Dirty D’s

Another great LKW start to a Monday morning. 16 PAX showed up to work off “whatever” they consumed during the NFL kickoff weekend.

I gave a good disclaimer, asked if anyone had any injuries I needed to know about, and off we went for a FAST mosey.  I announced where we would end up and let the PAX filter in as we started some CoP exercises, which included:

SSH (20)

Windmills (8)

MNC (15)

I then asked if anyone knew how many points the Steelers lost by the night before.  Since I stayed up for that debacle, I made everyone do a Flying Squirrel for each point my team lost by… so 30 Flying Squirrels, OYO.

Then finished up with something a bit different.  I had all the PAX get in plank and I yelled out down (6” hold) and up (back to plank) at various intervals for the next couple of minutes, this was fun.

I’ve been working my way through the Exicon and today was the letter “D”, so whatever exercises or routines I picked would be found in that section of the Exicon.

1st routine:

Dirty McDuece

Pretty simple routine (keeping it simple is good) that had the PAX doing 4 sets of 3 exercises followed by a lap after each set.

The sets included; 12 4-count Merkins (24), 12 4-count Squats (24), and 12 4-count Hello Dolly’s (24).

After doing about 100 apiece of those exercises we were all nice and warm.  Next up…

2nd routine:


Another simple yet effective exercise that most PAX quickly understood and off we went.

We partnered up in typical Dora fashion and performed the following exercises:

100 Bombjacks

150 Step-ups

200 Dips

250 2-count Flutters

While PAX A was dong the reps PAX B was doing a short 10-yard Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear to kick off the “suicide” followed by sprints of about 25 and 40 yards before swapping with their partner.  Most finished, but I called this one a little early because get to my last routine.

3rd and final routine:

Del Brown

He was some fly fisherman or something, but the routine was simple, 10 diamond merkins, 25 yard crab walk, 10 diamond merkins, 25 yard crab walk back, followed by 10 more diamond merkins.  What I didn’t tell the PAX was is that I was timing them and if they didn’t beat their time on the 2nd attempt there would be a penalty.  Alas, we will never know, we were running short on time so I gave the PAX and option to finish up a couple minutes late and finish the 2nd set of the routine or head back… they quickly chose the EASIER thing and headed back. 

Oh well, there is always next time.

We finished up with the usual announcements, praises, and prayers in our CoT.  

Announcement – LKW official on 10/26, we’re launching with our 1st CSAUP that morning, the “Nessie” get your teams of 3 ready!  

Prayers for safe travels, (I’m on a plane as I type this), sick and injured PAX, and they death of a 19 year old girl who passed away recently. 

Thanks Iced-T for the opportunity to Q.

Until next time,


TClap |

Shot at a Free NITRO at HIT

It was a great day since it was Wednesday and I Love the new Mod/HIT Shipwreck Site and Coffeteria (NITRO). Ricky Bobby was on Q for the Mod and it was his VQ! So he did the disclaimer and we spilt into the Mod and HIT groups. The Mod group took off towards the track and I kept the HIT guys back for a minute and challenged them (because I feel that if we have a challenge in front of us we seem to push a little harder). So the challenge was simple, u beat me and I buy u a NITRO. Point system will be explained shortly. So we ran (not moseyed since this is HIT) over to the track where the Mod group was power walking/slow moseying. We got a little ahead of them where I stopped my group and we did some Seal Jax until the Mod group caught up to us then we ran to the other side of the track where we stopped again and did some Smurf Jax until they caught us again. We then ran to the back of the school where the hill is and began the Thang:

The lighting is decent on the hill so we walked down it and I told the Pax to get familiar with the terrain. The ground was a little damp and slick (thankfully I knew my Weinke and was prepared by wearing my new trail shoes). Eleanor not happy because he said he felt like a cartoon character slipping because his shoes are stating to wear on the fronts from all the burpees. That is a good thing because that means he is getting after it. So here is the challenge details. Run up the hill on the count of 3 and the first to the top has to do 3 merkins the rest do 4. Walk back down and repeat the race up the hill and each time the winner does only 3 and the losers add one so the second time the losers did 5 then 6 then 7 and so on. Some Pax thought they would sand back and win the later ones but after 3 trips up they were gassed and were falling too far behind in points. Long story short I OWE NOBODY A NITRO! Hats off to Speedhandle and Austin Powers for the push. My take on it, I owe it all to the Pre-Stuff! That truly makes me stronger.

