Meet Riff and Raff

  • QIC: River Rat
  • When: 11/13/15
  • Pax: The Riddler, Turbine, Catfish, Bogey, Good Neighbor, Boots
  • Posted In: The Fort

7 fine men including one FNG showed up for an experiment in carrying bricks this morning.

I tried to design a few workouts that could both incorporate “slow burn” and weight resistance training. Overall it was a good workout for the upper body today. Each PAX selected two well worn century old bricks. Turbine decided his were named “Riff” and “Raff”. All workouts were completed while holding the bricks.

Warm up

  • SSH – 10
  • Windmill – 10
  • Imperial Walker – 20

Mosey around the parking lot and to the bingo wall.

  • People’s chair – 3x 10 counts – arms up, arms out, bicep curls
  • 4 count(3 count down, 1 up) merkins – 20 in cadence
  • LBC’s in cadence – 20
  • Superman – arms forward, arms to side

Mosey around the corner to the curb.

  • Dips – 20 OYO
  • Floyd Mayweather – 20 in cadence

Walk to the parking lot lines and setup for a series of 11’s.

  • Clock Pendulums on one end, twist lunges to the other end. Lion Kings and then Nur back and repeat 11 times.
  • Merkins – 10 OYO
  • American Hammer – 20 in cadence
  • Tricep extensions.
  • Attempt to hold yourself up on the bricks and lift feet off the ground (not many were able to do this one!)

Mosey around the parking lot and to the step up walls. Drop the bricks and scale the wall 3 times. Superman until 6 is in. After this we mosey-ed back around the lot to the COT and stretched for the last 60 seconds.

The men did well and our FNG “Boots”, managed to keep his pre-workout milk down. I’m sure he won’t be having any more milk before the workout next time!


TClap |

Luck of the Draw

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 11/12/15
  • Pax: Schrute, Sgt. York, Apache, Aqua Lung, Smiley Face, The Riddler, Fusion, Popeye, Swamp Fox, Catfish, River Rat, Burgundy
  • Posted In: The Fort

13 men played cards at ManU this morning. The mumble chatter was strong this morning and it was good to see some brothers return after a few weeks off. Apache said it best, “never a dull moment” at ManU.

Warm Up

  • SSH
  • IW
  • MNCs
  • Squats
  • Windmill

The Thang

Mosey for .5 miles

The Pax took turns pulling cards and leading the exercises this morning. Suite on the card corresponded with the exercises below. Number on the card represented how many of each exercise we performed.

  • Diamonds – Merkins
  • Clubs – Squats
  • Hearts – Burpees
  • Spades – Plank (number x10 seconds)
  • Jokers – Dealer’s Choice

After the first 13 cards were drawn, we took another .5 mile mosey.

Then we played again followed by another .5 mile mosey.

Final Counts:

  • Merkins – 34
  • Squats – 56
  • Burpees – 69
  • Plank – 280 seconds (4.5 minutes)
  • Dealer’s Choice – 20 Calf Raises, 20 SSH

3 Minutes of Mary

  • Heels to Heaven LBCs
  • Hello Dolly to Rosalita back to Hello Dolly


This cool fall morning netted about 1.66 miles and plenty of chatter. This morning’s conversation revolved around Apache’s capri pants – or as Schrute called them, “stone wash Jordaches.” Which obviously led to comments about Bugle Boy, Duck Head, British Knights, Pumps, and other glorious 80s fashion. The men of Rock Hill have a way with words – and apparently style. For those keeping score at home, that’s 13 manly men talking about clothing. We are a special, special group.

Some of the Pax seemed upset that we had to do math this morning. Which led to some debate on Common Core and jokes about SC education. Burgundy was in rare form doing his best Apache impression (Chatty Cathy). It was good to see the return of Aqua Lung, Fusion, and Swamp Fox (who nearly forgot his name due to a long absence). Smiley Face ran his mouth about his lowly Titans (who are going down Sunday like a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest). As always, YHC had a great time

Final Thought

James 5:16 tells us that “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Pray for each other. Lift each other up. Our prayers make a difference.


