NASA Claus and the 12 Pains of Christmas @The Poop Deck

  • When: Thursday 12/22/2016
  • Pax: Andretti (Respect), Dark Helmet, DaVinci, NASA, Mr T., and Wild Thing
  • Posted In: Abyss, Poopdeck, The Fort

I am posting this to the Abyss since there is not an AO link set up for the Poop Deck.

Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho! Santa Q was out and ready to receive the PAX of HIMs this morning when they rolled in to the LW Bowl N Bounce. It was a great day, almost double the temp of yesterday’s frosty AM workout. What a treat in itself. Even so, only 4 additional brave souls ventured out this morning. Everyone was in a great mood. Alot of mumblechatter about Mr T’s very creative and fun VQ the day before. It is always great to start your day with a group of HIMs like this,

After the disclaimer was disclaimed, off we moseyed around the parking lot a couple of loops to get the heart rate up. I decided to keep it in the well lit areas since most of the PAX did not have lighting and this place is well known to have curb appeal.

After the warmup, we circled up for the COP. Right when we were about to start, in swoops Dark Helmet to join in the festivities. In light of the birthday of Our Lord, we did 25 of each:

  • Side-straddle hops
  • Imperial walkers
  • Windmills
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Moroccan night clubs
  • And to stretch out a little more Santa Q threw in good bit of downward dog, honeymooner, and alternating arm/leg extensions while on hands and knees

Now for the Thang

The 12 Days of Christmas Pain:

NASA Claus came prepared with a red bag full of goodies for each and every HIM, whether naughty or nice they have been. In Santa Q’s sack was 12 ‘presents’, complete with bows even. With warmth from his heart Santa Q gave each HIM a present. The joy and excitement each HIM had of receiving these wonderful, yet unknown gifts was an incredible sight to see. I wish I had my camera at the ready! After a gift was opened, the group had to partake in the pain it presented. Not only that, the HIM who opened the gift got to lead the exercise it outlined. They were gifts that kept on giving. Each HIM took turns opening their gifts from NASA Claus to find the following pains:

Gift # / Pain:

  1. 10 Burpees OYO
  2. 25 Monkey Humpers, cadence
  3. 25 Merkins, cadence
  4. Run Forrest, Run! – run a loop around the entire boat ramp parking lot, about 1/4 mile loop
  5. 30 Plank Jacks, cadence
  6. 25 LBCs, cadence
  7. 25 Carolina Dry Docks, cadence
  8. Bear Crawl loop the circle of HIMs –  had to open the circle a little for this one
  9. 25 Long, Slow Squats, cadence
  10. 20 Hello Dollys, cadence
  11. 25 SSH, cadence
  12. Crab walk loop the circle of HIMs

Doing the math the group each received 2 gifts to complete round 1. Due to tough economic times, we had to regift and Santa Q redistributed the presents for round 2, letting each HIM reach into Santa Q’s sack to grab a gift of goodness. Unfortunately due to time we cut short round 2 to only 6 presents. Even so, it was alot of pain combined with alot of fun. Each and every HIM had alot of laughs.

We regrouped near the COT where we had a brief ablab workout where NASA Claus let each one of the group pick an exercise and run it until we ran out of time.


  • Read the weekly newsletter!!
  • Joe Davis Run still open. Sign up!!
  • F3 Dads today at 11 at Turner Field in Tega Cay
  • Christmas Eve Convergence and 5K run this Saturday at The Yard

Prayers and Praises:

  • Prayers for anyone feeling the voids mentioned below in the Moleskin
  • Prayers that we all are given the strength, courage, and discipline to be better in all aspects of our lives as well as make a difference in others
  • EH people into the world of F3
  • Praises for the difference F3 has made in our lives

The Moleskin and 365 Days of Christmas Challenge:

This is something I have been mentioning since Thanksgiving at each workout I have been posting to –

The Christmas holiday season for some can be a time of great happiness, joy, and love, not to mention a wonderful time in which we celebrate the birth of our Savior, The Lord. Love from family, friends, and The Lord fill our hearts and we in turn reciprocate that love, especially during the holiday season. We have all been blessed with the things that we can do and the things we have, as well as The Lord in our everyday lives, whether we all realize this or not. Some people are not as fortunate for whatever reason. Each Christmas holiday season, society in general takes this as a time to spread joy and happiness by various means to others less fortunate. The outpouring of love and support is an amazing thing for all to do, and I am thankful and grateful there are many people out there who do this. It clearly shows what either the individual or the collective whole can do to make a difference in the lives of others. Even so, there are many out there who still have a void in their lives, whether it be devoid of love and support from family and/or friends, or the love and support of The Lord.

