High Intensity Beatdown at Shipwrecked

Shipwrecked is the newest Lake Wylie AO that offers two workouts: moderate for the respectable or dinged up pax and high intensity for heart pumping challenge.  YHC was privileged to Q the 30 minute high intensity boot camp.  Here is how it went down:


  • 100 yard mosey to the rear of the elementary school parking lot
  • 20 SSH IC
  • Arm circles

The Thang, Part 1 – The Challenge

A combination of merkins and pullups; pax individually chose to 25/8 or 15/5 for a series of no rest reps:

  • Two rounds of standard merkins/wide arm pullups
  • Two rounds of diamond merkins/chinups
  • Two rounds of werkins/standard pullups

After about 12 minutes, pax would have completed between 90 & 150 merkins and between 30 & 48 pullups

The Thang, Part 2

  • 11s in the parking lot: squats and CDDs
  • Lunge & Nur in between
    • Omaha lunge to plyo-skip

The Thang, Part 3 – on the track

  • Fast jog the straight-aways, slow jog the curves – one lap
  • Repeat with 5 burpees between straights and curves – 20 burpees total
  • Finished with quick round of Mary
    • 15 crunch frogs, IC
    • 12 Box Cutters, IC
    • 20 American Hammers, IC

We ran back to COT for announcements (Invergence/Convergence Sept 6/7) and to welcome FNG “Chimichunga”.

Final tally:  30.min 53 sec; 1.44 miles, peak heart rate 170, average 120;

As always, an honor to lead.







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Burpee Ranch Dressing

It was a not so humid, humid morning as 8 bootcampers and 2 ruckers decided to show up and accelerate their Thursday morning. I started off with a quick introduction and disclaimer, and then we were off. We did a Mosey around the side of the school followed by some warmups.


15 Side Straddle Hops
15 Squats
15 Windmills
10 Merkins
Down dog/Up dog

Not wasting any time, we ran over to the wall.

10 Peoples Chair with overhead claps
10 Wall Mountain Climbers
10 Peoples Chair with overhead claps
10 Wall Mountain Climbers

A quick discussion on our word of the year and where we are with our word.

Moseyed over to the soccer field for some cone work. I brought this workout out at The Colosseum a few months back. It was such a crowd please, I thought I would give the people more of that they want. Lots of burpees!

The Thang:

  • 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 90 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 70 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 50 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 10 yards. 10 Plank Jacks. Run 30 yards. 10 Plank Jacks. Run 10 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 10 yards. 10 Plank Jacks. Run 10 yards. 20 Big Boy situps.  Run 10 yards. 10 Plank Jacks. Run 10 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.

We line up for suicides.
10 yards
20 yards
30 yards
40 yards
50 yards

Headed back to COT for some ab work, and some prayers and praises.


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I love Wednesday’s NOW!

Today was a Good Day at Shipwrecked! 20 Strong (14 Mod and 6 HIT) Wolverine and I were on Q. I was leading my First Mod Workout at the Newly named AO Shipwrecked and Wolverine was leading the High Intense (HIT) portion. We split up and I took the Mod group for a short mosey and circled up for some basic COP exercises. Started off with SSH’s with the intention to show the Mod version for those wanting a little less impact on there joints but forgot (my bad) but they handled it perfectly. Lots of new faces in the crowd so I talked a little about the 5 Core Principles and about my thoughts on why we modify. Some people have different thoughts on how and why or when to modify and that is fine but I shared my thoughts (I don’t know your injuries, basically do the best you can, better yourself, don’t hurt yourself and you don’t have to impress me!)

We then began the Thang: I set up 4 corner stations with Cones on the track. Each corner station had a list of 3 low to non-impact stations such as Squats, Lunges, Flutters, Leg Lifts, Big Boys, Calf Raises and even a Kettlebell Station to Promote Cannonball of course! After 3 laps we were cutting it close on time due to the workout being 30 min so we mosey’d to the upper parking lot and finished with some Planks and Al Gore’s till the HIT group came back. I squeezed in a quick plug for my Marriage Class I am leading before they HIT group filled in place. Wolverine yelled at me lol.

Welcome FNG Chimichanga! he finally came out.

Rest of Announcements (Invergence – Royal said to GO!, Convergence the day after it, C2 Race)
Prayers and Praises (Mr. Belding praised the F3 School Prayer)

Like I said earlier—–Today was a Good Day!

Coffeeteria was on point also and the Nitro is for REAL!

Two Ferns, always a Pleasure to Lead!

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There are not many more exciting things to do in F3 than to launch a new AO so I was very honored to be able to lead the High Intensity portion of our new AO…..ShipWrecked! One group of Pax goes and does a 30 minute Moderate Bootcamp and another group of Pax does a 30 minute High Intensity Bootcamp. We then go to Starbucks for cafeteria afterwards. I have no idea what the moderate boot camper’s did but here is my rundown.

