Running with the Bulls

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 07/22/14
  • Pax: Decibel, Nirvana, World Wide Leader, Cable Guy, Jekyl, Smuggler, Dory, Funhouse, McGruff, Dufrane, Repeat, Freebird, Aquaman, Senator Tressel, Spackler, Backhoe, Trucker, Roney
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

19 Men came to what started off harmless enough, but never knew a little hill could dish out so much pain.

Run around HT parking lot up to Rite Aid
Circle Up
20 – SSH
20 – IW
20 – Windmills
20 – Mtn Climbers
Split up.
Grp 1 – 20 curb jumps-wall sits
Grp 2 – run around Bldg(s)
Repeat 3 times
On our backs. Everyone is well condition and couldn’t help but form a circle.
20 – Freddie Mercury’s
Mosey to Small Hill
Stopped on way, calf raises on curb 20 ea position
Running of the Bulls – I was gored, but I will run with the bulls again.
6 trips – Build by 1 each leg
Bottom – Bomb Jacks
Mid – Merkins & Derkins
Top – Burpees
Mosey to benches 20 each
Step ups
Pelvic thrust – “The Pleaser”
Mosey to COT

July 26th – Convergence Saturday Rock Hill – Patriot – TV Crew – Wear F3 shirts
Alcatraz is still open for non glamorized business Saturday
Sept 1st – Labor Day double down – normal Monday workout followed by The Murph @ WEP
Sept 6th – Camp Care 5k
Sept 13th – Premature Octoberfest
Sept 26th – Convergence -Details to Follow
Prayer Requests
Jekyl – Family wisdom
Repeat – Baby this week!!!!
Decibel – Continued prayers for smooth and healthy pregnancy
Jekyl – F3 brothers, trust, support
Decibel – Noah

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PRE-BLAST – The Fort 2nd Annual Anniversary Invergence

Warning, Warning, Warning…..The Fort 2nd year anniversary is approaching! Don’t miss a night of fun, fellowship and faith at Rush Pavilion on the Springs Greenway. The night’s event will feature speakers Dredd, OBT, and Agony. We will begin with a social hour and pot luck dinner, and then have our program.  Tickets and other details of the event will be available in the coming weeks.

September 26th @ 5pm-11pm, Rush Pavilion on the Springs Greenway

More info to come….

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The Fort – PT Test #2

  • QIC: World Wide Leader Tatanka, and FunHouse
  • When: 07/15/2014
  • Pax: See list below....Jekyll and Trucker posted elsewhere but got me their stats.
  • Posted In: Block Party, Golden Corral, The Fort

25 Men came to witness the progress from Q2 to Q3 of 2014. Strong showing and even stronger effort as Red Banjo was shoot out of a canon this morning followed closely by McGuyver. Today’s PT test was a tad different from last time as we partnered up to make sure everyone was following proper form and getting full range of the excercises.

World Wide Q’d the warm up
SSH, Squats, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, SSH

Funhouse to get PAX lined up and ready for run and explained the partner Merkins, sit ups and pull ups. (1 minute per).

Tatanka taking times and counts as he was on the DL due to a hip injury caused by something (the M) that he wouldn’t admit to….

Here are the stats:

Name 1 Mile Run Merkins Sit Ups Pull Ups
Red Banjo 5:31 57 56 33
McGuyver 5:55 45 54 9 (5)
FunHouse 6:04 45 46 6 (4)
1-Niner 6:06 44 46 21
Audit 6:11 50 43 22
WWL 6:17 40 29 26
Double D 6:20 48 28 22
AquaMan 6:34 55 41 11
Package 6:38 41 32 20
Jekyll 6:42 55 39 16
Deacon 6:43 55 48 19 (10)
CSPAN 6:47 40 42 7 (2)
Decible 6:48 45 43 25
Pebbles 6:52 25 40 20 (5)
Pete Ryan? 7:04 35 36 4
Greenwave 7:15? 45 32 12
AirBorne 7:20 49 50 15
Bounty Hunter 7:48 64 37 15 (5)
Java 7:56 31 30 3 (5)
Cable Guy 7:58 55 48 12
Crab Cakes 8:49 20 31 0 (1)
Trucker 8:57 50 60 19
Nirvana 9:30 22 22 2 (10)
Cake Boss 9:30 60 39 3 (7)
BirdCage 10:30 12 26 1 (4)
Criss Cross DNF 15 32 13

Great to see everyone this morning that I haven’t seen in a while. I will see you in 3 months to see the progress everyone has made, again!

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Retire, nah!