I challenge each and every one of us to take it to the next level – fill those voids you may see and treat each and every day like it is part of the Christmas holiday season. Spread the love – from yourself, from word of The Lord, and/or from this amazing gift we all call F3. Take your time to make a difference. Don’t wait for Christmas time to come around, for the needy always have needs 365 days of the year. Carry the spirit of Christmas around with you at all times and pay it forward. Many of you HIMs associated with the F3 world already do this. If you are one of those, EH someone you know, the more the merrier, to join you in one of your deeds of making a difference – in family life, the community, the F3 PAX, or life with The Lord. I challenge each of you all to lead us all to become leaders, and make a positive impact 365 days of each and every year.

Merry Christmas!

-NASA Claus

TClap |

This is What Happens when SOB’s Invade The Fort

  • QIC: Longshanks, JRR Tolkien
  • When: 12/17/2016
  • Pax: Fire Hazard, Jiffy, River Rat, Barry Manillow, Deacon, Sir Topham Hat, MacGuyver, Reborn, Quack Attack, Tesh, Chicken Wing, Flat Tire, Oil rig, Santini, Mario, Thin Mint, Bolt, Matadore, Double D, Bounce House, Sweeper, JRR. Tolkien, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Fort

Many of you are wondering, how the heck did Tolkien get asked to Q down here in The Fort? Well, glad you asked. Wakey-leaks has secured of an actual transcript of a conversation between JRR Tolkien and Longshanks on course at the Fort Bragg Spartan Race, where Tolkien SMASHED ‘Shanks time…. here it is in the interest of public disclosure:

Shanks: so word has it you got the biggest mouth in SOBland, maybe F3? Is that true?
JRR: Of course that’s true. I can because I’m a sponsored athlete.
Shanks: HEY SO AM I!!! Oral IV, Athletics 8, and a few more
JRR: pfft… they made a Pokémon Go character after me. And at least 10 pandas were named after me globally in 2016. In fact, I’m working with BUCCI right now to advertise their new men’s handbag line.
Shanks: BUCCI? You mean GUCCI right?
JRR: no BUCCI… the unlicensed knock off stuff. Much cheaper in cost and quality. Like the Piffany jewelry you got your M for her birthday, only different.
Shanks: WOW… you’ve really made it! Well I got named Longshanks because in prison I had the record for keystering the longest shank in my you know what!!!! #LegendStatus
JRR: Don’t touch me… (stare and silence)
Shanks: You really do have a big mouth. I respect that, I talk a little bit of junk myself. Being from Wisconsin and all, where our sports teams are supreme.
JRR: Ummm… my Creighton Bluejays whooped up on your Wisconsin Badgers by 12 a week or two ago in hoops.
Shanks: Oh yeah, well I have the record for most kids in a Physical Education Class in South Carolina at 20!
JRR: Dude, kids are required to go to your class. I can get 20+ PAX to show up in the freezing rain to post at one of my workouts…even when it’s not in my on region.
Shanks: Hey can you help me over the 8’ wall? Like the movie says, white men can’t jump.
JRR: 30 burpees brother… see you at the finish line. I’ll be waiting to give you your medal after I have a beer.
Shanks: That’s it Tolkien… winner Q’s in the loser’s region!
JRR: Deal… see you at The Fort!
Shanks: By the way, when are you going to start running elite instead of competitive?
JRR: I’m not elite.
Shanks: I know (mic dropped)

The Thang:

Warmup: (5min)
Mosey, Side Shuffle, karaoke, butt kicks, high knees
Imperial walker (cadence)
Low Squat (down- up) x 15
Merkin (military cadence- up down) x 15
Plank (left hand high right foot high) 10 count switch
Run back to truck

Part 1: until I call time which was 3 1/3 rounds (15min)
partner 1 bucket carry across lot (put bucket down you owe 10 CDD)
Partner 2 backwards run up hill and back down.
Partner 3 bear crawl/crab walk

Hill > bucket > crawls > Hill…

Part 2: Run to playground area, partners (10min)
1 pull-up
5 toes to bar
1 pull-up
5 knees to elbows
1 pull-up
(Switch with partner who is doing 5 reverse burpees and then American hammers)