Right off the bat…10 Burpees. Ran across the street to the High School where we did a High Intensity COP.  2 rounds of Circle Burps(16 more Burpees ) and 10xSSH IC.

Main Event

Super Crazy 8’s

8 Kraken Burpees/8 Ski Abs/8 Donkey Kicks/8 Big Boy Sit Ups/8 Jump Knee Tucks/8 Scorpion CDD’s Left Leg/8 Scorpion CDD’s Right Leg/ 8 Jump Lunges (count both legs as one rep)-run in a figure 8 pattern around the parking lot-rinse and repeat.  We completed 5 rounds before I had to get us back over to the elementary school for COT.

Finished with another round of Circle Burps(got 9 more Burpees in).


We voted on the name ShipWrecked for the new AO.  Prayer Walk this Sunday at the local schools-see Two-Ferns for details! Thanks to the leadership of Lake Wylie for the opportunity to lead!!! Peace!

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Guest Q at Stingray w/ our Cape Fear F3 Brothers

Here I was, actually at a sweet brewery in Surf City NC on a family vaca (Salty Turtle Brewing Company), taking some ‘adult’ time away from having to watch my 2.0’s like a hawk on the beaches of Topsail.  Got to thinking after seeing my boy Shakespeare Q at Grandstand in Myrtle, man wouldn’t it be great to get at least one f3 workout in if I’m within distance.  Come to find out, the Cape Fear pax had an upcoming boot camp on that Friday, about 45 min from where I was staying.  A couple tweets to the F3 Cape Fear twitter handle, and some never ending chatter from my Lake Wylie / the Fort brothers, and it was confirmed that the Friday Q would relinquish his duties for this week and hand them over to an out of towner.  Much thanks for that men – felt great to get out.

Knowing these guys wouldn’t see me for a long time, I figured it would be ok to throw as many burpees at them as possible.  What I didn’t expect was to have a mini beer Olympics at the beach house the night before after the kiddos went to bed.  Luckily, that finished at 11p so I got to bed early and woke up at 4:30a to make the long trek out to Stingray, an awesome park outside of Wilmington.  The 2 FNG’s confirmed the night before both ignored my calls to get up and come with.

Upon arriving there a little early for the 5:30a start, I met a few of the pax who were startled by the fact that the shovel flag was completely torn from the shovel and missing.  3 pax came to pre run 3 miles (these guys don’t mess around) and by the time they got back it was gone.  I sure hope the wind caused this, but anyway, we quickly discussed my lack of warming up and that they should all stretch.  Upon hitting go-time, we got to work:

  1.  EMOM – I brought my trusty bluetooth speaker and did my infamous warm-up for 5 minutes
    • 30 SSH’s and 8 burpees every minute on the minute for 5 minutes.  After a quick 150 SSH and 40 burpees to the sweet sweet sounds of buckcherry and the rocky soundtrack, we moseyed for a burpee mile so I could get the lay of the land
  2. Burpee mile – ran a mile loop of the nice trail at the park and stopped every quarter mile to do 5 burpees and then a random ab workout until the last pax finished.  About 15 minutes in and we had a mile under our belt, 150 SSH and 60 burpees.
  3. 11’s, Zima (Sweati CSAUP) style – informed them that our 11’s would be different than what they’re used to.  We’d do 1 burpee, 1 dip, then 2 burpees and 2 dips, then 3 / 3, 4 / 4, you get the point, up to 11.  That’s an add’l 66 burpees and 66 dips in about 6-7 minutes.  Got us to a mile run, 150 SSH, and now 126 burpees, and 66 dips
  4. Switched it to 7’s, but did it the right way.  We moseyed to a new parking lot and did a true 7’s (1 rep at the start, run to the other end of the parking lot and do 6 reps, run back and do 2, then 5 on the other end, etc etc…).  We did the worst merkin ever for the first exercise (1 worst merkin ever = 1 wide arm merkin, 1 merkin, 1 diamond merkin).  The other exercise on the other side was bomb jacks.  So post #4 station, we did 21 worst merkins ever (equivalent of 63 merkins) and 21 bomb jacks.
  5. Last but not least, we didn’t have a ton of time, maybe 7 minutes, so we stuck w/ 7’s but did burpees (hehe) and regular merkins, only the kicker was you had to bear crawl to the other side of the parking lot between exercises 1 and 2, and then jog back once you finished the “top” of the 7.  Most pax got through about 4 or 5 rounds of that, so the burpees being the first exercise (starts w/ 1 rep), we got another 10 reps in of burpees and about 22 merkins on the other half w/ some bear crawls / jogs in between.

End count was about 2 miles covered, 136 burpees, 150 SSH, 66 dips, 85 merkins (21 worse merkins ever = 63 merkins + 22 merkins on the #5 station), 21 bomb jacks and some bear crawls sprinkled in.