  • QIC: Chicken Wing
  • When: 06/25/2014
  • Pax: Santini, Beacon, MacGuyver, Cake Boss, Smuggler, Hard Drive, Back Draft, Pebbles, Chicken Hawk, Boy Band, Senator Tressel
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, Ring of Fire, The Fort

In the balmy summer morning with the steam rising from the land, 12 brave men showed up at The Coop for what turned out to be a, well I will put in bluntly, an a@* kicker of a workout.

The Thang:
Mosey to the band lot for COP.
SSH x 25
Windmill x 25
Merkins x 16

Mosey to the grass practice field for the main course.
Partnered up. Each team to hit 30 reps for each exercise between the pair.
Station #1 at corner of field, sprint 100 yards to station #2, bear crawl to #3, sprint 100 yards to #4, bear crawl to #5

Each station:
Merkins x 15
Carolina Drydocks x 15
Burpees x 15
Jump Squats x 15
Sit Ups x 15
Stump Jumpers with side laterals x 15

Mosey to mid field for 10 minutes of Mary.

Mosey to COT. Praise request to Boy Band’s. Prayers out to Tim and Boy Band’s friend in the car accident. F3 Dad’s this weekend at WEP. F3 dad’s mid August at Camp Thunderbird. New workout starting at Springfield schools on Thursday, details to follow.

Think about what ‘Retire’ means. Discussed that is does not mean that it is a goal to achieve and to not strive for better each day. How each day is a blessing and how to continue to push yourselves to become a better person under the leadership that the Lord has shown us.

End with The Lord’s Prayer.

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Back to the Holy Land

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: June 24, 2014
  • Pax: White Lightening, Jekyl, Aquaman, World Wide Leader, Nirvana, McGruff, Double Dribble, Repeat, Spackler, Slash, Who Dat, Dufrane, Photo Bomb, +1
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

15 Men embarked on a journey to the Holy Land and returned to the Corral for some Pentence as noted below.

Mosey to the Church

Cherry Pickers x 25

Parker Peters x25

IW x25

Peter Parkers x25

Windmill x25

Mountain Climbers x25

Low Slow Squat x25


Line up in field


50% run to the parking lot

75% back

100% sprint there and back

Bear Crawl half way Crab walk the rest

Rinse and Repeat BC and CW

Lunge Walk to parking lot

Backward lunge walk back


Mosey back to The Corral

Stop at curb for 50 calf raises

Mosey to half wall

20x Derkins

20x Incline Derkins

20x Wide Arm Merkins

LBC until all are done

Boat Canoe


20x Derkins

20x Incline Derkins

20x Diamond Merkins

Freddy Mercury until all are done

Rosalita x15

Hello Dolly x15


Mosey to wall

Split into two teams

Team 1 does wall sits

Team 2 does walking Balls to the Wall


Rinse and Repeat


Mosey to Grassy knoll

X-O’s x25

Windshield Wipers x15

Nack Tar Jai x15

Alternating Plank (left leg up/right arm up)


As always it is great to see you guys in the gloom.   Its great to see the newer guys return and take care of business. It was an honor to have Offspring and Funhouse stop by on their way to the airport for Offsprings mission trip to Columbia. It was an even more of an honor to pray over him. Keep the Forest Hill Mission trip in your prayers this week.

Prayer Request

Forest Hill youth mission trip to Colombia





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Taking The Hill

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 06/17/14
  • Pax: Senator Tressel, Chicken Hawk, Atticus, WWL, McGruff, White Lightning, Cornhole, Decibel, Spackler, DD, Slash, Jeckyl, Cake Boss, Aqua Man, Pick Six, Fun House, Cable Guy, Package, Maximus, FNG (Double Dribble), FNG (Shipwreck)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

21 Men (including a 2.0) converged on Golden Corral this morning for a strong helping of the buffet followed by storming the local hill. How you ask?

The Thang:
Warm up jog to the COP amidst the stanky section out back of the local Teeter.
Wide-stance squat with a hold
Mountain Climber

Get acquainted with the wall:
Wall Sits
Gator Merkins
A visit from the dirty burpee for 12 OYO

Mosey to the hill and take the hill together as the PAX:
2 hill runs then 4 Burpees
3 hill runs then 14 Jump Squats
4 hill runs then 24 Russian Twists
2 hill runs then 4 Burpees

Mosey back for Ab Lab:
X&O’s (or whatever the Q wants to call them), Super Belly (or the pepper mill), Protractor

Moleskin: Thanks to Trucker for asking me to lead the PAX this morning, it is always a pleasure. Having 2 FNGs join us was an honor and to hear they might even return was an even greater honor. The Fort is getting more active with the expansion Cake Boss is Q’ing so stay connected and look for your opportunities to Q. T-Claps to White Lightning for his leadership with F3 Dads.
Prayers for:
Healing amidst the PAX and their family.
Jeckyl volunteering at the Cub Scout camp with their 170 kids.
The unspoken prayers/praise.

