20, IW x 30, wide arm merkin x 15, Freddie Mercury x 25, sumo squat x 30, staggered merkin L x 10/hold/staggered merkin R x 10

Mosey to the old driving range hill

Jacob’s ladder with burpees at the top, starting at 3, finishing at 9 (a few pax did a bonus round – strong work!)

Mosey back to the HT parking lot

High step ups left x 15, then right x 15

Derkin/dip 1 to 9 combo (1 derk/9 dip, 2 derk/8 dip, 3 derk/7 dip, etc)

Light jog around the HT lot, then zig zag up and down the grassy hill several times and back to the COP

Hello Dolly x 20, Rosalita x 20, Russian twist x 20, flip for parachute and hold for 60 sec


Another humid day had the Pax huffing and puffing (including YHC).   Can’t wait for the fall! It was another big turnout including some of our WEP regulars: Package and Cake Boss.  Good to see you at the GC.  Several pax did some extra duty on the Jacob’s ladder to support their brothers – well done, guys.  It’s always a privilege to be the Q, and to lead such a fine group of men.

Announcements:  Next CAH event: Sep 22-29, work days and bike ride, The Fort Invergence:  Sep 26 at the Greenway,   Lots of F3 workouts around Ft Mill, Labor Day double down with the Armory and then the Murph at NAFO,  Sep 6, Camp Care 5K and Sep 13 Premature Oktoberfest:  both for premature babies.

TClap |

Pre Blast: Golden Corral 1/31/17

Come test your mettle at Golden Corral.

The Thang:

Start at Bank. Run to bottom of Hill.  5 3-Merkin Burpees.

Run up Hill. 5 Bombjacks.

Run to Wall- Lunges then 10 CDD

Run to Bank- Bear Crawl then 20 LBC

1 lap includes 1/2 mile run.  Goal is 6 laps




TClap |

Tell your sister, THANKS!!

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 08/05/14
  • Pax: Cornhole, Catfish, Nirvana, Funhouse, Trucker, Backhoe, Atticus, Decibel, Dufrain, McGruff, Package
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

12 PAX rolled out of the sack to the Tega Cay gloom to play a little 52 card pickup. Having had a trial run of this workout over the weekend, I was aware of the pain and borderline Merlot splashing that would await. Fortunately, the Merlot stayed in the bottle but the sweat did not. I enjoy muscle-confusion workouts where you’re not sure what’s next so thanks to the PAX for letting me play a little card game in the gloom.

Here’s the game; every suit represents a different exercise with 4 ab-focused wild cards thrown in for good mumble-chatter. You do the number of reps on the card and the suit determines the exercise. The key to this…quick tempo with minimal rest. Just enough to complain about the next card selection. We’ll do this in 2 rounds. Round 1 is the cardio round and round 2 is the strength round. So after a brief jog around the Teeter parking lot, we circled up to begin:

Round 1: Cardio
Hearts = Run in place (4ct = 1)
Spades = High Knees
Clubs = SSH (single ct)
Diamonds = Jump Squats
Wild Card = LBC x 15

Round 2: Strength
Hearts = Merkin (single ct)
Spades = Burpees
Clubs = Carolina Dry Docks
Diamonds = Jumping Lunge (Jumping Lunge w/ rt foot forward, then left, then squat = 1)
Wide Card = Russian Twist x 15

We didn’t make it all the way through the strength round but nevertheless, the PAX made it through all the clock would allow. Great work on accepting a different challenge. As we closed the COT, Decibel throws out the, “Tell your sister, thanks for the workout” comment. In a different setting and said by someone other than an F3 brother, my reaction could’ve been different. But knowing what Decibel’s getting at, I chose to reply with an “AYE.”

Announcements: Camp Care 5K, Premature Oktoberfest with OMB, The Fort Invergence, Labor Day double-down, Check the weekly email for all those not mentioned.

Prayer/Praises: White Lightning’s upcoming knee surgery, Trucker’s friend (and friend’s family), Decibel’s family and continued praises. Those unspoken.

Until next time….

TClap |

Ft Mill Care Center Food Drive – Critical Need – CALL TO ACTION

Ft Mill Care Center is in critical need of items for their shelves.

Just like we did last November, let’s talk up food drive at each of the workouts.

Beginning 8/2

Ending 8/23

Goal 300lbs

Q’s collect and give to Cake Boss or Anchorman when posting at AOs. Consolidation will be at WEP on 8/23, and we will turn it in that week.

High level needs include, canned vegetables, beans, fruit, meats, soups as well as dried beans and rice and bars of soap.

Any questions contact Cake Boss or Anchorman.

TClap |

The Coop: 3 weeks and we go full pads…

  • QIC: Santini
  • When: 7/23/14
  • Pax: Package, Chicken Hawk, Cake Boss, Bullwinkle, Trucker, Car bomb, WWL, Cash, Cable Guy, MacGyver
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, Ring of Fire

12 PAX posted for The Coop smackdown as we prepare for full contact drills and August 3 a day practices.  Wait, flashback.  No we just went shorts/shirts and no helmets today.

Santini lead with a quick COP then a 100 yard drill of walking the plank 10 yards sideways, sprint up the yard line, walk 10, sprint up – distance of the football field.

Shoulder smoker series followed with Carolina Dry Docks, Moraccan night clubs, and over the head claps.

Enjoyed by all was the follow-up Defensive back drill series of sprinting the hash marks, forward and lateral drills 20 yard intervals with mountain climbers and jump ropes and burpees during recovery.

A few cuss words from Package and insults confirmed this was a good workout.


TClap |