At one point during the burpee mile when I was picking up the six, I heard a couple almost vomits, so not sure when it happened, but it was confirmed that it happened either then or after that lol.  Always a good sign and a heck of an effort by that Pax who gave it his all, even if it made him get a little sick.  I feel like I received a medal.

Appreciate the 10 other pax for coming  out and supporting a Guest Q and for their push throughout the boot camp to finish strong.  We had some prayers for family (one brother) with cancer, travels, and for 2.0’s.  Thanks for having me out men – looking forward to the next time!

Cha Ching

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Highly Intense with a Dose of Moderate

Today was the “soft launch” for a new workout coming to Lake Wylie.  We meet at the usual time of 5:15, but have a couple of options.  The PAX can choose between a 30 minute moderate workout that is great for some of our respectables or guys who are needing a little rest or healing from an injury.  The site-to-be-named-later is held at Oakridge Elementary school, the school opposite from The Deep where we have our Saturday workouts.  At the end of the workout we would finish up in typical F3 fashion and then meet up at Starbucks for some 2nd F coffeeteria.

In any case, this morning I took the “high intensity” workout and decided to throw some traditions (no Warm-a-rama) out the door since we only at 30 minutes to get our WORK done.  I notified the PAX arriving a few minutes early to get their stretching in while they can.

At exactly 5:15 we took off for a fast mosey to the right side of the school.  I had a speaker with 8 rounds of a HIIT routine laid out to some music.  30 seconds of AYG burpees followed by 20 seconds of flutters.  All in all, I think most of us were between 75-100 burpees to start the morning.  A great way to warm up.

Upon completion we took off for another fast mosey to the back of the school where the playground was.  The workout was simple, run a lap around the playground and then do 15 dips and 3 “good” pull ups. I wanted the PAX to focus on form and getting them done right so I kept the reps low on purpose.

After that I gave the option to do some hill work across the street or whatever nastiness I can come up with on the fly due to only having about 10 minutes left.  Most were on board with the hill work and I was all for it until I heard Wolverine mutter that he picked that because most of the remaining minutes would be spent running to and from the hill.  He was right, so I scratched that immediately and we did the harder thing.

Back to the parking lot where we did the HIIT “warm-up”, we would start at one side of the lot, at the curb, and do 1 squat, bear crawl across the lot and do 1 merkin and then repeat going back and forth incrementing +1 each time #zimacount.  Some of us completed 7 rounds of this so do the math.

We quickly ran back and circled up for CoT.  I burned about 450 calories and we covered 1.5 miles, not too bad for 30 minutes!


20 in all showed up today including 4 FNG’s!  A great turnout!

The Deep is closed this Saturday for the Invergence.  Also, August 11th we are praying for Clover Schools (Contact Two Ferns for info).

We closed out in typical fashion and prayed for those in need.  One of our FNG’s M’s is having wrist surgery and another’s friend reached out with suicidal thoughts and needs help.

Until next time,




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Beach Ants

6 PAX made it out for the GORUCK beach challenge at the Tega Cay beach club’s volleyball court.

The challenge:
20 Flutters (with press for EC)
30 meter bear crawl w/ ruck drag (about x1.5 length of court)
20 Russian twists
…for six rounds of sandy fun.

Finished up with a mosey up the road and back to COT.

Talked about the new AOs coming to the region. The 3 mile+ bootcamp sounds fun. Read your newsletter.

Thanks Router for the opportunity to lead and shame on me for taking so long to write up a really short backblast.

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Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1



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We have reached the halfway point of Q Source covering #GetRight and #LiveRight. There is clear acceleration from the Pax of the Fort and Lake Wylie. To celebrate this momentum and continue through #LeadRight and #LeaveRight, we will host a Qvergence on August 3, 2019.



Time: 6:30 – 7:30 AM

Location: Pantheon (Tega Cay Elementary School)

Type: Bootcamp



Q Source

Time: 7:45 – 8:30

Location: Grace Presbyterian Church (adjacent to Golden Corral)

Q: Jedi, Twister, Royale, Change Order and Pusher

Topic: Q3.4 Vision

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Pillars of Pantheon – PreBlast


We’ve all joined F3 for various reasons; however the common theme is acceleration in each of the 3 F’s.  In the spirit of QSource, 43Feet, Roundtable and others we are launching a new and insightful discussion:  Pillars of Pantheon.

Pillars of Pantheon will be a quick two minute interview with the Pantheon Q of the Day to expand on these questions:

> Tell us about your own EH experience and induction into F3?

> How has F3 helped you accelerate your 3 F’s?

> What is one idea that you will spearhead to take F3 into the future?

The Pillars of Pantheon discussion will occur after COT and the Gloom Crue in attendance are welcomed to listen in and discuss with that day’s Q post recording.  The intent is to strengthen our 2nd F, tighten our Shield-lock and of course, sharpen each other.



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