Handoff to Longshanks 2H Q

Mosey to The Parking lot in front of Synergeics for some extended Dora:
Partner runs to the hill and back while partner exercises:
100 Bombjacks
200 Squats
300 LBC’s
200 SSH
50 Burpees

Start Moseying back for COT but stop for:
10 Dips (IC)
5 Derkins
10 Dips (IC)
5 Widearm Derkins
10 Dips (IC)
5 Diamond Derkins


Announcements – Turkey Giveaway in Paradise, Christmas Party, Operation Sweet Tooth, Joe Davis Run


NM (Tolkien):

YHC has always been impressed with The Fort’s creativity, involvement in the community, and dedication to investing in each other. Whether it’s hosting CSAUPs like Fast5k (nevermind you all cheated with the high school track star), bringing hundreds of turkeys for community outreach AND showing up in person to hand them out, or cranking out eye popping numbers for F3 Dads. The Fort has something special and should be very proud of your region. Special thanks to Longshanks for inviting me to come co-Q with him, truly an honor, dude is a beast and YHC is looking for big things from him in the 2017 Spartan season!

Flat tire was working an extra muscle group today exercising his lips by flapping his gums, even more than his core and legs!
Tesh already knew a ‘Shanks workout would be easy so he did a 3+ mile prerun first.
The very best of SOB-land showed up to throw down with The Fort and all of them came to play: Fire Hazard showed up early for a prerun with JRR Tolkien then transformed into a burpee machine during Dora. Mario was up all night hopping from bar to bar chasing after the ladies #fathersnightmare . We’ll just call it a CSAUP because his efforts were “Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless”. Hey blame the lexicon, not me! But he did make the workout and was always at the front. Thin Mint looked in mid season Spartan Race form during the bucket carries and is just as fast backwards as forwards. YHC expects him to podium a race later this year… ELITE style.
One of the Fort’s leaders Reborn came back for the 6 on every run section, and another BOLT made sure to stop by for COT after hitting The Reservation. Thanks for your leadership men.

NM (Shanks):

1. By the way Tolkein is spelled token, as in he’s token something, don’t worry its medicinal.
2. Only reason Tolkien talks about Fort Bragg is thats the only Spartan Race he beat me in this year. Charlotte Sprint Saturday. Nope. Charlotte Sprint Sunday. Nope. Asheville Super. Nope. Did he even do Asheville? Nope. Carolina Beast Saturday. Nope. Carolina Beast Sunday. Nope. Oh yeah he ran the Sprint Sunday. Weak. Kid Rock has more wins against me this year than you do.
3. Actual conversation with Tolkien this Saturday. Hey we need one more for our six man Ultra Team for P200 as one guy dropped out. Tolkien – thats too much running. So no.
4. In all seroiusness, great to have Tolkien out to help lead the workout. Couple of months ago he stated how he needed to come to a workout in The Fort, but only after Kiawah. YHC said that I have the Q the week after Kiawah. Come on over and I’ll let you lead half. Knew what was coming then. #epicbeatdown
5. Guess YHC need to come to SOB land to repay the favor. #wheresmyinvite
5. Blessed by all that showed up with Turkeys and presents. Both were a success.

Longshanks out (mic drop) again

TClap |

Planet Pain 12-17-16 With 15 HIMs Hope is in the Air. 2.66 miles in the cold and rain!!!

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 12/17/16
  • Pax: Ponytail(R), Walker(R), Peach(R), Freon, Jag(R), Mongo, Chernobyl, PCH, Bubazilla, FNG(Viking R), Incoming, Nail Pop, Uga, Hot Sauce, Samurai(R)
  • Posted In: The Fort

This cold and rainy Saturday was to be a Co-Q with YCH and Hydrant but unfortunate for us Hydrant did not make the flight back from Colorado.  Drug test may be needed Monday!!!  LOL

I humbly lead 14 other HIMs (1 FNG Viking) through a  Planet Pain workout and was honored by mumble chatter and patience.  My winkie held a half workout but we made it through with flying colors.

Welcome and disclaimer given




Imperial Walkers


Hillbillyy Walkers

Mosey to the back of the ATC but called a Omaha when I spotted wooden benches that were in need of some love.