Nov 16 – 21 – Welcome back Kotter week.

Nov 26 – Thanksgiving Convergence (6-7AM at Springfield Middle)

Dec 12 – Gladiator Games

Dec 19 – F3 the Fort Christmas Party

Jan 9 – Joe Davis Run

Prayer Requests

Our ailing brothers (Wheels)

Our families and finances

Those battling illnesses

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Ummm…Let’s get physical??

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 11/07/15
  • Pax: Heisman, Pusher, Ringer, Beast, Atlas, One-Niner, Bounty Hunter, Santini
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Reservation

YHC had the opportunity to take a Q handoff from Gears to lead the Indian Land PAX in the gloom this rainy Saturday. It’s always a challenge greatly appreciated to be with the boys there since they definitely bring it. After promising not to bring my deck of cards, I had to get creative while keeping us off Dragon’s Back. Ain’t no upside to that hill in the rain…don’t with the mudrun for now.

We were also promised 2 FNG’s but once we realized it was going to be the 9 of us, I offered a bad disclaimer and we were off for a jog around the school, ending at end of the bus lot.

Wind Mill
4-count butt kickers – This is where “Let’s Get Physical” by Olivia Newton John was offered up. It, and a few other 80’s gems would become the tunes offered up for the next 55mins.
Wide-Arm Merkins
Mountain Climbers
That’s all the warm-up/pillow talk I had planned, onto the workout

Line up on the white line and run to the other end of the lot then 20 reverse lunges.
Run back to the starting line and 10 reverse lunges.
Repeat and end at the starting line.

Clock Merkins 1-6 then 6-1
CAPTAIN THOR!!! My new(est) favorite
Head to the playground and grab a partner
P1: Pull Ups P2: Run a lap Complete the cycle until you get to 50 pull ups (Wienkie said 100)
P2: Dips P2: Run a lap Complete the cycle until you get to 200 dips (Wienkie said 100 but I had to make up for the lack of pull ups)

Mosey to the front of the school and get your partner.
P1: 100 Jumping Lunges (req’d way too much explanation) P2: Make your way over the walls – down and back
P1: 200 Squats P2: Make your way over the walls – down and back

Curb Crawl: Line up on the curb and bear crawl to the next curb (10yds) then reverse bear crawl back to the start followed by 10 derkins on the curb. Repeat.
Crab walk to the curb and reverse crab walk back then 10 Carolina Dry Docks. Repeat.

After a brief description of pilates on my anniversary trip to the Dominican a few weeks ago, we did a modified peter parker routine. Think Peter Parkers but holding your knee to your elbow a little longer and tightening everything you got.

50 Calf Raises on the wall and it’s a good thing school was not in session.
Box Cutters
Chop Sticks
Frozen Freddies

Announcements: READ THE WEEKLY EMAIL. 2nd F Oyster Roast Sunday 11/8 in Tega Cay. 12/12 Gladiator Games, 12/19 CHRISTMAS PARTY – sign up now before the cost goes up.

Prayer Requests: Sick kids, birthdays, prayers for work and the year-end challenges and stresses. New businesses and the growth of those businesses and managing through the stresses that go with it.

Rename this AO RADIO SHACK – ya’ll have lots of A/V chatter to offer.


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Return Engagement at WEP

  • QIC: Senator Tressel and Decibel
  • When: 11/7/15
  • Pax: Tesh, Quack Attack, Hottie Tottie (LOL), Airborne, McGuyver, Flat Tire, Peabody, Mission Possible
  • Posted In: The Fort

Ten men said, ‘rain, no problem’ and posted at Walter Elisha for a beatdown by guest Alcatraz Q’s Senator Tressel and Decibel.    Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Senator Tressel on Q:

Warm up jog along the trail in the woods from the parking lot to the road and back to the park for COP

All in cadence:  SSH x 50, Merkin x 10, Cherry Pickers x 20, Squats x 25, Morrocan Night Club x 50, LBC x 25, IW x 25,  CCD x 20/hold/MC x 20/hold/Peter Parker x 20