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The Next Exercise is….The Peacock

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 06/10/14
  • Pax: Funhouse, Maximus, Sunshine, Offspring, McGruff, Mr. Clean, Cable Guy, Spackler, Nirvana, Aquaman, Repeat, WWL, Package, FNG/Slash
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

The virtual shovel flag was planted and 15 strong, led by a slightly confused Q, met at the Harris Teeter parking lot for another serving of Golden Corral.

The Thang

Short mosey around the parking lot to COP:

SSH x 40, Merkin x 10, IW x 30, Squat x 15, One Legged Squat (Peacock), LL/RL, x 15 (very shaky by the Q), Peter Parker x 15, hold 6″, Mountain Climber, hold 6″, Parker Peter x 15, Alabama A** Kickers, LH/RH x 15 (thank you Funhouse for picking up the Q here!)

Mosey to front wall of the Teeter, split into two groups:

Group 1 wall sits, with arms up and out while group 2 Karaoke to end of lot and back, flap jack, rinse and repeat

Group 1 wall sits, with one leg out, while group 2 bear crawls to middle of lot, run back,  flap jack, rinse and repeat

Mosey to Grace Presby for Jack Webb, 1:5 raiio to 10, with bonus Merkin (12) audible Q call

Back into two groups for Indian Run to Rite Aid parking lot for Mary:

Hello Dolly x 20, Freddie Mercury x 20, LBC x 25, Dying Cockroach x 15, Boat/Canoe x 7, Superman/Parachutes, 45 sec, x 2

BTW against Rite Aid building – hold for 40 secs, mosey back to Harris Teeter lot


The Q was a little foggy today, but the Pax held together and got the job done like they always do.  YHC’s call for the Peacock (it’s a Flamingo!) and the clumsy execution was not inspiring, nor pretty to watch.  Despite the false starts today, it’s always a pleasure to lead this fine group of men.  Welcome  FNG/Slash.  Slash took a tumble during BTW, but recovered quickly and we look forward to seeing him again.

Announcements/Prayer Requests

SPARK event this Saturday, June 14.  Combined event with F3 Dads and the Childrens Attention Home.    Check the web site, sign up and get involved!

Go Karts – Pick a date in July and let’s go!

Prayers for those with cancer and depression.   Reach out to those who are struggling.


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Howdy Partner!

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 5/27/2014
  • Pax: Cornhole, Spackler(formally Carl), Pusher, Funhouse, Package, Cable Guy, Joel- FNG( sorry Joel- will get your F3 name next time, Decibel, Chicken Wing, Thriller, Photo Bomb, Cash, McGruff, Sea Ray, Nirvana, Jekyll
  • Posted In: Golden Corral


16 Pax weary from Memorial Day festivities including but not limited to a Memorial Day Murph workout sauntered up to the Golden Corral buffet seeking redemption from weekend gluttony.

Mosey to back parking lot and circle up for COP warm up

SSH X 30

IW X 30

Moroccan Night Club X 40

Squat X 30

Windmill X 20

The Thang:

YHC discussed the need for partners in our lives.  Find a mentor in life, hold each other accountable, be there to pick them up when they fall or need help, trust in someone else.  In that spirit the instructions were to partner up.  Size does indeed matter as they will be your partner for the entire beatdown.

Fireman carry to first painstation- 100 yrds

Partner set:

Partner 1 in plank position; Partner 2 using P1 as bench.

Merkins: 10

Derkins 10

Dips: 10

Ski Moguls 10

Flapjack.  Rinse/Repeat

Partner run to next pain station-(old skool Three Legged Race style)- 200 yrds.  Communication and coordination key here.  Next time- We will line up and race to next station instead of mosey

Partner Steps ups- 15 each side- this took a little getting used to.

Partner Squats- shoulder to shoulder with partner. 30 squats in cadence with PAX.  This pain station was directly behind food delivery truck which allowed the delivery driver an opportunity to gaze and wonder why 16 men were squatting in choreographic harmony.  Lots of mumble chatter and laughs here as Package concluded we all looked like the ambiguously gay duo (SNL)- “not that that there is anything wrong with that…”(Seinfeld)

Partner Merkins- P1- P2 alternate ascending count of Merkins to 10.  Total Individual Count: 55 merkins each.  Smoked.  Lots of great partner encouragement here to finish and get through.

Fireman carry to next pain station 100 yards

P1 Plank; P2 bunny hops back and forth over partner X 20.