Mosey to one of the Practice fields and ran three 50 yard sprints and jogged back and recovered between with some Hope words

Moseyed to the High Jump pad for some AB work and Merkins

Moseyed out of the Jail yard fence for some 1/2 exercise and runs

Runs looped the entrance circle and the exercise were




Moseyed to the Stairway to Heaven

People’s Chair

Al Gore (Tree Hugger)

Rinse and repeat

Ran the stairway



Mountain Climber

Then we tried a Merkin Failure I saw posted on-line

Merkins till failure then slowly move from the top of the merkin to the bottom (SLOWLY) x3 then hold 6″ until failure.  Jag was King of the Merkin today!!! Awesome work

Moseyed back to the COT for 5 minutes of PAX Choice and The Pledge of Allegiance lead by Jag


Turkey Give Fort Mill, F3 Christmas Party, Christmas Eve Workout at Olde Town 0700 all other AOs closed, Joe Davis 5K10K run and Pre-P200

Prayers were asked and Jag delivered an awesome closing prayer

Coffee-ria  at Patty Wagon where 8 HIMs ate and swapped stories


Samurai honored and out





TClap |

CSPAN & Double D #OLDSchool @F3TheFort

  • QIC: CSPAN & Double D
  • When: 12/10/16
  • Pax: Chicken Wing, Sweeper, Longshanks, Crab Cakes, Flat Tire, Mary Lou, Oil Rig, Geronimo, Matador, Atticus, Jekyll, Tesh, Bubba Gump, Change Order, Barry Manilow, Bounce House, Double D, Mr Clean, Pusher, Maximus, Bonsai, What Did, McGyver, Airbourne , Dark Helmet, and CSPAN
  • Posted In: The Fort

Conditions were miserable cold and 22 degrees

0600 8 men started the festivities with a pre-ruck of 3 miles with coupons

0630 6 men started off with pre-run with Nantan Pusher and a 5K of fun

0700 26 men gathered for an epic #OLDSchool beatdown

we picked up the Q for Peabody who is on IT, #TAP and get well my friend


I got to start the festivities on Q

and we were off and running with a plan of “pearls on a string” and Double D and I had planned to visit every church in downtown Fort Mill and it was mission accomplished. Quality old school beatdown where @F3TheFort started.

couple of crowd pleaser moments were the stair repeats and the dance lessons at First Baptist

great group of #HIM out today

high quality #mumblechatter throughout

couple of good sermons

and we finished just over 3 miles

COT / Prayer and praise / BOM

Naked Man Moleskine:

here is the link to the video:

here are some of my sermon notes:

1. Reflection on 2016 for you
a. 1st F = are you satisfied? Are you healthy? #250? CSAUP?
b. 2nd F = are you investing in and outside your #shieldlock?
c. 3rd F = as a leader others are watching, are you better or worse as soldier in The Lord’s Army?
d. Is your Work better or worse?
e. #Concentrica? Are those relationships in order?
i. Center bullseye = M or wife, next ring #shorties or kids, next ring #shieldlock or best friends, next ring is blades or younger men you are pouring into, and the last ring is your work because you need to eat…
f. How is your attitude? Are you having fun even when it is not fun? Goats post on mindset training
e. What would an FNG think of you and your group?

2. #BigBucks
a. What are you the most proud of to this point of your life?
b. Is F3 a passion or is helping men your passion?
c. Verses

i. Philippians 2:3
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;

ii. Luke 6:31
Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.

iii. Matthew 20:26
It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant,

iv. John 3:30
He must increase, but I must decrease

Double D message on hope and supporting docs are in this weeks newsletter:

We appreciate the opportunity to Q,
CSPAN & Double D

TClap |

Hope Laps in the Artic Deep

  • QIC: Cha Ching
  • When: 12/10/2016
  • Pax: Royale, Witch Hunt, Whopper, Andretti, Cha Ching
  • Posted In: The Deep, The Fort

5 brave men came out to the Deep for a sub 20 degree workout.  Was just about to get started when Whopper came sailing in 20 seconds late, hopped out of his car w/ a pair of shorts on and one glove (hey 1’s better than none).  Got right to it:

The Thang:  quick warm-up as I knew we’d be pressing for time even w/ the extra 15 minutes.  Did a quick lap around the parking lot followed by side straddle hops x30, merkins x10, Moroccan night club x20, low slow squats x10 and windmill stretch x10.  From there we took it across the street to the 400m track for some Hope Laps of Pain.  Before we got there the PAX were introduced to some of our props for today’s festivities – 4 large truck tires and a few cinder blocks.