Dessert was the Flag punishment I had to do for leaving my flag once at cannonball. 50 Burpees and 13 Kraken Burpees. Now the Bastards try to distract me every Tuesday just to try to make me forget it. Bastards!!

Ricky Bobby Took care of the Announcements and Prayers!

Always a pleasure to lead.


TClap |

Concentrica Cornhole… with Kettlebells!

Today was my opportunity to lead the men at Cannonball.  This place has become a PAX favorite.  Many of the men enjoy the Peg Leg pre-run before the standard start at 5:15am, so I was setting up with plenty of men gathering early.  Great to see Trench out there pre walking to get his miles in too! RESPECT.

We got the PAX circled up with the normal disclaimer.  Elmer Fudd joined us for his 2nd Day in a row, and Airwolf seems to having posted everyday for the last two weeks!  Got some new guys ready to go all in…

Disclaimer and we left our kettlebells for a little warmup.  One short lap around the parking lot to get the blood flowing then COP.

I don’t recall all, mostly just make up what feels good on COP nowadays.

IWs – Merkins – Producer Pickers – CDDs – LS Squats – Peter Parkers – Parker Peters – Mountain Climbers

Time to get to work, so we grabbed our kettlebells for a small walk back into the parking lot to circle up.

I started the 1st evolution getting all the men used to the 12 exercises (below).  We completed an “in cadence” round of 10 reps of each of the kettlebell exercises below.  Once complete we moved to our game.

My goal today was to share a man’s Concentrica.  I’ve set up this game before a few times, but with so many newer guys around and with our discussions around Q source and how to become a HIM, a refresher seemed welcome.

I drew a large bullseye on the ground with the 5 Concentrica rings.  From Center –> Out the rings are M — Shorties — Shieldlock — Whetstone — Mammon.  I gave a brief summary of each circle and how a man needs to focus his “shots” toward the center to stay in relational rhythm.  We’re not always accurate, but the goal should be the same…you want more of your attempts in the center than the outside!

The PAX would stand about 20 yards away and throw cornhole bags at the target.  Wherever the bag landed, we would rotate between the 2 exercises in each category.

They were:

M = Center

  1. 20 KB Swings
  2. Overhead Carry with a walk


  1. 20 America Hammers DC
  2. 20 Flutters w/ Press DC


  1. 25 Curls
  2. 25 Tricep Presses


  1. 25 Goblet Squats
  2. 20 Bent Rows each arm


  1. 20 KB Pistol Squats each leg
  2. 25 KB Thrusters


  1. 5 Turkish Getups each side
  2. 10 KB Snatch each arm

Everyone got a turn, some a 2nd chance…I think the total attempts and workouts were 17-18.

There were two highlights to the event.

  1. Two Ferns went 1st, and proceeded to miss the target completely.  We started with 5 Turkish Getups, which set the mood perfectly. When he got the chance to redeem himself later he threw the beanbag as far as he could… clearly determined to show his distain for the heckling!
  2. Our 2nd Day PAXer Elmer Fudd was the ONLY PAX to hit the bullseye “M”. Today’s hero for sure.

We finished right on time, put the bells away and finished in COT.

Lots of Announcements – plenty to do… start with the Invergence next week!

Prayers for Costanza’s co-worker Nikki going through health and addiction issues.  And for YHC’s old friend Katie McCloud who lost her Mother to pancreatic cancer in a month.

A honor to lead,


TClap |

Well Rounded

11 Men, one of them a 2.0, descended on Pantheon with a Boot Camp gleam in their bleary eyes. YHC wanted to take them out of their comfort zone.