Sprint repeats (about 75 yard)

Break into 3 groups, sprint to end, wait for last group to finish, sprint back.  5 mins of  reps with little recovery in between (crowd pleaser)

Hand off to Decibel

Mosey to the tree line:  bear crawl two tree lengths, backwards bear crawl two tree lengths, crab walk two tree lenghts, jog to end

Mosey to grass area around Springs building and do 10 burpees OYO

Mosey 8’wall along Springs building, split into two groups

Group 1 does BTW while group 1 does 10 pull ups on wall, rinse and repeat (hard!- 2nd crowd pleaser)

Line up and lunge walk to short end of parking lot, reverse lunge walk back to wall (oh my!)

Group does BTW and pull ups on wall one more time (no rinse and repeat – thank you,Decibel)

Mosey to parking lot in front of Springs and split into two groups again

Round 1:  Group 1 does dips, while group 2 runs a lap around the lot, flapjack

Round 2:  Group 2 does LBC’s while group 2 runs a lap, flapjack

Round 3:  Group 1 does walking planks L/R, while group 2 runs a lap, flapjack

5 mins of Mary: (all in cadence):  X/O’s x 10, twisting plank x 10, heel touch crunch x 10



I asked Decibel to co-Q with me last night and it wasn’t hard to get him to agree.  Alcatraz is our regular Saturday AO so we dont’ make it to WEP on a Saturday very often.  We both started F3 at Walter Elisha on a Saturday and were excited to Q there again.   I can remember doing BTW and the wall pull ups at the first or second F3 workout in Fort Mill and it’s still a fun way to build your upper body.  We did three reps of each this morning and I was thankful that Decibel didn’t call out a fourth.

We got lucky with the weather today.  It was ‘cats and dogs’ at 6am, but we got through our hour with little or no rain coming down.  I had planned to stay on the asphalt today, but found the grass in the park just slightly wet and nicely cut (Thank you, Fort Mill Parks and Rec) so we stayed on it.  We had a strong group today and everyone gave it their all.  I love having fathers and sons at a workout and am always impressed that a 12 year old can get through a tough F3 workout without complaining or whining.  Well done, Quack Attack and Hottie Tottie (can’t beleive I let those names go without asking ‘Why?’).

It was another great Saturday F3 morning and a total blast to co-Q the workout with my good friend, Decibel.  We’ve got a ton of AO’s now, but Walter Elisha is still the original and still one of the best. Thanks for the opportunity to Q the workout today, McGuyver, and I hope you’ll have us back soon.


2nd F oyster roast and cookout at Pitcairn Park tomorrow from 2-6, F3 The Fort Christmas party on December 19, Joe Davis Run on Jan 9.  Check the Fort Newsletter, F3 site, and Twitter – it’s all there.

Prayers for a wife recovering from a second surgery for breast cancer.   Praises for a young son with cerebel palsey whose walking and stability continues to improve.  Prayer for a pre-mature baby.


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The Hive was buzzing with Burden

  • QIC: DawgPound
  • When: 11/06/15
  • Pax: Longshanks, CSPAN, CakeBoss, Seacrest, Ginsu, FNG Molar, Pbody, Airborne, Lugnut, Geronimo, DawgPound
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Hive

11 PAX showed up to carry extra burden an extra long way (although they didn’t know that yet).  YHC asked PAX to bring extra kettle bells.  This was to represent the burden that we all carry, daily, which can build up to seem too much sometimes.  Disclaimer to the FNG and mozy.

The Thang:

PAX to pick up all extra bells of various sizes and mozy around to the new front entrance of Fort Mill High.  Share the burden and help each other out.  Someone commented within the first 50 feet, “this is almost nice having two bells evens the weight out better.”  I think most of us thought the same thing…. untill another 50 feet passed and our forearms started burning.  Continue around the school and circle up under the lights of the new entrance for a warm up.

MESSAGE:  -“Some people believe that God won’t give you more than you can handle.”  At this point I believe I heard “Oh great” and other forms of what’s coming next?