At this point, we had 50 minutes to complete the following:  4 laps with 4 pain stations per lap (stations include chest, legs, core and then a plain old suck station).  First lap you do the first exercise of each station, second lap you do the first exercise from the previous lap and then a second exercise.  Third, Fourth you get the point.  My only twist on this semi traditional workout was that we’d have a Hope Theme per lap which would dictate how we got from station to station within that lap.  When I heard one of the Q’s from this past week in COT randomly ask a few PAX what they think of when they think of hope, 4 things immediately popped into my head.  Went something like this:

Lap 1 – Hope inspired by F3 – coming together in the early morning, sharing pain, hearing each others stories, our trials, our praise reports, prayers for one another, many of whom we barely know.  But to know these guys have your back when the going gets tough is the encouragement much of us need.  F3 Hope Lap means we run (like we always do) for two of the 100m stretches between stations and backpedal for the other two 100 meters.
– Station 1 – Spider-Man Merkins (knee to elbow) in cadence x5
– Station 2 – Narrow stance squats in cadence x10
– Station 3 – Freddie Mercury slow then fast then slow in cadence x5 slow / x5 fast / x5 slow
– Station 4 – Single Leg Burpees OYO x 5 each leg (10 total)

Lap 2 – Hope inspired by our community – since moving to this area, I’ve seen signs of how truly good most of the people in this community are.  Regardless of our elected officials locally or at the federal level, it’s on us to drive incremental change.  The “light the world” campaign is a great example of this, or the progress our church families are making in reaching the community / those in need.  It starts right here – be that encouragement and hope for those around you.  Community Hope Lap initially was going to be centered around “one brick at a time” but I couldn’t find any bricks in time.  Instead we ran our laps w/ 50 lb truck tires – since we were one tire short, Andretti took one for the team and ran 400m w/ a cinder block on his shoulder (ouchie).
– Station 1 – Spider-Man Merkins in cadence x5, Diamond Merkins in cadence x5
– Station 2 – Narrow stance squats in cadence x10, Wide stance low slow squat in cadence x5
– Station 3 – Freddie Mercury in cadence x5 slow / x5 fast / x5 slow, Flutter Kicks on Elbows in cadence x10
– Station 4 – Single Leg Burpees OYO x 5 each leg (10 total), Plank Rows 10 per arm

Lap 3 – Hope inspired by my kids – whether it be their endless curiosity, their unfailing love for us, they are the light to so many around them.  They provide hope to me every day.  Our Children Hope Lap required us to carry or push one another – literally.  First two 100m transitions were partner carries (carry and carried) w/ the last two 100m stretches requiring you to push your partner as they resisted and then vice versa (since we’d were an odd numbered group, Witch Hunt took one for the team and ran w/ two truck tires).
– Station 1 – Spider-Man Merkins in cadence x5, Diamond Merkins in cadence x5, Hand Release Merkins x5
– Station 2 – Narrow stance squats in cadence x10, Wide stance low slow squat in cadence x5, 30 seconds jump squats
– Station 3 – Freddie Mercury in cadence x5 slow / x5 fast / x5 slow, Flutter Kicks on Elbows in cadence x10, American Hammers in cadence x10
– Station 4 – Single Leg Burpees OYO x 5 each leg (10 total), Plank Rows 10 per arm, 10 burpees with thigh slaps (forces you to get off the ground – appreciate the inspiration Witch Hunt).

Lap 4 – Last, but certainly not leastt was the Hope inspired by the One – who no matter what happens in our lives, he will be there for us and will guide us through the hardest of hardships.  I’ve always struggled w/ talking to him about everyday things (it’s always been about bigger “more important things”) but if you take the time to engage and pray for the little things in life, it’ll help you through the bumps / roadblocks of every day living, work, family and financial struggles – you just have to ask for it.  Took the following quote out of the monthly theme document – “This hope is given not by what we do, but what has been done for us – Everlasting Hope.”  Three 100m runs were done w/ our arms raised in surrender to him; with one of the 100m done as power skips (intended for 2 of those but we were gassed).
– Station 1 – Spider-Man Merkins in cadence x5, Diamond Merkins in cadence x5, Hand Release Merkins x5, Nose Grinders (start w/ hands close, walk out your arms as wide as you can and then do a push up – it’s an 8 count by the way) x5 – don’t smoke your face, it’s highly likely
– Station 2 – Narrow stance squats in cadence x10, Wide stance low slow squat in cadence x5, 30 seconds jump squats, Single Leg Squat Basketball Jumps (w/ shot) x5 per leg
– Station 3 – Freddie Mercury in cadence x5 slow / x5 fast / x5 slow, Flutter Kicks on Elbows in cadence x10, American Hammers in cadence x10, Single Leg Mountain Climbers x5 per leg
– Station 4 – Single Leg Burpees OYO x 5 each leg (10 total), Plank Rows 10 per arm, 10 burpees with thigh slaps (forces you to get off the ground – appreciate the inspiration Witch Hunt), Burpee Plank Jumps (burpee down to push-up and then explode forward landing back in the push up position.  Each burpee requires 3 of those push-ups and then you can jump back up) x5 (major suckiness))