The Thang
Structured Running workout for first half:
6 Min Warm Up around the “track” with various warm up routines

  • Karaoke (both sides)
  • Butt Kickers
  • High Knees
  • Side Shuffle

5 Min build at ~ 9 min pace to prep for the main event
4x Repeats:

  • 1 minute slow run/walk
  • 30 seconds AYG

5 Min cooldown at ~ 9 min pace

After the run, which completed with a mosey to the back side of the AO, we hit COP for some dynamic stretching to loosen the muscles from the run:

  • Windmills
  • Potato Pickers
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Honeymooner/Downward Dog Combo

Line up on the sideline of the basketball court

  • Burpee Broad Jump Across the Court and Crabwalk Back
  • Inchworm across the Court and Bear Crawl Back

Mosey to swings, split into 2 groups for 3 rounds of:

  • 20 Swing Crunches
  • 10 Pull Ups

Mosey around AO, including some toy soldiers to 6MOM with:

  • Flutter
  • Freddy Mercuries
  • American Hammer

Close out with BOM

As I thought about the Weinke last night, I decided that I wanted to expose the PAX to some structured run workout training, as most likely haven’t done much of that. There is a funny story that Dredd will tell about an opportunity he had to train with the French Foreign Legion while he was in Special Forces. Basically he was extremely strong and, he assumed, fit when he went over. The French told him he’d never survive their training because he was too big. They commenced to show him that constant movement will show you real fitness, not just how much you can pick up. He barely made it through and many of his team didn’t actually make it through this training, despite being “big and strong”. This, among other things, created perspective for a well rounded fitness routine, e.g. the prototypical “Pearls on a String” workout you will hear about.

I’ve been running a ton lately and have really seen improvement since I’ve started to introduce this into my routine. Many PAX will sign up for an event and log a bunch of miles (unless you are Cornhole) in prep for a race, but it is just repeating the mileage. I believe that to get better, you need to have a well rounded routine, not just repeating the same old workout over an over. That’s the motivation behind today’s workout. In all things, getting out of your comfort zone is a way to grow… to get better.

Honor to Serve.

TClap |

Welcome FNG Airwolf and welcome all PAX to the new AO at Pleasant Knoll Elementary. The Ballroom has a new AO and possibly a new name. That is still to be determined. In meantime, 20 PAX and YHC took a tour of the grounds and got disciplined.

Introduced the PAX and away we went.

Mosey around back of school in the pitch black. Lights in the front, party in the back…..I mean dark in the back. Still able to mosey.

  • Lunge walk
  • Shuffle L/R
  • Karoke L/R
  • Mosey to playground


Weezer came in and led first few excercises

  • Low slow squats
  • ???? can remember 2nd move
  • Moracan nIght Clubs

YHC back at Q

  • SSHs
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Peter Parkers
  • LBCs
  • Mtn Climbers

Count off in 4’s

Rotate stations after group doing swing crunches are done….2 rounds

1″s – Swing Crunches to 15

2’s – Carolina Dry Docks

3’s – LBCs

4’s – Squats


Mosey to Wall

Peoples Chair, while PAX bear crawl to end of line

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Front of school

  • Round of Dips

Back in groups – 1 group at time runs hill, to steps and back to PAX wile other groups alternate excercises

  • Dips x3
  • Derkinsx3
  • lungesx3
  • sumo squat x3

PAX mosey down main drive. YHC after asking many of the PAX to define discipline, explained that we work hard to train and gain knowledge so that when things get hard, we have the discipline to push through and accomplish what we could not if we were not disciplined. Like facing a long uphill run back to COT. Its not how fast or what others are doing, but what are we willing to push through and get better at??

  • PAX ran back to shovel flag with strong finish
  • Freddy Mercurys
  • Supermans
  • Rosalitas
  • Hello Dollys

COT: Great PAX and Great AO. I’m looking forward to the growth potential at the New AO and the many new Q that went through Q school to get some fresh blood in the mix.

Get disciplined men so that when the storms come in life, you are strong and ready to face them.

Cake Boss out!

TClap |