All exercises to be 4 count together in cadence


-Side Straddle Hop -20

-Moroccan Night Clubs -20

-Couch Crunch, On your back, cross legs (like on the couch), foot to floor, (Rt elbow to Rt Knee) -10 -switch   This required some mental effort to figure out which way to twist and what really was going on.  No….it’s not like the crunch you hear while eating chips on the couch at home.

-Imperial Walkers W/bell above head -10  Hey, why not? and no, I don’t expect you to touch your elbow to your knee.

-Coasting Bicycle Crunch, on your back, one knee up, the other leg 6 inches (Rt elbow to Lt knee) -10 -switch  Again, conversation about “where does coasting bicycle come from?” and confusion about the coasting part (just picture the position of your legs).  These two modified crunches turned out to be hard to count to as the Q.  Too much air going out and not enough time for a breath.

MOZY back to cars, bring the extra bells…. and let’s stop half way because this burden (50lbs of bells) is really a lot to carry.  10 count x2 and mozy.

MORE MESSAGE: “God does not imply that he won’t let you be stressed beyond what you can bear (can’t catch my breath), or challenged beyond your ability, (breath) or pushed beyond your threshold.  (wow I’m winded) In reality, God gives you more than you alone can bear, all the time.”

Couple workouts then Fast Money (carry the bell like you stole it)

-Side lunge Press w/bell -10 (L and R)

-Plank Row -10 (each side)

-Protractor w/bell above to the L, R and Center, -6in,45,90 (2-3 cycles each position of bell)

-Fast Money, Bells at Chest. Extra bells go with us and take turns, share the burden.

MORE MESSAGE:  “It’s only when you can’t bear the load that the strength of Christ kicks in…  He becomes everything you need. He will help carry you and your burden through tough times.”

-2 handed curls -10

-Tri extensions -10

-Clean and Press. -10 (each side)

-Fast Money, Bells Above head, Yes, extra burden goes with us.

-Halo -10 each direction OYO

-Around the world -10 each direction  OYO

-figure 8s -10 each direction  OYO

I ran out of Weinke so Dealers Choice all the way around.  I believe we had diamond merkins, single hand curls, upright rows, shoulder press, run to the second light and back (various versions x3ish)  and some others that I can’t remember because my burden got the best of me.

-Pick up the bells one more time for the final message.  “Christ provides support and strength in every area of our lives. Find your burden in your life and ask God for the strength to carry it.  We’re all here to help each other out, and together, with Christ, we can carry the burden and become stronger/better men.”

Prayers for safe travels, injured PAX recovery, major health issues with those around us and family struggles.

I enjoyed the opportunity for my VQ, thank you to Longshanks for throwing me on the schedule and THANK YOU to all the PAX that showed up and helped contribute when I ran short.

There is NO burden that is too much to handle, you just need to find the support that helps carry you through.

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2015 Children’s Attention Home Angle Tree


We are partnering with CAH to give the PAX an opportunity to give back to the community in a small way. We are participating in an Angel tree for the Children’s Attention Home.

This Angel tree works a little differently than other tree’s you may have participated in the past. You are taking an Angel to purchase a gift for a general need rather than a specific child. These needs may be satisfied specifically during the Christmas season or throughout the year as new Children arrive or leave CAH.

We have volunteered to provide for the needs in three areas for the kids:

  1. Scooters, Skateboards, Ripsticks, Rollerblades, Helmets, Knee Pads  – All Sizes
  2. Card Games –  Go Fish, Old Maid, Uno, Phase 10, Skip Bo, Flash Cards, Playing cards
  3. Art Kits & Acrylic Paint – Jewelry Making, Beading, Scrapbooking, Origami Kits, etc.

** Note: CAH houses children from ages 18 months to 18+ years so you don’t necessarily need to just buy for the younger children.

Please bring your unwrapped gifts to any AO site Q (see weekly e-mail for Site Q list) through December 19th or to the Christmas Party on December 19th and they will funnel them back to me, Chicken Hawk.

