- QIC: Beaker
- When: 2022-05-04
- Pax: 3D, Beaker, Bird Cage, darkhelmet, Drop Thrill, f3anchorman, Funhouse, Maximus, Punch List, Shady, Short Sale, Slash, Tinsel, Vuvuzela, Wagon Wheel
- Posted In: snake pit
WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Low Slow Squats, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Carolina Dry Docks, Plank to Downward Dog to Honeymooners
There were plenty of sandbags to go around.
PAX split up into groups of 3, each group with a sandbag and everyone with a KB.
Routine went as followed:
1 PAX jog/walk with the sandbag to the other end of the parking lot and back while the other 2 PAX perform workout. PAX 2 takes sandbag, goes to the other end and back while other 2 performs workout. This goes on until all 3 have carried the sandbag. Then workout switches.
After 2 workouts everyone planks up until the 6 gets in, then performs 7 manmakers as a group.
Repeat 2 more times
Workouts as followed:
Squats – Merkins – Manmakers
Beakers (A Uhaul with an added overhead press) – Rows – Manmakers
Flutter kicks – Calf Raises – Manmakers
Wrapped up with some Chest press – Freddie Mercury Jack Webs
Lots of mumble chatter about fupas and legs not working.
Great job guys! Thanks for the Q!
Beaker out!