From there, we headed back to COT to close it out – prayers included:
– Witch Hunt’s wife’s fathers health
– Royale’s father feelings of hopelessness
– Andretti’s kids
– Whopper and his buddies safety today while shooting guns
– Safe travels for my wife and I this week
– Olaf’s wife and baby as always

Was a pleasure to lead you guys today.  Had a great time.  Appreciate the fellowship afterwards and the coffee Andretti.  See ya next weekend.  Later

Cha Ching

TClap |

Merkins and more with plenty of Pax

  • QIC: WhatDid
  • When: 12/3/2016
  • Pax: BackDraft, Bubba Gump, Def. Leppard (r), Freight (Gashouse), Dolph, The Prodigy, Slaw (Gashouse), Bounce house, Mainframe, Airborne, Chicken Wing, Trucker, Gopher, Peabody, Mary Lou, Bolt, Flat Tire, Cspan, Ginsu, Fridge, Spitz (R), Barry Manalow, Clampant, Oil Rig , Addison, test, LugNut (r), Matador, Double D, Mister Clean, Santina, Quack Attack, Taf (Metro), Cobra Kai (Ruck), Zima (Ruck), Maximus (Ruck), Stumb (Ruck)
  • Posted In: The Fort

It was a perfect morning to show up early to setup and prepare my beatdown for the Pax. Then it all quickly changed. Pax kept flowing in, one after another. 5, 10, 15, 25, 30 and on. We truly have something special going here with F3. What a showing!!!

After quick circle up of over 35+ pax and no FNG’s present I gave an abbreviated disclaimer and we were off.

The thang….

Ruckers, led by Cobra Kai, headed back to Starbucks.

We mosied over to the parking lot on McCammon Street.

Circle up, a big circle with 35ish guys

  • 35 SSH IC
  • 20 hill billy walkers
  • Moroccan night clubs

After quick word on hope, our monthly theme. We took off and mosied over to upper parking driveway.

Count off in threes and split up into 3s. 1’s with Backdraft (who was a 2), 2’s over with Flat Tire & Bubba Bump, and Taf and I with the 3s.

Group 1 – positioned by the driveway hill
20 lbc at the top
Run to the bottom
10 Merkins
Run back to the top and repeat 5X

Group 2 – pyramid of Merkins
10 Merkins
Repeat this sequence for 8 minutes and modify* as required

Group 3 – Legs
20 LSS
20 Lunges
20 Sumo Squats
20 Calf Raises

With the three groups split up and off and running, the pax were cruising. Unfortunately, it wasn’t that easy. A little organized chaos ensued regarding when are we roating, who’s leading the roation, etc…etc… but after each group roated through, I called the Ace Santini.

Santini rounded the pax up into a platoon of 5 squads. I called exercises while one at a time each squadron ran from the parking lot down the hill on Massey St. then bear crawl half way back up the hill and finish up into the platoon. When the six was back, the next squad took off. We continued until all squads made a trip down the hill and back. While the squad ran, exercises called out included:
15 Merkins
10 Diamond Merkins
10 Wide Arm Merkins
10 Carolina Drydocks
15 SSH
10 monkey humpers (favorite for all not in the front of the squads)
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Flutter kicks
20 Freddy Mercury’s
20 American Hammers
15 Hello Dollys

We rounded this up with a mosey back down McCammon and into the parking lot of WEP for COT.

Where do I start..??..?? The fact that I had a full weinkie planned that included pre planned and pre setup pain stations along the Joe Davis run was quickly thrown out with 35 pax in attendance. The first thing the Q needs is a solid weinkie…but that weinkie needs to be flexible for anything. Ironically, as many of the pax called out, after our first COP my weinkie fell on the ground. It was symbolic of how much of an audible I was calling.

Today we had some pax from Gashouse (Gastonia) and Metro. The Nomads from GasHouse where in attendance. These Pax pick different locations on Saturday and post up. Awesome idea Pax. I enjoyed coffeeteria with you and looking forward to posting together again. Here’s there BB from today: Taf was representing from metro. This HIM introduced me to F3 a few years ago. Honored to have him in attendance.