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The Fall Classic?

  • QIC: Crab Cakes and Bubba Gump
  • When: 10/31/15
  • Pax: High Life, Pusher, Galloping Ghost, Santini, Tesh, Cable Guy, Longshanks, Javier, Hotty Totty, FNG - Rad, Quack Attack, Dog Pound, Lil' E, FNG - Pippen, Minime, Hasselhoff
  • Posted In: The Fort

18 Strong Men entered the chilly Gloom this morning with a reason for being there.  Some were leading, some were following – all were getting better.  Joined by some strong 2.0s who didn’t think the crisp fall weather was anything to worry about.  No long sleeves?  No gloves?  No problem.  After a quick disclaimer review – we were off.


Little Baby Jog to the 160 lot for a quick warmup.

IW x 15

WM x 10

Low Slow Squats x 15

CDD x 10

Peter Parkers x 10

Parker Peters x 10

Warmup over.  Little Baby Jog to the visitors lot for some AMRAP and OYO.

The “Perfect” Merkin (show’em Longshanks!).  Not the one with your butt in the air or the one where you barely bend the elbows.  These have to be perfect.  All the way down – all the way up.  AMRAP – You against You – until you start to break – then get up and sprint up the path and around to the street and then back around to the lot.  Do this again – your reps should go down considerably.  Then do this one more time – your reps should go down again.  If they didn’t – then you are lying to yourself.  Don’t lie to yourself.  The worst kind of behavior can happen when you lie to yourself – YHC knows all too well.

Mosey down to the field next to the Veterans Memorial.  Sorry folks who didn’t brings gloves – it’s about to get real.

Bear Crawl – Sprint – Bear Crawl – Sprint (Crowd Pleaser)

Suicide between the light posts (another Crowd Pleaser)

Little Baby Jog to the Bank Lot for a Flat Jacobs Ladder x 5 burpees at the end of the lot.

Little Baby Jog to the 160 lot again for some ab work – Dying Cockroach/Hello Dollies/Rosealitas

YHC had to bail at the half way point – sorry that sucked – enjoy the rest of your ride, men.  Hand off to Bubba Gump for the second half.

Little Baby Jog to the Baseball Diamond for some serious work.

Hitting for the Cycle – Partner Carry – Shuffle – Karaoke – Home Run Trot around the bases.

Loaded Bat (or the George Brett – too much pine tar!) – run to the right field pain station then home, then center field pain station then home, then left field pain station then home.

Touch’em All!  10-rep pain stations at the 10 cones set up around the field.

Sounds like an awful way to enjoy the National Pastime!


Thanks to all the Pax for showing up, bringing a friend who probably isn’t talking to you anymore, bringing a 2.0 to show them what hard work feels like (those kids are strong! – put a hoodie on them next time!), and giving everything that you have after a week that may not have been “easy”.  I know I speak for Gump when we say – It’s always an honor to lead these fine men!

If you haven’t signed up and PAID for the Christmas Party – DO IT!!!  Prayers for those on IR – it’s an awful place and one can get off track quickly so reach out to the guy you haven’t seen in a while and make sure he’s alright.

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Geppetto’s Carving Session

  • QIC: Geppetto
  • When: 10/29/15
  • Pax: Smiley Face, Schrute, The Riddler, Catfish, Wheels, Sgt. York, Posh, Italian Job, Geppetto
  • Posted In: The Fort

9 men took the red pill and burpeed their way through a solid Geppetto beatdown this morning at ManU.