Flapjack.  Rinse/Repeat

Three legged run to next Painstation- 50 yards.

P1 Wall sit; P2 Balls to Wall- 30 seconds

Flapjack. Rinse Repeat

Jailbreak to shovel flag.  Lots of woofing here.  Everyone pretty much toast.  Time for Mary.

V-ups X 12

Hello Dolly X 13

Freddy Mercury: X13

LBC X 20

Partner feet throw- X15



Naked Man Moleskin

Great workout by the PAX this morning.  Wanted to switch it up a bit and by relying on your partner, made a tough workout fun and challenging.  Remember that in life as in our fitness, partner up, find a mentor and  hold someone/be held accountable!

Prayers for Cable Guy’s Father in Law- Jim


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And the Q is…..

  • QIC: FreeBird and Funhouse
  • When: 05/20/2014
  • Pax: CakeBoss, Repeat, Ledger - FNG, Decibel, Atticus, Senator Tressel, Cash, Carl - FNG, McGruff, Cornhole, Nirvana, White Lightnin, Maximus
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

16 Pax showed up to Golden Corral to a confused Site Q (YHC) trying to remember who the QIC for the morning was. When the site Q was the QIC all the time…. Freebird took over for the first half and YHC took over to finish them off…. Just as QIC planned…..

Freebird on the impromptu Q

Run to warm up behind Harris Teeter for COP
Circle up for some odd number counts of pain
SSH, Merkins, Sumo Squats, SSH, diamond Mekins, jumping lunges, SSH

Run to benches for team break out bench work
4 moves X 15 @ each bench
Carolina Drydocks

YHC takes over the Q

Line up for some Suicides
Every 3 parking spaces for 12 spaces and come back for a Burpee plus 1
4 suicides and 10 burpees total

Again with Bombjacks X2
4 suicides and 20 BombJacks

Curb It
40 step ups
25 jump ups

Line it up again
4 suicides and 10 dirty Burpees (burpee with 4 mountain climbers and 4 plank jacks and extra merkin)

Curb It
25 calf raises each leg

One last time, line it up
Sprint the length and jog back, the six to call go for next one
do this like 5 times….

8 minutes of in/outs, ups/downs, protractor and Freddy Mercury


Naked Moleskin
T-claps to Freebird stepping up to help the (easily) confused Site Q, who on every calander he owns had Q in bold, get the buffet started today. Great to see Nirvana back for the 3rd time! Great EH by Atticus for wrangling 2 FNG’s for a run around a parking lot. Maximus returns with a huge smile on his face due to the new addition 2.0 from China, Olivia! What a blessing for the Blocks to have an opportunity to love a child of God with such freedom and intention. Continued growth at GC is awesome to see, be sure to EH those who have been light on the posting/heavy on the fartsacking….

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Golden Corral- Moving with a purpose & inverted tunnel of love

  • QIC: WorldWide Leader
  • When: 05/06/14
  • Pax: Cash, free bird, decibel, package, cable guy, jekyll, funhouse, white lighting, senator tressel, repeat, dorie, mcgruff, cornhole, sparkplug, trucker, abacus, bob barker
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

18 pax showed up in the Golden Corral gloom to move with a purpose and being intentional with how they spend their day.

The Thang:

  • Start warm up jog, detour back to parking lot to pick up Abacus (LIFO), continue jog to hill
  • Line-up in 4 lines
  • Butt kicks, High knees, Side shuffle, Karaoke
  • COP- SSH, IM, wind mills, mountain climber, peter parker, parker peter, low squat, merkins, x-squat
  • Spilt into 2 groups, group 1 on the hill inverted jacob’s ladder with burpees at the top, bomb jacks at the bottom. Group 2 COP dealers choice, flap jack.
  • Mosey to open field, two lines facing each other, squat punch sequence to 20
  • Split the lines in half, inverted tunnel of love, partners are back to back in squat position, pax low crawls through the tunnel of love built on man’s back (or six)



Great workout at the Corral this morning, lots of mumble chatter and reminiscing of the Muthaship beatdown that occurred the day before. I would like to point out that HYC did post at the gym with Trucker and Pebbles at lunch yesterday post Muthaship….. it might have been a pathetic attempt at a workout, but A for effort!

Jekyll shared words of “moving with a purpose”, which is spot on, we are all busy guys and we could easily use this time from 0515 to 0600 to be resting, prepping for the day, recovering from the exhausting day before and the list goes on, but we decide to use that time to help our brothers grow and be better men. This reminds me to be intentional, with our actions, decisions, use of time, resources and capabilities, how we interact with others and loved ones.

The challenge was given, move with a purpose this week.



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