Mumblechatter – it was Saturday after all. Time to have some fun and mumble chatter was high. From Barry Manalow pushing Lug Nut up Massy st to CSPAN bantering with Bubba Gump during the platoon of pain. And of course, the organized chaos chatter on rotations.

There was a challenge thrown out by all…with no FNG’s present and 30+ pax in attendance, we need to EH our neighbors, co-workers, family, the guy at the grocery store, anyone….we all know the unique value F3 brings to our lives. Let’s give it away.

Christmas party – sign up and go. CSPAN will help sponsor any pax looking to go. Connect with him for details.

Joe Davis run – That was my theme for the day. It’s 1/7. Sign up. Bolt and Mary Lou (voluntold) will be doing burpees for each pax that beat them in the race and those that we sign up. Bolt has the details.

Keep all of our pax family and friends in our prayers.

Keep Bounce House friend Jordan in your prayers. Jordan, who is in his teens, has suffered a number of sports related concussions.

As always, it’s an honor to lead leaders. Ginsu, thank you for giving the me the Q. You’re doing a great job on running this awesome AO we call The Fort.

WhatDid out!

TClap |

Block Party Accumulator = No Chatter

  • QIC: FunHouse
  • When: 11-29-2016
  • Pax: Kielbasa, Cha-Ching, Jeeves, Full House, MacGyver
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

6 PAX headed out to WEP and was met by a pleasant warm breeze that made all of us think it was May. That nice feeling was quickly replace with dread as we headed out for an oldie but goodie Hill Accumulator:

The Thang:

1/2 lap around WEP
SSH X 20
Imperial Walkers X 20
Wind Mills X 15
Merkins X 10

get Moving to the Hill

Accumulator with a Hill
SSH X 40 + up and down Hill
Jump Lunges X 15, SSH X 40+ up and down Hill
Plank Punches X 40, Jump Lunges X 15, SSH X 40+ up and down Hill
Bomb Jacks X 15, Plank Punches X 40, Jump Lunges X 15, SSH X 40+ up and down Hill
Squat Kicks X 40, Bomb Jacks X 15, Plank Punches X 40, Jump Lunges X 15, SSH X 40+ up and down Hill
Merkins X 15, Squat Kicks X 40, Bomb Jacks X 15, Plank Punches X 40, Jump Lunges X 15, SSH X 40+ up and down Hill
Freddy Mercury X 40, Merkins X 15, Squat Kicks X 40, Bomb Jacks X 15, Plank Punches X 40, Jump Lunges X 15, SSH X 40+ up and down Hill
Burpees X 15, Freddy Mercury X 40, Merkins X 15, Squat Kicks X 40, Bomb Jacks X 15, Plank Punches X 40, Jump Lunges X 15, SSH X 40+ up and down Hill

Back to parking lot for COT

Moleskin: Today we made sure that no man was left ALONE! Full House was having some issues and he did a very important thing, he told us! We waited for him to catch his breath and walked back to COT to with him to make sure that he made it back safely.  This is something that all QIC and PAX need to be mindful.  If you are struggling at the workout, pace yourself and tell someone if you are having troubles. QIC, keep an open eye for your PAX.  Remember that you are there to serve, not to be served.  Make sure everyone is 100% safe.

Prayers for Mark, Cha-Ching’s friend with stage 4 cancer.  Also Full House’s wife, Tonja, also with stage 4 cancer.

TClap |

Pre-Blast – Laces Out @ The Fort

Join YHC for a Run-N-Gun style workout.  Start with a nice 3 mile warm up to Shutterfly and end up at the Y.  Meet at back lot and lets do a Dora 1-2-3 for about 20 minutes.  Exercises will be unpacked at time of pain disbursement. We will snake the parking lot to get .25 miles each round.  Then back to the high school for a strong 1.5 mile finish.  Goal is to get about 7 miles in with some pain stations at the Y.

It should be dry and about 50 when we launch at 0500.  See you in the gloom!