Warm Up

Standard ManU exercises:

  • SSH
  • IW
  • Windmill
  • Merkins


The Thang

Long Indian Run around the Manchester Village parking lot

Mosey to the Fountain for

  • 10 Merkins, 10 Dips, 10 Derkins (x2)
  • 20 Step Ups, 10 Box Jumps
  • 10 Burpee Box Jumps

Indian Run around the parking lot


Next up was a little Geppetto’s Ladder:

  • 2 Merkins, run across the lot for 18 Burpees
  • 4 Merkins, run across the lot for 16 Burpees
  • 6 Merkins, run across the lot for 14 Burpees
  • 8 Merkins, run across the lot for 12 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins, run across the lot for 10 Burpees
  • 12 Merkins, run across the lot for 8 Burpees
  • 14 Merkins, run across the lot for 6 Burpees
  • 16 Merkins, run across the lot for 4 Burpees
  • 18 Merkins, run across the lot for 2 Burpees


5 Minutes of Mary (Dealer’s Choice)

  • Schrute – Protractor
  • Riddler – Wipers
  • Catfish – Superman
  • Wheels – Heel Touches
  • York – 6 Inches for a long 10 Count
  • Italian Job – 10 WWII Situps
  • Posh – Russian Twists
  • Geppetto – 10 Freddies



It’s always a pleasure to share the gloom with this group of men. Though we missed some of our regulars, we had a good time. I will say though, it was quiet without one specific man (I’ll let you determine who that was). Great Q this morning by Geppetto. He reminded us of a life lesson that we could all use at some point: “you’re not always right.” Take that as you may but remember that sometimes it’s better to be happy than right. Wheels reminded us this morning that we are truly a blessed group of men. We have the ability to endure the sweating and fatigue of our morning beatdowns. Others are not so lucky. One day our bodies will fail us and the strength will leave us – but today is not that day!



Our F3 brother’s healing up (Bogey, Popeye, Turbine, others)

Tinker Toy and Mailman’s pastor’s wife

Catfish’s friend who lost his nephew

Schrute and the added stress at work

Wheels for continue healing of his ankle

River Rat’s friend Amanda who is fighting cancer



Thanksgiving Day Convergence – 0600-0700 at Springfield Elementary in Fort Mill

F3 Christmas Party – 12/19 at 1800 at the Dairy Barn in Fort Mill. $65 per couple

Support the LEAP efforts. Reach out to Catfish for carpool details

  • 11/14 Augusta
  • 11/21 Savannah
  • 11/28 Savannah
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Spreading the Gift!

  • QIC: CSPAN, Tatanka, Dark Helmet, Catfish
  • Pax: ALL PAX
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

Calling all The Fort, Rock Hill, Indian Land, & Alcatraz PAX, now is YOUR opportunity (that, dare I say, you shouldn’t miss!) to spread the gift that is F3!

The LEAP is spreading to three new regions on 11/7/15. The LEAP team will be liberating the #SadClowns in Augusta, GA, Savannah, GA, & Knoxville, TN!! Just think of the chance being given to us to share the love!

You are welcomed & encouraged to post to the new AO’s at every oppurtunity! The first 8 weeks are critical in getting the #ShovelFlag planted deep and new PAX learn what makes F3 work (the great WHY!). The Fort is coordinating several trips to these AO’s so catch them below, watch the twitter machine for up to the minute info and hit up each trip Q to get involved.

11-7-15 – Knoxville, TN – First Workout – Lakeshore Park (~250 miles) – Catfish
We will be headed up Friday @ 1800, finding a hotel for the night and posting at 0700 Saturday morning. A stop in for coffeteria afterwards and the majority will be on the road back to Charlotte (some are staying for some football game). I’m guessing we’ll be back in the 704 by 1430-1500 Saturday afternoon. I’ll be driving the ‘burban and so far there are 3 HC’s — who’s going to fill in the rest of the seats??

11-14-15 – Augusta, GA –  (~150 miles) – CSPAN
#ClownCars blast off from Baxter Startbucks @ 0415 with the workout @ 0700 and enjoy some coffeteria. The #ClownCars will return by noon.

11-21-15 – Savannah, GA – Daffin Park on East Victory (~275 miles) – Tatanka/CSPAN
This will require an overnight stay (details forthcoming). Workout is at 0700 with coffeteria afterward and home at your discretion ( = enjoy Savannah!).

11-28-15 – Savannah, GA – Daffin Park on East Victory (~275 miles) – Dark Helmet
This will require an overnight stay (details forthcoming). Workout is at 0700 with coffeteria afterward and home at your discretion ( = enjoy Savannah!).

Every PAX should post to at least one of the launches, it’s an experience you will not forget! It will invigorate you’re passion & remind us all of why the world needs F3! Hit up one of the Q’s and get involved, bring someone with you!

Catfish … OUT

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Killing Complacency with Captain Thor

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 10/27/15
  • Pax: Seacrest, Haushka, Crab Cakes, Flat Tire, Trucker, MacGuyver, Backdraft, Dog Pound, Cerrano, Zima
  • Posted In: The Colosseum, The Fort

11 of our Fort PAX answered the call and worked with me as we discussed the need to Kill Complacency. I often find that by Tuesday morning, I’ve forgotten what God taught me Sunday morning. Call it distractions or me not placing enough importance on the message but that was different this time. The words that kept running circles in my head were, “Kill Complacency.” It’s not a coincidence you have what you have or that you’re dealing with what you’re dealing with. God knows you can handle it and is working this for his Kingdom, whether you recognize it or not (I usually don’t). Take what I’ve been given and make something of it. Don’t be complacent, don’t take gifts for granted; own it and use them for His Glory.

With that, we were gifted with the opportunity to enjoy this thing called F3. In the spirit of killing complacency, F3 isn’t just for us, it is also for all the men out there that don’t even know they need it.

So after a short disclaimer, we were off for a little jog to the back parking lot.
Spoke a few words like the above in an effort to get our minds right.

Slow Sumo Squat
Wide-Arm Merkin
Carolina Dry Docks
Frozen Freddies (Like the normal Freddies but hold your knee to your chest for a second each time)

Curb Crawl:
Line up on the curb then bear crawl to the start of the parking spots and back to the curb.
Follow by 10 derkins on the curb and repeat this two more times for a total of 3.
Line up on the curb then crab walk to the start of the parking spots and back to the curb.
Follow by 10 dips and repeat this two more times for a total of 3. This was much harder than I envisioned.

BLIMP Series:
Burpees x 5
Lunges (jumping variety) x 10 each leg
Imperial Walkers x 15
Merkins x 20
Plank Jacks x 25
Squats x 30

Recognize the Impact Christ during and after his 3yr ministry. Think about the Impact we can have in areas where we serve for longer than 3yrs (home, community, work, etc)as we strive to be more Christ-like.
Don’t let the fear keep you from engaging in what God put you here for.

On to my favorite spot of this AO…THE PLAYGROUND
P1: 10 Pull Ups P2: 10 Flying Squirrels
P1: 10 Pull Ups P2: 15 Swing Abs
P1: 10 Pull Ups P2: 10 Flying Squirrels
P1: 10 Pull Ups P2: 15 Swing Abs

Captain Thor: Cerrano taught this to me a few weeks ago so I thought it’d be best to introduce the Colosseum faithful to el Capitan. 1 Big Boy Situp and 4 American Hammers. In true Jack Webb fashion, we went to 10:40.

Lastly, mosey back to the parking lot for the equalizer known as Suicides.
3-Tier Suicides with 10 Diamond merkins after the first 2 tiers and 15 Toe Squats after the final.

Final words on failure. Remember how many times Thomas Edison “failed” in inventing the light bulb. He didn’t stop, he just found 10,000 ways it couldn’t be done. It only takes once. You determine if you’re a failure by not getting back up. We’re all here to ensure you get back up.

Announcements: Stay close to the PAX leading the 3rd F at events like Crossroads. Another plug for the Christmas Party, almost to break-even. F3 dads for the older 2.0’s this Saturday at GHMS. Black Diamond this Saturday at GHMS led by Spiderman/Cerrano. 11/7 5K in Baxter. Joe Davis Run 1/9. Baxter New Years Day Trail Run 16K.

Prayer Requests: Crab Cakes aunt, Anne. Truckers boy going through some stuff, pray for the family to surround him with love and encouragement. For the Stoops/Rhodes family as they navigate the road ahead.


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