TClap |

Rivalry Week presented by the GoodYear BLIMPS

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 11/26/2016
  • Pax: Quack Attack, Tesh, Chicken Wing, MacGuyver, Bounce House, Ginsu, Dark Helmet, Crab Cakes, CSPAN, Fridge, Lil E, Jiffy, Old Bay, Rooney, Package, Mary Lou, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Fort

Yes. The Saturday after Thanksgiving. When most college football teams play their rival. Clemson-South Carolina, Alabama-Auburn, Ohio State-Michigan, and the oldest of them all Wisconsin-Minnesota and the Battle for the Ax. YHC picked up this Q yesterday and thought about doing a rivalry workout. Not enough time to plan, so why not go with BLIMPS. You know the thing in the air giving those awesome shots from up high.

17 PAX posted, here is what happened after the disclaimer was given.

The Thang

Drill Bit Warmup (all IC).
Mosey to first Drill bit – 20 X SSH, 10 X Windmills.
Mosey to second Drill bit – 20 x Seal Jack, 10 x IW
Mosey to third Drill bit – 20 x Mountain Climbers, 10 x Carolina Dry Docks
Mosey to fourth Drill bit – 20 x Cherry Pickers, 10 x Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to the Playground for the first BLIMPS – Partner 1 runs around the playground, while partner 2 does the exercise. Switch after partner 1 gets back.
B – Burpees
L – Lunges
I – Imperial Walkers
M – Merkins
P – Pull-ups
S – Squats
Plank when finished

Mosey from plaground to old springs building park area with the short wall.
Dips x 15 (IC)
Derkins x 5 (IC)
10 step ups on each side (OYO)
Dips x 10 (IC)
Slow Derkins x 10 (IC)
10 step ups each side

Mosey to the parking lot just outside that area for BLIMPS #2. Partner one runs from parking lot to the hill street, but doesn’t go up the hill. Partner 2 does the exercise until partner 1 gets back, then switch.
B – Bombjacks
L – LBC’s
I – Inch worm Merkins
M – Muscle ups on the wall
P – Plank Jacks
People’s chair when finished and waiting for the six.

Mosey across the street to Veterans Park flags. Pledge of Allegiance and 22 Merkins.

Mosey up the hill. Stop in the parking lot for LBC’s, Flutters, and Rosalitas.

Start Moseying back to WEP and stop for a round of peoples’s chair and balls to the wall at the Old Springs building.

Get back to WEP. Bear crawl up the parking lot hill. 10 burpees at the top and run back down. 1 minute left so Dark Helmet says Hello Dolly for the last minute.


Announcements – Christmas Party – If you can’t go, pay for someone that wants to go but can’t afford to. Operation Sweet Tooth Collection starts December 10th and runs through the Christmas Party.

Prayers/Praises – CSPAN style – everyone named a praise or prayer. All have been lifted.

1. Thankful to be a part of this group and to lead this group this Saturday. At 10 til 7:00 it was just CSPAN and I sitting in his Jeep wondering if anyone else was going to post. Humbling getting to lead these men.

2. I said my praise of how thankful I am for this group and what it has meant to me. 5 years ago I was going through a divorce and what really stood out to me was how many male friends I truly lacked. I had guys I would hang out with, or play golf with, or go get a beer with, but not the kind of guys I could sit down with and have a real conversation about what was going on in my life. Thanks to F3, I now have those type of men in my life who will help hold me accountable and also be there to help in my struggles.

3. Dibs on Bounce House for the next Fastest 5k.

Longshanks out

TClap |

Eccentric ( slow ) Burpee Breakdown at the Pantheon

  • QIC: Bear Grylls
  • When: 11/23/2016
  • Pax: Jekyll, Senator Tressel, Flat Tire, Atticus, Falcon Crest, Fish Stix, Shark Bait, Stang
  • Posted In: Pantheon, The Fort

8 Men and a 2.0 gathered for a slow and burning workout featuring the burpee…in deconstructed fashion.  We alternated the circle of power with the burpee deconstruction on the frozen soccer field.

The Thang:

We broke the burpee down into three exercises in stations followed by a fourth with the full movement. There were two rounds, 5 reps around, then 10 reps around at each station.  All stations were completed in a slow 5 count ( eccentric ) down motion.

The Thang 2:

After each burpee session, we gathered for a circle power super-setting high knees with 5 bombjacks supersetted around the circle, then box cutters with 5 peter parker merkins and finally honeymooners with 5 alternate mountain climbers.

For good measure, we added bear crawl suicides with side plank walk back.

Announcements – F3 Christmas Party, Thanksgiving posts, Baxter 5k.

Prayers for the Peck Family, Law Enforcement, holiday travelers, and Bullwinkle ( Shawn Harris ) and his hand surgery.

TClap |